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成才之路 英语,路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索,外研版 必修5,Animals in Danger,Module 6,第三课时 Cultural Corner & Task,1.1.1 集合的概念,Module 6,.重点单词 1首字母(n.)_ 2分支机构;办事处(n.)_ 3大陆;州(n.)_ 4焦点;集中点(n.)_ 5能源(n.)_ 6浪费(vt.)_ 7监测(vt.)_,initial,branch,continent,focus,energy,waste,monitor,.重点短语 1stand _ 代表 2become interested _ 对产生兴趣 3have an effect _ 对有影响 4_ a result 结果;因此 5set _ 建立;设立,for,in,on,as,up,1.focus n. C (pl. foci或focuses)焦点,集中点 v. 集中 It has an automatic focus and flash, so you dont have to worry about anything. 它有自动聚焦和闪光灯,因此不必担心任何事。 We need to focus public attention on this issue. 我们需要把公众的注意力集中到这个问题上来。,知识拓展 in focus焦点对准的out of focus焦点没对准的 focus on 集中于 focus ones attention/eyes on 把注意力/目光集中于,即学即用 介词填空 You must try to focus all your mind_your work and study. 答案:on,2energy n. 精力;活力;能量 The students have shown youthful energies. 学生们显示出年轻的活力。 The light energy comes from the sun. 光能来自太阳。 知识拓展 energetic adj. 精力旺盛的;精神饱满的 devote ones energy to 致力于 concentrate ones energy on 集中精力在上,词语辨析 strength,force,power,energy 这几个词都有“力”的意思,但是“力”的性质和来源不同。 1)strength指“体力,力量,强度”。 I have hardly enough strength left to move my feet. 我连移动两脚的力量都没有了。,2)force “力量”,着重指“力” 产生的实际效果,其复数常指“兵力,军队”。 The law remains in force. 法律仍旧有效。 the forces of a country 一个国家的军队,3)power“能力,权力”,着重指行动所凭借的能力(本领)或职权。 I shall do everything within my power to help you. 我要尽我的所能帮助你。 4)energy依照其物理学定义讲,是“能,能量”;另外energy也指生理上的“精力”。 Heat is a form of energy. 热是能量的一种形式。 Though he is very thin, he is full of energy. 他虽然瘦,但精力充沛。,即学即用 完成句子 这个男孩精力如此充沛他就是不能保持安静。 The boy is _ _ _ _ that he could not keep still. 答案:so full of energy,3waste 1)vt.浪费;常构成waste time/money on sth.或waste time/money doing. Why do you waste money on clothes you dont need? 你为什么浪费钱买你不需要的衣服呢? I wasted 40 minutes waiting for a bus this morning. 今天早晨我等公共汽车浪费了40分钟。 2)n.浪费;常构成a waste of.搭配。 Dont do that.Its a waste of time. 别那么做,那是浪费时间。,知识拓展 1)waste.doing. 浪费做某事 2)wasted adj. 浪费的;未有效利用的;消耗掉的;荒芜的 wasteful adj. 浪费的,不经济的,即学即用 完成句子 He says that my new car is _ _ _ (浪费) money. Dont you think those words are just sour grapes? 答案:a waste of,1.stand for 代表;代替;象征;支持 The letter “x”is often used to stand for an unknown number. 字母x常被用来代表一个未知数。 WTO stands for the World Trade Organization. WTO代表世界贸易组织。,即学即用 介词填空 What does NASA stand_? It means“National Aeronautics and Space Administration” 答案:for,2set up 建立;设立;创立 They decided to set up a new school. 他们决定开办一所新学校。 They set up a special committee to look into the matter. 他们设立了一个专门委员会来调查此事。 A new government was set up after the war. 新政府于战后成立。,知识拓展 set about doing 着手做某事 set out 出发;开始;阐述;陈列 set off 动身;引发 set aside 专门拨出时间或金钱 set down 放下;记下,即学即用 单句改错 Police set out road blocks on the routes leading out of the city. _ 答案:把out改为up,The WWF believes that our world has a future only if people learn to conserve nature and not waste energy. WWF相信只要人们学会去保护自然而不浪费我们的资源,我们的地球就会有美好的未来。 only if的意思是“只有才”;“只要就”;引导一般条件句,句子中不用虚拟语气,其中的only放于句首表示强调。,I told him that he would succeed only if he worked hard. 我告诉他,只有努力工作才能够成功。 He will help you only if you turn to him. 只要你向他请求帮助,他就会帮助你。 注意:当only if放在整个句子的句首时,主句要倒装。 Only if you walk quickly can you catch up with him. 只要走快些你就能够赶上他。,词语辨析 only if,if only 1)only if中的only置于if前强调if条件。only if重点在only(only when)上,意为“唯有/只有在时,才”。 Shell have a chance to get well only if she has a strong will to live. 她唯有活下去的坚强意志才有机会好起来。,2)if only重点在if上,意为:只要(as long as);要是该多,但愿;if only从句可单独使用,这里需要用虚拟语气: (1)表示与过去相反的愿望;谓语动词用:had done (2)表示与现在相反的愿望;谓语动词用:过去式 (3)表示与将来相反的愿望;谓语动词用:would/could/might do,If only she were my sister! 她要是我姐姐该多好啊! If only we had arrived in time, we would not have missed the train! 我们要是及时赶到就不会误车了!,即学即用 完成句子 只有合理饮食,你才能保持身体健康。 _ _you eat the correct foods_ _ be able to keep fit. 答案:Only if; will you,.句型转换 1This business company was founded in 1721. This business company _ _ _ in 1721. 2WWF is the short form of World Wide Fund. The letters WWF _ _ World Wide Fund. 3My aim is to be a policeman when I leave school. I _ _ _ a policeman when I leave school.,4An unhappy home environment can affect a childs behaviour. An unhappy home environment can _ _ _ _ a childs behaviour. 5He worked hard at his study.As a result,he passed the exam easily. _ _ _ _ his hard work,he passed the exam easily. 答案:1.was set up 2.stand for 3.aim to be 4.have an effect on 5.As a result of,.完成句子 1What does ATM _ _(代表)? 2The company was _ _(建立)by his father. 3The quilt is not thick enough to _ him _ the cold(御寒) 4The patient is _ _ _(有危险)dying. 5She is a talented musician _ _ _(不但是还是)being a photographer. 答案:1.stand for 2.set up 3.protect;from 4.in danger of 5.as well as,写一篇描述动物的短文 写作技巧 一、描述濒危野生动物的文章应属于说明文文体,它主要介绍所写动物的物种状况、形态特征、生活习性、动物分布、主要食物等几个方面。,二、描写此类文章应注意的事项: 1因为此类文章属于客观说明文,时态常用一般现在时或现在完成时; 2应先对所描写的动物特征、动物分布进行简单介绍。 3其次要对其生活习性、主要食物加以描述,使读者能对其做大致了解。 4对该物种进行过去与现在数量上的对比; 5分析造成其现状的原因,可从人为因素描写:破坏自然环境,追逐利润; 6如何采取措施对其进行保护,主要从自我做起,同时要呼吁公众参与。,三、常用词语及表达: 1live in. 栖息在 2feed mainly on. 以为主食 3They are being hunted/poached. 它们正遭到捕杀。 4on the brink of extinction 在灭绝的边缘 5The number has fallen from.to. 数量从降到。,6protect.from. 保护免受 7be listed as endangered species 被列为濒危物种 8They can be found in. 它们能在被找到。 9This kind of animal is known as/for. 这种动物作为/因为而出名。 10We call on people to protect. 我们呼吁人们保护。,典题示例 1非洲象是最大的陆上动物,一头成年象重达5吨; 2栖息地:非洲的森林、河谷、撒哈拉沙漠南端的半沙漠地区; 3主食:以草、树叶和水果为主; 4濒危:原因:由于象牙而遭捕杀 状况:1980年有130万,现在只有40万。 被列为世界濒危物种之一。 写作要求:1.词数100左右。 2参考词汇:河谷river valleys 撒哈拉Sahara 半沙漠semidesert 象牙ivory,【审题谋篇】 1时态:一般现在时 2人称:第三人称 3结构:首先介绍非洲象的生活习性;然后将所给内容有机联系起来,最后呼吁要保护非洲象。,【写作关键】 1非洲象是最大的陆上动物,一头成年象重达5吨。 世界最大的陆上动物 _ 成年象 _ 重达5吨 _ 2它们以草、树叶和水果为主食。 以为主食 _ 诸如 _,3它们由于象牙而遭捕杀。 由于捕杀 _ 4它们被列为世界濒危物种之一。 列为 _ 濒危物种 _ 【连句成篇】 _ _ _ _,参考答案: 写作关键 1the worlds largest land animal an adult elephant/a fully grown elephant weigh up to 5 tons 2feed mainly on. such as 3hunt for 4be listed as endangered species,连句成篇 The African Elephant is the worlds largest land animal,and a fully grown elephant can weigh up to 5 tons.They can be found in forests,river valleys,semidesert south of Sahara Desert,Africa.They feed mainly on plants,such as grass,leaves and fruit and so on.They are generally known as mild animals,and wont attack other animals.,But they are now being hunted for their ivories,which are valuable.Today the species is on the brink of extinction.The population has fallen from 1.3 million in 1980 to 400,000.As a result,they have been listed as endangered species.We hope the International Organization will prevent illegal ivory trade,punish severely poaching behavior and protect them from dying out.,

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