2019-2020年七年级英语下册 单项选择题练习(新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 单项选择题练习(新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 单项选择题练习(新版)人教新目标版1. The post office is _ Center Street.A. of B. on C. toD. from2. _, is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?A. Im sorryB. All rightC. Excuse meD.OK3. They _ Australia. Were Chinese.A. is fromB. be from C. es fromD. are from4. Can I help you? -_.A. Its OK.B. No, you cant.C. Yes, Id like a pizza.D. I like a pizza.5. _ you _ soccer last weekend?A. Did, playB. Do, playedC. Did, playedD. Do, play6. If you want _ music. Please go to the Fantastic House.A. listen to B. hearC. to listen toD. to hear7. There _ no bread at home. Can you go and buy some, Jenny?A. areB. is C. wasD. were8. The woman over there has _ hair.A. long brownB. brown long C. a long brownD. a brown long9. I have to practice _ English every day.A. speakB. to speak C. speaksD. speaking11. -_ does your cousin like pandas? Because they are very cute.A. Why B. WhatC. WhoD. How12. -_ the girl like elephants? Yes, _.A. Does, she doesB. Does, she doesntC. Does, she doD. Do, he do13. This koala is very lazy. He _ during the day, but he _ up and eats leaves at night.A. sleeps, getB. sleep, getsC. sleeps, getsD. sleep, get14. My father _ a large bowl of noodles.A. likeB. would like C. look likeD. is like15. How is it going? -_.A. Good ideaB. Thats rightC. Never mindD. Pretty good18. Ten kids cleaned their classroom _ Saturday morning.A. onB. atC. toD. for19. Where _ the pop CDs? They _ behind the classical CD.A. is, isB. are, isC. is, are D. are, are20. -_ does your brother look like? He is tall with straight black hair.A. WhoB. HowC. WhichD. What21. Mr. Smith is a teacher. He is friendly _ his students.A. toB. byC. forD. of22. -_ in Shanghai? Its cloudy.A. Hows the weather like B. Hows the weather C. What is the weather D. Which is the weather24. I helped my mother _ the cooking yesterday.A. doesB. didC. doD. doing27. What _ they _ of Mary? They love her.A. do, thinkB. are, thinkC. does, thinkD. is, thinking28. Look! Some of the children _ under the big tree.A. is singingB. sangC. singingD. are singing29. Everyone in Class 4 _ TV on Sundays.A. watchingB. to watchC. watchesD. watch30. Dont sing in class. -_.A. Yes, I doB. No, I dont C. Sorry, Ms LinD. Youre wele31. The book store is far from here. You can _.A. by busB. on a busC. take a busD. in a bus32. Would you like to go out for a walk with me? -_, but Im too busy now.A. Thats rightB. Id love toC. Of course notD. Thats all right33. Im hungry, Mom. Is there anything to eat? -_.A. What about a pizza B. Im hungry, too C. Its time for lunch D. What about you35. Thank you for _ me the good news.A. tellB. to tellC. tellingD. told36. Their favorite food is _.A. riceB. coffeeC. teaD. orange37. Why do you want to be an actor? Because its very _.A. boringB. dangerousC. lazyD. interesting38. Would you like some drink? -_.A. Here you areB. Yes, just a littleC. Please give me someD. Yes, I like39. If you are hungry, you can buy _ in a supermarket.A. waterB. houseC. drinkD. food40. There is _ water on the floor.A. too muchB. too manyC. manyD. much too41. I _ know where the post office is.A. notB. dont C. doesntD. am not43. _ late for school again.A. NotB. Not beC. Dont beD. Arent44. -_ noodles would you like? A small one, please!A. What kind of B. What size bowl ofC. How manyD. How much46. There _ any apples on the plate.A. arent B. isntC. haveD. has48. -_ did you go last Sunday? I went to the zoo.A. HowB. WhereC. WhenD. Why50. Go straight and _ left. The hospital is next to the post office.A. turnB. takeC. goD. carry51. What does your teacher look like? - Hes _.A. friendlyB. tallC. popularD. happy52. The beautiful woman _ medium height.A. has aB. is aC. hasD. is of54. Peter _ thin and he _ brown hair.A. is, isB. is, hasC. has, hasD. has, is55. He is tall man _ funny glasses.A. andB. withC. hasD. wears61. _ Monday we go to school _ seven oclock.A. In, atB. At, inC. On, atD. On, for65. Is there a bus station near here? - Yes. Its across _ the bank.A. toB. atC. fromD. on66. They _ soccer last Sunday.A. are playingB. playedC. playsD. play67. Whats the weather like today? - Its _.A. snowB. rainC. a rainy dayD. cloud68. The pandas are very shy. So please be _.A. quietB. funC. interestingD. good69. What _ Miss Wang _? She s cooking.A. are, workingB. is, doingC. does, doD. are, doing70. Where _ Tom and Lily _ from?A. do, eB. is, eC. does, eD. do, are71. I want a busy _ exciting job.A. asB. orC. soD. but79. Sometimes she _ in the library, but now she _ TV.A. reads, watchesB. reads, watchingC. is reading, is watchingD. reads, is watching85. e and work _ the clothes shop _ a shop assistant.A. for, forB. at, forC. for, asD. to, on86. -_? She went to the supermarket.A. Where did she go B. Where did she live C. How was sheD. Did she go to the library87. Our school _ two English teachers and a cleaner.A. needB. needsC. is needingD. needing88. - _ do you like living? I like living in Shanghai.A. What B. WhoC. HowD. Where89. Does your sister _ to be an actor _ a nurse? - A nurse.A. wants, andB. want, andC. want, orD. wants, or91. What _ animals can you see in the zoo?A. otherB. othersC. the otherD. else93. He likes _ a walk after supper.A. takeB. tookC. takesD. taking95. I finish my work. What about _ Mr. Green.A. visitB. to visitC. visitedD. visiting96. The library is _ the park and the video shop.A. betweenB. acrossC. onD. in97. She _ well. Shes good at _.A. sing, singB. sings, singingC. sings, singsD. singing, singing98. George _ watch TV after dinner _ last night.A. wasnt, onB. didnt, onC. doesnt, inD. didnt, /


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