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2019-2020年七年级英语下册Unit8PetsIntegratedskillsandStudyskills课后巩固训练(新版)牛津版一、单项选择题1. His bag was onthe floor. _ for him.A. Pick itB. Pick it upC. Pick up it2. Can you help meto _ my dog when I am in Hong Kong?A. look afterB. look forC. look atD. look through3. Dont read_. Its bad _ your eyes.A. in the sun; atB. under the sun;atC. in the sun; forD. under the sun;for二、任务型阅读(共1题,共20分)1.News A: Lots of people miss their pets left in theirhomes when they are on holiday outside. They want to live with animals at alltimes. The workers of one hotel in America can solve this problem. They rent(出租) pets to the visitors. Many people believe this way willbee more and more popular.News B: Many people like animals and begin to keepthem as pets, so pet hospitals are very busy. They need some people who loveanimals to work for them.News C: Its said that some day you might own a tigerat a pet. Scientists might have to change wild(野生的) animalsinto pets, because this might be the only way to save them from dying out.News D: What about keeping a robot(机器人)as a pet? It sounds impossible, but it may beepossible one day. Robot dogs can carry things for people and bark like realdogs. People might like these unusual pets more, because robots dont drop(掉落) hair everywhere in the houses or bite people likereal animals.News E: Scientists think that pets might bee muchsmaller, because people in the future(将来) will livein smaller space.根据短文内容完成下面的表格, 每空一词。(1)News about petsNews AThe workers of a hotel in (1) _ rent pets to the visitors. This can help the people who (2) _ their pets left at home when they are on holiday.News BPet hospitals are very (3) _ because lots of people like (4) _ and begin to keep them as pets.News CYou might keep a (5) _ as a pet one day. (6) _ wild animals as pets may be the only way to save them from dying out.News DIt may be (7) _ to keep a robot as a pet one day. Robot dogs can carry things for people and bark like (8) _ ones.News EPete might be (9) _ smaller because people will live in smaller (10) _ in the future.三、完形填空(共10题,共40分)1.Long long ago, a famous city was covered by athick forest, but now there is no forest left.Many animals wereliving in the city. The (1) began to die out. Farmersgrew rice and (2) pigs and chickens there. They cut down trees and burnt them. Theyneeded (3) to keep themselves warmin winter and cook their food. Elephants (4) disappeared because therewas not enough food for them. (5) did wolves and tigers. Monkeysand other animals soon died out in the same way.You might think that there are no longer any animals in the city (6) in the zoos. But there are still over 30 different kinds of animals (7) there. One of the animalsis the barking deer. They are beautiful little animals (8) rich brown fur and awhite spot under the tail. They look like deer but they are smaller. They makea noise like a dog (9) . Now there are not many barking deer left. So it is important (10) people to protect wild animals. Do you think so?(1)A. people B. plants C.vegetables D.things(2)A. grew B.made C.got D.fed(3)A. sunlight B.air C.water D.fire(4)A. quick B.quickly C. fast D.fastly(5)A. So B.Such C.None D.Nor(6)A. besides B.except C.and D.or(7)A. causing B.sailing C. chasing D.living(8)A. have B.without C.with D.get(9)A. barking B.crying C. shouting D.talking(10)A. to B.for C.like D.of

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