2019-2020年中考英语第三部分中招题型研究六 书面表达 话题2 发表观点(含解析).doc

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2019-2020年中考英语第三部分中招题型研究六 书面表达 话题2 发表观点(含解析).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年中考英语第三部分中招题型研究六 书面表达 话题2 发表观点(含解析)写作练兵(xx青岛改编)现在,很多中学生被近视困扰,请就此现象写一篇短文谈谈你的看法。内容包括:1. 造成近视的原因;2. 近视对学习或生活的影响;3. 你认为应该如何保护视力?(至少两条建议)要求:1. 语言表达准确,短文连贯通顺; 2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称; 3. 80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。Quite a lot of students have bee nearsighted now. _【审题指导】细读所给提示,提取以下信息:1. 以“学生患近视”为话题,写一篇关于近视的记叙文;2. 内容包括近视的原因,对人的影响以及自己提出的保护视力的方法或建议;3. 描述现象时,时态为一般现在时;4. 词数:80左右,文中不得出现真实的校名与人名。【写作指导】中学生近视要点提示素材串联开头:提出问题相当多的学生近视(have bee near sighted)正文: 分析原因,描述影响,提出建议。1. 近视产生的原因(学习时习惯不好)(a good habit, study)2. 近视对学习或生活的影响:(1)没有眼镜上课不能记笔记(at home, take notes,in class)(2)游泳时戴着眼镜不方便(feel unfortable,swim with glasses)3. 建议保护视力的办法:(1)不要长时间看书,不休息(on the one hand, shouldnt study for hours,need to relax)(2)多进行体育活动,做眼保健操(on the other hand, have sports, do eye exercises, helpful)结尾:提出倡议,保护眼睛。拥有好的视力很重要,保护好眼睛(very important,have good eyesight,take good care of)【高分范文】Quite_a_lot_of_students_have_bee_nearsighted_now. I think the main reason is that students dont have a good habit while studying. Bad eyesight brings trouble to our life and study. For example, if we leave our glasses at home, we cant take notes in class. We will feel unfortable when we swim with glasses. Here is my advice: on the one hand, teenagers shouldnt study for hours without breaks because our eyes need to relax. On the other hand, having sports and doing eye exercises are also helpful. Its very important to have good eyesight. So lets take good care of our eyes.话题2发表观点(xx年考查)Passage 2(xx商丘模拟)近几年,中学生出国求学已经成为一种新的“时尚”,大家对此褒贬不一,请你写一篇英语短文,并发表自己的看法,内容包含支持者与反对者的观点。 要求:1. 语言表达准确,短文连贯通顺; 2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称; 3. 80词左右。_ 【审题指导】细读所给的文字提示,提取以下信息:1. 要求写人们对出国求学的看法,因此写作文体为议论文;2. 描述支持者和反对者的观点时用第三人称,阐述自己的观点时用第一人称,时态用一般现在时;3. 词数在80词左右,不得出现真实姓名、校名。【写作指导】出国求学引热议要点提示素材串联开头:引出论点越来越多的中学生选择出国求学(go abroad)正文支持者的观点1.可以更好地学习外语,了解外国文化,开阔眼界(learn foreign language; know foreign culture; open their mind)2培养自理能力和交往的能力(the ability of independence and munication)反对者的观点1. 不利于中学生的身心发展(be bad for; development)2. 一些中学生为了逃避压力而出国留学(pressure)3. 部分留学生给外国人留下了不好的印象(bad impression)结尾:抒发自己的观点1. 出国留学好与坏取决于个人(depend on the individual)2. 出国要三思(take more factors into consideration)【高分范文】Recently, more and more middle school students choose to go abroad to study. People have different ideas about this.Some people say that studying abroad can make students learn foreign languages, know foreign culture and open their mind. Also, it can develop their abilities of independence and munication with others. But others think studying abroad too early is bad for students development of body and mind. Some students do it just because of too much pressure. At the same time, some leave bad impression on foreigners.Therefore, whether it is good or not to study abroad depends on the individual. So take more factors into consideration.


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