2019-2020年高中英语 Unit6 副词 II最新题型综合检测.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit6 副词 II最新题型综合检测一、用副词(其中一个与形容词同形)填空。(102=20分)l. close接近地 closely仔细地,密切地a) She lives _ to the school. b) Watch what I do _!2. free免费地 freely自由地,无拘束地a) You can travel _ with this special ticket. b) You can travel _ to all parts of the country. 3. hard努力地 hardly几乎不 a) It _ snowed last winter. b) He works _ at his English.4. late晚,迟 lately近来a) Haveyoueverheardfromhim_?b) Remembernottoe_ to schoolnexttime.5. most极,非常 mostly主要地a) Whatdoyoulike_?b) The houses in thevillageare_made ofbrick.6. wide广阔地,宽广地 widely广泛地 a) He opened his mouth _. b) English is _ used all over the world.7. high高 highly高度地,非常地a) All theteachersspeak_ofher.b) Theplaneflew_intheskyandsoondisappeared.8. deep深,迟 deeply抽象意义的“深” a) I am _ grateful for your timely help. b) He often studied _ into the night.9. loud大声地 loudly大声地(含有喧闹的意思) a) I cant hear you; please speak _. b) He knocked at the door so _ that the noise woke the baby up.10. near邻近 nearly几乎,差不多a) Dont e _; the snake might attack.b) Its _ twelve oclock. Lets go and have lunch.二、单词拼写(根据汉语意思写出副词)。(101=10分)1. He has _ anything left. 他几乎没剩下什么东西。2. _, they arrived in Paris. 他们最终抵达了巴黎。3. His puter pany has also grown _. 他的电脑公司也向国际化发展。4. We have_ traveled so far. 我们已经走得很远了。5. Martial arts films are often enjoyable but they are _great art. 功夫片常常很受人欢迎,但很少称得上伟大的艺术。6. In an interview, he told us that he is_ happy to take on new foreign students. 在一次采访中,他告诉我们说他总是都乐于接收外国学生。7. You can get stuck in a traffic jam _in the world. 在世界人任何地方都会遇到交通阻塞的情况。8. AustralianEnglish es _ from English spoken in Britain. 澳大利亚英语直接源于英国英语。9. The folds of her dress are very _ painted. 她的裙子的褶皱画得非常美。10. It is so wet there that the trees are _ tall. 那儿的湿度很大,所以树都长得极高。三、用副词的正确形式(原级、比较级、最高级)填空。(101=10分)1. Each stone weighs as _ (much) as fifteen tons.2. He doesnt walk as _ (slowly) as you.3. The _ (hard) you work,the greater progress youll make.4. There is no such person here. He no _ (long) lives here.5. He runs _ (fast) than any other student in his class.6. You are pletely right. I cant agree with you _ (much).7. Just get them to finish up as _ (quickly) as possible.8. She doesnt sing so _ (beautifully) as her mother used to.9. If there were no examinations, we should have a _ (much) happier timeat school.10. Mike is more diligent (勤奋的) than any other student in his class. In other words, Mike works _(hard) in his class.四、用一个恰当的副词填空。(101=10分)1. “_ do you live?”“We live very near the school.”2. “_ many people speak English in the world today?”“I dont know exactly, but I only know Chinese has the largest number of speakers.”3. “_ did people start calling it theInternet”?“In the 1980s.”4. “_ do so many people speak English?”“Because English is an international language.”5. “How far shall we go?”“We might go as _ as the seaside.”6. So _ as English is concerned, it is not so difficult as you might think.7. Ill never forget the day _ I first came to Beijing.8. This is the village _ my father once lived and worked for four years.9. He did as badly as Tom. That is, he did no _ than Tom.10. There are events like skiing and ice skating which need snow and ice. That is _ they arecalled the Winter Olympics.五、任务型阅读(请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的副词)。(52=10分)In the UK, most children have their lunches at school, but in some schools, parents can choose what their children eat. The children can have a school dinner a hot, cooked meal; or they can take a packed lunch with them, which usually includes cold food like sandwiches.Often parents know what their children want. Cathy, a mother of three children, told us, “My children have packed lunches because they say they hate school dinners. So I make three packed lunches every morning.”However, another mother, Susan, made a different choice. She said, “My daughters have always had school dinners. I think they probably get healthier food at school than a few sandwiches I make for them.”But how healthy are school dinners? Kaz, a father, thought poorly of them. He said, “Fizzy (起泡的) drinks were offered and I think there were lots of chips.”Jamie Oliver spent a year working in a school kitchen. He was worried about the unhealthy food which included burgers, pizzas and chips. So he tried to cook healthy food such as good stews(炖肉) and curries (咖喱菜肴) for the children instead.So Jamie improved the school dinners, and trained the dinner ladies to cook healthy food in that school. Then he advised the government to improve school food across the country. And it seems that the changes have begun.Anna, a pupil, told us, “We used to have a fast food window where you got chips and coke, but they stopped that this year. Theres salad restaurant, which is good, so its healthier than it was.”PersonsWhat they think or doParentsoften know what their children want.Cathys three children(1) _ have packed lunches.Susans daughters(2) _ have school dinners.Kaz (3) did not think_ of school dinners.Jamie Oliverthought burgers, pizzas and chips were unhealthy food, and cooked healthy food such as good stews and curriesfor the children (4) _.Annaused to have a fast food, but this year she dines in a salad restaurant (5) _ healthier food is served.六、语法填空(用副词填空)。(101=10分)Arabs consider it _ (extreme) bad manners to start talking business _ (immediate). Even the busiest government official always takes extra time to be polite and offer refreshments (茶点). No matter _ busy you are, you should make time for this.The conference visit is a way of doing business throughout the Arab world. _ (frequent), you will have to discuss your business in the presence of strangers, who may or may not have anything to do with your business. Do not be surprised if your meeting is interrupted several times by people who e into the room unannounced, whisper, or speak _ (soft) to the person with whom you are talking, and leave. Act as though you do not hear, and n_ show displeasure at being interrupted.Making decisions _ (quick) is not an Arab custom. There is a vagueness (模糊) in doing business in the Middle East which will puzzle a newer. Give yourself lots of time and ask lots of questions.When an Arab says “yes”, he may mean “maybe”. When he says “maybe”, he _ (probable) means “no”. You will s_ get a direct “no” from an Arab because it is considered not polite. Instead of “no”, he will say “inshallah”, which means “if God is willing”. On the other hand, “yes” does not _ (necessary) mean “yes”. A smile and a slow nod might be like an agreement but in fact your host is being polite. An Arab considers it rude to disagree with a guest.七、短文改错(至少有5处副词用错,请更正)。(51=5分)About 9 oclock last night, I was doing my homework. SuddenI heard my neighbor shouting and laughing aloud. He was watching a football game on TV. I couldnt go on studying and became impatient. I covered my ears, trying to keep the noisesfromout, but failed. So I had to go to my neighbor. I knocked at his door and said, “Good evening, Mr. Yang! Could you please turn up your TV a bit? I am doing my homework.”“Oh, Im really sorry to have disturbed you. Well do as you say.” My neighbor said politely.“Thank you very much.” I said and went to backto continue my study.八、汉译英(注意副词的正确运用)。(55=25分)1. 对于一个初学者来说她弹钢琴弹得够好的。 _2. 学校的教育目标之一就是培养学生自主学习。 _3. 你用英语越多,你就越想学。 _4. 她的英语说得跟英美人一样好。 _5. 我一到火车站,火车就离开了。 _参考答案:一、用副词填空。(101=10分)l.a) close b) closely 2. a) free b) freely 3. a) hardly b) hard4.a) lately b) late 5. a) most b) mostly 6. a) wide b) widely 7. a) highly b) high 8. a) deeply b) deep 9. a) louder b) loudly 10. a) near b) nearly二、单词拼写。(101=10分)1. hardly 2. Eventually (Finally) 3. internationally 4. already 5. seldom (rarely)6. always 7. anywhere 8. directly 9. beautifully 10. extremely三、用副词的正确形式填空。(101=10分)1. much 2. slowly 3. harder 4. longer 5. faster 6. more 7. quickly 8. beautifully 9. much 10. hardest四、用一个恰当的副词填空。(101=10分)1. Where 2. How 3. When 4. Why 5. far 6. far 7. when 8. where 9. better 10. why五、任务型阅读(52=10分)1. always 2. always 3. well / highly 4. instead 5. where六、语法填空。(102=20分)1. extremely 2. immediately 3. how 4. Frequently 5. softly 6. never7. quickly 8. probably 9. seldom 10. necessarily七、短文改错。(51=5分)1. SuddenSuddenly 2. aloudloudly 3. fromoutout 4. turn upturn down 5. went to backwent back八、汉译英。(55=25分)1. She plays the piano well enough as a beginner.2. One of the goals of school education is to train students to work independently.3. The more you use English, the more you will want to learn it.4. She speaks English as well as Americans and the British.5. HardlyhadIarrivedatthestationwhenthetrainleft. or: No soonerhadIarrivedatthestationthanthetrainleft. or: The moment / As soon as Iarrivedatthestation,thetrainhad left.

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