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2019-2020年七年级英语10月月考试题人教新目标版(V)本考场试卷顺序号 3、考试时间为90分钟。题号IIIIIIIVV总 分复查人得分核分人评卷人得 分I. 单项选择( 30分 )( )1.Are you _newspaper now? A. read B. reading C. reading a( )2.He often _ping-pong with his friends. Now they _ping-pong at school. A. play, play B. plays, playing C. plays, are playing ( )3.Look! Many people like _hamburgers and fried chicken. A. eats B .eat C. eating( )4.Are you watching TV now?_.A. Yes, I am B. No, I am C .Yes, I do ( )5.Is your father _a book?A. looking B. watching C. reading( )6._you doing your homework?Yes, I _.A. Are, do B. Do, do C. Are, am( )7Look! Its _ outsideArain Bto rain Craining Drains( )8- _ it going? -Very goodAWhats BWhat does CHows( )9-Whats the _like in Beijing? -Its very coldAday Bdate Cweather( )10LookThe baby_Asleeps Bis sleeping Care sleeping ( )11-Im playing soccer in the park-Sounds _ you are having fun Alike Blikes Cliking ( )12-Hi,Mary _ -Hello,_ Steve Aspeaks;its Bis speaking;its Cspeaking;Im ( )13. What is he doing? He is playing soccer. A. a B. the C. /D. an ( )14.Lets_ to the movies now. That_ good.A. going,sound B. go,sound C. go,sounds ( )15. There _much snow in Beijing every year.A. isnt B. hasnt C. hasnt ( )16.Whats on the desk? There _ a pen, a book and two keys. A. is B. are C. has ( )17. -_ there_books on the desk? - -Yes, there_. A. Is; any; is some B. Are; any; are some C. Is; an; is one( )18.Whats on the desk? There _ a pen, a book and two keys. A. is B. are C. has ( 19. -_ there_ interesting news in todays newspaper? - -Yes, there_. A. Is; any; is some B. Are; any; are some C. Is; an; is one( )20 You can _ the piano. A. play B. plays playing( )21.They are having fun_games. A. play B. plays playing( )22.Lily and Lucy _ chess now. A. play B. plays C.are playing( )23.Where is Tom ? He _ in the classroom. A. sing B. sings C. is singing( )24.Do you _ TV on Sunday ? A. watch B. watching C. watches( )25.Are you going shopping or going swimming ? A. Yes, I am B. No, Im not C. going shopping评卷人得 分 II. 完形填空(10分) Bob likes all kinds of weather. When its sunny in summer, he usually sits under the tree.Its cool and he can _26_ books there. When he is tired. He often lies( 躺) on the grass and _27_. In winter, he likes sitting in he sun when its sunny, _28_ sunlight (阳光 ) can make people healthy.When its raining, he likes _29_ the sound (声音 ) of the rain. He thinks it is best _30_ in the world. When its snowing ,he likes walking in the _31_. He often plays _32_his friends outside. When it is windy, he can also do something _33_.He usually flies kites(放风筝) in the park in the light wind(微风 ). He often watches the trees, the flowers and the grass _34_ in the wind when he wind is strong. _35_ can dance very well. He thinks the best dancers e from the wind.( )26. A. buy B. read C. look ( )27. A. relaxes B. cooks C. sits ( )28. A. if B. but C. because ( )29. A. getting to B. listening to C. waiting for ( )30. A. music B. songs C. subject ( )31. A. snow B. rain C. food ( )32. A. in B. from C. with ( )33. A. interesting B. boring C. difficult ( )34. A. sing B. say C. dance ( )35. A. It B.They C. He 评卷人得 分 III.阅读理解 ( 40 分 )A:根据短文内容, 判断对(T)错(F ) ( 5 )One morning Mr. Green and his son, Bill, are in a big shop. Mr. Green wants to buy a new sweater and a skirt for Mrs. Green, and a shirt for himself (他自己). Bill likes apples, so (所以) his father buys two kilos of apples. Bill wants to buy a black T-shirt and some picture books too. There are many people in the shop. They all want to buy something in the shop.( )36. Bill goes shopping with Mrs. Green. ( )37. Mr. Green wants to buy a new skirt for Mrs. Green.( )38. Mr. Green buys a T-shirt for himself.( )39. Bill wants to buy some books. ( )40. Many people buy things in the shop. B. 根据短文内容选择填空 My name is Zhen Zhuo. Today is my birthday. Im nine years old. Mum and Dad get a big cake for me. I like it very much. Its on the table now. There are some other things on the table too, like apples, orange juice, chicken and some fish. Im thirsty (口渴) now. I want a bottle of orange juice. My friends Du Ke and Bai Jie are ing. They are knocking at the door. I have no time to drink. I must open the door now. ( )41. Zhen Zhuo is_. A. twelve B. ten C. nine ( )42. There are some_on the table. A. apples B. oranges C. eggs ( )43. Du Ke and Bai Jie are Zhen Zhuos _. A. sisters B. cousins C. friends ( )44. Zhen Zhuo is _ now. A. hungry B. thirsty C happy ( )45. _ are knocking at the door. A. Zhen Zhuos parents B. Zhen Zhuos sisters C. Zhen Zhuos friends C: 根据表格内容, 选择正确答案( 10 分 )Masons Clothes StoreClothesColorPriceSockswhite, blue$4Trousersblack $11Sweaterred, white $8Tshirt red, green, black$7Hatblack, red$6( )46.Which is the cheapest(最便宜的)of all?AThe hat. BThe Tshirt. CSocks.( )47How much are two sweaters and a hat?A$22. B$20. C$21. ( )48You can buy_in Masons Clothes Store.Ablack trousers Ba blue sweater Ca green hat Dred socks( )49You like red and you only have $6.You can buy_Aa sweater Ba hat Ca Tshirt Dnone( )50You have $16.You can buy _Aa sweater and a pair of trousers Btwo Tshirts and a pair of socksCtwo sweaters Da sweater and two hatsD. 根据短文回答问题.Im Ann. Im English. Im twelve. I learn (学习)Chinese at Beijing No.3 Middle School. I have a good friend. Her name is Lucy. She is twelve, too. We are in the same grade. But we are not in the same class. Im in Class Two, and she is in Class Three. We have the same Chinese teacher. Her name is Zhang Ying. We all like her. Lucys parents are English teachers in China. She has a sister. Her name is Lily. She is only five years old.51. How old is Ann?52. Where does Ann study Chinese now ?53. Is Lucy twelve ?54. Are they in the same class ?55. Who is Anns Chinese teacher ?评卷人得 分IV. 补全对话 ( 20分 )1)从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语(5分) A 、( )56. What is he doing ? A. Im reading a newspaper.( )57. Are you reading or playing ? B. Its on August 15th.( )58. Does your mother often go shopping ? C. Have a good time !( )59. When is your brothers birthday? D. He is washing his caar.( )60. Im going to have a trip .E. . No, she doesnt.2)补充句子,完成下列对话:Rick: Hello , _61_.Steve: Hi, Rick. Its Steve._62_ ?Rick: Not bad, thanks. The weather is great. 63_?Steve: Im playing basketball with my friends at the park.Rick: Sounds like you are having a good time.Steve: Yes. _64_ ?Rick: Oh, my brother isnt at home. Can I take a message for him ?Steve:.Yes, Could you just tell him to call me back ?Rick: 65_V. 句型转换( 10分 ) 66.They are drawing pictures( 变为否定句 )67. I am watching TV now. ( 用often 改为一般现在时态 ) 68.Hows the weather today ? . ( 改为同义句 )69. Are you swimming in the river now? ( 肯定回答)70.Lunch is playing basketball at school.( 划线部分提问 )VI. 用所给词的适当形式填空 ( 5分 )71. Mary is _( visit ) her aunt in Beijing.72Im so happy _( see ) them again.73. Please tell him _( do ) his homework.74.Its a _( rain ) day today.75. The weather here is warm and _( sun ).76.Tina usually _( watch )TV on weekends. 77.But now he _(study ).78.He is at his _( friend ) home.79. Mike _(be ) learning English.80.My mother _( not like ) cooking.评卷人得 分VI.写作: ( 10分 )假设你是Tom,请以书信的格式, 向你的好朋友Jack介绍一下你正在过得假期(10)

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