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2019-2020年中考英语第一部分基础知识梳理七上Unit4试题重点单词1. h_ num. 百 2. just adv. _ 3. _ n. 一瓶(的量); 瓶子 4. _ v. 节省;攒钱; 挽救5. chocolate n. _6. p_ n. 野餐 7. _ v. (给)打电 话;称呼 8. t_ adv. (在)明天 n. 明天 9. _ n. 歌,歌曲10. _ n. 风筝11. t_ n时间;次, 回 11. a_ v. 请求;邀 请;询问 13. evening n. _14. _ n. 路,道路; 方式15. h_ n. 家庭作业 16. panda n. _17. monkey n. _18. lion n. _19. tiger n. _20. elephant n. _21. _ adv. 点 钟22. _ prep. 在 之后,超过;经过 n. 过 去,往事23. q_ n. 一刻钟;四 分之一24. _ n. 半,一半 25. c_ adj. 聪明的, 聪颖的26. _ n. 动物27. hour n. _ 28. _ adv. 以后;后 来29. t_ adv.在今天; 当今 n今天;当今 30. _ n. 肉类;(某种) 食用肉 31. rabbit n. _ 32. email n. _词汇拓展1. shop (n.& v)_(n.)购物 2. mean(v.)_(过去式/过去分词)意 思是 _(n.)意义,意思 _(adj.)重要的,重大 的;意味深长的 3. sing(v.)_(过去式)唱歌 _(过去分词)_(n.)歌手,歌唱家 5. fly(v.)_(过去式)放(风筝、飞机模 型等);飞行 _(过去分词)5. usual(adj.)_(adv.)通常地 6.heavy(adj.)_(adv.)猛烈地7. free(adj.)_(n.)自由短语与句型短语:1. Can I _ those shoes in the window?我能试穿一下橱窗里的那些鞋子吗?Sorry.They are just on show.对不起。它们只供展览。2. The park is a good place for children to _对孩子们来说,这个公园是个能玩得开心的好地方。3. What do you _ this red dress?你觉得这件红色连衣裙怎么样?Oh, it fits you very well.哦,它非常适合你。4. He _ a lot_ how to spend the winter vacation yesterday afternoon.昨天下午关于如何度过寒假他考虑了很多。5. I was just about to _ when the telephone rang.电话铃响时,我正想要去购物。6. We had planned to _, but we had to put it off because of the rain.我们原计划去野餐,但是因为下雨我们不得不推迟它。7. _ me something interesting _your life in London.告诉我一些关于你在伦敦生活的有趣的事情。8. The children will _ go back to school next week.下周孩子们就不得不返校了。9. I find it interesting to _ on a windy day.我发现在有风的日子里放风筝很有趣。10. She often feels nervous when _ strangers.当她跟陌生人说话时她经常感到紧张。11. Please _ as soon as you receive my message.收到我的信息后请尽快回电话。12. He is expected to arrive here _ May.他被期望在五月初到这里。13. Last Saturday, I _ with my elderly brother.上周六,我和我哥哥去钓鱼了。14. At school, besides having classes, I spend most of the time_. 在学校,除了上课,我花费大部分的时间做作业。15. I _ early so that I can do some exercise.我早起以便于我能做一些锻炼。16. He does not know how to _ this kind of machine.他不知道如何使用这种机器。17. I like to read China Daily _我喜欢在我回家的路上看中国日报。18. I will _ even though I may fail.即使我可能会失败,我也要试一试。19. Please _ your names and telephone numbers on the paper.请把你们的姓名和电话号码填在这张纸上。句型:20. _?你愿意和我们一起唱歌吗?Im sorry I cant. I need to cook now.抱歉我不能。我现在需要去做饭。21. _是时候上床睡觉了。短语与句型答案重点单词1. hundred 2. 仅仅;只是 3. bottle 4. save 5. 巧克力6. picnic 7. call 8. tomorrow 9. song 10. kite 11. time12. ask 13. 晚上; 傍晚 14. way 15. homework 16. 熊猫17. 猴子 18. 狮子 19. 老虎 20. 象 21. oclock 22. past23. quarter 24. half 25. clever 26. animal 27. 小时28. later 29. today 30. meat 31. 兔 32. 电子邮件词汇拓展1. shopping 2. meant; meaning; meaningful 3. sang; sung; singer4. flew; flown 5. usually 6. heavily 7. freedom短语与句型1. try on 2. have fun 3. think of 4. thought; about5. go shopping 6. go for a picnic 7. Tell; about 8. have to 9.fly kites/a kite 10. speaking to 11. call back 12. at the beginning of 13. went fishing 14. doing homework 15. get up 16. make use of 17. on my way home 18. have a try 19.write down20. Would you like to sing songs with us 21. Its time to go to bed


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