2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空练习(5)(I).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空练习(5)(I)完形填空I met Ryan,a young man with cerebral palsy (脑瘫),in my biology class. My simple “Hello!” and his cheerful reply were the_1_to our friendship from the first day of school. There was a time when Ryan was not able to e to school. He was in a great deal of_2_after having a surgery on his legs,but he_3_his sufferings from everyone.In our junior year,we found that we didnt _4_a single class. This was not a problem,though. We just talked a little more in the hallway_5_the break. That year seemed to fly by. One day,Ryan asked me to hold the torch (火炬) runners flag that would_6_the spot where Ryan would_7_his Olympic torch run. He gently explained that he would be honored _8_I would accept this position for him. The Olympic mittee sent a letter saying that the person that holds the flag for him must be someone_9_to him. He said I was the only true friend he had_10_made that talked to him and not to his wheel chair. How could I_11_such a request?On the morning of June 5th,as I walked down the sidewalk,my heart_12_and my mind became a factory of questions. I kept wondering how everything was going to happen and how Ryan would_13_the huge crowd of thousands of people.After the van arrived,the other runners got out and lined up outside the van,chanting his name,“Ryan!Byan!” Then all of the people_14_in,“Ryan!Ryan!” The lift then lowered Ryan to the ground. There he was,in all his_15_.It all became slow motion at the sight of the arriving torch. The runner lit Ryans torch and then Ryan began his_16_.As he took off down the street,the chanting became louder and louder.The_17_filled the air and I felt I was on cloud nine. I could not have been any prouder of Ryan!He_18_this momenta historic moment a moment that he was a part of and_19_me to be a part of,too.Mr Weinheimer,the next torch runner,bent over and gave Ryan a hug. That moment will last in time forever.It symbolized the whole_20_of the flame:love,excitement,enthusiasm,brotherhood,and life of any man. The flame united us all and showed that love is really what makes this small world go around after all.【语篇解读】本文通过讲述“我”与Ryan的交往以及Ryan在火炬接力时人们对他的帮助和支持,说明了爱心让这个小小的世界运转起来。 1.A.solutionsBkeys Croutes Dresponses解析根据文章内容可知,“我”和Ryan的友谊始于“我”简单的问候和他快乐的回应,也就是说这打开了我们之间友谊的大门,因此选keys。答案B2A. danger Bfear Cpain Dpuzzle解析他刚做完腿部的手术,因此选pain疼痛。答案C3A. hid Bprevented Creleased Drelieved解析尽管如此,他还是对大家都隐瞒了,因此选hid。prevent阻止;release释放;relieve缓解,均不符合语境。答案A4A. change Bmiss Cattend Dshare解析根据4空的后面两句内容可知,三年级时我们不在同一个班上课,因此选share。答案D5A. except Bfor Cduring Dbefore解析我们只能在课间休息期间在走廊里交谈。during the break表示“课间休息期间”。 答案C6A. mark Btest Cnumber Ddecorate解析Ryan参加了奥运会火炬接力,他让“我”举着旗站在标志着他开始进行火炬接力的地方。mark表示“标志”,符合语境。答案A7A. cover Bbegin Ccontinue Dlead解析begin开始,符合语境。答案B8A. while Balthough Cif Dunless解析Ryan在请求“我”的时候,并不能肯定“我”会同意,因此选if。 答案C9A. politeBkindCgratefulDimportant解析那个为他举旗的人必须是对他来说重要的人,因此选important。答案D10A. ever Bnever Calso Deven解析他说“我”在任何时候都是他唯一的真正的朋友。ever表示“在任何时候”,符合语境。答案A11A. admit Brefuse Cmake Drepeat解析根据下文可知“我”没有拒绝他的请求,因此选refuse。答案B12A. ached Braced CstoppedDsank解析根据12空后面的“a factory of questions”可知,“我”想了很多问题,“我”的心跳加速。race表示“(因害怕、兴奋而)急速跳动,快速转动”。答案B13A. explain toBdiffer from Crespond toDcall on解析“我”想知道他面对这么多人会作出怎样的反应。respond to“对作出反应或应对”,符合语境。答案C14A. joined Bstepped Cpoured Dbroke解析根据上文可知,此处应选joined,表示“所有人都加入”。答案A15A. potentialBpreference Cglory Dsurprise解析Ryan在人们的欢呼声中隆重登场,因此选glory。答案C16A .trainingBjourney Clife Dstruggle解析journey“旅行”,在此用来表示“火炬接力的一段行程”。答案B17A.anxiety Bsatisfaction Charmony Dexcitement解析此情此景,人们能够感受到的当然是兴奋了,“我”高兴极了。on cloud nine表示“极为高兴”。答案D18A.deservedBrecalled Ctreasured Dchose解析他应该得到这一刻,故选deserved,表示“应该得到”。recall回忆;treasure珍惜;choose选择,均不符合语境。答案A19A.promised Bencouraged CallowedDfollowed解析这个时刻让“我”也感觉到了自己就是其中的一员。allow允许,准许,符合语境。答案C20A.mysteryBpower CinformationDmeaning解析根据冒号后面的内容可知,此处应选meaning,表示“它将火炬接力的含义表示出来”。答案D完形填空填空练习完形填空。阅读下面短文.从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B. C和D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (xx新课标卷)In our discussion with people on how education can help them succeed in life, a woman remembered the first meeting of an introductory _1_ course about 20 years ago.The professor _2_ the lecture hall, placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans (豆), and invited the students to _3_ how many beans the jar contained. After _4_ shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin, dry smile, announced the _5_ answer, and went on saying, “You have just _6_ an important lesson about science. That is:Never _7_ your own senses.”Twenty years later, the _8_ could guess what the professor had in mind. He _9_ himself, perhaps, as inviting his students to start an exciting _10_ into an unknown world invisible (无形的) to the _11_, which can be discovered only through scientific _12_. But the seventeenyearold girl could not accept or even _13_ the invitation. She was just _14_ to understand the world. And she _15_ that her firsthand experience could be the _16_. The professor, however, said that it was _17_. He was taking away her only _18_ for knowing and was providing her with no subsitute (替代). “I remember feeling small and _19_,” the woman says, “and I did the only thing I could do. I _20_ the course that afternoon, and I havent gone near science since.”本文通过一节科学课,向人们显示了教育是如何帮助人们成功的,并且这堂课向学生显示了人们不能凭感觉做事,对于一些无形的东西,只能通过科学方法才能发现。1A.art BhistoryCscience Dmath答案:C。从第二段第6空后可知,此处应填science。science course科学课。2A.searched for Blooked atCgot through Dmarched into答案:D。教授走进演讲大厅。search for寻找;look at看; get through完成,打通;march into走进。根据句意D项正确。3A.count BguessCreport Dwatch答案:B。教授让学生们猜猜缸里有多少豆子。count数;guess猜;report报告;watch看,观看,因为豆子装在缸里,同学们只有猜一下有多少。并且4空后出现了guess一词。4A.warning BgivingCturning away Dlistening to答案:D。根据上下文意思可知,同学们喊出答案,教授听到他们错误的猜测,而笑了。5A.ready BpossibleCcorrect Ddifficult答案:C。因同学们的答案错误,所以教授给出正确答案,correct与wrong相对。6A.learned BpreparedCtaught Dtaken答案:A。你们学到了关于科学的重要一课。learn.about.学会关于的知识。prepare准备;teach 教;take拿走。7A.lose BtrustCsharpen Dshow答案:B。根据上文可知,同学们凭感觉给出了错误的答案,所以教授说:永远不要相信自己的感觉。lose失去;trust相信;sharpen变锋利;show显示。8A.lecturer BscientistCspeaker Dwoman答案:C。此处指上文提到the woman,也就是指说上面的人,因此填speaker。9A.described BrespectedCsaw Dserved答案:C。describe描述;respect尊敬;see看见;serve服务。当他鼓励他的学生对未知世界进行有趣的航行时,他自己看到了。10A.voyage BmovementCchange Drush答案:A。voyage航行;movement运动;change改变;rush冲刺。根据9空解析,A项正确。11A.professor BeyeCknowledge Dlight答案:B。未知世界对人眼来说是无形的,故B项正确。12A.model BsensesCspirit Dmethods答案:D。未知世界只有通过科学方法才能发现。model模型;sense感官,感觉;spirit精神;method方法。13A.hear BmakeCpresent Drefuse答案:A。17岁的女孩不能接受,甚至也不听他的激励。hear听;make成为;present呈现;refuse拒绝。14A.suggesting BbeginningCpretending Dwaiting答案:B。对于一个17岁的女孩来说,她只是刚刚开始理解这个世界。begin to do sth.开始干某事。15A.believed BdoubtedCproved Dexplained答案:A。她相信她的第一手经验就是对的。 believe相信;double怀疑;prove证明;explain解释。16A.growth BstrengthCfaith Dtruth答案:D。growth成长;strength力气;faith信仰;truth正确。根据15题的解释D项正确。17A.firm BinterestingCwrong Dacceptable答案:C。由however可知此处表转折,尽管她认为她的想法是对的,但是教授认为她的想法是不对的。firm坚定的;interesting有趣的;wrong错误的;acceptable可接受的。18A.task BtoolCsuccess Dconnection答案:B。从上文可知这个小女孩凭经验,凭感觉来了解世界,而教授认为不对,因此教授把她了解世界的途径、工具拿走了。19A.cruel BproudCfrightened Dbrave答案:C。根据下文可知,这个女孩再也没有听教授上课,表示教授的做法和观点使得她害怕了。cruel残酷的;proud自豪的;frightened害怕的;brave勇敢的。20A.dropped BstartedCpassed Dmissed答案:A。因为害怕,所以下午就没来上课。drop在此表示“辍学”。miss“错过”。完形填空填空练习阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。Night after night, my mother came to my bed, even long after my childhood years. She would 1 down and push my long hair out of the way, and then kiss my forehead. I dont remember when it first started 2 me-her hands pushing my hair that way, for they felt work-worn and rough 3 my young skin. Finally , one night, I shouted out at her, “Dont do that any more-your hands are too rough!” she made no 4 and left quietly.But never again did my mother do it with that familiar expression of her 5 .With the passing years, my 6 returned to that night time after time. By then I 7 my mothers hands and her goodnight kiss. Sometimes the incident seemed very 8 , sometimes far away, but always it was 9 in the back of my mind.The years have passed, and Im not a little girl any more. Mom is in her seventies, and those hands I once 10 to be so rough are still doing things for me and my family.Now, Mom no longer has Dad and lives 11 . One night on Thanksgiving Eve, I found myself 12 to her house to spend the night with her. As I slept in the bedroom of my youth, a familiar hand hesitantly ran across my face to 13 the hair from my forehead. Then a 14 , ever so gently , touched my forehead. I burst into tears.In my memory, thousands of times, I 15 the night my young voice plained. Catching Moms hand in hand, I told her how 16 I was for that night. I thought shed remember 17 I did. But Mom didnt know what I was talking about. She had already forgotten and 18 long ago.That night, I fell asleep with a new 19 for my gentle mother and her caring hands. And the guilt that I had carried around for so long was 20 to be found. ( ) 1AlieBbendClookDfall( ) 2AannoyingBastonishingCdelightingDdisappointing( ) 3AalongBaboveCagainstDaside( ) 4AreplyBpromiseCrequestDagreement( ) 5ApityBsadnessCapologyDlove( ) 6AfeelingsBopinionsCspiritsDthoughts( ) 7AmissedBforgotCheldDshook( ) 8AstrangeBcloseCseriousDmon( ) 9AstressedBexistedChiddenDexposed( ) 10AexpectedBchangedCremindedDplained( ) 11AyetBawayCaloneDlong( ) 12AdrawnBcarriedCmovedDstayed( ) 13AcutBwashCbrushDtake( ) 14AtearBkissCpressDhand( ) 15AreturnedBrememberedCrealizedDrecalled( ) 16AsorryBhappyCangryDnervous( ) 17AwhenBhowCwhyDas( ) 18Adisappeared BforgivenCapologizedDabandoned( ) 19Aimagination BinspirationCdecorationDappreciation( ) 20AstillBsoonCnowhereDanyhow答案:120 BACAD DABCB CACBD ADBDC1.B bent down 意即:母亲在床边俯身,2. A “when it first started annoying me” 句中的it指母亲捋我头发这事,母亲这一举动使我不高兴。3. C 母亲的手抚摸我,我感到粗糙。against 有 touching 之意。4. A 我冲母亲叫,她没回应。这里用reply promise : 诺言;request: 要求;agreement: 同意5. D 根据上下文,这里的意思是:母亲表达的是一种爱。6. D 我几年之后又想到那晚的情景,think的名词是thoughts;feelings: 感情,心情,7. A 我怀念母亲的手。missed: 想念,惦记8. B 儿时发生的那件事在我的记忆中时而近时而远,但总是内心挥之不去的愧疚。close与后文的far away有关。9. C 句中的it指“愧疚”,它始终在我心中。be hidden in 隐藏在; exist是不及物动词搭配不对10.B “I once changed to be so rough”是定语从句修饰hands, 这里的意思是:我使母亲的手变得粗糙,因为母亲为我操劳了许多。11. C 父亲去世后,母亲单独生活。后文有to her house to spend the night with her12. A drawn to her house: 自己被母爱所“吸引”13. C 把挡住额头的头发梳了过去。 brush ones hair:梳头发14. B 母亲吻了我。15. D recall:回忆;returned:返回;归还; remembered:记住; realized:意识到。I recalled the night. 意即:I thought of the night16. A sorry一词与愧疚有关。其余的选项与上下文意思不符。17. D as I did是一个表方式的状语,像我一样记得那事。18. B forgotten and forgiven说的是母亲忘了,原谅了我。. abandoned:被放弃扔弃,遗弃了的。19. D 这里说的是作者对母亲的手产生了一种新的“感激”20. C 母女情深,这时我感到得到了母爱的包容,因而我的愧疚荡然无存。完形填空填空练习阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。 The Florida sun baked my shoulders as I worked along the I-595 freeway near Fort Lauderdale, picking up rubbish. I paused to 1 the sweat off my forehead and look up at the cloudless blue sky. “ 2 cant it rain?” I thought. That would 3 things down.I thought about my 4 , who were probably sitting in an air-conditioned 5 right now. Id had some problems in school, 6 my parents decided to let me 7 full-time with my dad, We both worked for my uncle, who had taken 8 of a maintenance(道路养护)pany. It was up to us to keep the roads 9 of rubbish. The job was 10 and dirty, especially on hot days11 this. I wondered why I ever agreed to do it.We continued our 12 route along the I-595, 13 for the overpass bridge. Then I noticed an area where some 14 were broken on the ground. It wasnt like that before.“Dad! Pull over! I want to 15 something out.”I jumped off the truck and rushed to the bridge. Something was telling me to 16 there wasnt much time. 17 I saw a Toyota that 18 upside down in the tree. Maybe it was a stolen car that somebody 19 there, I thought. Then, just at that 20 , I noticed something moving. It was a bloody leg poking out of the drivers side window!“Heeeelp!” a lady moaned.( ) 1. AwipeBcutCputDsend( ) 2. AWhenBHowCWhyDWhere( ) 3. AturnBkeepCmakeDcool( ) 4. AparentsBschool-timesCfriendsDschool yards( ) 5. AofficeBclassroomCrestaurantDliving room( ) 6. AbutBorCforDso( ) 7. AworkBstudyCstayDspend( ) 8. AbusinessBpossessionCpositionDplace( ) 9. AawayBfromCfarDclear( ) 10. AeasyBlonelyCsmellyDnoisy( ) 11. AforBlikeCafterDas( ) 12. AregularBmon CunusualDnormal( ) 13. AreachingBgoingClookingDheading( ) 14. AcarsBbottlesCbranchesDglasses( ) 15. AcheckBhelpCtakeDbring( ) 16. AdecideBhurryCconsiderDstop( ) 17. AAboveBBehindCAheadDBelow( ) 18. AhungBtrappedCcaughtDfell( ) 19. AstoredBdesertedClostDhid( ) 20. AbridgeBtreeCmomentDway答案解析1.【答案】A【解析】根据后面的宾语sweat可知答案,wipe擦。2.【答案】C【解析】天热,活脏,因此作者希望下雨。此处用特殊疑问句why表达作者渴望下雨的心情。3.【答案】D【解析】下雨可以使万物凉爽下来。4.【答案】C【解析】根据后面的定语从句可排除B,D,作者的父亲和他在一起工作,故排除A项。另外,下文也提到了作者在学校时的情形。5.【答案】B【解析】此处作者通过回忆自己的同学在教室上课的情形与自己工作环境形成鲜明的对比。后文也解释了作者辍学参加工作的原因。6.【答案】D【解析】此句与上一句为因果关系。7.【答案】A【解析】结合后文作者的工作性质可知,和父亲一起为叔叔工作。8.【答案】B【解析】take possession of拥有,掌管。9.【答案】D【解析】作者的工作就是清除路上的垃圾,保持路面清洁。10.【答案】C【解析】根据作者的工作(picking up rubbish)可知,这项工作既脏,气味也难闻,尤其是在夏天的时候。11.【答案】B【解析】第一段提到了这一天很热,像这么热的天,清理垃圾这种工作一定又脏又难闻。12.【答案】A【解析】regular通常的,例行的。作者的工作是清理路面,这个工作具有反复性,即同一线路要定期清理。13.【答案】D【解析】head for朝驶去。结合前一句话可知,作者正往天桥驶去。14.【答案】C【解析】后文所列举的事故是一辆丰田汽车倒挂在树上。 因此,树枝被折断散落在地上。15.【答案】A【解析】checkout:检查。作者把车停到路边检查发生了什么事。16.【答案】B【解析】根据后一句话 there wasnt much time 可知答案。17.【答案】D【解析】作者在高速路上工作,汽车落在树上应是坠落。18.【答案】A【解析】汽车倒挂在了树上。fall下落,强调动作。如选B,C应该用被动语态。19.【答案】B【解析】desert抛弃。20.【答案】C【解析】正在我想那是一辆偷来的车时,突然注意到有人正晃动受伤的腿。


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