2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 广告说明类阅读理解训练(3).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 广告说明类阅读理解训练(3)广告说明(阅读理解)由 (xx安徽合肥第一次质检)改编Ottawa is the capital of Canada. It is the second largest city in Ontario and the fourth largest city in the country.The Centre Block is the main building on Parliament Hill (国会山). It is also the location of several ceremonial spaces, such as the Hall of Honor and the Memorial Chamber. The present Centre Block is the second iteration of the building,after the first was destroyed by fire in 1916,and it is one of the most recognizable buildings in Canada.Downtown Ottawa is the mercial and economic centre of the city. Most of the buildings are office towers. While most of Ottawas high tech industry is based elsewhere, it has a significant presence in the downtown core. The downtown also contains a number of apartments, hotels, and the older single family homes and townhouses along its edges.The National Gallery of Canada is one of Canadas premier art galleries. The Gallery has a large and varied collection of paintings, drawings, sculpture and photographs. Although its focus is on Canadian art, it also holds works by some noted American and European artists.The Rideau Canal is the oldest continuously operated canal system in North America. At the very beginning,the purpose of the Rideau Canal was military, as it was intended to provide a secure supply and munication route between Montreal and the British naval base in Kingston. It remains in use today primarily for pleasure boating, with most of its original structures remained. The locks on the system open for navigation in mid-May and close in mid-October.1.What does “iteration” probably mean in the 2nd paragraph?()A.RepairB.DesignC.CopyD.Landmark2.In the core of Downtown Ottawa, we could see .A.a large number of tall towersB.head offices of Ottawa s high tech industryC.a number of apartments and hotelsD.the older single family homes and townhouses3.Collections in the National Gallery of Canada are mainly .A.paintings and drawingsB.sculpture and photographsC.works by Canadian artists D.artwork by Americans and European4.Which of the following is true about the Rideau Canal? ()A.It is the oldest canal system in North AmericaB.It was originally for the military purposeC.The original structures remain never changedD.People can only go boating from May to October语篇解读:本文详细地介绍了加拿大首都渥太华的主要建筑,商业、经济中心,艺术画廊和北美古老运河的运营情况,帮助读者更多地了解渥太华这座神奇的城市。答案及剖析:1.C词义猜测题。由画线单词后面的句子after the first was destroyed by fire in 1916.可知,现存的Centre Block是模仿以前的建筑物建造的,故选C项。2.B细节理解题。由第三段的.While most of Ottawas high tech industry is based elsewhere, it has a significant presence in the downtown core可知,尽管大部分的高科技产业坐落在其他地方,但在渥太华商业区的中心仍能看到富丽堂皇的商业办公大楼,故选B项。A项在文中没有提到,C、D 两项的内容在商业区,但不是在商业区的中心。3.C细节理解题。由第四段的Although its focus is on Canadian art, it also holds works by some noted American and European artists可知,渥太华国家艺术馆主要展出加拿大艺术家的作品,故选C项。4.B细节理解题。由At the very beginning,the purpose of the Rideau Canal was military.可知B项正确。由.the oldest continuously operated .可排除A项;由.with most of its original structures remained.可排除C项;由.open for navigation in mid-May and close in mid-October可排除D项。【疑难词汇解读】1.recognizable adj.可识别的,可认识的This tree is always recognizable by its extremely beautiful silvery bark.这种树很容易辨认,因为它有着非常漂亮的银色树皮。2.presence n.存在,出席America has a military presence in many countries.美国在很多国家都有军事存在。【长难句子分析】 尽管它的焦点在加拿大艺术上,但它也拥有一些美国和欧洲知名艺术家的作品。【四川省xx“联测促改”活动模拟试题】D阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答落卡上将该项涂黑。Some fish may contain harmful chemicals, which can be the result of both natural causes and water pollution. Mercury (水银) is a poisonous chemical, which occurs naturally in oceans and the Earths crust (壳), but also es from man-made sources, such as farm chemicals, burning garbage, oil, coal, etc.Polyclilorinated bipheuyls (PCBs), a group of chemicals, can also be found in some fish. These man-made chemicals were used in many industries until 1977, when they were banned. PCBs were released or leaked into (lie tar and water and have bear transported around the globe.How do mercury and PCBs end up in fish and the food supply? When they arc released into the air, they attach themselves to particles(微粒).These particles settle on the ground and in the water and are eventually eater by micro-organisms. Small fish cat the micro-organisms, and large fish eat the small fish and on up the food chain.Because they can negatively affect your health, the U.S. Eavirotunental Protectioc Agency advises that kids younger than 15 years old avoid fish that cortain high levels of mercury and PCBs. These include shark, swordfish, king rrnackerel, and tilefish.There are also many types of fish that are good for you, but arc in danger of being wiped out because of ovcrfishing. Sonic are being fished in the wild so much that they cannot reproduce enough to survive.Others re being farmed in ways that are not environmentally friendly. These fish include red snapper.Atlantic salmon, bluefnn tuna. and king crab.Despite these problems, there are several fish that are both healthy and sustainable (可持续的), such as Alaskan salmon, American catfish, Pacific cod, and several fans-raised fish and shellfish.43. Which of the following is true of PCBs according to the text? A. They are transported by human beings around the globe.B. They have been widely used in &c world since 1977.C. They are hard to be cleared out from nature.D. They arc a kind of man-made fish food.44. What does end up in fish in Paragraph 3 mean?A. To be absorbed by fish. B. To disappear in fish.C. To bring fish to an end. D. To be the last food of fish.45.What is the condition of rcd snapper?A. It cannot reproduce enough to survive.B. It has burn wiped out b xause of ovcrfishing, C. It is raised in ways harmful to the environment.D. It will probably disappear because it cannot be fanned by haman.46. Which of the fish is safe for children according to the passage?A. Shark. B. Pacific cod. C. King mackerel. D. Atlantic salmon.【参考答案】4345、CAC 46、B 【四川省xx“联测促改”活动模拟试题】E阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答落卡上将该项涂黑。Tuition fees for British students could reach as much as #20,000, a university vicc-president has warned.Prof. Nick Pctfon warned that universities will face additional economic pressures as student numbers increase, which could force them to increase home students fees.Student tuition is presently upped at #9,000 for British students.Speaking to the lines fligher Education, Prof. Petford, the vice-president of Northampton University,said that some universities with high brand value will be able to charge 17,000, 18,000 or 20,000 in the future. I am sure of that.The president of the National Union of Students Toni Pearce said: The suggestion that tuition fees should be charged at this level shows just how astonishingly out of touch some university vice-presidents can be.Prof. Petford argued there will be a change in how universities view home students - suggesting they will be treated more like international students. If you look at international students, thats been a market not well-governed since weve been recruiting (tix) overseas students. Universities have always been used to this sort of behaviour. He said. The big step change now is thinking about home students in this way.Presently there is no cap on fees that universities can charge international students.The president of Universities UK, Christopher Snowden, said that his report showed universities needed more money to maintain their current standards. The rise in tuition fees in England did not give all universities extra money - it replaced the cuts in direct government funding (资金), he said.47. Which of the following is closest in meaning to capped in Paragraph 3?A. Required. B. Raised. C. Allowed. D. Limited.48. What is Prof. Petfords belief according to the text?A. Tuition fees for British students should reach #20,000.B. Good universities can charge students more tuition fees.C. Northampton University will charge E17,000 to #20,000.D. The market of ovcrsea students should be well governed.49. What is the key of Prof. Nick Peefords suggestions?A. The tuition fees should he charged at the present level.R. The tuition fees for international students should be raised.C. The thinking about home studcn(s fees should be changed.I). Thc charge for both international and home students should be equal.50. Winat can be inferred from Christopher Snowdons words?A. Tuition fees in England had been raised before.B. The tuition fees replaced the government funding.C. English government will cut funding to universities.D. The current standards of universities should be raised.【参考答案】4750、DBCA【四川省成都七中xx三诊考试】A阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C 和D)中, 选出最佳选项。Mattel Inc. is recalling 4.4 million Polly Pocket toys with magnets(磁铁)after some of them caused serious injuries to children who swallowed magnets that fell off.Tiny magnets inside the toys may fall off without being noticed by parents and babysitters. The magnets can be swallowed or placed in childrens noses or ears. When more than one magnet is swallowed, the magnets can attract each other and cause intestine perforation(肠内穿孔)which can be deadly. The Consumer Product Safety mission(CPSC)received 170 reports of the small magnets ing out of these recalled toys. There were three reports of serious injuries to children who swallowed more than one magnet. All three suffered intestinal perforations that required operation. A 2-year-old child stayed in hospital for seven days and a 7-year-old child was hospitalized for 12 days. An 8-yeal-old child was also hospitalized.The recalled Polly Pocket toys contain plastic dolls and accessories(附件)that have small magnets. The magnets measure one-eighth inch in diameter and are fixed in the hands and feet of some dolls, and even in the plastic clothing, hairpieces and other accessories to help the pieces stay on the doll or the dolls house.The model number is printed on the bottom of the largest pieces on some of the toys. Contact Mattel if you cannot find a model number on your product to determine if it is part of the recall. Polly Pocket magnetic toys currently sold in stores are not included in this recall. The model numbers included in the recall are: B2632, B3158, B3201, B7118, G8605, H1537, H1538 and H3211. The toys were on sales in department stores and toy stores from May xx through September xx for between $15 and $30.Consumers should immediately take these recalled toys away from children and contact Mattel for the return of the toys. For more information contact Mattel at 888 597-6597 anytime or visit the panys Web site.31. The main purpose of the passage is .A. to criticize Mattel Inc. for their bad productsB. to inform readers of Polly Pocket toys recall C. to warn readers the danger of swallowing magnetsD. to suggest some ways to return Polly Pocket toys32. What did the writer use to show the danger of the problem toys?a. figures b. quotes(引言) c. serious casesd. description of possible injuries e. description of operation scenesA. abc B. abd C. acd D. ace33. The word “recalling” in the first paragraph can be best explained as .A. taking back B. destroying C. giving up D. examining34. All of the following points are covered in the story EXCEPT .A. the danger of small magnetsB. the ways of returning Polly Pocket toysC. the methods of recognizing a recalled Polly Pocket toysD. the apology made by Mattel Inc.【参考答案】31-34 BCAD

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