2019-2020年中考英语 七下 Unit 6-8单元复习要点 牛津译林版.doc

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2019-2020年中考英语 七下 Unit 6-8单元复习要点 牛津译林版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年中考英语 七下 Unit 6-8单元复习要点 牛津译林版.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年中考英语 七下 Unit 6-8单元复习要点 牛津译林版一、 词汇holewhole alonealong bybuy surprisesurprisedsurprising woodwooden ItalyItalian failfailure exciteexcitedexciting riderode fallfell feelfelt hithit beebecame forgetforgot 二、短语carry the bag for me 为我拿包hurry up 匆忙,赶快in a hurry 匆忙地hurry to do sth 匆忙去做某事be/ get tired 累too much 太多,饰不可数名词或动词too many 太多 饰可数名词复数much too 太 饰形容词或副词 outdoor fun 户外娱乐outdoor activities 户外活动go camping/ cycling/ jogging/ hiking/ (horse) riding / skating/ shopping/ fishing / running/ walking 去露营/ 骑自行车/ 慢跑/ 远足/ 骑马/ 滑冰/ 购物/ 钓鱼/ 跑步/ 散步sit by the river 坐在河边look up 向上看,仰望/ 查(字典)look down 向下看pass by 经过take -out of-把从拿出来take -away 拿走,带走a white rabbit in a coat 一只穿外套的白兔子run across the field 穿过田野go through the door 穿过门run after -追赶jump down a big hole 跳下一个大洞jump into-跳进里fall off-跌落,掉下fall down 跌倒,摔倒fall into- 掉进里all around 四周,周围on the other side of- 在的另一边/对面the key to the door 门的钥匙try to do sth 试图做,努力做put -into-把放进里put -up 举起,悬挂,搭建put-on 穿上put-away 把收起来,放好a cloudy day 多云的一天play with - 和玩a girl called Alice 一个叫Alice 的女孩use bamboo to make kites 用竹子做风筝all night 整夜stay outside 呆在外面be born in/ on 出生于people in the West 西方人a new way to make paper 造纸的新方法make a bird out of wood 用木材做鸟in the Warring States period 在春秋时期in the Eastern Han dynasty 在东汉in the Ming and Qing dynasties 在明清时期in history 在历史上from then on 从那时起from now on 从现在起have a picnic 野餐go on picnic 去野餐be famous for -因而出名be famous as- 作为而出名Im afraid so .恐怕是这样Im afraid not .恐怕不是这样mobile phone 手机remember to do sth 记得去做某事be excited about -对感到兴奋be excited to do sth 做某事很兴奋what to do 做什么go back to -回到taste sweet 尝起来甜some more - 又一些,再一些feel a little ill 觉得有点不舒服bee smaller and smaller 变得越来越小decide to do sth决定做某事forget about the key 忘记了钥匙climb up 向上爬a piece of ckae 一块蛋糕fail to do sth 做某事失败have to do sth 不得不做enter the garden 进入花园walk towards the door 朝门走plain to sb about sth 向某人抱怨某事stand up 站起来get away 逃跑,逃走be locked 锁着in the 13th century 在十三世纪use -to do 用做某事see/ hear/ watch/ notice sb do sth 看见/听见/看到/注意到某人做了某事 ,一般用于短暂性动词see/ hear/ watch/ notice sb doing sth 看见/听见/看到/注意到某人在做某事 ,一般用于长时动词be + adj. + enough ( for sb ) + to do sth 够能够做某事be too + adj. ( for sb ) + to do sth 太而不能做某事牛津英语7B 单元复习要点( unit 7)一、 词汇ableability sitseat sendsent paypaid badbadly cancould hurthurt firemanfiremen burnburnt reportreporter nodnodded loselost remend-remendationcarecarefulcareless carefully good/wellbetterbest 二、短语believe it or not 信不信由你look out / be careful 小心be careful with-小心 be careful (not) to do sth 小心(不) 做某事be careful with fire 小心用火take /have a seat 就座be able to do sth 能,会做某事pay (-) for-为付款take a note 记笔记raise -for -为募集=collect for 为搜集save-from/ out of-从中救出next door 在隔壁at the moment 现在at that moment / just then在那时be alone at home 独自在家hear sb shouting/ calling for helpgo in 进去79-year-old Mrs. Sun 七十九岁的孙老太rush into-冲进put out- 扑灭(be) in hospital 住院rubbish bin 垃圾箱by the way 顺便问一下on the way (to-) 在(去) 的路上no problem 没问题this term 这学期work/ study hard 努力工作/ 学习work hard on sth 在方面努力do/ try ones best to do sth 尽力做某事play the piano/ violin 弹钢琴/ 拉小提琴do well in sth/ doing 做得好= be good atat the age of - 在岁时show sth to sb / show sb sth 给某人看某物show sb around - 带领某人参观remend sb for -(award) 推荐某人获奖remend sb to do sth 推荐某人做某事take part in -参加(活动)need to do sth 需要做某事in need 有需要的,贫困的in need of -需要lose ones way / get lost迷路hear from sb 收到某人的来信your faithfully 您忠实的clean up 清理,把收拾干净plant trees 植树give a seat to someone 让座Project Hope 希望工程visit an old peoples home 参观老年之家send sb sth / send sth to sb 把送给某人need- most 最需要raise money for them to buy these things 为他们募捐/筹款买这些东西an 8-year-old girl 一位八岁的女孩pour water over his clothes 往他衣服上倒水put a blanket over Mrs. Sun 拿毯子盖在孙太太身上stop -(from) doing sth 阻止做某事protect -from-保护使不受伤害be on fire 着火make a mistake 犯错误keep -away from-使远离a good place to have fun 一个玩乐的好地方make a (phone) call (to sb) (给某人) 打电话leave sth somewhere 把某物遗忘在某地leave my homework at home 把作业忘在家里hear things far away 听见远方的东西fly as fast as light 飞得像光一样快need to read more and speak more 需要多读多说get into -进入,上车(小汽车)a remendation letter 一封推荐信this years Young Star Award 今年的新星奖the children in poor areas 贫困地区的孩子plan everything well每件事安排妥帖take him to the police station 把他送到警察局in the street 在街上play with him for two hours 和他玩两小时do most of the puter work 做大部分电脑工作have different abilities拥有不同的能力think about -考虑,思考be (badly) hurt (严重) 受伤heavy smoke 浓烟think carefully 仔细考虑三、语法1. 情态动词can, could ,may 的用法can 表示现在的能力, 无人称与单复数的变化,后接动词原形; I can swim . He can speak English . 表示请求(用于疑问句)和许可(用于陈述句); Can I help you ? Can you help me ? 其否定形式为cant ,“不能”“不会”,也可以表示否定的推测“不可能”。 Eddie cant fly .Mr. Wu cant be at home .He went to Beijing yesterday. could 表示过去的能力,无人称和单复数的变化; He could swim at the age of five. 表示请求与许可,语气比can 委婉; Could you tell me the way to the hospital ? may 表示请求与许可,无人称与单复数的变化,一般用于正式场合; May I ask you some questions ? 表示推测,“可能”。 This book may be Millies .2. 感叹句1. What +a/ an + 形容词 + 名词单数 (+ 主语+ 动词) !2. What + 形容词 + 名词复数 (+ 主语+ 动词) !3. What + 形容词 + 不可数名词 (+ 主语 + 动词) !4. How + 形容词 (+ 主语 + 连系动词be /feel/ look/-) !5. How + 副词 (+ 主语 + 行为动词do ) !牛津英语7B 单元复习要点( unit 8)一、 词汇goldfishgoldfish mousemice holdheld feedfoodhidehid buildbuiltbuilding fightfought tilluntil noisenoisy weighweight 二、短语grow up 成长,长大grow up into-长成grow up to be -长到look after-/ take care of - 照顾,照料look after-well/ take good care of -照顾好all the time 一直,始终agree with sb 同意某人teach sb to do sthfight with sb 和某人打架keep / raise a pet 饲养宠物give a talk 做演讲,做报告make some noise 吵闹,发出噪音soemthing to eat 一些吃的东西watch them swim around 看他们游来游去sleep on my knees 睡在我的膝盖上hold it in my hand 把它抓在手里teach him to speak 教他说话feel soft 感觉柔软the cleverest animal of all 所有里面最聪明的动物run after a ball 追赶球with eyes open wide 眼睛睁得大大地do wonderful tricks 玩精彩的把戏play tricks on sb 捉弄某人build me camps out of sticks 用树枝给我建营地my best friend 我最好的朋友till the end 一直,永远be in trouble 有麻烦,有困难make trouble 惹麻烦feed her much 给她喂很多need a gentle touch 需要轻柔的抚摸rhyme with-和押韵look around for me 四处找我repeat my words 重复我的话get tired 累e back home 回到家easy to look after 容易照顾something else 其它什么someone elses 其他某人的in the sun 在阳光下up to 达到how to look after them 如何照顾他们feed them often 经常喂它们walk a dog /take a dog for a walk遛狗all over the world 全世界millions of -数百万的the information you need 你需要的信息my favourite pet 我最喜爱的宠物sleep in a basket 睡在篮子里play with a ball 玩球bark at sb 朝某人叫be friendly to sb 对某人友好


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