2019-2020年九年级英语上学期期中试题 人教新目标版五四制.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上学期期中试题 人教新目标版五四制 第卷 (选择题, 共65分)一、听力选择(共15小题,计15分;每小题约有8秒钟的答题时间)(1) 录音中有五个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后从A、B、C每小题中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。( ) 1.A.It doesnt matter. B. Good idea. C. Not bad( ) 2. A. More than 200 tons. B. Very heavy. C. Over 30 meters.( ) 3.A.Yes, please. B. Good idea. C. Of course, it is.( ) 4.A.Thats OK. B. Thats terrible. C. No problem.( ) 5.Sorry,I wont do that again. B. Of course not. C. Never mind.(2) 录音中有五组对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。( ) 6.Whats the advantage of the stuff? A. Its cheap. B. The quality is good. C. It can be recycled.( ) 7.What does the woman ask the man to do? A. Leave the room. B. Lock the door. C. Turn off the lights.( ) 8.What does the man think of keeping animals in cages? A. Bad. B. helpful. C. Dangerous.( ) 9.What will they get for their teacher? A. Apples. B. Oranges. C. Pears. ( )10.Whats Jacks interest in his spare time? A .Collecting stamps. B. Playing chess. C. Swimming. (3) 录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。( )11.What does Jane plan to do at first? A. She plans to go to the Summer Palace. B. She plans to go to the seaside. C. She plans to plant trees.( )12.Where are Jane and Xiaoqiang? A. Beijing. B. Shanghai. C. Tianjin.( )13.What will the weather be like tomorrow? A. Sunny. B. Windy. C. Rainy.( )14.Is Xiaoqiangs hometown near the sea? A. No, he isnt. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it isnt.( )15.When are they going to plant trees? A. This evening. B. On weekdays. C. This Saturday and Sunday.二、单项选择(共20小题,计20分)16. My friend Jack is fromEuropean country. We all think he is_ honest boy. A. a; aB. a; anC. an; anD. an; a17. I used toletters to my pen pals, but now Im used toe-mails to them. A. write; sendingB. write; send C. writing; sendingD. writing; send18. The teacher told me to pay more attentionmy pronunciation. So I made a(n) _to practice it every day. A. to; decisionB. to; idea C. at; planD. for; feeling19. What should we do first if we want to develop our village? A lot of new roads, I think. A. must buildB. have to build C. must be builtD. have built20. How long have Mr. and Mrs. Green? For more than thirty years. A. married B. had married C. marry D. been married21. Could you tell me? Im confident and creative. A. how are youB. what you are likeC. what are you likeD. how you are22. Youd better not read todays newspaper because there isin it. A. something interestingB. anything newC. important anythingD. nothing interesting23. How about going hiking this weekend? Sorry, I preferrather than. A. to stay at home; go out B. to go out; stay at homeC. staying at home; go out D. going out; stay at home24. I finddifficult to remember everything, though Im still young. A. thatB. thisC. itD. its25. The host family go out _ their way to make me _ at home. A. for, feel B. of, to feel C. to, feels D. of, feel26. He realized that he _ his wallet in the shop.A. had left B.had forgotten C. had borrowed D. had lost27. We should urge peopleriding in cars. A. stopB. stoppingC. to stopD. stopped28. Jack, pleaseyour position after class. Oh, my God! Iit at home. A. hand in; forgotB. hand in; left C. hand out; forgotD. hand out; left29. It soundsto use “Could you. . . ”than “Can you. . . ”. A. politeB. politely C. more politeD. more politely30. A group of middle school students spent two weeksthe jungle. A. trekking throughB. trekking across C. to trek acrossD. to trek through31. Peter has made great progress recently. _ , and _. A. So he has; so you have B. So he has; so have you C. So has he; so have you D. So has he; so you have32. We must try our bestour environment. A. protect B. protecting C. protectedD. to protect33. What do you think of the book? I like it very much. Itsinterestingmoving. A. neither; norB. not; but C. not only; but alsoD. either; or34. One third of the studentsYoung Pioneers, and the number of this_ not change much in our class this term. A. is; doB. are; does C. was; areD. were; were35. Mr.Wang with his visitors _ from Qingdao _ paying his first visit to the center of our city. A. who e; is B. which e; is C. which is; are D. that are; are三、阅读理解(共20小题,计30分)AWhen I drove to work yesterday, I met a traffic jam. As I looked out of my window, a handsome young man was walking on the street. He was walking towards the bridge. There were some homeless men with their cups around there. The young man went to one of them. He brought out some money from his pocket, said a few words to him and put the money into his cup. He continued to walk and then saw another homeless man. He stopped for a minute, said a few words and then gave the man a candy.And then he saw the next homeless man. He was shivering because of coldness. The young man now stopped for a second and gave his scarf to him. He then said goodbye to him with a big smile and went away in the snow.At that moment, I was in tears. I gave this young man my best wishes with love and blessings.36. The story probably happened in _.A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter37. How many homeless men did the young man help in this passage?A. 2. B.3. C.4. D. 5.38. What did the young man give the homeless men?A. Some money, his scarf and a candy. B. His scarf, his coat and some money. C. A candy, his hat and his coat. D. His coat, some money and a candy.39. The man was shaking slightly because of _.A. hunger B. coldness C. illness D. worries40. The writer felt _ after seeing the young mans behavior.A. sad B. surprised C. impressed D. interestedBAn American pany has developed a new technique(技术)to make bread stay fresh for 60 days. Scientists found that a kind of mould(霉菌)caused bread to go bad. The new technique kills the mould and keeps the food for longer time. This means there will be less waste of food in the world in future. Food waste is a big problem in most developed countries. In the US, an average(普通的)family throws away 40% of the food they buy-which adds up to $165bn every year, about 330 million ton in weight. Bread takes a larger part. In the UK, 32% of the bread they buy is thrown away as waste when they can still be eaten. The bread usually goes mouldy(发霉的)in around 10 days, but the American pany says the new technique will keep the bread free from mould for two months. “We treated a piece of bread in a special machine. At 60 days it had the same amount of mould as it was first made, ”says Mr. Stull, the leader of the pany. Although there are a lot of bread makers interested in the new technique, few customers like the idea. They say they dont think a piece of bread which lasts for 60 days tastes good. “Well have to make our customers accept the idea. But it will take some time, ”says Mr. Stull. 41. What is the key point of the new technique? A. It can prevent the world from wasting food. B. It kills the mould and keeps bread fresh for longer time. C. It keeps the same amount of mould. D. It makes bread taste good. 42. How much of the bread is wasted in the UK? A. Nearly half. B. A quarter. C. More than half. D. About one-third. 43. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. 330 million ton of food is wasted every year in the US. B. $165bn of food is thrown away in developed countries every year. C. It will take some time for customers to accept the new technique. D. Bread can stay fresh longer if certain mould is killed. 44. What can we know from the passage? A. Food waste can be reduced with the new technique. B. We will buy bread that can last longer. C. Few customers are sure about the technique. D. Poor countries are in great need of food. 45. What is mainly talked about in the passage? A. A new technique has been invented to keep bread fresh longer. B. There is great waste of food in developed countries. C. There is a kind of mould that causes food to go bad. D. Customers dont like food that lasts for two months. CBritish schoolgirl Lauren Marbe, 16, shocked teachers by getting a score of 161 on the brain test. She did the test with other pupils for fun. This high score means she is smarter than Professor Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates and Albert Einsteinthey all have an IQ of 160. Lauren was a pupil at Roding Valley High School in Essex. She always gets As in her subjects. Her father is a cab driver and her dream is to be a performer in the top theater in the West End. She said she was exhausted between her classes and the dream of being a professional singer and dancer. While going to classes every day, she also takes dance and singing lessons. She even records music and takes part in Stage One drama school. Her parents are very proud of her achievements. They say they will be happy whichever future their daughter chooses. The IQ test is used to test all-around abilities to decide the level of intelligence(智力水平)of people. The average score of the students in the UK is 100. As a matter of fact, Einstein never took an IQ test as there were no modern intelligence tests when he lived, but experts believe he had an IQ of around 160. 46.What made Laurens teachers surprised? A. She is cleverer than Albert Einstein. B. Her IQ score is higher than Albert Einstein. C. She had a dream of being a performer. D. She gets all As in her subjects. 47. What made Lauren feel exhausted? A. Taking the brain test with other pupils. B. Taking part in singing and dancing classes. C. Her dream and her school work. D. Pressure from her parents. 48. What do we know from the passage? A. The IQ score decides if you are clever or stupid. B. Albert Einstein took an IQ test and got 160. C. People believe that great people have high IQ scores. D. Lauren Marbe will be a great scientist in the future. 49. Which can be the best title of the passage? A. IQ Test Decides Intelligence Level B. Lauren Marbe Dreams to Be A PerformerC. School Life of Lauren Marbe D. A Schoolgirl Gets Surprising IQ Score50. Where can you most likely read this story? A. In a novel. B. In a newspaper. C. In an advertisement. D. In a cookbook. D The worlds longest high-speed rail line goes through half of China. It began operating on December 26, xx. To celebrate the opening of the 2, 298 kilometres line, two trains departed from stations in Beijing and Guangzhou at 9 am and 10 am. Running at an average speed of 300 kilometres an hour, the new route cuts travel time between Beijing and Guangzhou from over 20 hours to about eight. A total of 155 pairs of trains run on the new line every day. And there will still be 183 pairs of trains running daily on the old Beijing-Guangzhou line, they run parallel to the high-speed line. We know that the new line will increase passengers travel costs. If you go from Beijing to Guangzhou, a first-class seat on the new high-speed line will cost 1, 383 yuan , a second-class seat will cost 865 yuan . Chen Yabing is one of the designers; he said that the new line is one of four north-south lines, and it is important for the countrys high-speed railway network, which also features(起主要作用)four east-west lines. With the opening of the Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed line, China now has more than 9, 300 kilometres of high-speed rails in operation. The new line is the worlds longest operation mileage(营运里程)high-speed railway. It is also one of the greatest wonders of China. 51. The Beijing-Guangzhou high-speed line began operating on. A. December 26, xxB. December 25, xxC. November 26, xxD. November 25, xx52. This high-speed rail line is aboutkilometres. A. 300B. 430C. 865D. 2, 29853. Your parents and you will go to Guangzhou from Beijing. Your mother will take the first-class seat, your father and you will take the second-class seats, it will take yuan. A. 2, 595B. 3, 113C. 3, 631D. 4, 14954. If you take the new line from Beijing to Guangzhou at an average speed of 300 kilometres an hour, it will reduce abouthours than before. A. 8B. 10C. 12D. 1455. What is the writers purpose in writing this passage? A. To tell people the longest High-Speed Railway began operating. B. To give us something about the ticket price of the longest High-Speed Railway. C. To describe some rail lines. D. To tell how the designers build the new line. 第卷 (非选择题, 共55分)四、听力填表(共5小题,计5分)录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍后,根据所听内容完成下面的表格(每空不多于三个词)WhoStudents of (56) ._Middle SchoolWherea (57) ._ close to a lakeProblemsthe water is (58) ._ (59) ._have diedsome sheep and cows had been ill, and some (60) ._五、动词填空(共10空,计10分)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。Tears went out of my eyes when I talked to my mum on the phone. It was 7:30 in the evening, she (61)_ still_(work) in the fields. These are my parents. They are always working hard. My father works from seven in the morning to nine in the evening. And my mum is much busier than him because all the housework (62)_(leave) to her. Besides, she also(63) _ (look) after the vineyard(葡萄园). Every day she (64)_(get) up early at 4:00 in the morning, and keeps on working till evening. One day I (65)_(call) her at eight in the evening. She said, “Ive just got home from the vineyard and (66)_(not have) supper yet. I (67)_(wash) the clothes now.” Although they are busy and tired, they forget it as soon as I appear. For them, the happiest time is to be with me. Once my mum saw me (68)_ (walk) towards home, she cried happily. Whenever I go back home, she always runs into the kitchen (69)_ (cook) something delicious for me. Dear mum and dad, I am your hope. Ill take more exercise to keep healthy. I (70)_( study) harder to be excellent at school. Love, sometimes, doesnt need many words. Love your parents as they love you. Give them a call and tell them you miss them.六、综合填空(共10空,计10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填人一个适当的单词。Leo and his father didnt talk for 10 years. 10 years ago, Leos mother (71) d_. He thought it was his father who caused his mothers illness. He hated his father.Now they were sitting in a nice (72) c_ shop. Suddenly his father asked the waiter to put some salt in his coffee. Leo was surprised. His father smiled and said, “Before you were born, your mother and I often had (73) f_ playing in the sea. We could taste the sea, just (74) l_ the taste of the salty coffee. Every time I have salty coffee, I always think of your mother. I (75) m_ her so much.”Leo was deeply moved (感动). He never knew his father had such deep (76) l_ for his mother. One month later, he moved to live (77) w_ his father. Every time he made coffee for him, he put some salt in the coffee.After 10 years, his father died. Leo received a (78) l_which said, “Dear Leo, please forgive my lifes lie the salty coffee. Actually at that (79) t_ I wanted some sugar, but I said salt. It was hard for me to change, so I just went ahead. Now let me (80) t_ you the truth. I dont like salty coffee, but I drink salty coffee for 10 years! Having you with me is the biggest happiness of my whole life.”七、阅读表达(共5小超,计10分)阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。 A life coach is somebody who helps you reach all kinds of personal and professional goals (目标) . Each of us has the ability to be our own life coach. Here are some tips for you: Pay attention to your relationships with othersAsk yourself the following questions: How do you deal with disagreements? When was the last time you showed your family members that you care for them? Your relationships with friends, family members and teachers show a lot about the kind of person you are. Face the fears about the futureNow, imagine that one of your good friends told you that he or she was not strong enough to go back to school. 83 We often give better advice than we are willing to take ourselves. Remember that even the most successful people were probably told that what they wanted to do was impossible, but they followed their dreams and succeed. Develop your talentsIf you want to reach your goals, you will have to spend more time developing the talents you already have, and uncovering any hidden talents that you havent discovered yet. So you can take classes in subjects that you are interested in, even if you have no experience. Be thankfulTake some time to be thankful for the things you do have. Remember positive memories.84 Think of the best day(s) you have had in the past month or year. Remember special parties, vacations and holidays. Appreciate the wonderful people you have in your life.A. 根据短文内容简要回答问题。81. Which tip do you think influences you most?_82. Why should you pay attention to your relationships with others?_B. 将短文中划线的句子译成汉语。83. _84. _C. 请给短文拟一个适当的标题。85._八、书面表达(共题,计20分)某英文报以An Unforgettable Day (难忘的一天) 为题,面向中学生开展征文活动,请你写一篇短文参加此次活动。内容包括:1、哪一天让你感到难忘;2、什么事(开心的、伤心的或是有特别意义的,)让你感到那天难忘;3、那一天你经历了什么;4、那天的经历对你有什么影响或者你有什么感受。要求:1、80-100 词;2、 文中不得出现真实姓名及校名。 An Unforgettable Day _


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