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2019-2020年中考试英语试卷(含答案,听力稿) 初三英语试卷 (考试时间:120分钟 满分150分)第I卷(选择题 共90分)一、听力(每题1分,共20分)A、听下面的对话,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。对话读两遍。( )1.What is Daniels aunt? A B. C ( )2. Which animal do they mention?A. B C.( )3. How is the girl ing back? A. B C ( )4 .What does the girl like doing in the free time?A. B. C( )5Why was Nancy late? AThe bus was late BShe forgot her class CShe got up late and missed the bus ( )6What did the woman buy her husband for Christmas? AA coat BA tie CA watch( )7. What is the time now? A. 7:00.B. 6:30.C. 7:30.( )8Where does the conversation most probably take place? AIn a school library BIn a hospital C. In a shopping mall( )9Why did Andys mother stop him going over to Billys house? AHe didnt clean his room BHe didnt wait a minute CHe will leave later( )10. What does the boy want to do ? A. He wants to go swimming B. He wants to see a doctor C. He wants to look after his motherB、听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题, 从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,对话读两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第11至12题。( )11. What is the probable job of the woman? A. She is a film star.B. She is a musician.C. She is a football player.( )12. What are they going to do?A. They are going to see a film.B. They are going to have dinner together.C. They are going to enjoy a concert.听第二段对话,回答第13至15题。( )13What language is the woman studying in the college? AJapanese BKorean CChinese( )14What does the woman think of the Japanese language? Ahard but interesting Bdifficult but importantChard and different( )15What does the woman do to improve her study? AShe does a 1ot of business with a Japanese pany BShe speaks the language as much as possible CShe reads a lot about the country C. 听短文,回答第16至20题。短文读两遍。( ) 16. What does the text mainly(主要地)tell us? A. How the writer spent his summer holidays. B. Whats the weather like in summer.C. When the writer got up in the summer holidays.( ) 17. How long did it take the writer to do his homework?A. Half an hour. B. Three hours or more.C. Two hours and a half.( ) 18. What did the writer spend most of the afternoon doing? A. listening to music B. walking in the gardenC. swimming( ) 19. Why did the writer have very good summer holidays?A. Because he worked very hard and made good progressB. Because he learned to swim and did his homework wellC. Because he liked swimming better than studying( ) 20. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The writer made progress in his lessons.B. The writer took a walk for half an hour before breakfast.C. The writer began studying as soon as he got up.二、选择填空(每题1分,共15分)( ) 21. Theres _ “u” in the word “much”. The first letter is _ “m” in the word “much”. A. an, a B. an, an C. a, an D. a, /( ) 22. He found _ very interesting _ an action. A. its; to be B. that; to be C. it; to be D. A & C( ) 23._ it is hard work _ the young people are trying their best to finish it. A. Though; but B. Through; however C. /; but D. Though; /( ) 24. _ of them felt very tired but quite happy after _ sports meeting. A. Everyone; a two days B. Every one; the two days C. Every one; the two-day D. None ; a two-day( ) 25. Im very _ to have such a _ trip. A. pleased; pleasant B. pleasant; pleased C. pleased; please D. pleasing; pleasant( ) 26. The students _ go home until their homework _. A. didnt ; finished B. dont; will finish C. wont; will be done D. wont ; is finished( ) 27. -Shall Daniel e and play puter games? - No, _ he has finished her homework. A. once B. unless C. if D. when( ) 28.Put up your hand _ you answer the teachers questions. A. when B. before C. after D. while( ) 29._ everybody is here, lets begin the party. A. If B. While C. After D. Since( ) 30.He is _ busy _ his homework that he has no time to play football. A. so; do B. too; to do C. so; doing D. too; do ( ) 31.It is _ nice weather. Why not go out to have a picnic. A. so a B. such a C. such D. so( ) 32. _ of the students in this school is over xx;_ of them are girls. A. The number; a number B. A lot; some C. A number of; many D. The number; much( ) 33.Mr Black does what he can_ the poor children go to school again. A. help B. helping C. to help D. helped( ) 34. Dont watch the horror film named Murder in a Country House, _? A. will you B. wont you C. shall we D. do you( ) 35. Not only Dad but also Mum _ at home today. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( ) 36. Would you please talk loudly here? A. dont B. not C. not to D. to( ) 37.The boy would rather _ TV at home than _ to the zoo. A. watch; go B. watching; going C. watch; to go D. to watch; go( ) 38.Do you know _? A. where does he live B. who is the boy C. whats in the box D. how old is she( )39. Its nice you the box for me.A. for; carry B. for; to carry C. of; carry D. of; to carry三、完型填空(每题1分,共15分)Two little boys were playing one day when a Fairy (仙女) suddenly appeared before them and said, “Father Time asks me to40you New Year presents.” She handed each child a package and disappeared immediately. Carl and Philip opened the41and found two books with clean pages in them. Twelve months passed and the42came again and said, “I have brought you another two books and will take the first one back to Father Time.” “May I keep43book a little longer?” asked Philip, “Id like to paint something on the last page.” “No,” said the Fairy. “I wish that I could finish reading mine at a time,” said Carl, “I can only open the book once each day44see only one page every time, because when the page turns over, it sticks fast.” The Fairy said, “Well, you can45Philips book.” Then she lit (点亮) two little lamps for them. By the light of the46they saw the pages as she turned them. “Who did this?” they asked in surprise, “Every page was47when we first opened it. But now some pages are drawn with beautiful things like birds and48and some pages with ugly, black spots and scratches (划痕) on them!” The Fairy, smiling at the two little49, said, “See, Philip, the beautiful birds and flowers appeared when you share toys with your friends, or when you try to be kind to others.” “But what made the ugly,50spots and scratches?” asked Philip. The Fairy said, “That came when you told a lie one day, or when you did not listen to your mum. All these ugly spots and scratches in your books were made when you were naughty (淘气的). Each pretty thing in your books came on its page when you were51_.” “Oh, we wish to read the books52_!” “They cant be read once more,” said the Fairy, “See! They are only for this year, and they must now go back into53_bookcase, but I have brought you each a new one, and perhaps you can make these more beautiful than the first ones.” With these words, the Fairy54_. The boys were left alone, but each held in his hand a new book open at the first page. And on the back of each book was written in letters of gold, “For the New Year”.( ) 40. A. bring B. make C. sell D. buy( ) 41. A. door B. window C. packages D. cards( ) 42. A. Fairy B. Queen C. Witch D. Princess( ) 43. A. herB. their C. his D. my( ) 44. A. butB. and C. or D. so( ) 45. A. look after B. look for C. look at D. look out( ) 46. A. candles B. stoves C. campfires D. lamps( ) 47. A. dirty B. untidy C. clean D. old( ) 48. A. trees B. flowers C. grass D. houses( ) 49. A. boys B. girls C. women D. men( ) 50. A. redB. black C. white D. blue( ) 51. A. good B. rude C. selfish D. stubborn( ) 52. A. tooB. again C. thoughD. before( ) 53. A. Fairys B. Carls C. Philips D. Father Times( ) 54. A. arrived B. came C. disappeared D. appeared四、阅读理解(每题2分,共36分) AGood news! For the ing film festival, there are some promotions(优惠)in Times Cinema. This festival lasts seven days, from Friday, June 20th, xx to Thursday, June 26th, xx. Here is the poster.( ) 55. Which movie can you watch on the afternoon of June 24th? A. Frozen B. Captain Amerzca C. Where are we going, Dad? D. Spiderman( ) 56. You can find the following information in the poster except _ _. A. the price of films B. the place of the cinema C. the time of the film festival D. the phone number of the cinema( ) 57.If you want to watch Captain America with your father and your five-year-old brother, you need to pay_ _. A.¥80 B.¥160 C.¥120 D.¥240( ) 58. When can you watch films with 50% off ? A. On June 20th. B. On June 23rd. C. On June 24th. D. On June 26th.( ) 59. Which of the following is TRUE about the poster? A. All the people can be offered a free bottle of soft drink. B. All the people will pay for the tickets during the film festival. C. People will not be allowed to enter the cinema without student ID. D. People without student ID can also enjoy the special price on Tuesday. BAn old man walked slowly into a restaurant with his cane(拐杖). His old jacket and shoes made him unusual that day.A young waitress named Mary watched him move towards a table by the window. She ran over to him, and said with a smile, “Here, sir. Let me give you a hand.” Without saying a word, he gave her a smile. She pulled the chair away from the table and helped him sit down. Then she put his cane against the table so that he could reach it. In a soft, clear voice, he said, “Thank you, miss.” “Youre wele, sir,” she replied. “Ill be back in a moment, and if you need anything, just wave at me!” After he had finished a good meal. Mary brought him the change. She handed him his cane, and walked with him to the front door. Holding the door open for him, she said, “e back and see us, sir!” The old man turned around and smiled. When Mary went to clean his table, she was shocked. Under the plate, she found a business card, a 100-dollar bill and a note. The note said, “Dear Mary, I respect(尊敬) you very much, and you respect yourself, too. It shows the way you treat others. You have found the secret of happiness.” In fact, the old man was the owner of the restaurant. That was the first time that she, or any of his waitresses, had seen him.( )60. The old man looked _ A. young B. handsome C. unusual D. mon( )61. As soon as the old man entered the restaurant, Mary greeted him_. A. politely B. slowly C. sadly D. angrily( )62. Mary told theold man to _ when he needed something. A. ring the bell B. wave at her C. shout at her D. phone her( )63. Mary was shocked when she found a business card, a 100-dollar bill and a note _. A. on the chair B. on the ground C. under the bowl D. under the plate( )64.The old man was _. A. Marys father B. Marys neighbour C. the boss of the restaurant D. a waiter of the restaurant CAs an old Chinese saying goes, food is what matters most to people. A Bite of ChinaSeason Two(舌尖上的中国第二季), all about the history and culture of eating and cooking in China, broadcast on CCTV-1 from April 18 to June 6. Food plays an important role in our daily life. It is also one of the most important parts of Chinese culture. Besides the rich food culture inChina, A Bite ofChinaSeason Two also wants to show the joys and sadness of ordinary(普通的) Chinese in changing times through food.The documentary makes viewers long for home and the tastes of childhood. One Weibo user wrote, “A Bite ofChinaSeason Two makes me have so many words to say. It makes me think of my parents and grandmother. I remember my father taught me how to fish when I was a kid. I havent been home for a long time, so Ive decided to go back in a few days.”The documentary uses food as a window to introduceChinato the world. Viewers can see how Chinese people love life by loving food. The new season is not just an introduction to food. It also explores(探究) the relationship between Chinese people and their food. Anyone who wants to know more about Chinese food culture and Chinese society should have a bite of the programme.( ) 65. What type of TV programme is A Bite ofChinaSeason Two? A. A cartoon.B. A documentary.C. A edy.D. A chat show( ) 66. When did the programme begin on CCTV-1? A. April 6.B. April 18.C. June 6.D. July 6.( ) 67. Whats the main idea of the programme? A. The development of Chinese history. B. An introdution to Chinese culture. C. The history and culture of Chinese food. D. Feelings of ordinary Chinese. DThere are several ways you can find out about the countries and places you wish to visit. You can talk to friends who have traveled to the places, you can go and see a colour film about them, or you can read a travel book. It seems that there are three kinds of travel books. The first are those that give a personal, subjective(主观的) idea of travels which their writer has got himself. These books can be useful if the writers share their traveling experiences with others. The second kind are those books which give objective(客观的) information of things to be done and seen. If a cultured person has written such a book about the facts of a place, then it is more useful. The third kind are those books which are called “a guide” to some place or other. If they are good, they will describe(描述) and explain the place in detail(细节). Like the first kind , they can be interesting and exciting, but their main purpose is to help the reader plan his travel in the most practical(实际的,实用的) way. Whatever kind of travel book you choose, you must make sure that the book does not describe everything as interesting, exciting or fantastic. You must also keep an open eyes on its date of publication(出版) because travel is very practical matter and many things change quickly in the 21st century. Finally, you should make sure that its easy to find the useful information for you travel.( )68. The passage was written to introduce_. A. travel maps B. travel books C. travel films D. travel places( ) 69. The writer of the first kind of travel books gave his ideas after he _. A. traveled B. read books C. a lot of experience D. surfed the Internet( ) 70. The underlined phrase “a cultured person” means a person with _. A. a good appearance B. a good education C. a lot of experience D. a lot of money( ) 71. The date of publication must be noticed because _. A. the prices of travel books may be different B. the writers of travel books may be different C. the information in travel books is always the same D. the information in travel books is always changing( ) 72. According to the passage, it is best to read _ before traveling to a place of interest. A. the first kind of travel books B. the second kind of travel books C. the third kind of travel books D. some travel articles in newspaper 第卷(非选择题 共60分)五、词汇(每题1分,共15分)A.请根据句意或括号中的中文提示、英文释义,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。73.My teacher often _(say sb is very good ) me for my fluent spoken English.74.Next weekend, my parents and I will go to the _ (音乐会) to enjoy the wonderful music.75.There may be a _ (a discussion between two groups , countries, etc) between China and Japan in order to build mutual trust.76.After the match , the chairman_(颁发) a lot of medals to those winners last month.77. Its just a _ of money to buy such an expensive watch. You should learn to save money, my child.B. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。music, success , nation, wide, direct 78.The key is one of the _ over there.79.The plane has land _ on the airport after two-hour flight.80.To our joy, some _ will e and sing some classical songs.81.English is _ spoken than Chinese at the moment.82.October 1st is our _ Day.C. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。lie, control, be , prepare, end83.-I didnt see you at yesterdays party, Jenny. Oh, I _ for my driving test.84.The firemen _ the fire, so all of you are out of danger now.85.The geography teacher told us that Diaoyu Island _ in the east of China.86. The First World War broke out in 1914 and _ in 1918.87.There _ new bridges over the Yangze River in a few years.六、句型转换(每题1分,共5分)88. The doctor asked the old man to stop smoking. (改为一般疑问句)_ the doctor _ the old man to stop smoking?89.The girl is very clever. She can work out difficult problems. (合并为一句)The girl is _ clever _she can work out difficult problems.90.I prefer doing everything for myself to asking my mother for help. (保持句意基本不变)I would _ do everything for myself _ ask my mother for help.91.Those local businesses supported the charity show. (改为被动语态)The charity show _ _ by those local businesses.92.Martin was so excited at the news that he couldnt fall asleep. (改为简单句)Martin was _ excited at the news _fall asleep.七、短文填空(每题1分,共10分)More and more families go on a car trip each year. (93) H_, the thought of trouble on the road may prevent you from going out. To avoid(避免) trouble, you need to make a careful (94) p_ for you trip.First of all, choose a proper route for your trip. Consider (95) w_ you are going and find several possible routes to it. Traffic and the (96) t_ that you will spend on the road must be consid


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