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2019-2020年八年级英语上学期期末质量检测试题题 号第卷第卷总 分第一部分第二部分第三部分第四部分第一部分第二部分得 分听第6段材料,回答第6和第7两个小题。( )6What kind of music does the girl like?ACountry music. BPop music. CRock music( )7What is the girl doing?AReading. BSleeping. CRunning.听第7段材料,回答8至10三个小题。( )8What does the girl think of the book?AIts touching.BIts interesting. CIts relaxing.( )9Has the boy read the book?AYes. he has. BNo, he hasnt. CWe dont know.( )10What will they do next?AHave a picnic. BBuy a book. CSee a film. 第三节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)听下面一段独白,根据所听内容填空。Mount ElbrusHeightThe highest mountain in 11_ about 12_meters.WeatherThere are always heavy 13_ and strong wind, snow may fall at any time.Best climbing timeFrom June to 14_SceneriesThere are 15_ and small rivers at the foot of the mountain. There are hotels on the mountain.第二部分 知识运用(共两节,满分20分) 第一节单项选择 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳选项填空。( )16I believe you will _ if you dont give up.Asuccess Bsucceed Csuccessful( )17I dont know _ solve the problem.Awhat to Bto Chow to ( )18When I passed by the music room. I heard someone _ the piano in it.Aplays Bplaying Cto play( )19Which animal runs _, the horse or the tiger?Afast Bfaster Cthe faster( )20You _ tell lies to your parents.Acant Bwouldnt Cshouldnt( )21You will see many people dancing on the square if it _ in the evening.Adoesnt rain Bwont rain Cwill rain( )22Helen was _ tired _ she couldnt do anything.Asuch that Bso as Cso that ( )23Jack isnt at home now. He _ to the chess club.Ais going Bhas been Chas gone( )24Tom and I _ a football at this time yesterday.Awatched Bare watching Cwere watching( )25Could I invite my friends to the party , Mon?_. That sounds fun.AYes, sure BI dont agree CNo, you cannot.第二节完型填空。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)通读下面的短文,从A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项填空,使短文意思通顺,结构完整。Have you ever watched the Chinese Poetry Conference? It was a popular TV show during the Spring Festival. It 26 people of many ancient Chinese poems.The TV show helps people find the 27 of Chinese poetry. After watching the show, a lot of people said,“How beautiful Chinese poetry is!” It also 28 an excellent girl to Wu Yihu. Wu is a 16-year-old students from Shanghai. She 29 other petitors in the Chinese Poetry Conference on February 7, xx. “We are not surprised at her 30 .” one of Wus teachers said,“She really loves Chinese poetry.”Wu fell in love 31 ancient poetry when she was a little girl. She would feel excited 32 she read it. She said,“Chinese poetry gives me different feelings, I dont 33 about the result of the petition. I just love poetry. It brings me joy and fun.” Its said that Wu has 34 remembered at least xx poems by now . How amazing!Wus great performance in the show helped her win lots of 35 . Are you one of them? ( )26A reminds Brepairs Creturns( )27A difficulty Bbeauty Csilence( )28A changes Bmarks Cintroduces( )29A cheated Bachieved Cbeat( )30A success Bresearch Creport( )31A over Bwith Cat( )32A as soon as Beven though Cas far as( )33A control Bnotice Ccare( )34A only Balready Cyet( )35Achallenges Bpressure Cfans第三部分 阅读技能(共两节,满分35分) 第一节 (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给三个选项中,选出最佳选项,并将选项填写在题前括号中。ADo you have any favorite cartoon characters? I do. He is snoopy. The smart black-and-white dog.In xx snoopy turns 67 years old. When snoopy first appeared 1950,he was just like any other pet dog. But two years later, he began to speak simple words, By 1957 he could walk on two legs and go to school with his owner Charlie Brown.Snoopy is a dog, but he is always dreams of being a man . He has done lots of jobs, like a lawyer, a tennis player, a pilot and first astronaut on the moon. However, his dream job is to be a writer. The beginning of his stories is always, “It was a dark and stormy night” unluckily, nobody cares about his story.I love snoopy because he always has some meaningful words and I can learn a lot from them. Like these nes“Always believe that something wonderful is going to happen.”, Remember to hug the ones that you really love”( )36The passage is talking about _.Aa cartoon character Ba pet dog Ca cartoon movie( )37Snoopy couldnt speak until_.A1952 B1950 C1957( )38Snoops dream is to be_.Aa lawyer Ba tennis player Ca writer( )39The writer loves snoopy because _.AHe teaches the writer something BHe often plays with the writerCHe often helps the writer( )40What do we know the snoopy?AHe is a stupid dog.BHe likes writing stories.CCharlie Brown is his brother.BOn February 4, xx, the basketball team Houston Rockets retired YaoMings No.11 jersey(球衣). It means that they will not use No.11 again. They only retired six jersey numbers in the history. Many of Yaos teammates, including McGrady, Mutombo and Batter, took part in the meeting.Yao Ming is 37 years old now. He started to play basketball in NBA in xx. In xx, he broke Michael Jordans record for All-star votes with 2558278.“I didnt know what to expect when NBA chose me.” Yao said,“I just wanted to play basketball against the best players in the world.” Later Yao hurt his foot, and this made him away from the basketball games.Yao improved himself all the time. He became a successful basketball player. He also helped NBA bee popular in China. He made Houston Rockets the most popular team in China.“As a basketball player, hes one of the best.” his coach said,“He has something you dont really see every day, He is really talented.”( )41When was Yao born?Ain 1980 Bin 1982 Cin 1983( )42The underlined word “this ”refers to _.AYaos height BYaos weight CYaos hurt foot( )43What does Yaos coach think of him?Ahe is funny Bhe is talented Che is interesting( )44What can we learn from the passage?Aretiring a jersey number means retiring a playerBYao wanted to play for Chinese national teamCYao was chosen to play basketball in NBA in xx( )45Whats the best title for the passage?AYaos basketball talentBYaos basketball journeyCthe history of Huston Rocket.CMany middle school students think its a waste of time to help parents with chores. However, Sam doesnt think so. He often helps his parents to do chores.Last Saturday morning, after a heavy snow. Sam began to shovel(铲) the snow while his parents were shopping in the supermarket. He wanted to surprise them. He wore his heavy winter jacket, sweater, snow boots, and, of course, his warm hat.Before long, Sam got very hot and sweat started running down his face. He became slower and slower with each move and he felt the snow was getting heavier and heavier. “Oh, what a job!” Sam thought. He was getting really tired.Just then, his parents came home from the supermarket by car. Sams mom saw his son and laughed,“Oh dear, how sweet! But you are wearing too much. Shoveling snow is like doing exercise. You should learn to dress properly.”Sams dad took the shovel and said,“Do you need help?” Sam smiled and said,“Yes, Dad.” Then he helped Sam finish the work in ten minutes. “Next time,” Sam thought to himself,” I will know how to dress when I shovel the snow.”( )46Sam is a _ school student.Aprimary Bmiddle Chigh( )47What were Sams parents doing when Sam began to shovel the snow?AThey were doing some shopping.BThey were watching TV at home.CThey were doing housework( )48What does the underlined word “sweat” mean in Chinese?A泪珠 B汗水 C鼻涕( )49How did Sams parents feel when they saw Sam shoveling the snow?Asorry Bangry Chappy( )50Which of the following is TRUE?AThe story happened in summer.BIn Sams opinion, doing chores is boring.CShoveling the snow made Sam feel tired.第二节 (共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)根据短文内容回答问题。 What a blessing!Hello! Im Jason. Do you want to live with a robot? For many people, they will live with a robot in the future. But for me. Im living with a robot now! What a blessing(好事)!I have had my robot for 3 years, and it has helped me a lot with my schoolwork. I cannot go to school because Im in poor health, so the government has provided me with a robot that I can send to school in my place. The robot transmits information to me in time and I can ask it to do a lot of things. It asks and answers questions from teachers and even talks with my classmates. Im really happy with it and my grades have improved a lot since I had it. Although it was difficult to get used to(习惯) using the robot at first. I realize that Im lucky to have it.Nowadays, a lot of kids want a robot to learn or play with, or help them with their chores. I think more and more people will have robots in the future and they will improve our life in all kinds of ways.51When did Jason get the robots? 52How did Jason get the robot? 53What does the robot help Jason do? 54How did Jason feel when he began to use the robot? 55What does Jason think of the robots in the future? 第四部分写作(共两节,满分25分)A:You dont look well, 56._?B:I have a sore back and it hurts a lot.A:57. _?B:Yesterday evening. When I went to bed, my back began to hurt.A:58._?B:Yesterday I was busy and worked on the puter all day.A:Thats probably why. You sat in the same way for too long.B:Youre right. Do I need to take any medicine?A:59. _. You just need to take breaks away from the puter and do some sports.B:Ill take your advice. 60_. doctor.A:Youre wele.第二节书面表达 (满分15分)暑假即将来临,你有哪些暑期计划呢?根据你自己的二至三个爱好,介绍一下你的暑期计划。字数 50词左右。_ 第卷(共二个部分,满分20分)第一部分:词语 (共10分)A根据句意及首写字母提示,完成句子。1If you follow the road s_, you will not get lost easily.2Can you i_ what your life will be like in 20 years.3Jim likes PE, and he runs fastest a_ his classmates.4“How did you c_ so many beautiful stones?” I asked him.5Lets put the piano there, with its back a_ the wall.B用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。6The river is polluted _ (heavy), so we cannot see any fish in it now.7Me Li was very angry when he saw the _(break) window.8The door will open _(it) as people walk near it.9Mark stayed _ (wake) all night, worrying about the new project.10My brother feels _(excite) whenever he listens to rock music.第二部分: 根据短文内容,将方框中的句子回填到短文中的适当位置(共5小题,满分10分)When I opened my eyes. I realized that something was different. (1)_ I could only see the blue sky. I stood up and saw a clear river right in front of me. (2)_ It seemed that an animal was roaring(咆哮)! I walked around and saw a huge dinosaur(恐龙).I was shocked. It was a Tyrannosaurus rex(霸王龙) ! It roared again. I realized it was real. Quickly running down the hill. I was lucky enough that the dinosaur didnt follow me.(3) _ Some of them were empty and some were full of eggs. There were also some nests that had baby dinosaurs in them. (4)_Suddenly. I saw a huge dinosaur running right toward me. I ran so fast that I could fell the wind blowing next to me. Although the dinosaur was heavy it still ran very fast. (5)_ Suddenly, with a loud noise, the dinosaur ran into a tree. Its neck began bleeding(流血) heavily, but I was safe at least.AAt the bottom of the hill, I found a lot of nests there.BI became so tired that at last I chose to give up.CIt was not my bedroom any more.DThey were so cute that I wanted to bring one home as a pet.EWhen I was wondering about the place, I heard a voice suddenly.永定区xx年春季八年级期末质量检测试卷英语听力材料及参考答案xx年春季期末教学质量检测八年级英语听力测试现在开始。听力材料以中速朗读两遍。第一部分. 听力 (共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。 听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题,每段对话读两遍。1W: Was Lucy a taxi driver before xx?M: Yes, but she has been a singer since xx.2 W: Where did you go yesterday afternoon? I didnt find you at home.M: I went to the park. I enjoyed flying kites there.3W: Do you have any hobbies?M: Yes, I love collecting tea sets4W: Peter, Why were you late for school today?M: My bike was broken on the way, so I had to walk to school, and it took me a long time.5W: Jimmy isnt here today, Whats the matter?M: He has gone to hospital. He hurt his left leg when playing football yesterday.第二节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)听下面2段对话,每段对话后有2-3个小题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6和第7两个小题。W: Could you please turn down the CD player? The rock music is too noisy.M: All right, What kind of music do you like? I can play it for you.W: I like country music, Its relaxing.M: But I dont have any country music.W: It doesnt matter. I dont like to listen to music when Im reading听第7段材料,回答8至10三个小题。M: Whats the matter? Why are you crying?W: Oh, this book deeply touched my heart.M: Which book?W: The Kite runnerM: I know the book. It is written by an Afghan-American writer. Its a bestseller.W: Yes. Did you read it?M: No, I havent read it, but I saw the film. The Kite Runner, Its good. I want to see it again on the internet. Would you like to join me?W: Sure.第三节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)听下面一段独白,根据所听内容填空。Have you ever heard of Mount Elbrus? Its the highest mountain in Europe.Mount Elbrus is about 5642 meters high. There are always heavy storms and strong wind. Snow on the mountain may fall at any time. So the best time to climb Mount Elbrus is from June to August, when it is warm. There are villages and small rivers at the foot of the mountain. Its very beautiful and looks like a picture. The hotels on the mountain will also give you a special experience.听力材料朗读完毕,请同学们继续做下面的试题,监考老师请关机。参考答案15 BCCCC 610 AAABC11Europe 125642 13storms 14August 15villages1620 BCBBC2125 ACCCA2630ABCCA3135 BACBC3640 AACAB4145 ACBCB4650 BABCC51Three years ago.52The government provided the robot for him.53It goes to school instead of Jason54He felt it was difficult.55They will improve our life in all kinds of ways.56Whats the matter?57When did it begin?58What did you do yesterday?59No, you dont.60Thank you.第卷1signs2imagine3among4collect5against 6heavily7broken8itself9awake10excited15CEADB

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