2019-2020年中考英语语法专题练习(十三) 定语从句.doc

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2019-2020年中考英语语法专题练习(十三) 定语从句一、单项填空( ) 1I dont 1ike stories have unhappy endings Awho Bthat Cwhere Dthose( ) 2The young lady we met yesterday is our new maths teacher Awhat Bwhose Cwho Dwhich( ) 3My necklace is the only thing is missing Athat B Cwhich Dwho( ) 4一Who is the woman was talking to our English teacher? 一Oh! Its Mrs Baker,our American friend Ashe Bthat Cwhom Dwhich( ) 5Children like houses are painted in different colours Awhich Bthey Cthose Dwhat( ) 6Friends are those make you smile,always open their hearts to you and encourage you to succeed Awhich Bwhat Cwhom Dwho ( ) 7The first thing we should do is to protect the wild animals Athat Bwhich Cwhat Dhow( ) 8The town we visited a few years ago is much larger than before Ait Bwho Cwhere Dwhich( ) 9I can still remember the sitting-room my mother and I in the evening Awhich;used to sit Bthat;used to sitting in C;used to sit in D;are used to sitting( )10Recently,many people have talked about Mo Yan and his works are both hot topics Awhich Bthat Cwho D二、完成句子 1站在学校门口的那些女生来自第一中学。 e from No1 Middle Schoo12我不喜欢嘲笑他人的人。 I dont like 3德国产的汽车销路很好。 sell well4这是我第一次看到如此漂亮的夜景。 This is the first time 5我们一直盼望的那些电影明星下周将来我市。 will e to our city next week6他在等的人是他的班长。 is his monitor 7我姐姐给我买的那本字典很有用。 is very useful 8这个博物馆是当时建造的最好的建筑物。The museum was at that time 参考答案一、15 BCABA 610 DADCB二、1The girls (whothat are) standing at the school gate 2the person whothat laughs at others 3The cars (whichthat are)made in Germany 4(that) I have seen such beautiful night views 5The film stars (thatwho) we are looking forward to 6The person (thatwho) he is waiting for 7The dictionary (thatwhich) my sister bought (for) me 8the best building that was built


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