2019-2020年中考英语 题型突破 题型一 单项选择 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年中考英语 题型突破 题型一 单项选择 人教新目标版河北中考单项选择的设题形式全部为单句,无对话形式。考点设置如下:一、必考点:冠词、代词、名词词义辨析、介词、连词、形容词及副词比较等级、动词短语(以take,get,put,turn,pick等短语为主)、动词不定式、情态动词、时态(现在完成时、过去进行时、一般将来时、一般过去时、一般现在时、现在进行时等)、被动语态(一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时)、宾语从句。二、轮考点:动词词义辨析(实义动词和感官动词交替考查)、形容词辨析、感叹句、there be句型、how词组、并列连词。三、冷考点(出现过12次):反身代词、指示代词、主谓一致。四、未考点:数词、非谓语动词中的分词和动名词、祈使句、疑问句/词、倒装句、情景交际和图识标志。解题方法与技巧近几年来河北的单项选择题减少了对语法结构的考查,增加了对语境的考查,采取语义、语法相结合的方式,题目覆盖面广,灵活多样,交际性强,体现了新课标中提倡交流、强调运用、鼓励创新的理念。下面以常见的几种解题技巧对此进行讲解剖析:方法一:理清句意选名词()(xx河北29题)Could you please take my picture?Here is my _.AprinterBradioCplayer Dcamera【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:请你帮我拍张照片好吗?这是我的_。printer“打印机”;radio“收音机”;player“播放机”;camera“照相机”。根据句意可知本题选D。方法二:瞻前顾后选代词()(xx河北27题)Dont worry about me.Im old enough to think for _.Ahimself BherselfCyourself Dmyself【解析】考查反身代词的用法。句意为:不要担心我,我足够大了,能为_考虑了。himself他自己;herself她自己;yourself你自己;myself我自己。根据句中主语I可判断用myself与其对应,故选D。,方法突破:最近几年对名词的考查,不在局限于名词的语法,而重点考查名词在句子中的具体运用。因此理解句子的正确含义是做好此类题目的关键。在本题中,请对方帮助照相可知只能选相机。方法突破:在解答代词题目中,首先要明确代词所指代的对象,从而避免误判,具体来说应从以下几方面考虑:(1)代词指代人还是物;(2)代词指代的是可数名词还是不可数名词;(3)代词指代的是两者之间还是三者及三者以上;(4)代词所表示的是肯定还是否定概念。做人称代词题时,先浏览题目,找出句中提到的人称,如本题中前半句提到人称I(我,单数);然后判断所填词的成分,根据答题线前后的词汇做出相应的选择,如本题主语是I,故填与此对应的反身代词形式myself。另外,考生平时应注意积累一些“动词反身代词”的固定搭配。如:enjoy oneself(玩得开心),teach oneself(自学),help oneself(自取所需)等。方法三:与时推移定时态()(xx河北32题)Paula is pleased that she _ her lost watch.Afinds BfoundChas found Dwill find【解析】考查现在完成时的用法。句意:Paula是高兴的,她_她丢失的手表。找到手表是过去发生的事,高兴是现在的事。表示过去发生的事对现在造成的影响用现在完成时,故选C。方法四:辨清动宾论语态()(xx河北38题)Everybody _ deeply after they heard the story.Amoves BmovedCis moved Dwas moved【解析】考查被动语态用法。句意:在他们听到这个故事后,大家都被深深感动了。根据句意可知everybody是动作的承受者。因此用被动语态,又因为heard为一般过去时,故选D。方法五:分清主从抓关键()(xx河北45题)I have some tickets for the basketball match.I wonder _.Awhere you buy the ticketsBwhy you like to go thereCif youd like to e alongDwhen you watch the match【解析】考查宾语从句的用法。句意为:我有一些篮球赛的门票。我想知道_。where you buy the tickets你从哪里买票,时态错误,应该为一般过去时;why you like to go there为什么你喜欢去那里,与语境不匹配;if youd like to e along你是否愿意一起去,引导词、时态及语序均正确,且符合语境;when you watch the match你何时看球赛,上文提到了有门票,可知已经知道何时比赛了,故该句与语境不匹配,故选C。,方法突破:近几年,河北对时态的考查主要是通过具体的语境判断时态,而没有明显的时间状语。考生需要根据说话人的语气判断出具体的时态,由语境可以推出动词发生的时间,进而确定时态。如本题,Paula丢失手表是过去发生的事,现在找到了而高兴,因此用现在完成时。方法突破:考查被动语态,试题主要是让考生能够找出谓语动作的执行者或承受者,这就要根据句子的意思进行判断,然后根据语境选出时态,作出正确选择。语态和时态的结合是河北每年的必考点。对语态的考查,关键是弄清主语与谓语动词之间的关系;时态的考查应该根据语境或前后句的联系,如本题,后句中的heard为一般过去时,故前句也应是一般过去时。方法突破:主从句的辨析关键看引导词或连词,引导词或连词后面的句子是从句,前面的句子是主句。其中,时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,从句可以放在主句前。在该题中,I wonder为主句,其后引导宾语从句。宾语从句根据语境判断。河北xx考点集训Group 1()1.(xx重庆中考)His uncle will give him _ birthday present.Itll be wonderful.AaBanCtheD/()2.(xx绵阳中考)The book must be Lilys.Look!_name is on the cover.AHer BHis CIts DMy()3.(xx泰安中考)Nowadays all passengers _ go through safety check before they take a train.Acan Bmay Cmust Dwill()4.(xx江西中考)There are lots of _ that students have to follow in school.Aexercises BproblemsCskills Drules()5.(xx安徽中考)Now people have more free time.Square Dancing is being more and more _.Afortable BdifficultCdifferent Dpopular()6.(xx宜宾中考)Over fifty countries _ the AIIB(亚投行) so far.Ajoined Bwas joiningChad joined Dhave joined()7.(xx潍坊中考)Next month were going somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday _.Awill begin Bhas begunCbegins Dis beginning()8.(xx呼和浩特中考)Sometimes it often rains _ in my hometown in summer.Aheavy BhardlyCheavily Dstrongly()9.(xx沈阳中考)Has Mary ever visited Tower Bridge?Yes.She _ it two years ago.Avisits BvisitedChas visited Dwas visiting()10.(xx南京中考)Its important for us to protect nature because we _ its rich resources to live.Adepend on Bleave forCgive up Dlead to()11.(xx襄阳中考)Lucy,what were you doing at nine last night?I _ the piano.I usually practice the piano at that time.Aplay BplayedCwas playing Dam playing()12.(xx黄石中考)I fell in love with Shanghai on my first trip,so I decide I_ in it in 10 years.Awill live BlivesClived Dhas lived()13.(xx上海中考)Now Jerry _ the exchange programme with his classmates in the meeting room.Adiscussed Bis discussingCwas discussing Dhas discussed()14.(xx保定17中模拟)Its difficult for me _ the homework in such a short time.e on!Im sure you can.Afinished Bto finishCwill finish Dfinishes()15.(xx滨州中考)Im going to buy a car.Any advice,Charlie?Well,it depends on _.If money isnt a problem,you can buy a BMW.Awhen will you buy oneBwhat color do you likeChow much you can affordDwhere you are drivingGroup 2()1.I sent _ email to Amy to say thanks for her help with my study.Aa B/ Can Dthe()2.May I use your pen? _ works better.AYour BMineCYours DHers()3.I _ use a clock to wake me up because at six oclock each morning the first train passes by my house.Acouldnt BmustntCshouldnt Dneednt()4.I didnt go to the party yesterday,I _ on my physics report all the night.Awas working BworkedCwill work Dam working()5.Sally used to be _,but now she takes part in different activities and makes many new friends.Aactive BquietChonest Doutgoing()6.Amy loves her new dog,she _ it out for a walk every day.Atakes BtookCis taking Dhas taken()7.We believe scientists will _ a way to solve the problem of air pollution.Aset out Bput offCe up with Dcatch up with()8.The telephone _.Could you answer it,please?Awill ring BrangCwas ringing Dis ringing()9.I _ TV and read books last night.Awatch BwatchedChave watched Dwatching()10.Janes mother asked her _ eating too much sugar.She said it was bad for her health.Astopping Bto stopCstopped Dstops()11.The skirt looks different from the others.It _ by my mother last month.Amade Bis madeChas been made Dwas made()12.My father has gone to Beijing.He _ back in three days.Awill e BesChas e Dcame()13.I like the cartoon Tom and Jerry best.It is _ than any other cartoon.AinterestingBthe most interestingCmore interestingDinterested()14.(xx刑台金华中学模拟)Be quick,_ you will not catch the train.Aand Bor Cso Dbut()15.Are you sure you have to?Its been very late.I dont know _ if not now.Awhere can I do itBwhy did I do itCwhen I can do itDhow I will do it


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