2019-2020年九年级英语(上)(译林牛津版)Unit8 Detective stories 检测题.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语(上)(译林牛津版)Unit8 Detective stories 检测题 (时间:60分钟;满分:100分)一、听力部分第一部分 听对话,回答问题(每小题1分,满分10分)本部分共有10个小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话读两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你仍有5秒钟的答题时间。1.Whats the weather like today? A. B. C. 2. How does Michel learn English? A. B. C. 3. What happened yesterday? A. B. C. 4. What did the man use to kill the woman? A. B. C.5.When did the murder happen? A.Between 7:00 am and 10:00 am. B.Between 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm. C.Between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm.6. What does the robber look like? A.He is short. B.He has small eyes. C.He is tall and strong, and has short brown hair.7.When is Janes birthday? A.8th August. B.18th August. C.28th August.8.What does the man suggest? A.Wearing a skirt. B.Wearing trousers. C.Wearing jeans.9. How much is the white shirt? A. 20 yuan. B. 40 yuan. C. 80 yuan.10.When will Susan arrive? A. At 4:30. B. At 4:45. C. At 5:20.第二部分 听对话和短文,回答问题(每小题1分,满分10分)你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的答题时间。听第一段对话,回答第11至12小题。11. Why cant the woman sleep well? A.Because she studies maths too hard. B.Because she spends much time on TV. C.Because she has too much for dinner.12. What does the doctor tell her to do? .A.Go to bed early. B.Eat more fruit. C.Relax herself.听第二段对话,回答第13至15小题。13. What is the machine used for?A. Cutting apples. B. Holding food. C. Cutting vegetables.14. Where was it made?A. In Shanghai. B. In India. C. In Canada.15. How long has the woman had the machine?A. For 2 weeks. B. For 2 days. C. For 20 days. 听一篇短文,回答第16至20小题。16.Which floor does Mr Smith live on? A.The l5th floor B .The l7th floor C.The 20th floor17.Why didnt Mr Smith go to work that day? A.Because he didnt like his work B.Because it was Sunday C.Because he was ill in bed18.What do you know about the robber? A.He held a gun in his hand B.He was wearing a mask C.He worked for a toy pany19.Where did Mr Smith put his money? A.In the living room B.In the kitchen C.In the bedroom20.What did Mr Smith do at that time? A.He gave all his money to the robber B.He asked his neighbour to call the police C.He was brave enough to fight with the robber二、笔试部分 .根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(每小题1分,满分5分)1.I remember putting my book_ (在某处)in my bedroom,but I cant find it now.2.S_friends of mine will e to my home for a dinner party tomorrow.3.A_three to five,and you will get eight.4.I want to be an IT_ (工程师)when I grow up.5.Lilys father looks happy because his daughter has made great_ (进步)this year.用所给词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,满分5分) 6. On my way home,it was raining_(heavy).7.The girl is _(particular)interested in playing basketball.8.The policeman has lost his life because of the fire.We are deeply sorry about his_(die).9.Mr Green said that the sun _(rise)in the east.10.Remember _(close) the door when you leave the room.句型转换(每小题1分,满分5分)11.The murderer is tall and has big eyes.(对画线部分提问) _ _the murderer_ _?12.Mr Green is neither tall nor short.(改为同义句) Mr Green is of _ _.13.Peter said to us,“I will go to the Great Wall next week.”(改为间接引语)Peter us that he go to the Great Wall_ _ _.14.He asked Lisa how long she had been in the club.(改为直接引语)He asked,“How long _ _ _in the club,Lisa?”15.The murder happened on a cold winter evening.(改为同义句) The murder _ _on a cold winter evening.根据汉语意思完成句子(每小题2分,满分10分)16.人们应该与自然和谐相处。 People should_ _ _ _ nature.17.没有人知道他靠什么谋生。 No one knows what he is doing_ _ _. 18.在中国,普通人携带枪支是违法的。 _ _ _ _for mon people_ _ _in China.19.别再难过了。条条大路通罗马。 Dont feel sad any more.All roads Rome.20.在案发现场,许多警察正在寻找线索。 Many policemen are looking for clues the crime.单项填空(每小题1分,满分10分)21.I cant believe such an honest man is guilty _theft. A.at B.with C.of D.on 22. _ the police _ any arrests?A. Have;made B. Has;made C. Are;made D. Is;made23. One of the suspects is _ boy.A. a 18-year-old B. an 18-years-old C. a 18 years old D. an 18-year-old24. The policeman is still not sure _ the young man killed himself or not.A. if B. that C. whether D. weather25. The kidnapping _ between 9 pm and 11 pm.A. took place B. took the place C. took place of D. was taken place26.What do you _Jane? She is friendly and polite.A.think over B.think out C.think of D.think up27.We will never forget what happened the afternoon of May ,12,xx.A.in B.by C.at D.on28. Shes never been abroad, she? A.has B.is C.was D.hasnt29.Jim around the room,but he didnt anybody. A.saw;look B.looked;see C.saw;watch D.watched;see30. The young woman plained the manager the service there.A. of; to B. to; about C. of; about D.to; with .完形填空(每小题1分,满分10分) I had walked along the sea for about an hour until I began to feel hungry. It was seven. At that time I was not far from a favourite restaurant of mine, where I often went to eat two or three times a week. I knew the owner well. I went into the restaurant, which was already crowded, and ordered my meal. While I was waiting, I looked 31 to see if I knew anyone in the restaurant. Then I saw a man sitting at a corner table near the door keeping looking in my direction, as if he knew me. I certainly didnt know him, for I never forgot a 32 . The man had a newspaper open in front of him. But I could see that he was keeping an 33 on me. When the waiter brought my soup, the man was 34 puzzled(迷惑) by the familiar(熟悉) way that the waiter and I called each other. He became even puzzled as time went on. He could see that I was well 35 in the restaurant. At last, he got up and went into the kitchen. After a few minutes he came out again, 36 for his meal and left. When I had finished, I called the owner of the restaurant and asked him 37 the man had wanted. The owner told me he was a detective. “Really?” I was surprised. “He was certainly 38 in me. But why?” I asked. “He followed you because he thought you were a man he was looking 39 ,” the owner said. “When he came into the kitchen, he showed me a photo of the man. He certainly looked like you! Of course, since we 40 you, I told him that he had made a mistake.” It was lucky I came to a restaurant where I was known, or I might have been arrested!31. A. for B. at C. aroundD. like32. A. nameB. faceC. personD. friend33. A .orange B. arm C. apple D. eye34.A.badly B.fast C.quickly D.clearly35. A. taken B. madeC. knownD. brought36. A. paidB. paying C. spentD. cost37. A. that B. whatC. whenD. which38. A. interested B. interesting C. worried D. sure39. A. up B. like C. at D. for40. A.know B. seeC. hear D. look at. 阅读理解(每小题1分,满分10分)A Its sometimes reported that strange objects have been seen high up in the sky. These unidentified flying objects (UFOs不明飞行物)have made a lot of people interested. Some of the reports about them are difficult to believe, some have been explained in scientific ways, and others have never been explained. Its not easy to decide whether a report is true or not. One report of UFOs came from a British plane on its way from New York to London in 1954. The British plane was flying over an island at 19,000 feet when the captain noticed that something was on their left and a little lower than their plane. Its about five miles away.“It was not one object but several,” the captain said. “We saw one large and six smaller objects. I sent out a radio to report about them and I received the answer that the other planes were ing out to meet us. Before the planes arrived, the smaller objects entered the big object. The big object then became smaller and moved away fast.”41. Some _ have been explained in scientific ways.A.people B.strange objects C.of the reports about UFOs D.planes42. In 1954, a British plane met a UFO when it was flying from _ to .A. England;America B. America; England C. America;France D. New York; an island43. The captain _ and saw something on the left of their plane. A. looked down B. looked up C. looked back D. looked ahead44. How many objects did the captain see ? A. Only one. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.45. The big object moved away because _.A. it was afraid of the plane B. it had received a radio reportC. of some unknown reasons D. it had stayed long enough with the planeBStealing cars for love A man named Simon Black from California had a tool that could start up cars made in Japan easily.It is said that he had stolen many cars.One day he was caught at the scene as he was stealing the 27th car. The young man told the police that he did this just for a girl he loved.Simon Black was very poor, but he had a very beautiful girlfriend. He didnt want her to know he was poor, so he made up his mind to steal a car. For the first time, he was successful and drove it to see her. She was very excited about “ his” wonderful car. From then on, every time he visited her, he would drive a different car.It was just for love! Sometimes love can make a man mad! This time when the owner of the car found Simon trying to steal his car, he called the police at once.After knowing this, Simons girlfriend told the police that she was going to leave him. She wasnt willing to have a boyfriend with a criminal record.46.Simon Black was good at stealing cars made in_.A.England B.France C.America D.Japan47.How many cars did Simon Black succeed in stealing? A.27. B.26. C.36. D.37. 48.Why did Simon Black steal a car at first?A.Because his girlfriend needed money.B.Because his father asked him to do so.C.Because he wanted to give the car to his girlfriend.D.Because he didnt want to let his girlfriend know he was poor.49.How did Simon Blacks girlfriend feel when she first saw“his”car?A.She was very frightened. B.She was very excited.C.She was curious about it. D.She was very angry.50.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.The police would not arrest Simon because he didnt break the law.B.It was stupid of Simon to steal cars and make himself guilty.C.Simons girlfriend would love him much more than before in the future.D.Love can make everyone mad.短文填空(每小题1分,满分10分)Policemen were called by a shop early one Christmas morning. When they arrived, they found two burglars(破门偷盗者) were kept in a lift w 51 a heavy box of money. The two men were in their twenties. They b 52 into an office in the shop and t 53 the money box and ran into the lift. They were in such a h 54 that they did not see the s 55 on the door saying that it carried no more than two people.“They were trapped b 56 the floors because they had a heavy box,” the police said. “They w 57 there for six hours, sitting on what they hoped to be their Christmas p 58 . They were doing this at a time when people were at home for Christmas with their families. It was a very special m 59 when the policemen opened the door and they walked out holding their arms. They said they had never been so p 60 to see policemen.”The policemen said they were glad to see them too.书面表达(满分15分)请根据以下线索写一篇句意连贯的小故事。1.我婶婶一直和她的一个新邻居相处得不好,婶婶说他看起来很不友好;2.一天,我婶婶回到家,发现她昨天刚买的项链不见了;3.她回想自己去过哪儿,觉得可能是那个邻居偷了她的项链,因此她决定立刻报警;4.突然有人敲门,原来是她的新邻居;5.他手里拿着项链,说昨天在门口发现的;6.婶婶很感激他,并愿意和他交朋友。_Unit 8 Detective stories检测题听力原文及参考答案一、听力部分第一部分 听对话,回答问题本部分共有10个小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话读两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你仍有5秒钟的答题时间。1. W: Shall we go to play badminton on the playground? M: Im afraid not. Its windy today. 2. W: Michel, what are you doing?M: Oh, I want to search for something about English to read. 3. M:A little boy in my neighbourhood was kidnapped yesterdayW:Thats terrible!4.W:How did the man kill the poor woman?M:He held a gun in his hand and broke into her house5.M:When did the murder take place? W:Between 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm according to the report.6.W:What does the robber look like? M:He is very tall and strong,and has short brown hair. 7.W:Its generous of Jane to give each of us two presents.Her star sign may be Leo M:Yes,she was born on 8th August 8.W:I dont know what to wear today.This pair of black trousers is too tight M:You should wear a skirt instead of trousers9. W: How much does this yellow shirt cost? M: Its very cheap, madam. Its only 40 yuan, half the price of that white one.10.W:Would you please tell me when Susan will arrive? M:She will get here at half past four. But there is so much traffic on the road. She needsanother fifteen minutes.第二部分 听对话和短文,回答问题你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的答题时间。听第一段对话,回答第11至12小题。M: What is wrong with you?W: I have a headache.M: How long have you felt like this?W: Since last night.M: Do you have a sleeping problem?W : Yes, I can t fall asleep these days because I am busy preparing for my maths exam.M: Its not that serious. I think youd better relax yourself and take the medicine before you sleep. It will make you sleep well.W: OK, thank you, doctor. 听第二段对话,回答第13至15小题。W: I have got a new machine. Would you like to see it?M: Sure. It looks unusual. When did you get it?W: Two days ago.M: Is it used for holding food?W: No, just for cutting apples.M: It looks so beautiful. And it was made in Canada. It must be expensive.W: No, it is only 50 yuan.M: Have you tried it yet?W: Yes, I have already used it several times.听一篇短文,回答第16至20小题。Jack Smith was robbed of fifteen thousand dollars last Monday.He works for a toy pany and lives in an apartment on the seventeenth floor in No. 20 building in the Garden District.Mr Smith caught a cold and didnt go to work that dayHe was in bed when he heard a noiseThen he got up,rushed into the living room,and saw a man wearing a mask and holding a knife in his hand.The man asked Mr Smith to give all his money to him.Mr Smith was too weak to fight with the robber.So he took out all the money in the drawer in his bedroom. The man was satisfied and left.Then Mr Smith called the police and gave them details about the man.15 BACCB 610 CAACB 1115 ACACB 1620 BCBCA二、笔试部分.1.somewhere 2.Several 3.Add 4.engineer 5.progress .6. heavily 7. particularly 8. death 9.rises 10.to close.11.What does, look like 12.medium height 13.told,would,the next week 14.have you been 15.took place. 16.get on/along well with 17.for a living 18.Its against the law, to carry guns 19.lead to 20.at the scene of. 21. C be guilty of 犯有罪。22.A the police作主语,谓语动词用复数形式。23.D 18-year-old作定语,其中的year用单数形式。24.C whether与or not连用。25.A take place 发生,没有被动形式。26. C What do you think of?你认为怎么样?27.D 在具体某一天的下午用介词on。28.A 在本句中shes是she has的缩写,never“从没有”表示否定,故附加疑问部分用has。29.B look指看的动作;see指“看见”,强调结果。 30.B plain to sb. about sth.向某人抱怨某事。. 31. C 由第二段中 “to see if I knew anyone in the restaurant.”可知选C项。 32.B 33.D keep an eye on盯着看。 34.D 句意:很明显那位先生对于我和服务员打招呼的熟悉方式感到很迷惑,故用clearly修饰puzzled。 35.C 由第一段中“I knew the owner well.”可知。 36.A pay for付款。 37.B what作want的宾语。 38.A be interested in sb.对某人感兴趣。 39.D look for 寻找。 40.A 由后一句“It was lucky I came to a restaurant where I was known”可知。.41. C 由第一段第二、三两句可知。 42.B 由第二段第二句可知。 43.A 由第二段第三句中 “when the captain noticed that something was on their left and a little lower than their plane.”可知。 44. D 由第三段中 “We saw one large and six smaller objects.”可知。 45.C 46.D 由第一段的第一句可知。 47.B 由第二段的第一句可知。 48.D 由第三段的第二句可知。 49.B 由第三段的第四句可知。 50.B .51. with 52. broke 53. took 54. hurry 55. sign 56. between 57. waited 58. present 59. moment 60. pleased. One possible version: My aunt got along well with all her neighbours except the man who lived next door. My aunt said he didnt look friendly at all. One day, when my aunt came home from work, she realized that she had lost her new necklace which she had bought the day before. She was very worried. She wondered where she had been just then. She thought that perhaps the man who lived next door had stolen her necklace. So she planned to call the police at once. Just then, someone was knocking at the door. It was the young man, her new neighbour. She was shocked that her necklace was in his hand. He told her that he found it at the doorway. And he thought it must be my aunts,so he came to return it. Yes, thats true. It was the necklace that my aunt lost. My aunt was very thankful. She told her new neighbour that they could be good friends later.

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