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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习冲刺演练第10练阅读理解七选五.阅读理解The rising progress has made positive and negative impacts on the planet.AgingAging is the collective process through which an organism undergoes lots of changes over the course of its lifetime.In humans,aging brings with it body and organ weakness and mental decline.Scientists have researched some organisms.However,the exact process remains a mystery.AgricultureThe evergrowing human population along with the recent population explosion has caused a dramatic increase in the demand for food crops.One way can be by upgrading the agricultural practices of farmers.Another way is to research and produce newer varieties of these food crops.Antibiotic ResistanceWith the appearance of antimicrobial,numerous diseases have been prevented.Infections that would have proven fatal a few decades ago are now taken care of.But with too much use of antimicrobial solutions,the infectious organisms evolve and adapt to overe these substances,as the strength and efficiency of these antibiotics evolves due to medical research.An infection caused by such an organism is not only untreatable,but also proves to be fatal.Cancer MetastasisCancer,or tumor,is the condition of uncontrolled and abnormal division of body cells.These cells have the potential to spread to other parts of the body,and spread the cancer.There are two types of tumorsbenign and metastatic.The benign tumor can be easily removed by surgery.However,if the cells turn metastatic,that is they gain the ability to move to other parts of the body through the blood stream,the tumor is said to be metastatic.Not only is this condition without a cure,but the process by which it occurs is also not known in detail.Research has to be carried out to determine the process.Research on any of these topics will promote the understanding of biological processes,and help humans in improving their quality of life.【语篇解读】本文叙述了在生物学方面值得大力研究的四个方面。1Research has to be focused on the process of _Aagriculture and antibiotic resistanceBaging and antibiotic resistanceCagriculture and cancer metastasisDaging and cancer metastasis答案D细节理解题。根据Aging中的“However,the exact process remains a mystery”和Cancer Metastasis的“Research has to be carried out to determine the process”可知答案。2What contributes to antibiotic resistance according to the text?AProgress in medical research.BDevelopment in treatment equipment.CEvolution of the human gene material.DEffects people have on the environment.答案A推理判断题。根据Antibiotic Resistance可知,由于医疗科学的发展,抗生素的使用更加有效,大量的使用之后,病毒不断进化从而适应了抗生素。3In the authors opinion,theres nothing to worry about if the tumor _Ais controlled in one placeBappears in the body of othersCis separated from bloodDmoves to other parts of the body答案A推理判断题。根据Cancer Metastasis中的“The benign tumor can be easily removed by surgery”可知,肿瘤分为两种,只有转移的才是恶性的;良性的也就是不转移的,是可以轻易地用外科手术治疗的。4What would be the best title for the text?AAdvancement in the Research in BiologyBWays to Study Various Aspects of BiologyCTopics for Research in the Field of BiologyDMysteries for Research in the Field of Biology答案C主旨大意题。通读全文并根据最后一段可知答案。BDrinks Have No WingsYou may have heard that “Red Bull gives you wings”But while most people take the advertising slogan as a metaphor (隐喻),some Americans seem to have taken it very seriously.Benjamin Careathers had been drinking the drink for 10 years,expecting to at least feel more energetic,but nothing happened.Feeling fooled by the ad,he took the issue to court in January xx.In October,the Austriabased pany agreed to pay $6.5 million (39.7 million yuan) to customers who have bought the drink since 2002.People in the US can apply for a share through energydrinksettlement before March xx.But is the case really that ridiculous?Red Bull said they had done nothing wrong and they only paid the money to save the cost and trouble of legal action.However,the suit told a different story.Even though there is no evidence that Red Bull energy drinks provide more benefit for consumers than a cup of coffee,the pany markets their products as a superior source of energy that costs little.“Such conduct means that Red Bulls advertising and marketing is not just puffery,but is misleading and therefore actionable (可诉讼的),” the suit said.The pany said that the drink could promote healthy joints and reduce the risk of eye diseases.However,according to the organization,the product contains a lot of sugar,which could actually lead to many health problems.CocaCola agreed to pay $1.2 million in pensation in July.But to fully stop the pany from linking the drink to health benefits,Truth in Advertising,another nonprofit organization,took the issue to court again in late October.False advertisements have bee a mon problem around the world.China changed its consumer rights law last year to ban advertising panies and media from making or publishing false advertisements.Celebrities (明星) are also made responsible if they endorse (代言) false or substandard products.【语篇解读】本文以“红牛”为例,告诉我们夸大其辞做虚假宣传的商家会受到法律的严惩。5What benefits can people get,according to the Red Bull pany?AOne can really fly like birds,for it offers you wings.BDrink it,and one can be forever energetic and young.CAs it contains a lot of sugar,it can make one more powerful.DHealthy joints can be promoted if one takes this drink.答案D细节理解题。根据文章第八段中的“The pany said that the drink could promote healthy joints and reduce the risk of eye diseases”可知,公司声称红牛饮料可以使关节更加健康。故选D项。6This article shows clearly that _Amore panies will be taken to court as they fail to live up to their promisesBboth Red Bull and CocaCola are now winning the consumers trust and respectCBenjamin Careathers has benefited a great deal since he drank Red BullDno puffery words have ever appeared in both Red Bull and CocaColas advertisements答案A推理判断题。根据文章第九、十段可知,可口可乐公司因夸大饮料的功效而受到惩罚,而现在世界范围内虚假广告已经成为一个严重的问题,中国政府也改变法律来禁止公司做虚假宣传,连代言的明星都要承担法律责任,由此可推知,将会有更多夸大其辞的公司被告上法庭,故选A项。7Faced with the suit,the Red Bull pany decided to _Aapologize to its customers and pay for their losses in healthBtake full responsibility for the bad effects it has caused to its customersCgive no one but its American customers some money as a rewardDspend some money to save the cost and trouble of legal action答案D细节理解题。根据文章第五段“Red Bull said they had done nothing wrong and they only paid the money to save the cost and trouble of legal action”可知,红牛公司认为自己没有做错,他们只是花钱来挽回损失和处理法律诉讼的问题,故选D项。CAs globalization continues to make the world a smaller place,and goods bee more accessible across borders,concerns about food safety in the AsiaPacific region have steadily risen over the years.An APEC forum is being held in Beijing,to find ways to better address the problem.156 participants from 19 APEC economies and 4 nonAPEC members attended the APEC Food Safety Cooperation Forum.Created 7 years ago,the forum has been actively looking for ways to strengthen food safety standard in the region,without affecting trade.“As consumers are faced with more varieties of food,the potential food safety risk also bees bigger.This forum has helped APEC economies to cooperate in supervision (监督),exchange information,and improve the overall food safety standard in the AsiaPacific region,” said director of Chinas General Administration of Quality Supervision Wu Qinghai.For the first time the forum has brought together highlevel regulators,academics,and industry stakeholders to talk about their respective roles in safety supervision.They say governments alone cannot shoulder this heavy duty.In China,the continuous food safety problems have greatly hurt consumers confidence in domestic products; therefore more turned to imports.However,problems related to quality of those imported goods also began to show.In July this year,more than 400 batches (批) of food imports from 35 countries and regions were found substandard by the countrys top quality supervisor.Governments and industries have been brought closer by this forum.As food moves more freely beyond borders,this forum is hoped to promote safety control cooperation,so APEC members can better benefit from the economic integration(经济一体化)【语篇解读】通过APEC论坛,各国之间将更加密切地合作,食品安全问题将得到更有效的监管和处理,各成员国都会从中受益。8The last but one paragraph tells us that _Athe Chinese customers are more satisfied with their food safetyBfood imported from other countries are indeed high in qualityCmany Chinese customers would rather buy some foreign foodDthere are only 35 countries and regions exporting food to China答案C细节理解题。根据第五段中的“the continuous food safety problems have greatly hurt consumers confidence in domestic products; therefore more turned to imports.However,problems related to quality of those imported goods also began to show”可知,连续的国内食品安全问题伤害了消费者的信心,他们更加愿意买进口产品,但是进口食品的质量问题也开始显现,即C项正确,A、B项错误;文中第五段的最后一句表示来自35个国家和地区的超过400批次的进口食品不达标而非只有35个国家和地区向中国出口食品,故D项错误。9The underlined word “address” in the first paragraph can be replaced by “_”Asend a letter about Bdeal withCdeliver a speech on Dcall off答案B词义猜测题。根据全文大意可知,各国通过APEC论坛加强合作,积极寻求更好的方法来解决食品安全问题。由此可推知,B项“处理,解决”与address含义相近。10According to the article,which of the following statements is wrong?APeople can buy foreign food more easily than ever.BThe more varieties of food,the bigger the potential food safety risk.CFood safety problems have appeared many times before this forum.DGovernments have started their cooperation with academies and industries before this forum.答案D细节理解题。根据第一段中的“and goods bee more accessible across borders,concerns about food safety in the AsiaPacific region have steadily risen over the years”可知,A、C项表述正确;根据第三段中的“As consumers are faced with more varieties of food,the potential food safety risk also bees bigger”可知,B项表述正确;D项与第四段的第一句不符,故选D项。.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Writing Film ReviewsWriting a film review needs your patience to watch a film with a critical (批评的) eye,recognize all the information about it and then write a detailed film review._11_A good review is not just a summary of a movie,but a critical analysis that examines why and how a movie works and whether the film succeeds.When writing a film review,always consider who is the intended audience for the film and the audience you are writing for._12_Whats more,it should show clearly that you not only viewed the movie,but also read the novel.You should focus your review around a larger argument,such as why the film works or fails to work and what are both the successful and unsuccessful elements._13_A good film review uses scenes and dialogue from the film to support its larger argument.Moreover,a good review focuses on whether and how a movie works and whether the reviewer remends it._14_Writing a review requires attention on the process of creating a wellstructured paper.If you want your film review to be well written,you should follow these simple steps:_15_Always include information on the director,main characters,the historical period used in this film,editing and camera work.The last step is just to write your film review according to some basic writing skills of film reviews.Writing a film review may take much time and effort for you as a student,but is easy for our experienced writers and researchers.AWatch a film with a critical eye.BYour writing is intended to be persuasive.CIt is absolutely not an easy job.DDiscuss some specific elements in the review.EWatching a film is more pleasant than writing a review.FAsk them to help you with the film review.GMake sure that you have a thesis and supporting arguments.【语篇解读】本文主要说明怎样写出一篇好的影评。11C空格前面的“needs your patience to”和后面的“A good review is not just a summary of a movie,but a critical analysis that examines.”这些都表明了写影评是一件不容易的工作,与C项意思是呼应的。12B根据空格前面的“When writing a film review,always consider who is the intended audience for the film and the audience you are writing for”中的“writing for”可知,你写的影评要知道是写给谁的,因此与B项中的persuasive是互相联系的。13G根据本段的第一句话“You should focus your review around a larger argument”中的“a larger argument”和空格后面的“A good film review uses scenes and dialogue from the film to support its larger argument”中的“argument”,与G项中的“supporting arguments”是一致的。14E根据空格后面的“Writing a review requires attention on the process of creating a wellstructured paper”中的“requires attention”可知,写影评不是一件容易的事情,没有看电影那么轻松愉快,与E项的意思是相呼应的。15A根据第一段中的“writing a film review.a detailed”可知,影评写作应包括watch a film,recognize all the information和write a detailed film review三个阶段;第15空前的“these simple steps”应与首段照应,后两个阶段空格后已有介绍,故此处为第一阶段,答案为A项。

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