2019-2020年七年级牛津译林版英语期末复习练习 组合训练(18).doc

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2019-2020年七年级牛津译林版英语期末复习练习 组合训练(18)【完型填空】Pets are popular now. Many people keep small _1_ as pets. They keep them in a tank of _2_. The tank is made of _3_ glass, so people can see through it. In this way they can enjoy watching the fish. The fish need room. If there is not enough _4_, they will die because they cant take in enough oxygen(氧气). So it is better to put some _5_ in the tank. You know plants can give _6_ oxygen. The fish can live a happy life. It is important to keep the water clean all the time. So you should _7_ water every some days. Some fish like jumping high. They may jump out of the tank. So youd better buy a _8_ tank. Like other pets, the fish needs food. Remember not to give them _9_ food; it is bad for their health. In fact, keeping pets _10_ a lot of work caring about them is important. ( ) 1. A. dogs B. cats C. fish D. snakes ( ) 2. A. water B. sand C. earth D. air ( ) 3. A. beautiful B. thin C. thick(厚的)D. clear ( ) 4. A. room B. hair C. class D. school( ) 5. A. water B. plants C. animals D. stones ( ) 6. A. away B. at C. in D. out ( ) 7. A. change B. take out C. pour D. put( ) 8. A. red B. deep(深的) C. small D. heavy ( ) 9. A. too much B. too many C. many too D. much too ( ) 10. A. means B. has C. buys D. moves 【阅读理解】Xilang is a good place for shopping in this city. There are shops here and there in this area. And there are three big shopping malls, too. You can find things you want there. Some of them are very expensive, but there are many dime stores there, too. You can buy cheap things in them.Window shopping is also a favourite pastime (休闲) for people here. Gongmin Road is a busy but clean shopping street. On Gongmin Road there are many shopping centres to visit. At the end (尽头) of Gongmin Road is Sanguan Lane (巷). The lane is full of restaurants. You can find your favourite food here.The shopping centre is a great place to meet your friends. It is always a very busy and exciting place. There is a lot to see and do there. Its also a good place for evenings because the centres are open until (直到) 11:00 p.m. Shoppers can look around after a good meal. Its easy to get to Xilang by taxi or bus. And the subway (地铁) goes around the area, too. ( )1. The writer tells us many things about in the city.A. a shopping mall B. a shopping centre C. a shopping area D. many shops( ) 2. What are dime stores? A. 奢侈店 B. 廉价店 C. 外贸店 D. 网店( )3. You can in Sanguan Lane.A. buy cheap things B. buy expensive things C. enjoy nice food D. go window-shopping( ) 4. What doesnt the writer talk about?A. Eating. B. Window shopping. C. Meeting friends. D. Watching a film.( ) 5. People can go to Xilang .A. by plane B. by train C. by water D. by taxi 【阅读表达】“USA? Britain? Which country is better to study in?” We often hear such discussions. As China opens itsdoor, it is a dream for many Chinese students to study abroad. They want to learn about the outside world.Its true that studying abroad can help students develop themselves. Their foreign language skills will be improved and it may be easier to find jobs.But there are also some problems. Language is the first. Students must spend a lot of time learning another language.Students must also learn to live without parents care and deal with all kinds of difficulties. When they have to take care of themselves, it is hard for students to study well.Finally, studying abroad brings a heavy burden (负担) to the family. For most Chinese parents, the cost of studying abroad is very high. We know that there are many famous people who have had success through their hard work in China. So when you wonder which country is better to study in, think again.1. Whats the first problem if Chinese students study abroad? _2. Why do many Chinese students want to study abroad? _3. Do you want to study abroad? Why or why not? _【书面表达】假如你最好的朋友叫Tom, 他身上有许多优良的品质,请以My best friend 为题,把你的朋友向大家做个介绍。 姓名Tom班级七年级一班兴趣爱好2. 1. 最喜欢金鱼,喜欢观看它们游来游去。2. 喜欢各种户外运动,常去野营,喜欢呆在外面。能力1. 文章写得好、钢琴弹得好 2.思维敏捷、计划周密 品性事迹1. 乐于助人。是社区中心的志愿者,帮助人们解决各种问题。经常参加为贫困的孩子募集钱这样的活动。2. 勇敢(举一例)要求:1. 条理清楚,语意连贯。2. 书写规范,标点正确。3. 正文80字左右。My best friend 【参考答案】【完型填空】 CADAB DABAA【阅读理解】 CBCDD【阅读表达】1. Language./ Its language.2. Because they want to learn about the outside world.3. Yes. Because I want to develop myself and improve my foreign language skills. No. Because my family cant afford it. / Because I think I can also learn better in China.【书面表达】One possible version:网My best friendTom is my best friend. He is in Class One Grade Seven. He has many hobbies and interests. He likes goldfish best and he likes watching them swim around. He also loves all kinds of outdoor. He often goes camping because he likes being outside.Tom has different abilities. He writes god articles and plays the piano well. He learns things quickly and plans everything well.Tom has many good qualities. He is helpful. He is a volunteer at the munity center. He is ready to help people with all kinds of problems. He often takes part in activities like raising money for poor children. He is also brave. Last week, he helped his neighbour out of the fire.

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