2019-2020年高三英语第一轮复习 Unit 7 The Sea单元过关小测 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语第一轮复习 Unit 7 The Sea单元过关小测 北师大版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高三英语第一轮复习 Unit 7 The Sea单元过关小测 北师大版单句改错1.You certainly wont find a noisy fish. Thats to say, its the nosiest one.2.The Vikings were the first Europeans reach America.3. The Vikings were a group of people who ancestors came from Scandinavia.4. Baggio earns ten times as many as I do.5. Mr Smith had mitted a murder, for that he got into the trouble.6. I heard that she eventual passed his driving test.7. During the 1850s, thousand of people hurried to California in search for gold.8. My friend Jack is explorer,and he has a lot of experience.9. Without wait, I dived the sea to try and escape.10. That was an awful thing to say. I think you should apology to all of us for it.II. 语法填空1. In my opinion, teenagers should be _ (energy) in doing everything.2. We measured the _ (long) and width of the living room.3Scientists were surprised at the _ (discover) that bees can municate with each other.4. It is very dangerous to stand _ the edge of a rock.5. They drove the badly wounded soldier to the hospital _ top speed.6. To everyones surprise, the largest ship “Titanic” _(sink) on its first voyage.7. The area _(pollute) by a coal mine.8. Christopher Columbus is one of the world-famous _(explore).9People usually infer an _(know) fact from a known fact.10. The supermarket _ I worked ten years ago is going to close down.句子翻译1. 我最终说服了他和我一道出去散步。(persuade sb. to do sth.)2. 中国的面积是日本的25倍。(数词 times + as . as)3. 在我进入这个行业很久之前汤姆就退休了。(long before)4. 我们来到一幢房子前,房前坐着一个小男孩。 (介词+关系代词)5. 即将完稿的那本书是关于鲁迅的。 (动词不定式作定语)6. 我认为让海豚表演是残酷的。(Its + adj. + to ,do tricks)7. 鸟类正飞往南方寻觅冬季阳光。 (in search of)短文改错 Mrs. Williams had two sons, Tom and Peter. One morning when she was doing the washing for the family, so Tom came and asked her for some money for sweets. “Sweets are bad on your tooth,” Mrs. Williams said. “Take these two oranges and give it to your older brother.” One of the oranges was quite a lot bigger than other one, so Tom kept the bigger one for himself, and give Peter the smaller one. When Peter saw that his brother had a bigger orange, he said to him, “It is not good take the bigger one for myself. If mother had given me the oranges, I would have given you the bigger one.” “I know you would,” answered his brother. “Thats why I take it.” .晨读文章我的朋友杰克是一个探险家,他有很多惊险刺激的经历。去年他说服了一些人参加他的海上探险。根据他的安排,他们在某一个周一启航去寻找鲸鱼。在路上他警告他的同伴注意鲨鱼,以免陷入麻烦之中。不幸的是,他们吸引了一条大白鲨。因为无法逃脱,他们别无选择只能与鲨鱼搏斗。在他们的共同努力下,最终他们幸存下来。经过一个月的航行,他们到达了目的地并找到了鲸鱼。My friend Jack is an _ (explore) and he has a lot of experiences _are exciting and dangerous. Last year he persuaded some people _( join) in his adventure on the sea. According to his arrangement,they _(set ) sail on a Monday to search _ whales. On the way,he warned his men to watch _ for sharks in case they got into trouble. _ (fortunate),a great white shark _(attract) by them. They had no choice but to fight against it,because they couldnt escape. With their joint efforts,they survived at last. After _ months sail,they made _ to their destination and found the whales.单句改错1.You certainly wont find a noisier fish. Thats to say, its the nosiest one.2.The Vikings were the first Europeans to reach America.3. The Vikings were a group of people whose ancestors came from Scandinavia.4. Baggio earns ten times as much as I do.5. Mr Smith had mitted a murder, for which he got into the trouble.6. I heard that she eventually passed his driving test.7. During the 1850s, thousands of people hurried to California in search of gold.8. My friend Jack is an explorer,and he has a lot of experience.9. Without waiting, I dived into the sea to try and escape.10. That was an awful thing to say. I think you should apologize to all of us for it.II. 语法填空1. In my opinion, teenagers should be _energetic_ (energy) in doing everything.2. We measured the _length_ (long) and width of the living room.3Scientists were surprised at the _discovery_ (discover) that bees can municate with each other.4. It is very dangerous to stand _on_ the edge of a rock.5. They drove the badly wounded soldier to the hospital _at_ top speed.6. To everyones surprise, the largest ship “Titanic” _sank_(sink) on its first voyage.7. The area _was polluted_(pollute) by a coal mine.8. Christopher Columbus is one of the world-famous _explorers_(explore).9People usually infer an _unknown_(know) fact from a known fact.10. The supermarket _where_ I worked ten years ago is going to close down.句子翻译1. 我最终说服了他和我一道出去散步。(persuade sb. to do sth.)I finally persuaded him to go out for a walk with me.2. 中国的面积是日本的25倍。(数词 times + as . as)China is 25 times as much as Japan in area.3. 我们来到一幢房子前,房前坐着一个小男孩。 (介词+关系代词)We came to a house, in front of which sat a little boy.4. 即将完稿的那本书是关于鲁迅的。 (动词不定式作定语)The book to be finished is about Luxun.5. 鸟类正飞往南方寻觅冬季阳光。 (in search of)Birds are flying to the south in search of winter sunshine.短文改错 Mrs. Williams had two sons, Tom and Peter. One morning when she was doing the washing for the family, Tom came and asked her for some money for sweets. “Sweets are bad for your tooth,” Mrs. Williams said. “Take these two oranges and give one to your older brother.” One of the oranges was quite a lot bigger than the other one, so Tom kept the bigger one for himself, and gave Peter the smaller one. When Peter saw that his brother had a bigger orange, he said to him, “It is not good to take the bigger one for yourself. If mother had given me the oranges, I would have given you the bigger one.” “I know you would,” answered his brother. “Thats why I take it.” .晨读文章我的朋友杰克是一个探险家,他有很多惊险刺激的经历。去年他说服了一些人参加他的海上探险。根据他的安排,他们在某一个周一启航去寻找鲸鱼。在路上他警告他的同伴注意鲨鱼,以免陷入麻烦之中。不幸的是,他们吸引了一条大白鲨。因为无法逃脱,他们别无选择只能与鲨鱼搏斗。在他们的共同努力下,最终他们幸存下来。经过一个月的航行,他们到达了目的地并找到了鲸鱼。My friend Jack is an _explorer_ (explore) and he has a lot of experiences _which_are exciting and dangerous. Last year he persuaded some people _to_join_( join) in his adventure on the sea. According to his arrangement,they _set_(set ) sail on a Monday to search _for_ whales. On the way,he warned his men to watch _out_ for sharks in case they got into trouble. _Unfortunately_ (fortunate),a great white shark _was attracted_(attract) by them. They had no choice but to fight against it,because they couldnt escape. With their joint efforts,they survived at last. After _one_ months sail,they made _it_ to their destination and found the whales.

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