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2019-2020年八年级英语上册Unit2Schoollife基础卷(新版)牛津版一、首字母填空(共10题,共10分) 1. Tree leavesturn yellow in f_.2. I watched the m_called The Mermaid yesterday. I think its wonderful.3. Is “yard” B_English or American English?4. How much didyou s_ on the dictionary?Fifty yuan.5. In a m_school, boys and girls have lessons together.6. I must thankAndy for o_ me so much help with my Maths.7. The earth isbeing warmer and warmer. This is a r_ problem.8. Our afternoonclasses start at 2 p. m. and e_ at 5 p. m.9. Visiting Japanis my first time to go to a f_ country.10. I made friendswith a Japanese girl d_ my stay in Tokyo.二、填空题(共10题,共10分)1. Of all thesubjects, I like _ (物理)best.2. My favoritesport is _ (棒球). What about yours?3. How many _(语言)canyou speak?Two, English andJapanese.4. What do youusually do at _ (午餐时间)?5. Do you have towear school _ (制服)at school?6. Please tell mesomething about your _ (理想的)school.7. Which teamwill _ (赢得) the final match?8. There are toomany _(广告) on TV now.9. Be _ (快的),and we will catch the early bus.10. Daniel atesome _ (饼干) for breakfast this morning.三、单项选择题(共20题,共20分)1. _ school ismuch bigger than _A. Our; theirB. Ours; theirC. Theirs; ourD. Their; ours2. We _ themand _ the basketball match last week.A. beat; winB. beat; wonC. won; beatD. win; beat3. _ are yougoing to be an actor?Because I likeperforming.A. HowB. WhyC. WhenD. Where4. I bought somepresents for my friend and they _ me 100 yuan.A. spentB. paidC. costD. took5. I am busy withmy study, so I have _ half an hour for sports every day.A. at leastB. at mostC. at presentD. at last6. Of the twokinds of cars, I like this one_.A. bestB. the bestC. betterD. well7. He had to helphis parents _ on the farm at the weekend.A. workB. workingC. worksD. worked8. Lucy is a(n)_ student. She answers the teachers questions _ in her class.A. more active;more activelyB. active; moreactivelyC. more active;the most activelyD. active; themost actively9. The boy keepson _ English stories every day. He wants to be an English teacher in thefuture.A. readsB. readingC. to readD. read10. We should tryto use _ people and _ money to do the work well.A. less; lessB. fewer; fewerC. less;fewerD. fewer; less11. In my idealschool, we have a big library _ lots of _ books.A. has; useB. has; usefulC. with; uselessD. with; useful12. We will have 7days _ during National Day.A. outB. awayC. ofD. off13. The number ofthe students in our school _ 1550 now.A. areB. isC. wereD. was14. What do youthink of Maths?I think its _of all subjects.A. difficultB. more difficultC. most difficultD. the mostdifficult15. Our teachertold us sound travels much _ than light.A. slowlyB. more slowlyC. most slowlyD. the most slowly16. The boy is notgood at his lessons because he spends as much time as he can _ putergames.A. playB. playingC. playsD. to play17. I hear Tom isgood at _, isnt he?Are you joking?Tom is weak at it. He doesnt even know where Japan is.A. GeographyB. EnglishC. PhysicsD. P. E.18. My brother is_ years old. He is in the _ grade.A. nine; ninthB. ninth; ninthC. nine; nineD. ninth; nine19. _ Fridayafternoon, our school ends earlier than usual.A. InB. AtC. OnD. For20. How do youlike your school life?_.A. I like myschool very muchB. Its veryinterestingC. This is a newschoolD. I have manyfriends at school四、完成句子(共10题,共20分)1. 直到电影的最后你才能知道是谁救了小女孩。You wont find outwho saved the little girl _ _ _ _ thefilm.2. 当你做你喜欢的事情时,时间似乎过得更快。When you do thethings you like, time _ _ _ _.3.晚饭后,我喜欢和爷爷下国际象棋。After supper, Ilike _ _ with my grandfather.4. 我可以向你借一本杂志吗?May I _ _ _ _?5. 为了保持健康,我会坚持每天跑步的。To keep healthy, Iwill _ _ _ every day.6. 我们的数学老师经常在课堂上给我们讲笑话。Our Maths teacheroften tells us jokes _ _.7. 她考试前匆匆看了一下她的笔记。She _ _her notes before she took the exam.8. 你应该少花点时间上网聊天。You should _ _ chatting on the Internet.9. 起初我并不喜欢这份工作。_ _I dont like the job.10. 我最多只能跳1.5米高。I can jump 1.5metres high _ _.五、句型转换(共5题,共10分)1. This is Kittysrubber.(对画线部分提问)_ _is this?2. We go on aschool trip once a month.(对画线部分提问)_ _do you go on a school trip?3. The word“start” means “begin”.(对画线部分提问)_ _the word “start” mean?4. I think itstoo early.(用too late改为选择疑问句)_ you thinkits too early _ too late?5. me, runs, than,Jim, faster(连词成句)_.六、补全对话(共1题,共10分)1.请根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项其中有两个为多余选项。A: Mom, Im reallystressed.B: (1) _A: Were going tohave a big test tomorrow. (2) _B: (3) _Youve been working hard recently.A: But Im stillnot sure of myself.B: (4) _Thatll help you relax.A: Good idea!Maybe I should go to bed early tonight.B: (5) _ Agood nights sleep will refresh you for tomorrow.A. Take it easy.B. Why not just listen to some music?C. Couldnt be better.D. But Im not ready yet.E. I have no ideaF. What do you think about it?G. Whats the matter?七、选词填空(共1题,共20分)1.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。language true long above drive geography puter beautiful high wishBaima Zhuoga is a Tibetan (西藏的) girl. Her school isnear Xigaze (日喀则). It is about 4,000 metres (1) sea level (海平面) Mount Qomolangma, the (2) mountain in the world, stands about 200 kilometres away from herschool. The 15-year-old girl studies and lives at Bailang Middle School.Sometimes she walks home, and the trip takes as (3) as5 hours! Sometimes her father (4) her to school in acarriage (马车). It only takes two hours.In school, Zhuoga and her classmates learn Chinese, Maths, English, History and (5) . They also have Tibetan classes. They readstories in the Tibetan (6) . Zhuogas favouriteclass is Music. Like lots of Tibetans, Zhuoga sings very (7) .Every Wednesday,Zhuoga and her classmates have (8) classes. Butthey still cant search for information on the Internet. Zhuoga knows about theInternet from books. She wants to try it very much.Zhuoga has a special (9) . She wants to be apolicewoman one day. “Policemen catch bad people. They are cool,” said Zhuoga.“I will go to college to make my dream e (10) !”(1) _ (2)_ (3) _ (4) _ (5) _(6) _ (7)_ (8) _ (9) _ (10) _

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