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2019-2020年九年级第二次模拟考试(网上阅卷适应性训练)英语试题一、单项选择 从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。(15分)1. If you buy _ MP5 player in our store, you can get a watch for _ free. A. a; / B. an; the C. an; / D. the; the2. Mr White, the principal(校长), has made a great _ to the growth of the school. A. contribution B. progress C. invention D. protection3. - How is your grandma? - Shes fine. She used to _ at home after supper. But now she is used to _ with her friends in the small park. A. sit; dance B. sitting; dance C. sitting; dancing D. sit; dancing4. - What do you think of the traffic in our city? - Its _ than it used to be, but theres still a long way to go. A. worse B. worst C. better D. best5. - Everyone knows Canada is the second largest country in the world. - That is, it is larger than _ country in Asia. A. any B. any other C. other D. another6. _ jeans were invented over 100 years ago, theyre still in fashion today. A. Because B. If C. Although D. Since7. - Look! There is some fish left. Its a waste of food. - We should _. A. put it out B. sell it out C. drink it up D. eat it up8. - When will Diana arrive? - Oh, she _ . She is in the meeting room now. A. arrives B. is arriving C. arrived D. has arrived9. - _ you leave now? You only arrived here an hour ago. - Sorry, but so much homework is waiting for me. A. May B. Must C. Can D. Might10. _ the teachers in their school is about 200 and one-fourth of them are _ teachers. A. A number of; women B. A number of; woman C. The number of; women D. The number of; woman11. - Look at the flowers I gave you last month. They are dying! _ do you water them? - Sorry, I forgot to water them. A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How much12. - What are you looking for? - Im looking for the ring _ my husband bought me last year. A. which B. who C. what D. it13. Rick has learned a lot about Chinese culture _ he came to China. A. before B. when C. until D. since14. - Remember to print on both sides of the paper. - _. A. Me too B. Well done C. Sure, I will D. Thats all right.15. It is said that _ of the water all over the world _ polluted. A. two-third; is B. two-thirds; is C. two-thirds; are D. two-third; has二、完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(15分)Lisa and Mike were celebrating their anniversary(周年纪念日). The couple used to be sweet. But now 16 had changed since they got married. The once lovely couple had turned bitter(痛苦). They fought over every little thing. 17 of them hated the way things had changed.Lisa was 18 for Mike to e home. She hoped that Mike would remember their anniversary. She 19 imagined that her husband would bring her flowers. In this 20 , they could remember the old happiness again and forget all the 21 . But her imagination was cut short(打断) when the phone in the bedroom 22 .Lisa answered the sound of a man, Hello, Madam. Im calling from the police station. Is this Mr Mike Greens 23 ?” “Yes, it is!”“Im sorry, Madam. But there was a traffic accident and a man has 24 . We got this number from his wallet. We need you to e and identify(辨认) his body. Lisa was shocked (震惊)! 25 could this happen? Shed have died for another chance to mend every little fight! She lay and cried 26 the floor in pain. She lost her chance. Forever! 27 , there was a noise at the doorway. The door opened and Mike came in. My dear, its a 28 day today. My wallet was stolen.Thats the best 29 Ive ever heard, Lisa said with a smile as her eyes were 30 .16. A. interestsB. thingsC. habitsD. friendship17. A. OneB. All C. BothD. None18. A. singingB. searching C. startingD. waiting19. A. hardlyB. alwaysC. evenD. sometimes20. A. wayB. time C. dayD. fact21. A. fightingB. loveC. feelingD. decision22. A. sounded B. knockedC. madeD. rang23. A. officeB. numberC. addressD. speaking24. A. diedB. lostC. feltD. hurt25. A. WhenB. WhereC. HowD. What26. A. above B. onC. besideD. to27. A. LuckilyB. SuddenlyC. Slowly D. Quietly28. A. nice B. coolC. warmD. bad29. A. advice B. lieC. newsD. information30. A. wateringB. looking C. putting D. turning三、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(30分)ATrip 1One Week In The Mountains Bring your strong shoes and warm clothes for this walk in a beautiful area of the Green Mountains. You may go hiking or have a try of rock climbing. This is also a protection area for wild animals. You can find many kinds of animals living in this area. Time: July 8 - July 14Tel: 84639818 Adult: $1l0 Child: $55Trip 2Three Days In The Country There are many beautiful gardens. Take your camera and enjoy the wonderful sights in Hunter Valley. It is a good place for fishing and horse riding. You can also find different kinds of flowers here. This is also a great walk for bird-lovers. Time: July 20 - July 22Tel: 83986321 Adult $50 Child: $25Trip 3Flashlight Adventure Put on your warm cloches, bring a flashlight(手电筒) and e for a night walk along the Dungog Valley. It is a trip full of adventure(冒险). A guide will lead the tour. Many of the plants you will see on this trip can only be seen at night. Time: July 16 - July 18 Tel: 83875629 Adult: $30 Not for childrenTrip 4Five Days By The Sea Wear your sun hat and enjoy wonderful sunshine all the time from morning to evening. Our hotel is next to the sea. We have our own boats too. You can swim in the sea or in the swimming pool. Every day our boat will take you to different places for swimming. Time: July 13 - July 17 Tel: 87556979 Adult: $80 Child: $4031. What number may you call if you and your friends want to enjoy the sunshine at the seaside? A. 83986321. B. 84639818. C. 83875629. D. 87556979.32. Sam wants to stay in Hunter Valley with his wife, his five-year-old daughter and his seven-year-old son. How much will it cost?A. $50. B. $100. C. $l50. D. $200.33. David loves sports. He will take his holiday from July 7 to July 15. What activity will he probably take part in?A. Fishing in the country. B. Hiking in the mountains.C. Swimming in the sea. D. Watching plants at night.34. Lucy is a college student. She is quite interested in science. She wants to know something about the life of plants at night. Which trip will she choose?A. Trip 1. B. Trip 2. C. Trip 3. D. Trip 4.35. Which of the following is NOT mentioned according to the four advertisements? A B C DBSmartphone, poor sightLook around and youll see people busy on their smartphones. Smartphones do make our lives easier. But have you ever thought about what they mean to you eyes?According to a study, half of British people own smartphones and they spend an average(平均) of two hours a day using them. There has been a 35% increase in the number of people in the UK who suffer from shortsightedness(近视)since smartphones were introduced there in 1997.Staring(盯) at smartphones for a long time gives you dry eyes. When looking at something in the distance, your eyes automatically blink(自动眨眼) a certain number of times. However, when you look at things closer to your face, the blink slows down. This reduces the amount of tears and causes disfort in your eyes. Another bad habit is using smartphones in dark rooms before going to sleep. If you look at a bright screen while your pupils(瞳孔) bee larger, too much light enters your eyes. This can do harm to the eyes and cause a disease called glaua(青光眼).While youre probably not going to stop using to your smartphones, there are a few things you can do to protect your eyes. Hold your phone at least 30 centimetres away from your eyes when using it. Take a break every hour and try the following: look at something at least five meters from you and then look at the tip of your nose. Repeat this several times. It should reduce the disfort in your eyes.36. The article is mainly about _.A. the rules to obey when using smartphones B. the harm that smartphones do to the users eyes.C. the reason why teenagers get shortsightedD. advantages and disadvantages of smartphones37. From Paragraph 2,we learn that _.A. half of the British people began to use smartphones 17 years agoB. each of the British people spends two hours a day on smartphonesC. more British people have suffered from shortsightedness since 1997D. the number of British people who own smartphones increases by 35%38. According to Paragraph 3,using smartphones improperly may cause _.A. dry eyes and glaua B. smaller pupilsC. too many blinks D. more tears in the eyes39. Which of the following is suggested by the writer ?A. Hold the phone at least half a meter away from the eyes.B. Turn off your phone for a couple of hours every day.C. Look at something green far away for several minutes.D. Dont use the phone for over an hour without a break.40. This article is written to advise people _.A. not to buy smartphones B. to stop using smartphonesC. to use smartphones properly D. to make full use of smartphones CThe Simpsons is an American TV programme that shows in cartoon form. The half-hour TV show takes place in and around the fictional(虚构的) town of Springfield and makes fun out of American culture and society.Since the show started in 1989, the Simpsons has been on TV over 500 times. This makes it the longest running programme in American television history. In xx a full-length movie, The Simpsons Movie, made over half a billion dollars. The Simpsons has won many prizes, including the Emmy Awards. In the year xx, Times magazine named it the best television series of the century and the cartoon characters of The Simpsons received their own star on Hollywoods Walk of Fame(好莱坞星光大道). The Simpson family has several main characters. Homer is the rather clumsy(笨挫的), beer-drinking father. He works at a power station in Springfield and is married to Marge Simpson, a real American middle-class housewife. The couple have three children. Bart is a ten-year-old boy who often gets into trouble. Lisa is a highly smart eight-year-old girl who has bee a vegetarian and a Buddhist(佛教徒). Maggie, the familys baby, is often shown with a pacifier(奶嘴). The Simpsons have two pets, a dog named Santas Little Helper and Snowball, a cat.The edy centres on a few major themes. Homers work in the power station opens up the topic of our environment for discussion. Bart and Lisa are often shown in their school life where educational problems appear. Homer and Marge try to raise their children as well as they can but do not always succeed as in many families.The programme has been very successful around the world. It is watched by millions of people in over a hundred countries. The Simpsons has created a market of T-shirts, DVDs, video games, a theme park and books.41. The Simpsons is a _ . A. half-hour documentary about animals B. movie shown on TV over 500 times C. wealthy family with half a billion dollars D. fun programme in cartoon form42. There are _ main roles in this show. A. 6 B. 5 C. 4 D. 243. What does the underlined(划线的) word in Paragraph 4 mean? A. Evening shift(换班). B. Secondary. C. Medium. D. Not very rich.44. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. The Simpsons won an Oscar for its excellent story and performance.B. The TV programme won the Emmy Awards. C. The cartoon show was named the best television series of the twentieth century. D. Hollywoods Walk of Fame had the characters of The Simpsons as a star.45. What conclusion does the passage draw? A. The TV series is much more successful than the others over the century. B. The Simpsons work very hard and bee very rich. C. The Simpson family and their pets are funny, clumsy and smart. D. The Simpsons Movie is made out of the cartoon with the same name in 1989.第二部分 非选择题(共60分)四、阅读表达 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。(10分)I was very sleepy in the morning, so I didnt go running as usual. At nine oclock, Tom called me to join him in a game of basketball. He said Jack and some other boys would also be there too. I had finished my homework and had nothing else to do so I agreed. Tom told me to go to the basketball club at ten oclock.On the way there, I bought a hamburger. When I reached the basketball club, I was surprised to see Tom and Jack fighting. Later on, I learned that they were fighting over who should start throwing the ball. I shouted to them to stop but they would not listen. Luckily two men came to separate the boys till they calmed down. Then I suggested that we go to the coffee shop for a drink. At the coffee shop, I brought out my hamburger and it was good to see Tom and Jack sharing the hamburger and laughing once again.回答下面5个问题,每题答案不超过6个词。46. Why didnt the writer go running this morning?47. Who would also join in the game according to Tom?48. When would they meet at the club?49. What did the writer see when he reached the club?50. Where did they share the hamburger and laugh?五、任务型阅读 阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格重的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,每个空格只填1个单词。(10分)Mistakes are great teachersMistakes are great teachers. Success es to those who are willing to risk making mistakes to achieve their goals and wishes, and who are able to learn from those mistakes. And in order to learn from mistakes, you must be willing to pay for them.Mistakes can be very valuable, but when you try to get others to pay for your mistakes, then you lose the chance to learn from them. When something goes wrong, its usually very easy to find someone elses mistakes, but is that useful?Much of the value of mistakes es from the fact that they need a cost that must be paid. The person who learns the most from a mistake is the one who pays the price for that mistake.When you made a mistake, what you shouldnt do is run away from it. You need to accept it. Pay the price, learn the lesson, and grow that much stronger.When you make a mistake, dont look back at it long. Remember the reason for it, and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The past cannot be changed. The present is still in your power. Make full use of your mistakes to achiever your goals and wishes.Mistakes are great 51 Who can 52 Success es to those who not only achieve their goals and wishes at the risk of making mistakes 53 learn from and pay for them.When you make mistakesDont 54 away from them. Its easy but 55 to find someone elses mistakes.The 56 of mistakesYou can learn a lot from mistakes and grow stronger by 57 the price for them.The adviceWhen you make mistakes, remember 58 you make them and then look forward because you cant change the 59 . The present is still in your power, so make full use of them in 60 to achieve your goals and wishes.六、词汇运用(10分)A)根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。61. He was so tired that he could _(几乎不)walk any further.62. I finally _(相信)it after I saw it with my own eyes.63. Some parrots are clever enough to _(重复)some easy words.64. Stevens exam results put him _(在中)the top students of the class.65. Sorry, I took your umbrella by _(错误).B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。(每空不限一词)66. Miss Gao began to work as a teacher when she was in her early _ (twenty).67. _ (wear) orange and you will feel wisdom while having exams.68. Its _ (terrible) cold today. You should put on more clothes.69. Driving after drinking wine _ (not allow) in China.70. “Youre not children any more, so youd better do it by _ (you).” the father said.七、短文填空 根据短文内容和及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。(请在答题卡上写出完整单词)(10分)Is it difficult for you to get up in the morning? Are you often late f_71_ work or school? Yes? Then a scientist c_72_ Mike has a special bed for you. His bed will get you up in the morning! Here is h_73_ it works.The bed is connected to an alarm clock. F_74_ , the alarm clock rings. You have a few minutes to wake up. Next, a tape recorder in the bed p_75_ soft music and then your girlfriends beautiful voice es, “Wake up, darling, please.” A few minutes later, loud music es from the tape recorder. At the same t_76_ , you may hear the voice of your boss. Your boss shouts angrily, “Wake up at once, or youll be late!” If you dont get up a_77_ that, youll be sorry! A plastic “foot” is in the bed. It kicks you in the head. Then the bed waits a few more minutes. What! You re s_78_ in the bed! Slowly the top of the bed rises higher and the feet of the bed goes l_79_. Finally, you fall off the bed onto the floor. You are out of bed and awake!Mike made his bed because he wanted to take part in a petition. Mike w_80_ one of the top prizes for his bed.八、书面表达(20分)假设你班为促进学生素质的全面发展,最近以“当班干是否会影响自己的学习?”为题进行了一次讨论。许多同学认为当班干不会影响自己的学习,但也有一些同学认为当班干会影响自己的学习。请你根据以下表格中的内容要点提示,用英语写一篇短文。乐观者的观点1. 当班干不会影响学习;2. 学习好的关键因素: (自拟理由)3. 当班干还会有利于你的学习提高: (自拟理由)担心者的观点1. 当班干会影响学习;2. 当班干就不会有足够时间学习: (自拟理由)3. 学习会掉队。你自己的观点 (自拟观点和理由)要求:1. 词数100个左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数; 2. 所写内容必须包括表格中的所有的信息,并作适当的发挥; 3. 不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息。 (参考词汇:掉队 fall behind, 自信心 conference, 关系 relationship)Is it good to be the class leader?Does being a class leader affect(影响) our studies? Different students have different opinions(观点).Some students think _xx年第二次网上阅卷适应性训练参考答案及评分标准第一部分 选择题 (共60分)一、单选选择 (满分15分,每小题1分)题 号123456789101112131415答 案CADCACDDBCBADCB二、完形填空 (满分15分,每小题1分)题 号161718192021222324252627282930答 案BCDCAADBACBBDCA三、阅读理解 (满分30分,每小题2分)题 号313233343536373839404142434445答 案DCBCCBCADCDBDAA第二部分 非选择题 (共60分)四、阅读表达 (满分10分,每小题2分)46. Because the writer was very sleepy. / Because he was very sleepy. / He was very sleepy.(2分) I was very sleepy. (1分)47. Jack and some other boys.(2分) Jack and some other boys would also join in the game.(1分)48. At ten oclock (this morning).


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