2019-2020年中考英语 题型突破 题型二 完形填空 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年中考英语 题型突破 题型二 完形填空 人教新目标版年份xxxxxxxx2011文体记叙文记叙文记叙文记叙文说明文话题学会享受生活助人为乐的故事介绍父亲乐观的原因及对我的影响成功的原因介绍了明信片的发展史词数和段落243词,7段式225词,6段式186词,4段式195词,3段式182词,3段式考查点名词、动词及动词短语、形容词、副词、连词、代词、介词等考点:逻辑推理方法突破:形容词辨析类的试题通常采用逻辑推理的方法,判断出修饰名词的情况,选出正确的单词。该题中询问杯子中的状况,根据下一段第2句Their answers are different,from 20g to 500g.他们的答案从20克到500克各不相同,可推测这个老师在问水的重量。可迅速找出答案。考点:词汇复现方法突破:在完型填空中,考查名词词义辨析时,通常使用词汇复现的解题方法,考生不要急于选出答案,须通过上下文的提示,读懂题意,选出正确的答案。5.C【解析】命题角度:生活常识。考查名词辨析。 mother母亲;teacher老师;doctor医生;friend朋友。句意:如果我握住它一天,不得不叫_。根据常识,身体受不了要打电话叫医生。故选C。6A【解析】命题角度:逻辑推理。考查动词词义辨析。 rest休息;shake摇动;look看;work工作。句意:我们能做的是把它放下来,_一会儿,再举起来。放下杯子为了休息一会儿。故选A。7D【解析】命题角度:语境推断。考查固定短语辨析。this time这次;some other time 改天 ;next time下一次;all the time一直,总是。句意:如果我们迟早_承受负担,我们会坚持不到底。根据上文可知,总是负担重。故选D。8B【解析】命题角度:语境推断。考查动词短语用法。 give up放弃;put down放下,镇压;pick up捡起,接走;think about考虑。句意:我们不得不时常想着_担子,以便我们恢复精神并坚持下去。根据常识,只有把担子放下来,才能恢复精神。故选B。9C【解析】命题角度:语境推断。考查连词辨析。after在之后;since自以来;before在之前;until到为止。句意:所以今晚从工作回到家之_,放下工作担子。根据下一句不要把工作负担带回家可知,这个老师建议每人回家前放下担子。故选C。10D【解析】命题角度:逻辑推理。考查动词词义辨析。save节省,挽救;help帮助;care照顾,关爱;relax放松。句意:并学会_我们自己。根据上句无论我们有什么负担,如果可能,把它们放一下。可见这里是放松自己。故选D。,考点:生活常识方法突破:做此类题目时,应该联系生活实际和常识,然后做出正确的判断。本题中告诉我们握住杯子一天,因此我们由常识判断应该去叫医生。考点:语境推断方法突破:语境推断类题在完型填空中是最常见的,考生首先要弄清楚主人公身份、所处环境等,进而理解语境,体验语境。在本题中,we will not be able to carry on是明显的语境,告诉我们如果总是承受负担,我们会坚持不到底。河北xx考点集训(一) 话题1英语学习Group 1(xx原创预测)英语学习的方法In the past few years I have had many difficulties while trying to learn English,but I have got over(克服) them and made a lot of _1_.The spelling of words and the meanings of them were the first difficulties I met _2_ a beginner,but I have found my own ways to _3_ them.As for spelling,I never write a new word over and over again to memorize it,but I try to practice its _4_.Now,I can spell a word out _5_ I read it out.As for meanings,I like to put a word into a _6_ to learn its meaning.If I use a word quite _7_,both its spelling and meanings will not be that difficult to remember.After all(毕竟),learning English is to _8_ it.Grammar is _9_ difficulty.But I have dealt with it,too.I read few grammar books.Instead,I often _10_ lots of time reading the articles written by native English speakers.By doing so,I have got a good sense(感觉) of English.Finally,I want to say that learning English takes time and hard work.()1.A.hopeBtimeCprogress Dmoney()2.A.with BtoCfor Das()3.A.agree with Bdeal withCbegin with Dtalk with()4.A.name BletterCgrammar Dpronunciation()5.A.when BthoughCunless Dbecause()6.A.dictionary BbookCsentence Dnote()7.A.always BhardlyCsometimes Doften()8.A.solve BuseCexplain Dface()9.A.another BotherCothers Dthe other()10.A.take BspendCgive DcostGroup 2(xx原创预测)英语学习的方法I have taught English in China for over six years.I think Chinese students work very _1_,but the way in which they learn isnt the best.Students should use what they _2_ know.A lot of students seem to think they always need to know _3_ words or phrases,and then they will be able to _4_ what they want to say.Most of the time they dont.A lot of Chinese students have spent a long,long time learning English,_5_ they havent spent a long time trying to use it.You dont need to _6_ to use English.You can find _7_ that you like on the Internet in English,basketball,chess,dogsI have met a lot of people from Europe who have very good English.They didnt spend hours _8_ text books,and they didnt all go to the best schools.They think English as a tool for having fun and doing business,not just for exams.I suggest students should spend more time using their English for _9_,listening to music,watching movies,reading the news or whatever else they _10_ to do.They will improve in this way.()1.A.easily BquicklyCloudly Dhard()2.A.always BneverCyet Dalready()3.A.other BanotherCothers Dthe other()4.A.tell BspeakCtalk Dsay()5.A.and BbutCso Dor()6.A.go abroad Bgo outCgo to college Dgo away()7.A.none BanythingCa lot of Dnothing()8.A.to learn fromBlearning fromClearning aboutDto learn about()9.A.fun BinterestCbusiness Dexamination()10.A.practice BlikeChate Denjoy话题2事物介绍Group 3(xx呼和浩特中考)玩游戏For most children,the most useful way of spending their time is playing a game.It doesnt matter _1_ the game is.Things bee better when they need a(n) _2_ to play with.On the one hand,it is quite _3_ for the development of a childs personality(个性) to win and to _4_ the best ways to get that.On the other hand,if a child only cares about _5_,then for him,playing a game is funny only when he wins.Or if he finds a better partner,he will get _6_ and he doesnt want to go on playing.Its parents _7_ to make their children know that:you cant always win and there are many unpleasant moments _8_ when you have to learn how to lose.The idea is to pete,to prove you are good,not only to win.In a word,playing a game is not funny only when you win.It is funny _9_ you enjoy it and try your best to win.If you are just a little bit unlucky,dont _10_ a lot.You will surely prove your abilities some other day.()1.A.how BwhyCwhat Dwhen()2.A.owner BworkerCstudent Dpartner()3.A.useful BsimpleCcorrect Dspecial()4.A.pay attention to Btake pride inCjump out of Dthink of()5.A.playing BstudyingCwinning Dlosing()6.A.unhappy BlonelyCrelaxed Dexcited()7.A.rule BdutyCplan Dhabit()8.A.in life Bin the futureCin fact Din the way()9.A.or BandCwhen Dbefore()10.A.worry BbelieveCwish DimagineGroup 4(xx苏州中考)吸烟的危害Few people like changing their habits,good or bad.Whether it is smoking,drinking or overeating,they _1_ “enjoying” them to the end.On every packet of cigarettes(香烟),people are warned against the _2_ of smoking:“Warning:Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health”. _3_,millions of them start smoking or go on smoking.Why?Facts show that families and surroundings(环境) play a very important part in _4_ smokers.All those smokers e from smoking families or have smoking _5_ or relatives.Films and TV plays also play a part.People _6_ their “heroes” on TV drinking alcohol(酒) or smoking cigarettes.“Heroes” seem to fear _7_,neither killing themselves nor killing others with alcohol and cigarettes.If they are not afraid of the harm of smoking and drinking,_8_ should mon people be afraid?The simple warning on the cigarette packet does not influence smokers habits.Even _9_ warnings,like showing pictures of smokers who have died of cancer,dont seem to work.Knowing and believing seem to be two _10_ things.If smoking is really as harmful as doctors say,it is time for smokers to think about it and try to give it up!()1.A.stop BcontinueCfinish Davoid()2.A.chances BexcusesCcauses Ddangers()3.A.Moreover BAlsoCHowever DOtherwise()4.A.influencing BexplainingCimproving Ddescribing()5.A.parents BunclesCbrothers Dfriends()6.A.hear BcatchCwatch Dface()7.A.something BnothingCanything Deverything()8.A.what BhowCwhen Dwhy()9.A.stronger BworseClonger Dharder()10.A.similar BpleasantCdifferent Dboring话题3实物介绍Group 5(xx保定中考调研)蛀书虫Bookworm are worms(蠕虫) living on books.The worms bite pages and do harm to books.But sometimes,bookworms mean a particular group of _1_.These people like _2_ very much and nothing else will _3_ them more than books.They are also living on books.Bookworms often have their noses _4_ a book and keep reading for hours.They may hold a book in their hands when doing some _5_ things.We can find people reading _6_ they are walking in a street or traveling on a bus,so most bookworms have to wear glasses because of _7_ sight(视力)For them,reading is the greatest _8_ in the world.But nowadays,there are fewer and fewer bookworms among us.With the development of the Internet,most people would like to _9_ their spare hours on the Internet.As bookworms are dying out from our world,more and more people are being net worms.They _10_ the net and dont like outdoor activities.Who knows what worms will appear in the future?()1.A.students BpeopleCputers Dexperiences()2.A.playing BtalkingCwriting Dreading()3.A.interest BattendCavoid Dstop()4.A.beside BinCto Dunder()5.A.another BothersCother Dthe other()6.A.if BwhileCbecause Dsince()7.A.short BlongCfar Dgood()8.A.purpose BtroubleCpleasure Dimagination()9.A.cost BpayCtake Dspend()10.A.hold on Blive onCfeed on Dtry onGroup 6(xx邯郸中考模拟)新型感应器A British student has a new invention.It can make children do more _1_ and also reduce the time they spend in watching TV every day.The technology is _2_ “Squareeyes”It is a little sensor(感应器) and it is put in childrens _3_.It can count the number of steps taken by a child during the day and _4_ this information to the family puter.Software then tells the _5_ how many hours of TV he or she can watch that evening.One hundred steps are equal to(等于) one minute of TV. _6_ children use up all of their TV time,they have to do more walking.The inventor,Gillian Swan,says,“This will _7_ children to make exercise part of their daily life at an early age.” She said that ten years ago,children were _8_ because they often played outside _9_ their friends,while todays children _10_ too much time in front of the TV and dont exercise.This means that todays children have weight problems and bee fat.()1.A.practices BstudiesCgames Dexercise()2.A.watched BnamedCreplied Dmade()3.A.shoes BglassesChats Dcoats()4.A.write BencourageCread Dsend()5.A.child BstudentCwoman Dteacher()6.A.Unless BIfCAlthough DWhile()7.A.agree BallowChelp Dset()8.A.cheaper BcleanerChealthier Dclearer()9.A.for BbyCwith Don()10.A.spend BtakeCcost DuseGroup 7(xx石家庄桥东区一模)手机用途As mobile phones are _1_ being more mon around the world,they have more and more new functions.People now use mobile phones as a “second Internet”Users at present can use _2_ mobile phones to book(预定) concert and airline _3_ and do their banking.Some cell phones can also work as a wallet.A phone with a camera on the back appeared in xx,which has been popular with people in their teens and twenties ever since.It has even _4_ the way people municate.Many people now take _5_ whenever they want to.They can not only tell their friends where they are,but also they can show the taken pictures to them by email. _6_ email,often with pictures and video(视频) is now a more popular means of munication than just talking on the phone.Other functions(功能) that many _7_ enjoy include simple games and ring tones,including popular music.Users can choose song or some other should as a ring tone to know who is falling them.The Year xx saw what have been called thirdgeneration mobile phones.They can _8_ TV broadcasts.So _9_ kinds of mobile phones will appear in the future? Many people expect that phones will continue to bee small enough to be _10_ as a watch.()1.A.slowly BsilentlyCquietly Drapidly()2.A.his BtheirCmy Dher()3.A.novels BsongsCplaces Dtickets()4.A.kept BchangedCbee Dlost()5.A.photos BnotesCmessages Dvideos()6.A.Writing BSendingCChecking DReading()7.A.students BteachersCworkers Dusers()8.A.hear BwatchCreceive Dget()9.A.how BwhatCwhich Dwhere()10.A.worn BdressedChad Dwent,河北xx考点集训(二)话题4人物经历及感受Group 8(xx石家庄路北区二模)Mr.Jones,the manager of a large pany,was worried.His _1_ was missing.Before he went for a meeting this morning,he had _2_ an envelope with five hundred dollars in it on his desk.When he returned to his office _3_,the envelope was gone.As Mr.Jones always locks his office when he leaves,_4_ could have entered it except the cleaning lady,Mary,who also has the key to his office.Mr.Jones had no choice but to _5_ Mary to e to his office.Mary said very seriously that she had _6_ seen the envelope.Mr.Jones knew Mary had always been an honest worker.However,life was _7_ for her as her husband had been jobless for several months,so Mary was the only one that could have taken away the money.Mr.Jones told her firmly that if she were to _8_ the money,he would not report the matter to the police.After Mary left,Mr.Jones sat down to begin again his work.As he opened his top drawer,he found,_9_ his surprise,the missing envelope.Mr.Jones suddenly remembered that he had put the money there for safe keeping just _10_ he went off for the meeting.He felt very embarrassed and decided to apologize(道歉) to Mary at once.()1.A.keyBmoneyCmap Dpaper()2.A.found BopenedCleft Dforgotten()3.A.later on Bafter allCsince then Dso far()4.A.somebody BeverybodyCanybody Dno one()5.A.allow BaskChelp Dexpect()6.A.ever BalreadyCnever Drecently()7.A.difficult BgoodClong Dshort()8.A.save BreturnCspend Dlend()9.A.at B.onCin Dto()10.A.until BsinceCafter DbeforeGroup 9(xx邢台二模)穿便装上班的经历Five years ago,David Smith wore an expensive suit to work.He used to carry a nice _1_ to work with him so that he could change if his clothes got wrinkled(皱的)“Im working harder than ever,” David says,“_2_ I need to feel fortable.”More and more panies are _3_ their office workers to wear casual clothes(便装) to work.They thought the casual clothes could _4_ their work.In the early 1990s,the workers in American panies could wear casual clothes on Friday(but only on Friday)This became known _5_ “dressdown Friday” or “casual Friday”Why have so many panies done like that?One reason is that its _6_ for a pany to hire(雇佣) new workers if it has a casual dress style.“A lot of young people dont want to _7_ for work,” says the owner of a software pany,“so its hard to hire people if you make a _8_ for their dressing.” Another reason is that people work _9_ when they are wearing fortable clothes.Supporters of casual office wear also say that a casual dress style helps them _10_ money.“Suits are expensive,if you have to wear one every day,”one person said,“for the same amount of money,you can buy a lot more casual clothes.”()1.A.suit BbagCbreakfast Dnewspaper()2.A.or BsoCwhile Dunless()3.A.helping BinvitingCencouraging Dwarning()4.A.be good forBbe interested inCbe friendly toDbe pleased with()5.A.of BasCfor Dabout()6.A.harder BsaferCeasier Dworse()7.A.put up Bget upClook up Ddress up()8.A.plan BruleCfire Dmark()9.A.politely BseriouslyCcorrectly Dhappily()10.A.save BraiseCmake Dwaste话题5 发表观点Group 10(xx镇江中考)旅行的影响At the present time,more and more people love traveling.Its a very good _1_ of getting to know new people and cultures and acquiring(获得) experiences.It helps travelers _2_ a lot.Travel can make our minds bee _3_.But travel does more than all that.It can also make us more creative.In recent years,some professors have been doing research on what many people have already learned from travel experiences.They believe that spending time abroad has the _4_ to affect(影响) peoples mind.For example,they found that the students who lived abroad for a longer period were better at _5_ problems creatively than those who did not.If you stay in the same place,you cant experience new sights,new smells,new sounds and new cultures.All these can _6_ your mind and make it more active._7_,that doesnt mean the more places youve been,the more creative youll bee.Another group of professors have been doing _8_ research.They found the people who often traveled from one place to another didnt have enough _9_ to immerse(使沉浸) themselves in a new place and a new culture.They werent as creative as the people who spent the time _10_ getting to know a place.You have to interact(相互影响) with the places you go to and then you can benefit(得益) from it.If you go traveling,which do you prefer,staying in a place for a certain period or rushing all the way?()1.A.way BareaCsign Dstate()2.A.present BproduceCget Dcheck()3.A.thicker BsmootherCwider Dhealthier()4.A.ability BpossibilityCpersonality Ddifficulty()5.A.solving BcausingCcontrolling Dspreading()6.A.set up Bwake upCturn up Dclean up()7.A.Instead BOtherwiseCMoreover DHowever()8.A.secret BrapidCmon Dsimilar()9.A.interest BmoneyCtime Dquality()10.A.nearly BprobablyChardly Dreally


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