2019-2020年九年级元月调考英语试题 (无听力部分,解析卷).doc

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2019-2020年九年级元月调考英语试题 (无听力部分,解析卷)二、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)26. Thanks so much for helping a lot! _.A. Its nice of you to say soB. Oh, youd better notC. Not at all D. With pleasure答案:C解析:此题考查的是情景交际。“非常感谢(你)帮助(我们)这么多,回答:A:你这样说实在太好了; B:哦,你最好不要;C:不用谢(对感谢回答);D:很乐意(去做某事)。根据题意选C。27. I cant open this door, Jack. I wonder if you could lend me a hand. _.A. Its my dutyB. Here you areC. Take it easy D. No problem答案:D解析:此题考查的是情景交际。“我打不开这扇门, 我想知道你是否能帮我一下”,回答:A:这是我的职责; B:给你;C:放轻松;D:没问题,好的。根据题意选D。28. How much do you know about the school? Oh, a nice one. The school is widely _ for its excellent teaching.A. spread B. admiredC. expected D. recalled答案:B解析:此题考查的是动词词义辨析。根据题意“关于这所学校你知道多少?”“噢,一个非常好的学校。它因为优质的教学而受到广泛地_.”选项是:A:伸展, 展开,传播, 散布; B:赞赏; 钦佩; 仰慕, 夸奖;C:期望,希望;D:使想起,回忆,召唤。根据题意选B。29. In Britain today women _ 44% of the workplace, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.A. build up B. make upC. pick upD. send up答案:B解析:此题考查的动词词组辨析。“如今在英国,女性_了劳动力的44,近一半有孩子的母亲拥有有报酬的工作。” build up:变得更大,更多或更强;make up组成,构成某事物,编造,化妆,补偿,化妆;pick up: 拿起,拾起,捡起,停下来把带走;中途把带走, 感染(疾病);send up 发射。此处只有B选项符合。30. What are you cooking, mum? It _ delicious. Chicken soup. Your grandparents will e for dinner.A. looksB. tastes C. smellsD. feels答案:C解析:此题考查的是动词词义辨析。根据题意“妈妈,你正在煮什么?它_ 很美味”“ 鸡汤,你的祖父母将会来吃晚饭。”选项是:A:看起来; B:尝起来;C:闻起来;D:感觉起来。根据题意选C。31. Have you done all the washing, dear? Not yet. It will take about _ five minutes.A. anotherB. other C. moreD. less答案:A解析:此题考查的是代词的辨析。根据题意“亲爱的,你已经全都洗完了吗?”“还没有,还需要另外5分钟”。“another +数字+名词”与“数字+ more+名词”表示“再,又,另 ”的意思,根据题意选A。32. Please write down the address and the phone number. Sorry, but I have no _ to write on.A. paper B. time C. ink D. pen答案:A解析:此题考查的名词辨析。“请写下地址和电话号码”“对不起,我没有_去写。”paper意为“纸”,time意为“时间,次数,倍数”,ink意为“墨水”,pen意为“钢笔”,根据to write on ,与on相搭配的此处只有A选项符合。33. Would you like this TV set or that one? Im not sure. This one has better sound, _ the picture is better on the other one.A. andB. but C. althoughD. because答案:B解析:此题考查的是连词。“你是喜欢这台电视机还是那台?” “我不确定,这台电视机声音比较好,_ 那台的画面比较好。”选项:A:和(并列关系); B:但是(转折关系);C: 尽管但是 ; D:因为(因果关系)。根据题意选B.34. Money is often _ to be very important in our life, but in fact there is something more important than it.A. seenB. treatedC. consideredD. taken答案:C解析:此题考查的是动词词义辨析。根据题意“钱经常被_ 在我们生活中很重要,但事实是还有东西比它更重要”。be considered to “被认为 ”。根据题意选C。35. Can I leave my car outside at night? You _ better not.A. should B. would C. could D. had答案:D解析:此题考查的情态动词。“晚上,我能把车停在外面吗?”“你最好不要(这么做)”。had better not “最好不要”固定搭配,此处只有D选项符合。36. If I report it to the police, theyll want to know where I found it. _? They might want to know what I was doing there.A. Why not B. Cant you tell them C. What can I do for you D. Whats wrong with them答案:B解析:此题考查的是情景交际。“如果我将这报告警察,他们会想知道我在哪里找到它的”,“_? 他们可能想知道我当时在那里正在做什么。”本题使用排除法。选项:A:为什么不呢?(用于邀请肯定回答或询问为什么不能做某事) B:你可以告诉他们(否定疑问表肯定);C:我能为你做什么?(用于在商店或餐厅等地询问顾客情景);D:他们怎么了?根据题意选B。37. Where are you going for your winter holidays? Well, we _ yet.A. havent decided B. hadnt decided C. arent decided D. didnt decide答案:A解析:此题考查的是时态,根据题意“你们将去哪里度寒假?”“我们还没有决定”。选项是:A:现在完成时; B:过去完成时;C:一般现在时被动;D:一般过去时。根据句意与时间提示词“yet”,可知是现在完成时,选A。38. Are you scared of the flight? No, just a little _.A. frightenedB. serious C. anxious D. calm答案:C解析:此题考查的是形容词辨析。“你害怕飞行吗?”“不, 仅仅有点担心”。选项:A. 恐惧的;B. 严肃的,严重的;C. 不安的,紧张的;D. 冷静的。根据题意选C。39. How many of you are going to the party?_, they are all going to the concert.A. None B. All C. SomeD. Neither答案:A解析:此题考查的是代词辨析。根据题意“你们中有多少人将要去参加派对?”,“_,他们都将去演唱会。”。选项是:A:三者或三者以上都不; B:三者或三者以上都;C:一些;D:两者都不。根据题中“all”可知选A。40. I was just beginning to wonder _.A. where are you B. you are whereC. where you were D. where you are答案:C解析:此题考查的宾语从句。“我刚才正琢磨你上哪儿了呢。”宾语从句需要在从句部分用陈述句语序,AB选项语序不对,因题干中主句I was是过去时,从句需要用相应的过去时,D选项时态不对,因此选C。三、完型填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从41 55各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 When I finished my work and put away my things, I hurried to drive home for my 30th birthday celebration. My husband called, he would give me a 41 this evening. Then I came up to a red light and stopped. As I was 42 , I saw a young guy standing on my left. He was pale in the face and 43 a cardboard sign with some writing on it. When youre in the heart of downtown, its pretty 44 to see homeless people asking for money. Generally, I would 45 them, but this time when I looked over the sign, I stopped. I didnt know 46 , but this sign struck me. I cant remember what the sign said 47 , but it was something like: “Need money / 48 , have stomach cancer, homeless, anything helps.” The light had just turned green, and there was a line of supper rush hour traffic 49 me. I went back and forth in my mind a hundred times in that next second.” Should I do something or just 50 ?” The traffic moved forward, and I went with it. About a block or two away, my heart had sunk simply for this guy. I felt so 51 for him. So, I decided to go back and ask him if I could buy him some food and listen to his 52 . It took me about five minutes to turn around and back on to the same 53 where I had seen him. It was just five minutes-but he had gone. “Where did he go so fast?” I wondered. So, there was 54 left to do except going on my driving. Back at home, I just couldnt 55 happy when I thought of the pale face. If you get an idea from inside you, act on it. Dont miss out-for yourself and for that other person.41. A. kiss B. hand C. donation D. surprise42. A. shopping B. waving C. waiting D. standing43. A. pulling B. pushing C. holding D. throwing44. A. mon B. hard C. impossibleD. strange45. A. help B. pass C. stop D. join46. A. how B. when C. where D. why47. A. suddenly B. gradually C. exactly D. hardly48. A. clothing B. food C. medicine D. house49. A. beside B. before C. above D. behind50. A. wait B. drive C. walk D. greet51. A. upset B. thankful C. impolite D. angry52. A. advice B. songs C. jokes D. story53. A. street B. house C. light D. store54. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing55. A. remainB. appear C. seem D. bee答案:41-45DCCAB 46-50DCBDB 51-55ADADB解析:【语篇解读】 本文大意:本文讲述了一个发生在马路上的故事。作者在下班高峰期开车赶回家过生日,却在等红绿灯时遇到一名乞讨男子,男子手拿着一个纸板,上面写着身患胃癌,需要食物或者钱。作者经过一番心理挣扎后,选择开车离开,但过后心里感到不安,返回决定给男子一些帮助,但此时男子已经离开,作者因此而感到遗憾和自责。41.此题考查名词,根据前文“I hurried to drive home for my 30th birthday celebration”可知作者的丈夫要给她一个惊喜。因此选择D. surprise42.此题考查动词,前文讲到作者开车回家“I hurried to drive home”,遇到红灯停下“Then I came up to a red light and stopped”,可知作者在等待红灯的时候遇到了那个乞讨的男人。因此选择C. waiting43.此题考查动词,乞讨的男人手里应该是拿着硬纸板,因此选择C. holding 44.此题考查形容词,当你身处市中心时,遇到乞讨的人应该是很常见的,并且后文谈到作者通常会无视他们,直接经过,可见该种现象是普遍的,因此选择A. mon 45.此题考查的是动词,根据后文“but this time when I looked over the sign, I stopped”,可见前后句是转折关系,后句说作者仔细看了硬纸板并且停了下来,可以推测作者之前都是直接经过,故选 B. pass 46.此题考查副词,虽然我不知道为什么,但是这个标牌还是打动了我。因此选择 D. why 47.此题考查副词,根据后文“but”可知前后句是转折关系,虽然我不能确切地记得标牌上究竟写了些什么,但是它是诸如此类的话.”因此选择C. exactly48.此题考查名词,根据常理判断,乞丐应该是所要钱财和食物。因此选择B. food 49.此题考查介词,根据前文“Then I came up to a red light and stopped”,可知我来到了红绿灯处,高峰期的车流应该是在我的身后,因此选择D. behind 50.此题考查动词,由本句“or”可知是一个选择关系,是应该把车停下来做点什么还是直接开走什么都不做,因此选择B. drive 51.此题考查形容词,前文中作者由于一番犹豫之后决定不理会,行车离开,但行至一段路程后,“my hear had sunk simply for this guy”心中一沉,感到难过愧疚,A项“upset”有“难过;失望”的含义,因此选择A. upset52.此题考查名词,前文提到男子手中所举纸板上写的“have stomach cancer, homeless”,描述了男子目前的遭遇,是不好的事情。此时,作者决定返回,给他买食物并倾听他的故事,因此选择D. story53.此题考查名词,前文讲到作者在等红绿灯时看到这个男子,没有停下来,绿灯亮时驶过了红绿灯,而这时作者决定返回,要返回到原来那条街道上,因此选择A. street54.此题考查代词,53空前讲到当作者回到原来那条街上时,男子已经走了,因此此时作者除了开车离开以外没有别的事情可以做了,因此选择D. nothing55.此题考察动词,作者回到家后,还一直想着这件事,想到那张苍白的面孔时,作者无法表现得开心,因此选择B. appear四、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列材料,从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。A56. We may probably read the above material in _.A. a newspaper B. an English test bookC. a city centre report D. a summer program57. Its clear that the program is for the students _.A. who are very excellentB. who do well in at mathsC. whose reading and writing are goodD. who have some problems at school 58. Rachel is probably a(n) _ for the program.A. experienced teacher B. good exampleC. young expert D. naughty boy 59. If we want more information about the program, we_.A. need to call 01222 246900B. can ask Kip McGrath for helpC. have to pay more moneyD. must wait for a week60. What do we learn about this summer program?A. It needs experienced teacher.B. It doesnt offer us the e-mail dress.C. It can help students a lot in many ways.D. Theres only one centre for the program.答案: ADBBC解析:【语篇解读】 本次考试的第A篇是一篇应用文。讲的是培训学校招生的广告。56.主旨题,题干问我们在哪里可以看到这个材料,那么这是一个招生广告,可能来自A. newspaper广告。B. an English book(英语书)不可能。C. a city centre report(城市中心报告)也不符合,D. a summer program(暑期项目)与内容符合,易选错,但是题目问从哪里可以看到这个材料,答案应该是A报纸。如果问这个材料是关于什么,才是暑期项目。57.推理题,题干问这个项目是针对哪些学生,通过第一句“Richard has turned a corner.”可以判断出孩子在这里会被改变变好,所以是针对那些在学校不太好的学生,选D。而ABC都是说针对优秀的和好的孩子,所以错误。58.推理题,题干问Richard可能是这个暑期项目的什么。从文中可以看出,这是个招生广告,第一段说Richard在这里变化很大, 变得很好,说明她是一个好的例子,选B。选项中A和C说她是专家和老师,显然错误,而D项说Richard是boy也是一个易错点,文中第一段用“her”代替可知是女孩。59.推理题,如果我们想要更多的信息,文中A很巧妙地设计了陷阱,电话号码错了,容易忽视。C“have to pay more money”和文中“free”矛盾,而D项文中无提及,所以答案为B. 60.推理题,A项这个项目需要有经验的老师,文中说它拥有有经验的老师,没有提到需要,所以错误。B项没有提供邮件地址,从图中可以看到邮箱地址,也错误。D项只有一个centre,从文中左下方Centres in可以看出不止一个。所以得出答案。体裁:应用文话题:暑期项目招生难度:困难考点:56.主旨题57.推理题58.推理题59.推理题60.推理题BOn Thursday October 3, Adam Harper decided to stop drinking coffee. Adam is a MBA student at Harvard University. He studies long hours, gets very little sleep and as a result, he drinks a lot of coffee-anywhere from five to six cups a day. Recently, Adam felt that drinking thus much coffee was making it hard for him to sleep at all. He also began having problems with his concentration(注意力), and plained of stomachaches. Adams doctor made this suggestions: stop drinking coffee altogether. When Adam got up on October 3, he began his day without his morning coffee. By 11:00 a.m., Adam was in a terrible mood (情绪). He was tired and had a headache. At 11:30, he had a meeting with his student advisor. In the meeting, he found it almost impossible to continue. What was going on? Caffeine, a chemical found in coffee, was most likely the reason for how Adam felt. Caffeine is a stimulant that boosts(增加) energy levels and improves concentration- but only for a short time. Lowering caffeine consumption(减少摄取咖啡因) often causes a drop in blood pressure and the result is a “coffee headache”, People who stop drinking coffee often say they feel tired and moody, and find it hard to focus. The good news is that these feeling usually pass after four and five days. During this time, doctors suggested taking some aspirin for the headache. So, if Adam can wait, in less than a week, he may be feeling much better.61. We learn from the reading Adam_.A. does researches on caffeine.B. had some problems because of coffee.C. still drinks 5 to 6 cups of coffee a dayD. can never be feeling better62. In fact, coffee can really help us_.A. to go to sleep very fast B. to work for long hoursC. not to get ill easily D. not to depend on medicine63. People may feel _ when they stop drinking coffee.A. healthier B. uneasy C. energetic D. awaken64. What happened to Adam on Thursday October 3?A. He didnt go to his study.B. He plained about the student advisor.C. He didnt drink any coffee at all.D. He decided to stop drinking coffee.65. The good news shows that_.A. Adam will be better if he stops drinking coffee.B. More and more people will give up coffee.C. Aspirin can stop us thinking coffeeD. Coffee can never cause headaches.答案: BBBDA解析:【语篇解读】 本文开始以记叙文的方式开篇,讲述了一个学生一直都喝很多的咖啡,但是,最近发现有问题困扰着他,医生的建议是停止喝咖啡。接着指出,该学生停止喝咖啡后有一系列的不适应。然后文章开始介绍咖啡的相关知识及其对身体的影响,最后提出解决方案。文中有部分生词已经给出解释,整体上文章难度不大。 61.细节题。文章第一段便指出Adam发现最近失眠,注意力难以集中,胃痛。而所有的这些都是喝咖啡后的问题,故B项正确。62.推理题。文章第一段指出He studies long hours, gets very little sleep and as a result, he drinks a lot of coffee-anywhere from five to six cups a day. 另外第三段也有Caffeine is a stimulant that boosts(增加) energy levels and improves concentration,由此推断,咖啡的确能促进人们工作更长时间。故答案选B63.细节题。通过题干中的when they stop drinking coffee 定位到文章第三段People who stop drinking coffee often say they feel tired and moody, and find it hard to focus. 其中tired, moody, hard to focus 都与uneasy意思相近。故答案选B64.细节题。本题通过题干Adam on Thursday October 3可迅速定位到文章第一段最开始On Thursday October 3, Adam Harper decided to stop drinking coffee.与D答案同形。故选D.65.细节题。通过题干信息good news可以定位到文章最后一段So, if Adam can wait, in less than a week, he may be feeling much better.中in less than a week, he may be 与will be同义替换,后面同形,故答案选A。体裁:记叙文话题:咖啡对身体的影响难度:中等考点:61.细节题 62.推理题63.细节题64.细节题65.细节题CCan you speak to dolphins? Of course you can but you wont be able to understand them! We interviewed a biologist and asked her what research on dolphin munication has shown. This is what she told us.Just like dogs, cats and other mammals, dolphins municate by using sound, vision (视觉), touch and taste. Each dolphin has its own signature whistle to identify itself and to call others. Dolphins dont have the ability to smell, but their hearing and eyesight are excellent.We also asked Jane if dolphins have got their own language. She told us that they have and that dolphins started talking to each other from birth. They make different sounds, including whistles, squeaks and click. Sometimes they even sound like a heavy metal band!We then asked Jane if any interesting experiments have been done. She told us that a very interesting experiment had been done with a mother dolphin and her two-year-old baby in an aquarium. They talked to each other over the telephone! The two dolphins were in separate tanks which were connected by a special under water system. Unfortunately the biologists couldnt understand what the dolphins were talking about because they havent been able to decode (转换) dolphin language yet. However, it was very clear that the dolphins knew what they were talking about.Finally we asked Jane if there was hope that we would be able to understand dolphins in the near future. She told us that she and her team have been listening to dolphins for more than 17 years, using special equipment to record and analyze their language. Unfortunately they havent been able to decode it yet, but who knows maybe one day well get a phone call from a dolphin.66. Its clear that _.A. we can speak to dolphins but not talk withB. dolphins have not got their own languageC. researches on dolphins have just begunD. only biologists know what dolphins talk about67. The best title of the reading may most probably be_.A. An Interesting ExperimentB. Mother Dolphin and BabyC. Animal TalkD. Further Research68. The word “analyze” in the reading mean_.A. useB. translateC. copyD. study69. Which of the five senses havent dolphins got?A. SmellB. TouchC. TasteD. Vision70. The interesting experiment tells us_.A. dolphins could talk in their own languageB. only mother dolphin was able to talk to her babyC. the biologists can decode dolphin languageD. the two dolphins were talking by touch答案: ACDAA 解析:【语篇解读】 我们能跟海豚讲话,但却不理解它们的回答。一个生物学家告诉了我们一些关于海豚交流的研究的发现。海豚和其它动物一样,通过声音、视觉、触觉和味觉来交流。每只海豚都有自己独特的声音来鉴别自己和与其他海豚交流。海豚没有嗅觉,但是它们的视觉和听觉特别好。海豚们有自己的语言,并从一出生就通过不同的方式开始交流。生物学家Jane告诉我们,他们对一只海豚妈妈和它两岁的孩子做了一个有趣的实验。它们被分别放在两个由特殊水下连接系统连接的水池里面,它们竟然像是在打电话交流。由于不能破译他们的语言,我们不知道它们在聊什么,但他们自己肯定知道。Jane说她和同伴用特殊的器材记录和分析海豚的声音17年了,但仍未破解海豚的语言,或许未来有这个希望。 本文生词不少,但多数是名词或容易根据上下文猜出的动词,对学生的理解能力和对主旨的把握能力要求较高。66.推理题。根据文章开头的两句话可以推出A选项,我们能跟海豚讲话,但不能对话,因为不懂海豚的回答。B、C、D选项可以根据文章中的细节排除掉,所以答案选A。67.标题题。文章以海豚代替动物界,讲海豚之间的交流及各种证明它们交流的实验。A选项的interesting不准确,整个标题范围太大;B选项的范围太小,文章只有一段讲海豚妈妈和小海豚,并且侧重于它们之间的交流;D选项偏离的文章的主旨,是文章的后续内容。根据排除法,所以答案选C。68.猜词题。问analyze的意思,上文说生物学家们监听海豚17年,用特殊的仪器来记录和analyze海豚的语言,可见analyze是record(记录)的一个后续动作。下文可大致理解到生物学家们还暂时理解不了海豚的语言。存在于记录和理解之间的动作,只能是分析、研究,因此答案选D。69.细节题。从文章第二段的结尾处“Dolphins dont have the ability to smell, but their hearing and eyesight are excellent.”可得知海豚的没有嗅觉,所以答案选A。70.细节题。从第三段的前两句可以得知,海豚们有自己的与语言,并从一出生就在交流。从第二段的“Each dolphin has its own signature whistle to identify itself and to call others. ”可见,并不是只有海豚妈妈能和它的孩子交流,因此排除B;由文章最后一段的“Unfortunately they havent been able to decode it yet”可知C项错误,因此排除;由第二段的第一句“Just like dogs, cats and other mammals, dolphins municate by using sound, vision (视觉), touch and taste.”可知,D选项错误,所以正确答案选A.体裁:议论文话题:海豚、交流 难度:高考点: 66.推理题67.标题题68.猜词题69.细节题70.细节题第卷 非选择题 (共35分)五、词与短语选择填空(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面五个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构和意义上正确。(提示:选项中有一个是多余的) active helpful connect manage took off got off 71. The book should be very _ to parents of disabled children.72. How did you_ to persuade him?73. The girls were _ in activities of school life.74. He _my wet boots and made me sit by the fire.75. They met a couple of times but they didnt really _.答案:71. helpful 72.manage 73.active 74.took off 75.connect解析:71. helpful,根据句意:这本书对残疾儿童的父母是非常,此处缺一个形容词修饰书的作用,根据句意,helpful“有用的”,符合题意。72. manage,manage to do意思是:设法成功做成某事,根据句意:你是怎么成功说服他的,manage符合题意。73. active,此句划线部分缺一个词修饰女孩们在学校活动中的表现,active,“积极的”,符合句意。74. took off, took off这个短语常考的意思有两个,“脱掉(衣、裤、鞋、袜);(飞机)起飞”,符合该句句意,他脱掉了我的湿靴子,并且让我坐在炉火旁。75. connect,根据句意:他们见过几次面,但没有真正联系过,connect“联系”符合句意。六、阅读理解填词(共10题,每小题1分,满分10分)先阅读短文,在其后空白处写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。 Soon after Harry Wei moved into the flat downstairs, I met him one morning in the lift. I introduced myself, and could tell him from his v 76 that he wasnt British, so I said, Are you from Japan? He looked annoyed, and said, “No, Im Chinese!” I felt very e 77.That evening, I told my flatmate Nick about our new n 78 . “I hope he doesnt like c 79 lots of smelly, oily food,” he said. “My uncle used to live above a Chinese r 80 , and he” “I like Chinese food,” I said. “Anyway, hes just moved here and maybe he doesnt know many people yet. Lets invite him round to our place for dinner.” I went downstairs and knocked on his door. He thanked me for the i 81 , and asked if he could bring his wife along too. “Of course,” I said, When they came to dinner, I was surprised to find that Harrys wife was British, not Chinese. Her name was Lisa. “We met in Chengdu five years ago,” She e 82 . “I was an English teacher there, and Harry was my student.” Now Harry was studying in London, and after he had finished studies they p 83 to go back to China.I asked Harry what he found most d 84 about life in England. “Oh, I love it here now,” he said, “but when I first arrived, my English wasnt very good. When

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