七年级英语下册 Module 7 My past life Unit 1 I was born in a small village课件2 外研版.ppt

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七年级英语下册 Module 7 My past life Unit 1 I was born in a small village课件2 外研版.ppt_第1页
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Unit 1 I was born in a small village.,Module 7 My past life,Days on my past,Who is she ?,I was born in a small village in Anhui Province.,My first friend was May.,She was easy-going and she was honest.,They were my first students. They were lovely.,England,Cambridge,Oxford,There were two teachers in our class.,One was strict and this teacher wanted us to study hard.,The other was very humorous, and this teacher made us laugh a lot.,What were they like?,What were they like?,She was very _.,He was very _.,strict,humorous,1. Where was Betty born? A. In England B. In China C. In America 2. What was Bettys school like? A. friendly B. strict C. interesting 3.How many students were there in Bettys class? A. Twenty two B. Twelve C. Twenty,Listen and choose,Listen and check the questions as you hear them.,( ) 1. Where were you born? ( ) 2. Who was your first teacher? ( ) 3. What was the name of your first school? ( ) 4. What was your favorite subject? ( ) 5. Who were your first friends? ( ) 6. What were you like?,Listen and choose the correct answer,1.Was Lingling born in Xucun? 2.Was Tonys first school called Darwin School? 3.Was his teachers name Mrs Smith? 4. Was Mrs Smith Linglings teacher? 5. Was Ms Yao very friendly? 6.Were Becky and Adam Tonys friends? 7. Was Becky good at school? 8. Was Tony difficult at school?,Yes, she was. Yes, it was. No, it wasnt. No, she wasnt. Yes, she was. Yes, they were. Yes, she was. No, she wasnt.,Listen and check the true sentences,( ) 2.Tony was born in .,( ) 3.Tonys first school was Darwin Primary School.,( ) 4. Adam was good in class.,T,F,Cambridge,F,( ) 1.Lingling was born in a small town in Shanxi Province.,T,Adam was difficult in class.,Lingling was born in a small village in Shanxi Province.,listen and read.,Betty: Hi, Lily. _ Lily: I was born in small city in Sichuan Province. Betty: _ Lily: It was Guangming Primary School. Betty:_ Lily: My first teacher was Miss Yang. Betty: _ Lily: She was very friendly and humorous. Betty: _ Lili: My first friend was Xiaoming. Betty: What was he like? Lily: He was not a good student. _ But he is a nice boy now.,Where were you born?,What was the name of your first school?,Who was your first teacher?,What was she like?,Who was your first friend?,He was very difficult in class.,Where were you born?,What was the name of your first school?,Who was your first teacher?,What was she/ he like?,Who was your first friend?,Questions for talking about past life,About my past life,Where were you .? What was ? Who was? What was like? Were you ? Was he/ she ? ,Team racing,Group 1& Group 2 (3 minutes) Everyone has only one chance. Dont ask the same question. One point for each question Group 1 Group 2 Group 1 Group 2 ,Asking me questions,Questions about my past life,Ready?,I was born in a small village in Anhui Province. My first school was Tuanjie Primary School. My first teacher was Mr Cai. He was very friendly and humorous. My first friend was May. She was very easy-going and honest. My first students were very lovely. They were not difficult in class, and I loved them very much. ,My past life,Information table,Interview your partner,easy-going humorous honest strict difficult friendly ,Where were you born? Who was your first teacher? What was your first teacher like? Who were your first friends? What were your first friend like? What were you like? Were you ? Was he/ she ? ,1. Questions you may need,2 . Words you may need,Ask your parents about their past life. Introduce their past life in next class.,Homework,

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