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2019-2020年中考二模试题-完形填空题一、xx年北京中考完形填空( 共15分, 每小题1.5分)阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选择最佳答案. Mums Christmas SurpriseMolly ran back home from school and dropped her schoolbag on the sofa. Then on the table she saw “Mums Wish Book” - a mail order catalog (商品目录) from a gift shop. “Mum,” she said excitedly to herself, “this year youll get the gloves you want!” Molly had walked a dog for a neighbor and saved her 31 all year to buy Mum the gloves. She opened “Mums Wish Book” and hoped that she could find these _ 32 in it. Tears ran down her face when she saw the gloves in the catalog. Mum wouldnt buy them for herself, because the family had a 33 time on the farm. She once heard Mum say to Dad, “Maybe some day, Ill have the money to get them. ”Molly ran out by the back door and went straight to the post office. There she carefully filled out the order form torn from the catalog. “I need to buy a stamp to 34 the form. ”She said to Mr. Smith, the only worker in the post office. “Umm, a pair of gloves? ”said Mr. Smith, as he passed a stamp to her. “Yes, Its a Christmas gift for Mum, but please dont tell her. Its our 35 , OK? ”Molly didnt realize how white Mr. Smiths beard was until that moment. In face, he reminded her of Santa Claus. As Molly walked back home, she decided to tell Dad her secret. “Youve got to check the mailbox every day, ”said Molly 36 to Dad. He nodded, with a big smile. ing home from school every day, Molly peeked at ( 偷看) Dad when Mum wasnt 37 , but every time he shook his head. On Christmas Eve, Dad came back from mailbox, still empty handed. Molly felt 38 when she went to bed, because she didnt have the gloves for Mum. Before Christmas dinner, as Mum took the apple pies out of the oven, Molly began 39 the table. Suddenly, they heard someone pulling up the driveway. From the window they saw Mr. Smith making his way to the door, with a box in his hand. Mr. Smith 40 Mum the box, “I believe this is yours. ”Mum looked from Dad to Molly and opened the box. Her eyes lit up when she saw the gloves. “Oh, who bought these for me? ”she asked. “Santa did, ”said Molly smilingly. “Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!”Mr. Smith, with a loud laugh. It was Christmas that no one would ever forget. ( )31. A. timeB. moneyC. energy D. food( )32. A. flowers B. sunglasses C. gloves D. chocolates( )33. A. hard B. lonely C. short D. busy( )34. A. design B. check C. plete D. send( )35. A. secret B. choice C. dream D. task( )36. A. patiently B. doubtfully C. proudly D. quietly( )37. A. working B. looking C. smiling D. talking( )38. A. sad B. strange C. angry D. tired( )39. A. pushing B. changing C. setting D. booking( )40. A. bought B. handed C. lent D. returned. 二、xx西城区二模The Power of StoryWhen my dog Gracie disappeared six years ago, I really learned what I believe. Gracie escaped from our backyard around 2:00 p.m. We searched the neighborhood for hours but had no 31 . We put up advertise-ments, and by dark, we returned home, exhausted (精疲力竭). On the second day, I called my animal doctor, the SPCA, and the animal shelter (收容所). Nothing. I felt lost. If I knew Gracie had been 32 , I would have been heartbroken. If I knew she was caught somewhere, I would save her. If I knew she had found a better home, I would be 33 yet relieved (放心的). But how do I deal with the unknown? Wait patiently? Search endlessly? Give up? The third day, while I was searching in the woods with my friend Rhea, I told her losing Gracie was like losing faith (信任) in everything. Rhea smiled and said, “You know, maybe Gracies on a great adventure.” It seems 34 , but I felt better then. Rheas words 35 me what, as a writer, I surely have faith in: the power of story. As one writer said, all we have is stories. Its what holds our life together. We call stories science, some stories myth (神话), but imagine hearing for the first time that the world may be round. Such stories only bee real when we 36 them. And some stories are never supported with scientific facts, but they still seem to hold true. For example, ten years earlier, Id dreamt that I should get a 37 , and by that evening, Gracie came into my life. When people would ask what kind of dog she was, I would say Muppet wolf terrier (小猎狗). It was something I 38 because I believed Gracie was half dog, half wolf. So why not imagine now that she was off on an adventure exploring her wolf side? The fourth day started with me finding a 39 on the sidewalk, Id always thought of finding money as a good sign. And I was sure Gracie would e home on the fifth day. I guess it was another story to hold on to. On Day Five, I was at a friends house when her phone rang. I knew immediately it was news about Gracie. And I was right. When I finally saw her in my hallway, I cried. “My wolf days are 40 .” Gracie seemed to say. “Im back to being a dog”. Or so is the story I choose to believe. ( )31. A. luck B. reason C. good D. problem ( )32. A. kept B. sold C. stolen D. killed ( )33. A. mad B. worried C. sad D. moved ( )34. A. right B. strange C. reasonable D. real ( )35. A. ordered B. warned C. reminded D. suggested ( )36. A. hear B. know C. believe D. read ( )37. A. dog B. prize C. story D. house ( )38. A. looked up B. built up C. set up D. made up ( )39. A. card B. coin C. phone D. book ( )40. A. lasting B. exciting C. short D. over 三、xx朝阳区二模After medical school, Michael moved to Southern California. He became a 31 at Mission munity Hospital. There Michael was known for his hard work. Many patients were helped by Michael, including a little baby called Chris.In August 1985, Chris entered the world earlier than expected, weighing only 1.5 kg. A few month, later he was back in the hospital. His temperature rose quickly with all the symptoms of meningitis (脑膜炎症状). Michael didnt 32 this young patients side. “Anything could have gone wrong at that point, so I stayed there through the night to make sure everything was done 33 , ”Michael said. What Michael did meant the world to Chris parents, especially the next day when Michael 34 to them that their babys fever had gone. Then Chris parents chose Michael to be their sons doctor for his childhood. When Chris finished primary school, the two lost 35 . What Michael could never have expected was how Chris would reenter his life 30 years later At around 5 a. m. on March 29,xx, Michael was driving home when suddenly a truck 36 _ control and bit his car badly in front of him.“Then I felt heat and looked down and could see fire around my legs!”As he tried to open the door, he realized it was 37 . He was trapped( 使陷人困境)in his car watching fire rise up around his legs. After more than 40 years helping others as a doctor, suddenly he needed 38 . But he could never have imagined where it would e from. Luckily, less than a mile away, a group of firefighters( 消防队员)were ing. Guess who was in this group? It was Chris. They arrived there in time. They helped Michael out of the car and sent him to the hospital. As Chris learned the name of the person he had just saved, he said, “I surely 39 him. But I couldnt believe it.” When Michael realized that the little baby he once saved had just saved him, all he could do was to hold back tears. “It really makes you think about 40 , ”Michael says, “Everything we do is so important and affects ( 影响)so many others.”( )31. A. teacher B. driver C. doctor D. worker( )32. A. miss B. pass C. leave D. follow( )33. A. fast B. right C. warmly D. slowly( )34. A. reported B. listened C. showed D. plained( )35. A. hope B. touch C. trust D. message( )36. A. had B. kept C. lost D. took( )37. A. open B. shut C. safe D. cold( )38. A. help B. wish C. chance D. effort( )39. A. record B. interrupt C. encourage D. remember( )40. A. study B. dream C. time D. life四、xx东城区二模Is That All?Christmas was always an amazing time in my home when I was growing up. My parents didnt have a lot of money but they were always very generous( 慷慨的)when it came to giving us 31 . In fact, they didnt just give presents to us children. Every year they held a Christmas Eve party and gave all the kids in the neighborhood presents as well.One year, when I was eight years old, I was hoping that I would 32 a bike for Christmas. I made it clear by leaving hints( 暗示)to my parents in every way I knew.On Christmas morning, however, when we got to the end of the present giving, I was very 33 . My last present was not the bike I had hoped for. Without thinking carefully, I said, “Is that all?”The moment I said it I knew I had made a mistake. Those words were 34 in any situation.My parents looked unhappy, as my disappointment was obvious. I was so upset that I didnt 35 _ how unthankful I sounded. My whole family felt very unfortable. For a few moments there was nothing but silence in the house. I started to realize what a stupid thing I had said. After my parents worked so hard, how could I _ 36 that I did not receive a bike when I had received so many other things?Then my father got up and went outside the living room to the hallway. He came back with the bicycle that they had 37 to give me after all the other presents were given.Now I felt even worse than before-I had got the bike but had shown my family what an unthankful person I actually was. How could I ever enjoy the bike after that?My parents were very wise people and they knew how to 38 this. They told me to think about how I felt at the moment I received the bike. They told me to remember that feeling so that I would never repeat that 39 _ and feel that way again. For years after that, at the end of all the present giving, my father would ask me what I had to say to everyone. It had bee a family joke. I would always say, “Is that all?”But what I really 40 was “Thanks so much.”And everyone knew that.( )31. A. wishes B. lessons C. presents D. greetings( )32. A. give B. make C. buy D. get( )33. A. upset B. afraid C. nervous D. serious( )34. A. useless B. improper C. dishonest D. unimportant( )35. A. ask B. wonder C. realize D. remember( )36. A. notice B. believe C. understand D. plain( )37. A. refused B. planned C. failed D. forgotten( )38. A. solve B. prove C. accept D. explain( )39. A. question B. joke C. mistake D. advice( )40. A. heard B. meant C. answered D. expected五、xx海淀区二模Friends or ExamsTina had two exams that day. Physics was first and she hated physics, it was her worst 31 . Her friend Lily had promised to help her study for the physics exam. But for two weeks, Lily didnt answer any of her calls or messages. Tina was disappointed and angry.While taking the exam, Tina found it difficult to answer question number five. She looked up and was surprised to see Lily holding her 32 under the table and reading from it. Lily would get a good grade by cheating. It wasnt fair!Tina felt really angry at Lily and even thought about telling the teacher. But what would everyone else think of her? Just then, Mr. Reed started to collect the exam papers. Oh no, Tina hadnt 33 it and she was going to fail again!At lunch time, Tina wanted to talk to Lily but couldnt find her. Tina thought about 34 the teacher, but everyone would hate her if she did that “It wasnt fair!”she thought Just then, Mr. Reed walked past her table “Mr. Reed” Tina 35 him.That afternoon, Tina was sitting behind Lily in the history exam. Lily didnt take her phone out. Maybe she didnt need to cheat at history. Tina felt a little 36 that she had told Mr. Reed. But it was too late now. Tina was on the last question when she saw Lily holding her phone under the table. Without thinking, Tina looked up and nodded to Mr. Reed. Lily was looking at her phone and didnt hear Mr. Reed as he walked 37 up to her table. Mr. Reed picked up Lily s exam paper, pointed to the door and told her to go outside. Everyone was staring at Lily and Tina felt really sorry now.When Tina was leaving school, Lily stopped her “ Tina, Im really sorry I didnt answer your calls, but my family is having a 38 time. My dad had a heart attack and he s in hospital. He had a big operation today and I was very worried. I knew it was stupid, but I was reading 39 from my mom to see how it was going. Mr. Reed caught me. He thought I was cheating. But he 40 and understands me now. I m sorry I didnt tell you what was happening. I know youre a good friend. Will you forgive me?( )31. A. month B. subject C. market D. name( )32. A. book B. dictionary C. camera D. phone( )33. A. finished B. forgotten C. collected D. built( )34. A. telling B. asking C. leaving D. watching( )35. A. saved B. supported C. stopped D. served( )36. A. wonderful B. useful C. harmful D. regretful( )37. A. lazily B. weakly C. silently D. patiently( )38. A. terrible B. simple C. boring D. fortable( )39. A. instructions B. papers C. signs D. messages( )40. A. refuses B. believes C. criticizes D. praises六、xx石景山区二模It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen 31 in almost a month. The crops were dying. If we didnt see some rain soon, we would lose everything.I was in the kitchen that day when I saw my son, Billy, walking toward the 32 . Trying to be as still as possible, he was obviously walking with great _ 33 . Minutes after he disappeared into the woods, he came running out again, toward the house. Moments later, however, he was once again walking in that 34 way toward the woods. I couldnt take it any longer and I 35 him. He was cupping both hands in front of him as he walked, being very 36 not to spill (溢出) the water he carried. As I came closer, I saw the most surprising sight. Several large deer stood in front of him. Billy walked right up to them. But the deer did not hurt him nor 37 move as Billy knelt down. And then I saw a baby deer lying on the ground, obviously thirsty, lift its head to lap up the water in my boys hands. When the water was gone, Billy jumped up to run back to the house. I followed him back to a spigot (水龙头). Billy opened it and let the drip slowly 38 up his “cup”. When he stood up and began to turn back, I was there in front of him. His little eyes were filled with tears. “Im not 39 ,” was all he said. The week before, he had made the same trouble with our horses, which caused him a lecture from his father about the importance of not wasting water. This time, I 40 him, with a small pot of water from the kitchen. I let him take care of the baby deer alone for it was his job. As the tears that rolled down my face began to hit the ground, they were suddenly joined by other drops more drops and more. I looked up at the sky. All I can say is that the rain that came that day saved our farm, just like the actions of one little boy saved another.( )31. A. windB. snowC. rain D. cloud( )32. A. woods B. school C. house D. rivers( )33. A. surprise B. effortC. doubt D. notice( )34. A. naturalB. obviousC. popular D. unusual( )35. A. stopped B. followedC. accepted D. controlled( )36. A. careful B. noisy C. fortable D. polite( )37. A. ever B. yet C. even D. never( )38. A. set B. fill C. put D. place ( )39. A. interrupting B. joking C. plaining D. wasting( )40. A. received B. believedC. joined D. pushed七、xx顺义区二模Exciting News“I have some exciting news, class,” said Mrs. Pike.It was almost lunchtime, and Jenny Archer was 31 . She drew a piece of apple pie in her notebook.Sometimes Mrs. Pikes exciting news wasnt very exciting. Once, Mrs. Pike had said it would be exciting to watch a filmstrip called Tommy Tooth and the Whole Truth About Teeth. But it wasnt. Jenny drew a scoop of ice cream on the apple pie.“Were going to have a 32 ,” said Mrs. Pike.Jenny put down her pencil. She pushed her glasses back on her nose.“The whole school will take part,” Mrs. Pike went on. “Were going to 33 empty tin cans to sell to a scrap-metal dealer (废品商). Well use the money to buy a video camcorder( 摄录相机)and a TV monitor for the school.”“What kind of petition is that?” asked Clifford Stern. “Just collecting cans?”“The 34 that collects the most cans,” said Mrs. Pike, “will use the camera first. We will make our own class movie. You could all be stars!”Me, a movie star! Jenny thought. Now, that was 35 . She pictured herself accepting an Academy Award. She would say, “I tall started when I was in a little school . . .”“The person in the class who brings in the most cans will direct the first movie,” Mrs. Pike finished.Wow! 36 a movie might be even better than starring in one. The director could make up the whole story. She would choose the actors and tell everybody what to do. Jenny loved to make up stories. And she was good at telling people what to do.She was sure shed be a great 37 .The whole class was buzzing (嘁嘁喳喳) now. Jenny forgot she was hungry. She looked over at her friend Beth. Beths eyes were bright. She thought this was a great idea, too.“You can be the star of my movie,” Jenny whispered to her.“What do you mean your movie?” Beth asked.“When I 38 the petition,” Jenny said.“What if I win the petition?” Beth said.“But I have to win,” answered Jenny. “Ive always wanted to make a movie.”“Since when?” Beth asked.“Well, I just 39 it now,” Jenny admitted (承认). “But dont you think Id make a good director?”“I think I might make a good director,” Beth said. “Why should you be the director?”Beth was one of Jennys two best friends. Jenny didnt want to fight with her. But she 40 wanted to win this petition. She just had to direct the class movie.“Lets not fight,” Jenny said. “Wed both be good directors.”“Youre right.” Beth grinned (笑嘻嘻). “We wont fight. Lets just say

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