2019-2020年中考英语 语法专题突破 专题八 动词 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年中考英语 语法专题突破 专题八 动词 人教新目标版考查点年份题号考查角度选项设置分值名词词义辨析xx42动词词义辨析read/watch/guess/listen1分46动词词义辨析rest/shake/look/work1分50动词词义辨析save/help/care/relax1分xx35感官动词辨析smells/tastes/feels/sounds1分48动词词义辨析asked/told/replied/spoke1分49动词词义辨析boring/buy/take/sell1分xx46动词词义辨析mind/keep/like/remember1分55动词词义辨析moves/happens/appears/develops1分xx46动词词义辨析moves/es/returns/leaves1分48动词词义辨析won/began/failed/ended1分50动词词义辨析tried/forgot/stopped/remembered1分201137感官动词辨析feels/sounds/tastes/smells1分47动词词义辨析liked/hated/found/lost1分50动词词义辨析happened/changed/ended/appeared1分类别功能例词表示状态表示主语所处的状态。am,is,are,was,were表示持续表示主语继续或保持某种身份和状态。keep,remain,stay,stand,lie表示感官表示人体感官的系动词。look,feel,smell,taste,sound表示状态变化表示主语从一种状态变换到另一种状态。bee,get,go,grow,turn分类作用beam/is/are现在分词现在进行时was/were现在分词过去进行时be过去分词被动语态do形式有do,does,did,用于构成疑问句和否定句,或用在动词前加强语气havehave/has过去分词现在完成时had过去分词过去完成时havebeen现在分词现在完成进行时will/shallwill/shall动词原形一般将来时would/should动词原形过去将来时形式构成例词动词原形不带to的动词不定式形式。be,do,have,e第三人称单数一般在动词原形后直接加s。workworksreadreads以s,o,x,z,sh,ch结尾的动词,后加es。gogoeswashwashes以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,应将y改为i再加es。flyfliesstudystudies过去式与过去分词一般在动词原形后直接加ed。workworkedstaystayed在以e结尾的动词后只加d。closeclosedlikeliked以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,应将y改为i再加ed。studystudiedcarrycarried以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,双写此辅音字母再加ed。stopstoppedplanplanned现在分词一般在动词原形后直接加ing。sleepsleepingwaitwaiting以不发音的e结尾的动词,去e再加ing。smilesmilingmovemoving以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,双写此辅音字母再加ing。sitsittingdigdiggingplanplanning少数以ie结尾的动词,变ie为y,再加ing。diedyinglielyingCcontact Dconnect()10.(xx无锡中考)The school network will be shut down for safety reasons.That doesnt _ me at all.Im not a networm,anyway.Asatisfy BsurpriseCworry Dinclude()11.(xx邯郸35中模拟)My brother _ to move the heavy box,but I didnt give up.Areminded BrefusedCagreed Dconsidered()12.(xx秦皇岛中考模拟)The girl is greatly interested in the song.The lyrics of it _ her thoughts and feelings.Aexpress BdiscussCexpect Dimagine()13.(xx唐山一模)Im sorry I left my homework at home.Shall I go and _ it?No,you neednt.Bring it here tomorrow.Aget Bsend Ctake Dpass()14.(xx承德中考模拟)Who reached the station on time?I _! In fact,I arrived there 5 minutes earlier.Awas Breached Cdid Ddo()15.(xx廊坊中考模拟)I dont _ the heat,for Im used to hot weather.Alike Bmind Cknow Dstand()16.(xx原创预测)He is an honest boy.I have no reason to _ what he said.AhearBdoubtCrepeatDbelieve()17.(xx原创预测)It _ about eight minutes for sunlight(阳光)to travel from the sun to the earth.Atakes BspendsCcosts Dpays()18.(xx原创预测)He always doesnt know where to _ for vacation.Ago Blead Cmake Dinvite()19.(xx原创预测)We all know that learning a foreign language _ time and effort.Arequires BreducesCremoves Drepeats()20.(xx原创预测)I got a message saying my phone number won a prize worth $3 ,000.Too good to be true.Dont _ it.Ado Bhold Cmake Dbelieve()21.(xx原创预测)Although Lucy is only three years old,she is able to _ herself.Aput Bmake Cwear Ddress()22.(xx原创预测)The local people like that Italian restaurant because it _ both delicious food and good service.Auses BwantsCshares Dprovides第二节动词短语河北中考五年命题规律及趋势考查点年份题号考查角度选项设置分值动词短语xx35动词短语辨析look for/pay_for/ask for/wait for1分48动词短语辨析give up/put_down/pick up/think about1分xx36get短语辨析get up/get_off/get to/get in1分52动词短语辨析take out/cut off/put down/pick_up1分84动词短语turned_on1分xx41动词短语辨析take down/turn up/take away/turn_off1分53动词短语辨析looking for/worrying about/waiting_for/thinking about1分xx39down短语辨析cut down/look down/turn down/put_down1分201135take短语辨析take out of/take_care_of/take part in/take away from1分河北中考单项选择题对动词短语的考查主要偏向take/turn/put/down短语等。考查形式主要集中在三个方面:同一动词不同介词,如xx年36题的get短语,2011年35题的take短语;不同动词同一介词,如xx年39题的down短语;不同动词不同介词,如xx年的41题。设题形式为简单句,词数多为913。预测xx年河北中考的单项选择题会考查动词短语辨析。河北中考重难点突破【考点抢测】()1.Its hot today,isnt it?Yes,it is.Why not _ your jacket?Atake careBtake placeCtake after Dtake off()2.To keep healthy,many people _ every day.Atake a shower Btake prideCtake a look Dtake exercise()3.(xx保定8中模拟)I have _ my watch everywhere.But I cannot find it.Alooked at Blooked upClooked for Dlooked after()4.Again and again the doctor _ the crying baby girl but he couldnt find out what was wrong with her.Alooked over Blooked afterClooked for Dlooked out()5.There arent many tickets left for the concert,so youd better _ that you get one today.Amake sure of Bmake a decisionCmake sure Dmake plans()6.The firemen soon _ the big fire.Aput off Bput upCput out Dput on()7.(xx邯郸25中模拟)The Olympic Games of xx will _ in Brazil.Atake after Btake offCtake place Dtake away()8.Well _ an English play Snow White during this years Art Festival.Alook up Blook outCput off Dput on()9.Because of the bad weather,we have to _ the meeting till next week.Atake off Bget offCput off Dset off()10.My bike is broken.Could you help me to _?Afix it up Bset it upCmake it up Dput it up()11.The heavy snow didnt _ the international airlines.Apay attention toBadd toCmake a difference toDkeep to()12.This morning I _ some new restaurants on the Internet for I wanted to take Mia to a nice restaurant for her birthday.Apicked up Blooked upCcleaned up Dgave up()13.(xx承德2中模拟)Alice,could you help me _ the meat?I want to make some dumplings for dinner.OK.Ill do it right away.Aput up Bgive upCuse up Dcut up()14.Dont _ so often.Its bad for your health.Aget up Bstay upClook up De up()15.He failed in the math test and looks sad.Lets _.Aput him up Bset him upCcheer him up Dclean him up()16.(xx石家庄42中模拟)More and more students _ too much homework and they are really tired of it.Aplain about Bcare aboutClearn about Dhear about()17.Its cold outside._ your sweater before you go out.APut on BTurn onCPut up DGive up()18.The people in Yaan have met lots of difficulties,but they havent _ hope.Apicked up Bgiven upClooked for Dwaited for()19.I am too tired.I dont know how to _ the problem.Acare about Bdeal withCdepend on Dworry about【满分点拨】动词短语在意义上相当于一个实义动词。动词短语辨析是近年来各省市中考常考点,同一个动词与不同介词或副词的搭配、不同动词与同一个介词或副词的搭配会产生不同意义的动词短语。动词短语的词义辨析试题旨在通过题干或微型语境考查考生对上下文的理解、动词短语的不同搭配识别、记忆及动词短语词义的辨析并恰当运用动词短语的能力。分析河北近5年中考真题可看出单项选择对动词短语的考查主要集中在三方面:(1)同一动词不同介词;(2)不同动词同一介词;(3)不同动词不同介词。A同一动词不同介词。如:get短语:get up,get off,get to,get inturn短语:turn on,turn off,turn up,turn downB不同动词同一介词。如:cut down,look down,turn down,put downput up,get up,look up,wake upC不同动词不同介词。如:put on,take off,look for,cut down河北中考考点精练()1.(xx鄂州中考)I hope to be a volunteer on weekends.You could help to _ the city parks.Acheer upBmake upCtake up Dclean up()2.(xx淄博中考)Hurry up! The plane will _ at six oclock.Aput off Btake offCget off Dturn off()3.(xx攀枝花中考)Dont _ too late,or you will feel tired next day.Awake up Bget upCstay up Dshow up()4.(xx抚顺中考)Dont worry.I can help you _ your pet cat when you go on a trip.Alook up Blook atClook after Dlook like()5.(xx乌鲁木齐中考)Have you read little women yet?Yes.It was so fantastic that I couldnt _.Aput it off Bput it downCput it away Dput it up()6.(xx昆明中考)Waiter,I ordered beef noodles,but I cant see any beef in the noodles!_ your glasses and you can see the beef.APut off BPut upCPut on DPut into()7.(xx随州中考)As we know,many successful people never _ no matter what difficulties theyve had.Astay up Bcheer upCtake up Dgive up()8.(xx河南中考)Jane is very busy these days,for she has a lot of problems to _.Adeal with Bkeep up withCagree with De up with()9.(xx孝感中考)These problems are too hard to _ .Will you give me some advice?There are many ways.The most important is to have a careful plan.Ahand out Bwork outClook out Dbreak out()10.(xx莱芜中考)_! Its not the end of the world.Lets try again.APut up BSet upCCheer up DPick up()11.(xx十堰中考)_these past three years,I remember many things.ALooking up toBLooking outCLooking back atDLooking after()12.(xx宜昌中考)The organization Wild Aid is _ to protect wild animals.It has done a lot so far.Acheered up Bpicked upCtaken up Dset up()13.(xx邢台二模)Spring has e.We cant_ the plan.The trees must be planted this week.Aput off Bmake upCe up with Dlook up()14.(xx保定8中模拟)When will _ your new book _?It has not been decided yet.Afind out Be outClook up Dset up()15.(xx唐山9中模拟)This bus doesnt go to the train station.Im afraid youll have to _ at the library and take the A52.Atake off Bput offCget off Dturn off()16.(xx承德2中模拟)Do you _ your son after school?No.He es back home on the school bus.Apick up Blook afterCdrop in Dsend for()17.(xx原创预测)CoCo Lee was born in Hong Kong but _ in America.Apicked up Bgave upCgrew up Ddressed up()18.(xx原创预测)After hours of discussion,we finally_ a new way to solve the problem.Acame up withBcaught up withCkept up withDput up with()19.(xx原创预测)We should think of others if we want to _them.Aget on well withBhear ofCget ready forDhear from()20.(xx原创预测)Mr.Wang is _ his wallet at home,but he cant find it anywhere.Alooking out Blooking upClooking at Dlooking for第三节情态动词河北中考五年命题规律及趋势考查点年份题号考查角度选项设置分值情态动词基本用法xx28cant的用法may/cant/must/neednt1分xx34cant表示不能cant/mustnt/shouldnt/neednt1分xx34may表请求的用法may/must/should/need1分201136neednt基本用法shouldnt/mustnt/neednt/cant1分情态动词表推测xx35must表肯定推测can/may/must/need1分情态动词为河北历年的必考点,主要为其基本用法和词义辨析,如:may在疑问句中表请求,neednt表示没必要,cant表否定推测和不能。特别是must的各种用法,如:must表肯定推测和强制命令。尤其注意在have to和must的问句中,肯定回答用must,否定回答用neednt或dont have to。同时,也涉及情态动词在被动语态中的运用。设题形式多为单句或对话形式,且词数为1016。预计xx年河北中考的单项选择题会出现一道考查情态动词基本用法的题,且偏向考查must的用法及其问句的答语。河北中考重难点突破【考点抢测】()1.Theres only one day to go.You _ finish your schoolwork by tomorrow.AcanBwillCmustDmay()2.(xx保定17中模拟)Excuse me,sir.You _ open the door before the train stops.Amustnt BneedntCmay not Ddont have to()3.Honey,stay home before I return.I _,Mom.Amust Bcan Cwill Dshould()4.It _ be my book.My book has a signature of mine.Aneednt BmustntCcant Dwont()5.That Tshirt _ be expensive because its designed by a famous designer.Acant BmustntCmust Dshould【满分点拨】情态动词有一定的词义,本身并不表示动作或状态,而仅仅表达说话人的态度。它在句中须和实意动词一起构成谓语。常见情态动词的用法情态动词用法例句can表示能力,意为“能、会”。Sam can speak English well.Sam英语讲得很好。表示推测,意为“可能”,常用于否定句和疑问句。She cant be at home now because I saw her out.她现在不可能在家,因为我看见她出去了。表示请求、允许,意为“可以”。Can I borrow your bike?我能借你的自行车吗?couldcan的过去式,意为“能、会”,表示过去的能力。Lang Lang could play the piano well when he was young.郎朗很小的时候钢琴就弹得非常好。在疑问句中表示委婉的请求Could I have one cup of tea?我可以要一杯茶吗?must表示主观看法,意为“必须、应该”。You must finish your homework first!你首先必须完成你的家庭作业!表示有把握的推测,用于肯定句,表示“一定”。The coat must be Marys because her name was on it.这个大衣肯定是玛丽的,大衣上面有她的名字。should/ought to意为“应该”,表示要求和命令,也可以表示劝告或建议。We should protect the air fresh.我们应该保持空气清新。You ought to teach them carefully.你应该耐心地教导他们。may表示请求、许可,意为“可以”。You may sit here if you want.如果你想的话,你可以坐在这儿。表示推测,常用于肯定句中,意为“可能,也许”。She may e back tomorrow,but I am not sure.她可能明天回来,但是我不确定。mightmay的过去式。He asked if he might go home.他问是否他可以回家了。表示请求、许可,语气比may更委婉。Might I smoke here?我可以在这里吸烟吗?表示推测,常用于肯定句,意为“可能、也许”(可能性比may小)。It might rain tomorrow.明天可能有雨。need表示需要、必须,主要用于否定句和疑问句中。You neednt say sorry to him.你不需要对他说对不起。情态动词的其他用法一、must和have tohave to表示因外部因素而使得某人“不得不”;must表示主观上感到“有必要”。此外,must只有一般现在时,表示“过去”通常用had to,表示将来要用will have to。have/has/had to动词原形,在改否定句或疑问句时要外加助动词do/does/did。如:She has to stay at home and look after her sick mother.她得待在家里照顾生病的妈妈。Does she have to stay at home and look after her sick mother?她得待在家里照顾她生病的妈妈吗?Must I go there with you?我必须和你去那儿吗?二、can和be able to两者表“能力”时用法相同,但can只有现在式can和过去式could两种形式,其他时态要用be able to来表示。另外,be able to常常有“做成了某事”的意味。如:Jim cant speak Chinese.吉姆不会说中文。We will be able to see him next week.下个星期,我们将会看到他。三、can和may1can和may均可用来表示请求或许可,意为“可以”,一般可互换使用。如:Can/May I help you?我能帮助你吗?2can与may表示可能性时的区别(1)在肯定句中表推测时,may表示具体事情实际发生的可能性,can表示客观的(理论上的)可能性。(2)在疑问句中表推测时用can(可能),不用may。(3)在否定句中表推测时用cant(不可能),may not(可能不)。如:She may be in the classroom.她可能在教室里。Where can they be now?他们现在可能在哪儿?四、maybe和may be前者是副词,意为“大概,或许”,与perhaps/probably同义;后者属于情态动词,may与be动词用,意为“或许是”。如:Maybe she is in the office.或许她在办公室。She may be in the office.她或许是在办公室。五、cant和mustnt表否定推测时应用cant。mustnt意为“禁止,不允许”,不用来表推测,在肯定句中可用must表推测,意为“一定”。六、情态动词的被动语态含有情态动词的被动语态的结构为“情态动词bedone(过去分词)”。做题时要兼顾情态动词和语态这两个方面的用法。如:More and more trees must be planted in China.在中国,越来越多的树必须被种植。注意:(1)由need引出的一般疑问句,肯定回答常用must或have to;否定回答常用neednt。如:Need I answer the question?需要我回答这个问题吗?Yes,you must/have to./No,you neednt.是的,你必须回答。/不,你不需要。(2)need作为实义动词有人称和数的变化,后面可接名词、代词、动名词及带to的动词不定式;可用于肯定句、疑问句和否定句中。如:She doesnt need to see the doctor.She just needs a rest.她不需要看医生,她只需要休息一下。河北中考考点精练()1.(xx德州中考)Mr.Wang,must I e again to clean the classroom on Sunday?No,you_.I have asked Kate to do it.AcantBmustntCneednt Dshouldnt()2.(xx广安中考)Look! It _ be David in the classroom.It _ be him.Because I saw him in the library a moment ago.Amay;mustnt Bmust;cantCcan;cant Dmustnt;can()3.(xx保定8中模拟)Harrys been driving all day,he _ be tired.AneedBcanCshallDmust()4.(xx潍坊中考)I have been to the moon twice.You_ be joking! Its impossible!AcanBmayCmustDneed()5.(xx安徽中考)Do you have any plans for this Sunday?Im not sure.I _ go to the countryside to see my grandmother.AcanBmustCmayDneed()6.(xx江西中考)Nathan likes his job because he _enjoy the beauty of nature.Acan BmustCshould Dis supposed to()7.(xx聊城中考)Will Karen e to our party?She hasnt decided yet.She _ e.Aneed Bmust Cmay Dhas to()8.(xx日照中考)You_ go through the security check(安检) before getting on the train.AcanBmightCmayDmust()9.(xx青岛中考)You_ return the book now.You can keep it until next week if you like.Ahave to BcantCmustnt Dneednt()10.(xx绵阳中考)Look! Here es your moms car.It _ be hers.She sold her car yesterday.AmustBcantCneedntDmight()11.(xx保定17中模拟)People _ drive after drinking alcohol(酒)Its against the law.Amustnt BneedntCcouldnt Dwouldnt()12.(xx扬州中考)You look pretty in green,Kate.Thank you.I like green.Green _ give me energy.Acan Bmust Cshould Dhas to()13.(xx安徽无锡中考)I think we need to sit down and have a talk.I _ agree more.Lets take the bench over there.Acould BcouldntCshould Dshouldnt()14.(xx上海中考)Mom,_ I visit the Movie Museum tomorrow?It is closed on Monday.Amust Bmay Cshould Dneed()15.(xx常州中考)Who will give us the speech on public manners?Mr.Brown _,but Im not sure.Acan Bneed Cmust Dmight()16.(xx石家庄42中模拟)Mom,must I take out the trash now?No,you _.You may take a rest first.Amustnt BcantCshouldnt Ddont have to()17.(xx石家庄一模)The manager says that theres no hot water after 8:00 tonight.You mean we _ go to bed without a shower.How terrible!Acan Bhave to Cmay Dcould()18.(xx承德联考)Excuse me.Can you tell me what time it is now?Sorry,I _.My watch doesnt work.Acant Bmay notCmustnt Dneednt()19.(xx石家庄新华一模)Look at the “No parking” sign.You _park your car here.Ashould BmustCneednt Dmustnt()20.(xx唐山路南一模)How nice that Lucy has been invited to the party too!Well,Lucy_ not e.She is not certain whether her mother will allow her to.Amight Bwould Cmust Dneed


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