2019-2020年高考英语短二轮复习 阅读类练习(3).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语短二轮复习 阅读类练习(3)热身【由湖南省xx高考十三校联考第二次考试改编】阅读理解。阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。WASHINGTON The head of the World Bank says for the first time in human history, it is possible to end poverty around the worldJim Yong Kim told a Washington audience Tuesday, he wants to make ending world poverty by 2030 a top goal for the bank and governments around the worldWorld Bank President Jim Yong Kim says that the problems of poverty, hunger and inequality are wide, urgent and a matter of survival of millionsWe know that despite the great successes of the last decade, there are still about 13 billion people living in extreme poverty, 870 million who go hungry every day, and 69 million children under five dying every year, he saidBut Kim told a Washington audience that the previous successful efforts to cut the number of people living in extreme poverty by half give them hopeWe are at an auspicious moment in history, when the successes of past decades and an increasingly favourable economic outlook (前景:) bine to give developing countries a chance-for the first time ever-to end extreme poverty within a generation, he said in a speech at Georgetown UniversityOur duty now must be to ensure that these favourable circumstances are matched with deliberate decisions to realize this historic opportunityKim says success will require increasing the speed of economic growth, particularly in South Africa and South AsiaBut he warned that civil unrest (动乱) could happen if economic growth does not help people at all ine levels, and also include women and youthKim says that the World Bank and other development agencies will have more resources to get this job done rightMeeting this 2030 goal will take extraordinary effort, he saidHowever, Kim warned that all the progress in fighting poverty could be destroyed by climate disasters unless the nations of the world do more to prevent climate change1In the opinion of Jim Yong Kim, world poverty _Ais not quite hard to end by 2030Bexists only in Africa and AsiaCis difficult but hopeful to end by 2030Dwill be sure to disappear by 20302Which of the following gives Jim Yong Kim the hope to end world poverty?AA decreasing number of people are living in povertyBGreat successes have been achieved in science and technologyCEconomic growth is increasing in developing countriesDAll countries have started to fight poverty3The underlined word auspicious in Paragraph 5 most probably means _Aunforgettable BluckyCdisappearing Dimportant4According to Jim Yong Kim, in order to end world poverty, _Awe must prevent civil unrest from happeningBwe cant ignore the needs of women and youthCwe must make more people realize the importance of fighting povertyDthe countries across the world must work together to stop climate change5What s the passage mainly about?AThe key of ending world poverty is preventing climate changeBA top goal - ending world poverty will possibly be achieved by 2030CThe success of ending poverty - economic growthDThe progress in fighting poverty【参考答案】1-5、CABDB 第一部分完形填空完形填空训练完形填空。阅读下面短文.从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B. C和D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all! It speaks 36 than words. According to specialists, our bodies send out more 37 than we realize. In fact, non-verbal munication(非言语交际) takes up about 50% of what we really 38 , And body language is particularly 39 when we attempt to municate across cultures (文化). Instead what is called body language is so 40 a part of us that its actually often unnoticed. And misunderstandings occur as a result of it . 41 , different societies treat the 42 between people differently. Northern Europeans usually do not like having 43 contact(接触) even with friends, certainly not with 44 . People from Latin American countries 45 , touch each other quite a lot. Therefore, its possible that in 46 , it may look like a Latino is 47 a Norwegian all over the room. The Latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving 48 . The Norwegian, very probably seeing this as pushiness, will keep 49 - which the Latino will in return regard as 50 .Clearly, a great deal is going on when people 51 . And only a part of it is in the words themselves. And when parties are from 52 cultures, theres a strong possibility of 53 . But whatever the situation, the best 54 is to obey the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be 55 .36. A. straighterB. louderC. harderD. further37. A. soundsB. invitationsC. feelingsD. messages38. A. hopeB. receiveC. discoverD. mean39. A. immediateB. misleadingC. importantD. difficult40. A. wellB. farC. muchD. long41. A. For exampleB. ThusC. HoweverD. In short42. A. tradeB. distanceC. connectionsD. greetings43. A. eyeB. verbalC. bodilyD. telephone44. A. strangersB. RelativesC. neighboursD. Enemies45. A. in other wordsB. on the other handC. in a similar wayD. by all means46. A. troubleB. conversationC. silenceD. experiment47. A. disturbingB. HelpingC. guidingD. following48. A. closerB. fasterC. inD. away49. A. stepping forwardB. going onC. backing awayD. ing out50. A. weaknessB. carelessnessC. friendlinessD. coldness51. A. talkB. travelC. laughD. think52. A. differentB. EuropeanC. LatinoD. rich53. A. curiosityB. excitementC. misunderstandingD. nervousness54. A. chanceB. timeC. resultD. advice55. A. noticedB. treatedC. respectedD. pleased参考答案:-完形填空36-40、BDDCC 41-45、ABCAB 46-50、BDACD 51-55、AACDB完形填空训练完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳答案。 orange tip I was 11, and my family was preparing to leave the beautiful island, where we had lived for four years: my father was being transferred again. But I had constructed a mental wall against this unsettledness. My fascination with 1 provided me with an endless source of 2 .When I arrived on this little island, I discovered a variety of butterflies, and I began to 3 them. Catching butterflies isnt 4 ,so I was proud of my collection. 5 there was one that I had yet to capturethe great orange tip. The problem was its 6 habitat: I could only watch these lovely insects 7 gracefully. No matter how high I climbed, these creatures were always just 8 my reach. With only a couple of days before we were to leave, I began to 9 hope of finding my great orange tip. One morning I was at leave to wander the bush keeping a 10 eye out for my beauty. In the heat, butterflies of all sorts floated above the wildflowers on the hillsides. 11 ,the great orange tips remained high above the treetops. But then, I caught a flash of brilliant white out of the 12 of my eye. I looked up and there it was, about a meter away, 13 on a big red flower. I 14 in my tracks. After a long moment, I began to raise my net, little by little, 15 beating fast. I could scarcely believe my eyes. 16 I reached in and grabbed it, with every intention of moving it into the killing jar. But my hand 17 as I reached for the jar. There was the brilliant bloom of orange on the tips of its glowing white wings, and I could feel the creatures 18 between my fingers. And then, on an impulse(冲动),I tossed it into the clear, bright air and watched it float away. High above the nearby trees it 19 and then disappeared from sight. 20 is like that.( ) 1. A. travel B. nature C. islands D. flowers提示:下文提到捕捉蝴蝶,说明作者对自然有强烈的爱好。答案:B( ) 2. A. amaze men B. information C. motivation D. environment提示:因为对自然的热爱,所以经常会有一些惊奇的发现。答案:A( ) 3. A. notice B. raise C. display D. collect提示:下文collection暗示选collect。答案:D( ) 4. A. usual B. hard C. easy D. funny提示:正是因为不容易捕捉,才会对自己的收集感到骄傲。答案:C( ) 5. A. And B. But C. Therefore D. Besides提示:表示转折:虽然捕捉到很多,仍然有一种没捉到。答案:B( ) 6. A. high B. long C. fast D. often提示:根据下文no matter how high暗示。答案:A( ) 7. A. flowing B. floating C. jumping D. running提示:根据下文floated暗示:蝴蝶在空中飞就像漂浮在空中一样。答案:B( ) 8. A. by B. for C. against D. beyond提示:beyond ones reach 够不到。答案:D( ) 9. A. hold up B. put up C. give up D. keep up提示:因为即将离开,所以他也放弃捕捉蝴蝶的念头。答案:C( ) 10. A. careful B. tearful C. greedy D. sleepy提示:keep a careful eye for仔细观察。答案:A( ) 11. A. In turn B. In mon C. As well D. As usual提示:as usual 像往常一样。答案:D( ) 12. A. edge B. touch C. corner D. sight提示:the corner of ones eye 眼角。答案:C( ) 13. A. gathered B. settled C. performed D. ploughed提示:settle on 落在上。答案:B( ) 14. A. froze B. puzzled C. stared D. rushed提示:根据下面暗示:after a long moment 可知他因为太感意外而停住不动。答案:A( ) 15. A. the tree B. the net C. my heart D. my hand提示:因激动而心脏跳动快。答案:C( ) 16. A. Gently B. Seriously C. Luckily D. Actively提示:gently 用来形容小男孩小心翼翼的情景。答案:A( ) 17. A. rose B. fell C. stopped D. stretched提示:由于他在拿蜜蜂时,感受到它的恐惧,因此他的手停下来。答案:C( ) 18. A. movement B. existence C. joy D. fear提示:句意:他能够感觉到蜜蜂因恐惧在他的手中颤抖。答案:D( ) 19. A. hung B. started C. parked D. sailed提示:蝴蝶又在空中翱翔。答案:D( ) 20. A. Help B. Love C. Interest D. Success提示:结尾给出点睛之笔,强调人与动物之间应该互相关爱。答案:B第二部分阅读理解训练阅读理解训练【xx高考英语广东省梅州市质检试卷】The ancient Egyptians appeared to be among the first early civilizations to learn how to grow roses. In 1888, at Hawara in the El Faiyum area of Egypt, two-thousand-year-old roses were found in ancient tombs. The discovery suggested roses were an important part of the plex burial ceremony which took place when an important person died. The roses found in the tombs are thought by modern experts to be the oldest preserved flowers ever found in the world. They must have been cut and dried before flowering so that they would remain undamaged. Over the centuries, the roses had shrunk and became tight balls, but on careful examination it was discovered that the petals (花瓣) themselves were hardly damaged. Egypts skill in mass-cultivation(大面积栽培)of roses in early times led to the flowers being an important export product. At the height of the Roman Empire, Egypt exported large quantities of roses to the Roman courts. Wealthy Romans loved the beautiful colors and sweet smells of roses. So the Romans attempted to grow their own roses and they eventually mastered the art of mass cultivation. Egypt then decided to concentrate on growing grain instead of roses, so grain soon took over as the number-one agricultural product of Egypt. Roses were appreciated in other early civilizations too, including Greece and Persia. They are a decorative feature on coins, sculpture, and vases dating back thousands of years. There is also evidence that roses were highly valued by the Chinese who believed that the flowers could be used to help treat a wide range of illnesses, from toothache to skin and chest diseases. In the modern world, the rose has not lost its popularity as the “Queen of Flowers” the name given to it by the Greek poetess Sappho. Even today more roses are sold than any other flower. Modern techniques have enabled people to create ever more beautiful roses. Transportation by air makes it possible to grow roses in countries with favorable climates and sell them within twenty-four hours in profitable markets all over the world. Tons of roses are transported this way every week. Roses from Ecuador, a country in northern South America, can be bought in Holland, even though that country itself has a huge rose-growing business. 36. The roses discovered at Hawara in 1888 were _. A. buried about four thousand years ago B. cut after they floweredC. used to keep the dead body fresh D. finely preserved37. Grain replaced roses to bee the number-one agricultural product of Egypt because _. A. the Egyptians showed less interest in rosesB. the petition in rose export became fierce C. the Romans could grow roses for themselvesD. grain was in great demand in the world market 38. Paragraph 3 is developed mainly _.A. by cause and effect B. by order in spaceC. by order in time D. by examples39. With the example of roses from Ecuador, the author shows _. A. modern techniques help the cultivation of rosesB. air transport helps the rose trade worldwideC. roses grown in Ecuador are world-famous D. roses are sold more than any other flower 40. What would be the best title for the passage? A. Queen of flowers B. History of growing roses C. Big archeological discovery D. Rose trade around the world【参考答案】36-40 DCDBA 本文是说明文。文章介绍了花中女王玫瑰。36. D。细节理解题。由第一段的they would remain undamaged和the petals themselves were hardly damaged可知,这些出土的玫瑰保存完好。37. C。细节理解题。由第二段的 So the Romans mastered the art of mass cultivation可知,罗马人最终掌握了大面积栽培玫瑰的技术,不需要大量进口埃及人的玫瑰了,因此埃及人把种植谷物放到了首位。38. D。写作手法题。本段介绍了玫瑰在其他文明古国一样受欢迎,列举了玫瑰在希腊、波斯、中国的用途。39. B。推理判断题。联系上一句Transportation by air . all over the world可知,空运促成了玫瑰销售的全球化。这个例子正是用来说明这一点。40. A。标题归纳题。本文对玫瑰栽培的历史和当今玫瑰产业进行了简要介绍。第四段提到了the “Queen of Flowers”,因此用A项作标题十分恰当。


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