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2019-2020年九年级英语下学期第一次月考试题(III)一、.单项选择。(每小题1分,共30分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.Do you have _ pingpong ball?No. I dont like sports. I like playing _ guitar.Aa;/ Ba;the Cthe;/ Dthe;the2. Id like some noodles _ lunch .Is it OK _ you?Afor;with Bfor;of Cwith;with Dwith;of3.Whats your favorite _,Lingling?I like purple best. I think it stands for mystery.Asubject Bfruit Ccolor Dsport4.The math problem is so _ that no one in our class works it out.Aeasy Bdifficult Cinteresting Dboring5.How long will you stay in America?For _ days,and I will leave on the _ of this month.Atwelve;twenty Btwelfth;twentiethCtwelfth;twenty Dtwelve;twentieth6.We need to finish the work _.There is no time left.Asadly Bhappily Cquickly Dslowly7.Tom introduced _ to some friends of _.AI;him Bme;him Cme;his DI;his8.The boy usually _ in the river when summer es.Adances Bskates Cdraws Dswims9.I decided to go with them,_ I had nothing better to do.Athough Bbecause Cso Duntil10.Can you e to my birthday party tomorrow evening?Sorry,I cant I _visit my sick grandmother in hospital.Ahave to Bmay Ccan Dam able to11.I want to be a scientist like Qian Xuesen when I grow up.Sounds great!But you must work hard to make your dream _.Agive up Be true Crun away Dfall down12.Do you like your life here?At first I _,but now I like it a lot.Adidnt Bdid Cdont Ddo13.Dave,where is our mom?I cant find her.She _ lunch for us now.Amakes Bmade Chas made Dis making14._ did you spend on this new puter,Dave?About 5,000 yuan.AHow much BHow many CHow often DHow long15.Mom,1 must go now.Peter is waiting for me at the cinema.OK._!AGood idea BGood luckCHave a good time DBest wishes16.I want to be _ engineer when I grow up.Thats my dream job.Sounds fantastic.You will certainly do _ job well.Aan;a Ban;the Cthe;a Da;the17.What was Peter wearing at the party?_.He was in his usual Tshirt and jeans.AAnything special BSomething specialCNothing special DSpecial something18.Its warm here all year round.The temperature is never _ 0 even in winter.Aabove Bon Cunder Dbelow19.This is _ fascinating town I have ever visited.Yes.Ive never seen a _ one.Athe more;better Bthe most;betterCthe more;best Dthe most;good20.Can you guess if they _ to play basketball with us?I think they will e if they _ free.Ae;are Bwill e;will beCwill e;are De;will be21.Can you understand what I said?Sorry,I can _ follow you.Aalways Bnearly Chardly Doften22.Its too late.I have to go now.Oh,its raining heavily outside.Youd better wait here _ it stops.Asince Buntil Cwhile Dthough23.Im _ the trip to Beijing.So am II think we can have a good time there.Aing up with Btaking care ofClooking back at Dlooking forward to24.What s your _?I like watching TV when Im free.Adream Bplan Csuggestion Dhobby25.How will you _ your birthday?Ill have a party.Aprepare Bcelebrate Crealize Dexperience26.What are you doing?Im making _ for the exam next week.Asense Bpreparation Ctrouble Duse27.Cindy made a model plane out of wood.Wow,she is so _.I can never do that.Acareful Bcreative Cpopular Doutgoing28.I _ his present yesterday,but I didnt _it.Areceived;accept Baccepted;receiveCreceived;receive Daccepted;accept29.Could you tell me _ your brother goes to the movies?He hardly goes to the movies because he is always busy with his schoolwork.Ahow often Bhow long Cbow far Dhow soon30.Jane,please go to the school gate.Someone _ waiting for you.Awas Bwere Cis Dare二.完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。One day,a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay for school was hungry.He decided he would ask for a _36_ at the next house.A young woman opened the door.Instead of a meal,the boy asked for a drink of water.However,the woman _37_ him a large glass of milk.He drank it slowly and then asked,“How_38_ do I owe(欠) you?”“You dont owe me anything,” she _39_“Mother has taught us never to accept payment for a kindness.”He said,“Then I thank you from the _40_ of my heart.”Years later,that woman became_41_,so her family sent her to a hospital in a big city._42_ Dr.Kelly was examining her,he recognized(认出) her.He decided to do his best to save her life.Dr.Kelly asked the business office to pass the final bill(张单) to him first.He looked _43_ it and wrote something on the edge,and then the bill was sent to her room.The woman was _44_ to open it because she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for her treatment._45_ she looked at it,and something caught her attention on the edge of the bill.She read these words,“Paid in full with one glass of milk.”36.A.rest Bdrink Cmeal Droom37.A.sold Bbrought Cmade Dlent38.A.much Bmany Clittle Dfew39.A.asked Bthought Cimagined Dreplied40.A.top Bbottom Cmiddle Dcenter41.A.ill Btall Cpoor Dfat42.A.Before BWhen CBecause DIf43.A.for Bup Caround Dat44.A.happy Bangry Cafraid Dexcited45.A.Finally BLately CSlowly DLuckily三.阅读理解。(共40分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。ANight after night,she came to help me sleep,even long after my childhood years.I dont remember when it first started making me a little angrymy moms hands pushing my hair that way.But it really made me unfortable,for they felt rough(粗糙的) against my young skin.Finally,one night,I shouted at her,“Dont do that anymore.Your hands are too rough!” She didnt say anything,but she never did it again.Years later,I missed my mothers hands and her goodnight kiss on my face.I was not a little girl anymore.My mom was in her midseventies,and her rough hands were still doing things for my family and me.Now my own children have grown up.It was late on Thanksgiving Eve.As I slept in my bedroom,a familiar hand ran across my face to push the hair from my head.Then a kiss,ever so softly,touched my forehead(额头)Taking my moms hand,I told her how sorry I was for that night I shouted at her.But my mom didnt know what I was talking about.She had forgotten it for long.That night,I fell asleep with a new appreciation(感激) for my mothers caring hands.And the guilt that I had carried around for so long was nowhere to be found.46.Why did the writer feel angry when the mother pushed her hair?ABecause she didnt like her mother. BBecause her mother was a little dirty.CBecause her mothers hands were too rough.DBecause she hoped her mother could have a rest.47.When did she begin to miss her mothers hands?AWhen her mother died. BWhen she finished her school.CWhen she was twenty years old. DWhen her mother was in her midseventies.48.What happened on one Thanksgiving Eve?AShe had a baby. BShe lost her mother.CHer mother kissed her again. DShe gave her mother a kiss.49.What feeling did the writer have on Thanksgiving Eve?AThankful. BSorry. CWorried. DExcited.50.The story develops with the change of _.Athe mothers and the daughters hands Bthe writers attitude to her motherCthe mothers attitude to the writer Dthe mothers love to her daughterBTwenty years after selling books online,Amazon is opening the door to its own brickandmortar(实体的) bookstore.The bookstores name is Amazon Books.It opened on November 3rd,xx,in Seattles University Village.But dont expect the bookstore to be a place where you can buy the newest Amazon books.According to Vice President Jennifer Cast,the information from the website plays a big part on what books to sell at Amazon Books.Customers at Amazon Books will notice one big difference when they first walk into the store.More than 5,000 books are shown with “Faceout”,meaning that you can see the covers instead of the books spines(书脊)And below each book is something different too:a card with a review from a customer on the website.Cast said she wanted to share the voices of thousands of readers that e from the website.She said,“I cant find a better way to celebrate reading than to have the voices of readers under our books.”Another way Amazon plans to respect(尊重) readers opinions is by including the highestrated books on the shelves,even ones that arent wellknown or big sellers.That includes Bald,Fat & Crazy:How I Beat Cancer with One Daughter and Adopting Another,a book by Stephanie Hosford that has sold only 622,923 copies but has fivestar ratings(评分)The prices at Amazon Books will be the same as online.51.Amazon began selling books online _ ago.Atwenty years Btwelve years Ctwo years Dtwenty months52.We know from the article that _.Areaders reviews can be seen everywhere at Amazon BooksBbooks at every bookstore are always shown with “Faceout”CAmazon Books really respects readers opinionsDyou can buy the newest books at Amazon Books53.Which of the following about Bald,Fat & Crazy:How I Beat Cancer with One Daughter and Adopting Another is NOT true?AThe rating of it is very high.BIts writer is Stephanie Hosford.CIt is a big seller on Amazon.DCustomers can buy it at Amazon Books.54.Whats the writers purpose in writing this passage?ATo advise us to buy books at Amazon Books.BTo tell us the importance of reading good books.CTo show us the advantages of buying books in bookstores.DTo introduce Amazons first brickandmortar bookstore.55.The passage is most probably from a _.Anovel Bnewspaper Cposter DdictionaryCPeople usually show little interest in museum shops,but these ones are too fantastic to miss.Muse National Picasso,ParisIt offers a lot of interesting things,such as handpainted(手工绘制的) cups and bowls,clothes with Picassos art on them.It also provides things for children like Englishlanguage books on Picasso and Paris and paper phones.Open:Tues.Sun.,10 am.6 pm.Museumder Dinge,BerlinThere are ceramic(陶瓷的) cups,Christmas decorations(装饰品) and small gifts.A vending machine(自动贩卖机) standsoutside the shop. It sells special gifts.Open:Thurs.Sun. and holidays,noon7 pm.Gallery & Co.at National Gallery,SingaporeOnly part of this museum shop is open.The rest will open next year.Visitors can expect special gifts,such as umbrellas,soaps,clocks and clothes.Different from Beijing,a wellknown caf,Plain Vanilla,is open there serving bread,milk shakes and cakes.Open:Sun.Thurs.and holidays,10 am.7 pm.,Fri.Sat.,10 am.10 pm.56.Mrs.Smith wants to buy her son a book about Picasso,she can visit _.AMuseum der Dinge BPlain VanillaCMusee National Picasso DGallery & Co.57.Amy can buy a(n) _ in a museum shop at 4 pm.on Monday during holiday.Apaper phone BumbrellaChandpainted cup Dceramic cup58.What can we know about Gallery & Co.?AIt isnt open on Tuesday.BThe rest of it will open this year.CThe cafe in it is the same as those in Beijing.DIt is open more than eight hours on holidays.59.Which of the following is TRUE?AThere are many things for your Christmas tree in Museum der Dinge.BYou cant drink coffee in Plain Vanilla until next year.CThe most special about Muse National Picasso is that it offers drinks.DYou can find a vending machine in Gallery & Co.60.Whats the best title of the passage?ABuying During Visiting BTravel Around the WorldCThe Best Museum Shops DInteresting Gift ShopsA Week in ThailandArrive on March 30 for a sevenday stay,rooms only at the Regent Chalet,Cha Am.Acmodation(食宿) is included.160Tel:0871 664 0273Family trip in FloridaSeven nights at the Westgate Inn,Kissimmee.Set off on March 21.Acmodation is included.450Tel:0800 294 8844Farmhouse in MajorcaSeven nights stay at Can Corso,next to Horta. Acmodation (about 90) isnt included. Arrive on March 14.50Tel:0845 800 8080Family trip in MoroccoEightday hiking in the Atlas Mountains.Acmodation is included.Arrive on April 18.60Tel:0871 230 8512D61.What number will Mr.Brown call if he wants to book the travel to Thailand?A0871 230 8512. B0800 294 8844.C0871 664 0273. D0845 800 8080.62.When will Jimmy e back if he leaves for Florida on March 21?AOn March 27. BOn March 28.COn March 29. DOn March 30.63.Where should Frank and his four friends go if they want to spend as little money as possible including acmodation? AThailand. BPortugal. CMorocco. DFlorida.64.What can you do in the Atlas Mountains?AHiking. BSwimming. CSkating. DFishing.65.Which of the following is NOT true according to the travel information?ACan Corso is very far from Horta.BYou can enjoy yourself in Thailand for seven days if you take the trip.CDuring staying in Morocco,you neednt pay for your meals.DIf you travel to Thailand,you can stay at the Regent Chalet,Cha Am.四.词汇运用。(每小题1分,共10分)A)根据句意及汉语提示写出正确的单词。66Jenny is very _(外向的)She likes making friends.67Dave has been interested in Chinese _(文化) for years.68His mother held a big party to_(庆祝) his birthday.69The boy makes a_(承诺) that he wont play puter games.70The government is trying to_(改善) the living conditions of fanners(农民) B)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。tradition,drive,agree,different,you71Can you look after_ when your parents arent at home?72There are many_ between the two sisters.73The bus _saved two lives in the accident.74Its _ to eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day in America.75I think animals should live in zoos.I _with you. I think they should live in forests.五.补全对话。(每小题1分,共5分)从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A:Morning,boys and girls!Today we are going to talk about things in the future.I want to listen to your predictions.B:Well,Miss Green. I think students wont go to school in 50 years.A:_76_B:Theyll study on puters at home.A:Good. Students will have more free time to do what they want.C:_77_ Robots will help people do lots of things at home.A:_78_There will be more and more robots working for people.D:Miss Green,I think there are going to be fewer cars. The streets wont be crowded.1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162636465A:Oh,that would be nice._79_D:Theyll fly rockets to work or travel.A:Wow!Sounds interesting!Tell me what your prediction is,Tony?E:_80_Everything will be free.A:Great!You give us a wonderful future world!AYes,I think so.BI think every family will have robots.CWhere will they study? DI think people wont need money.EWhere do you e from? FI dont think so.GHow will people go to work or travel?六.短文填词。(每小题1分,共10分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文意思完整、通顺。hot,they,hope,popular,real,girl,music,and,follow,succeedSunshine is a girl band from Anhui Province, China. It was set up in December, xx and has bee_81_ over the past months. They have been one of the _82_ topic (话题) on the Internet.The five_83_ in the band, Abby, Nancy, Cheryl, Cindy and Dora, are all high school students. They study hard and love _84_ .For the same dream, they set up the music group._85_ dream is to be famous not only in China but also around the world.There are so many girl and boy bands in China. And most members of these groups are_86_ attractive (有吸引力的) and are great singers and dancers. Even so, only a few actually bee popular. So, some people dont think Sunshine will _87_ .In their opinion, they five girls are not so beautiful, _88_ they dont seem to have any talent for singing.No matter what others say, we hope Sunshine can always_89_ their dreams. At the same time, we _90_ they can study hard and train hard. Anyway, no pain, no grain.、书面表达。(10分)每个人都希望拥有一份理想的工作。你的理想工作是什么?为什么喜欢这个工作?怎样实现你的理想?请根据上面的提示以“My Dream Job”为题用英语写一篇短文。要求:1.条理清楚、语句通顺、语法正确、书写规范;280词左右。My Dream Job阶段测试卷一、.单项选择。(每小题1分,共30分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(B)1.Do you have _ pingpong ball?No. I dont like sports. I like playing _ guitar.Aa;/ Ba;the Cthe;/ Dthe;the(A)2. Id like some noodles _ lunch .Is it OK _ you?Afor;with Bfor;of Cwith;with Dwith;of(C)3.Whats your favorite _,Lingling?I like purple best. I think it stands for mystery.Asubject Bfruit Ccolor Dsport(B)4.The math problem is so _ that no one in our class works it out.Aeasy Bdifficult Cinteresting Dboring(D)5.How long will you stay in America?For _ days,and I will leave on the _ of this month.Atwelve;twenty Btwelfth;twentiethCtwelfth;twenty Dtwelve;twentieth(C)6.We need to finish the work _.There is no time left.Asadly Bhappily Cquickly Dslowly(C)7.Tom introduced _ to some friends of _.AI;him Bme;him Cme;his DI;his(D)8.The boy usually _ in the river when summer es.Adances Bskates Cdraws Dswims(B)9.I decided to go with them,_ I had nothing better to do.Athough Bbecause Cso Duntil(A)10.Can you e to my birthday party tomorrow evening?Sorry,I cant I _visit my sick grandmother in hospital.Ahave to Bmay Ccan Dam able to(B)11.I want to be a scientist like Qian Xuesen when I grow up.Sounds great!But you must work hard to make your dream _.Agive up Be true Crun away Dfall down(A)12.Do you like your life here?At first I _,but now I like it a lot.Adidnt Bdid Cdont Ddo(D)13.Dave,where is our mom?I cant find her.She _ lunch for us now.Amakes Bmade Chas made Dis making(A)14._ did you spend on this new puter,Dave?About 5,000 yuan.AHow much BHow many CHow often DHow long(C)15.Mom,1 must go now.Peter is waiting for me at the cinema.OK._!AGood idea BGood luckCHave a good time DBest wishes(B)16.I want to be _ engineer when I grow up.Thats my dream job.Sounds fantastic.You will certainly do _ job well.Aan;a Ban;the Cthe;a Da;the(C)17.What was Peter wearing at the party?_.He was in his usual Tshirt and jeans.AAnything special BSomething specialCNothing special DSpecial something(D)18.Its warm here all year round.The temperature is never _ 0 even in winter.Aabove Bon Cunder Dbelow(B)19.This is _ fascinating town I have ever visited.Yes.Ive never seen a _ one.Athe more;better Bthe most;betterCthe more;best Dthe most;good(C)20.Can you guess if they _ to play basketball with us?I think they will e if they _ free.Ae;are Bwill e;will beCwill e;are De;will be(C)21.Can you understand what I said?Sorry,I can _ follow you.Aalways Bnearly Chardly Doften(B)22.Its too late.I have to go now.Oh,its raining heavily outside.Youd better wait here _ it stops.Asince Buntil Cwhile Dthough(D)23.Im _ the trip to Beijing.So am II think we can have a good time there.Aing up with Btaking care ofClooking

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