2019-2020年中考英语 考题精选复习26 介词和介词短语30例.doc

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2019-2020年中考英语 考题精选复习26 介词和介词短语30例1、Thank you _ your help. Its very kind _ you.Afor; toBto; ofCfor; ofDof; for 答案 C2、 Lets go to Lihua Clothes Store. OK. They sell all the clothes _ very good prices.Aat Bin Cof Dabout 答案 A3、The apple is too big , lets cut it _ .Ain half Bto half Cinto half Dat half答案 A4、The model plane is made _ used wood and glass.Afrom Bin Cof Dby 答案 C5、We only live once, but if we live a wonderful life, once is enough. _ I agree.AIn some waysBOn the wayCIn the wayDIn this way答案 A6、-How did he finish the work ?-I hear that he did it _Ain the ownBon his ownCof the ownDall his own答案 B7、The number of the cranes is getting _. If we dont help them ,they will disappear _a few yearsAfewer and fewer , in Blarger and larger , afterCmore and more , after Dsmaller and smaller , in答案 D8、I enjoy playing puter games, but I cant spend too much time _ that.AinBon CforDto答案 B9、-I like music that I can dance .-But I like music that I can sing along .Ato, on Bto, with Cat, on Dat, with 答案B10、Who is that young man _?Hes Jack, my brother. A. in blue B. on blue C. in the blue答案分析:句意:-穿着蓝色衣服的那个人是谁?-他是杰克,我的弟弟。“in+颜色”表示“穿颜色的衣服,”颜色前不用冠词,故选A。11、Is Mr. Brown a good teacher?Yes. He is kind _ us. We love him. A. for B. to C. from答案 B12、Is this a photo _ your family?Yes, it is. A. in B. with C. of答案D13、The store sells sweaters _ a very good price. We can buy one _ 40 yuan.Ain; at Bon; for Cat; on Dat; for答案 D14、We usually have our school tripa morning of April1st.Ain Bat CtoDon 答案D15、I had a good time my stay in Chengdu this summer vacation.A. on B. during C. i答案 B16、- How soon will Mr Li e back from Beijing?- three days. A. In B. For C. From答案 A17、There is a map_ China _ the wall.Aof, in Bof, on Cat, in Dof, of 答案 B18、-Do you have yellow skirts in your store?-No, but we have skirts _ purple and pink.Afor Bin Cat Dwith答案 B19、 Did Jenny play the role _ the princess in the play? Yes, she did. The prince saved her and fell in love _ her.Awith; atBas; in Cof; to Dof; with 答案 D20、Tom and Mary do homework _ about five oclock in the afternoon.Aat Bin Con DFor答案 A21、Whats that Chinese?Ain Bon Cwith Dof 答案 A22、Please call me _289-6578Ain Bfor Con Dat 答案D23、You didnt e by bus, did you? _, I came _ a taxi.ANo, byBNo, inCYes, byDYes, in答案 B24、Tiger Watch won _ award _ its amazing photography.Aa, of Ban, forCthe, aboutD/, from 答案 B25、Suzhou is very famous_ the Chinese-style gardens. They are all _the Chinese style.Afor; inBas; inCin; in Das; of 答案 A26、We have been skating _ two yeas ago.AsinceBfor Cin Dbefore 答案A27、Is Mr. Brown a good teacher?Yes. He is kind _ us. We love him. A. for B. to C. from答案 B28、I often do my homework _ the puter.Ain Bto Cfor Don答案 D29、He usually watches TV Saturday evening.AonBin Cat Dfor 答案 A30、He usually watches TV Saturday evening.Aon Bin Cat Dfor 答案 A

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