2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea验收检测 新人教版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea验收检测 新人教版选修7 (时间:120分钟满分:150分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What can we know about the woman? AShe has just bought a mobile phone. BShe finds it pretty easy to use the mobile phone. CShe often forgets to turn on the mobile phone.2Which of the following is the most probable reason why Bill lost his job? AHe was usually late for work. BHe often made mistakes in his work and asked for leaves. CHe made a serious mistake in business with a pany.3What do we know from the conversation? AThe man regretted inviting his wifes boss to the dinner party. BThe two speakers enjoyed themselves at the dinner party. CThe boss of the mans wife left the party earlier.4How does the man feel about his interview? AHe feels his interview today better than last one. BHe is satisfied with his interview today. CHe feels his interview quite fair.5What are the two speakers talking about? AThe sports programmes on Channel 9. BHow to improve English listening. CAn English programme.第二节(共15小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6Whats the woman? AA model. BAn actress. CA waitress.7Where did the woman work before she got the present job? AIn a restaurant. BIn an art school.CIn a film studio.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8What do the speakers intend to do? ATo move into a new apartment. BTo buy a new apartment. CTo bargain with the manager.9Whats the most possible relationship between the two speakers? AA couple. BManager and customer. CNeighbours.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10Where does the conversation probably take place? AAt a party. BOn the phone.CAt the airport.11What is the man going to do? ATo have dinner with his wife. BTo give a birthday party. CTo meet his cousin at the airport.12What does the woman want the man to do? ATo attend her birthday party. BTo pick her up at the airport. CTo invite people to her party.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13Where are the two speakers now? AAt a telephone box.BAt the womans house.CAt the tourist pany.14What do you think the man is? AAn English tourist guide. BA foreigner in China. CA Chinese tourist in England.15Why could the man afford the time to visit the woman? AHe has done most of the sightseeing before. BHe doesnt think the historical sites and scenic spots attractive. CHe is working for a tourist pany.16What does the man want to do most during this trip? ATo see the woman and have a meal with her. BTo see famous sites and scenic spots. CTo know more about the ordinary people and the country.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17How old is the speaker? A5.B17.C22.18Why has the speaker long been looked down upon? AHes hearingdisabled. BHe cant get on well with his classmates. CSomething is wrong with his brain.19What does the speaker want to prove? AHes a nondisabled person. BHes better at studies and sports than any other student. CHes not different from the average teenager.20What makes him a strong person? AHis physical limitation and his courage. BHis hard training in studies and sports. CHis family and school background.听力材料:Text 1W: I read these instructions, but Im still not sure how to use my mobile phone.M: Actually,its pretty easy. First of all,dont forget to turn it on.W: Got it!M: Then dial the number. And remember to press the “send” button.Text 2W: I hear Bill was fired by his boss the other day.M: Oh, yes, he was sick a lot and usually got to work late.W: Oh, no. It wasnt that. He made a big mistake in last weeks deal with the puter pany.Text 3W: How was your dinner party?M: I think it went pretty well. People really seemed to enjoy themselves.W: Thats good.M: Yeah, but we shouldnt have invited my wifes boss again. We can never get him to leave.Text 4W: How did your interview go today,Ted?M: I could not feel better about it. The questions they put to me were quite fair. I could answer them all.Text 5W: The Special English programme on Channel 9 is my favourite. It helps me improve my listening.M: Yes. It really helps a lot,especially for beginners.Text 6M: How did you get into modeling,Stacy?W: Well, when I graduated from art school, I moved to Los Angeles to look for work as an art director in a movie,but I never got any luck. And I was running out of money.M: So what did you do?W: I got a job as a waitress in a seafood restaurant. While I was working there, a customer offered me some work as a model. Within a few weeks,I was modeling full time.M: Wow, what a lucky break!Text 7W: What do you think?M: Well ,it has just as many bedrooms as the last apartment. And the living room is huge.W: But the bedrooms are too small. And there isnt enough closet space for my clothes.M: And its not as cheap as the last apartment we saw.W: But the apartment was dark and it was in a dangerous neighbourhood.M: Lets see if the manager of the sales department has something else to show us.Text 8W: Hi, Albert. This is Helen.M: Oh, Hi. How are things?W: Just fine,thanks. Uh,are you doing anything on Saturday night?M: Hmm. Saturday night? Let me think. Oh, yes. My cousin just called to say he was flying in that night. I told him I would pick him up.W: Oh, thats too bad! Its my birthday. Im having dinner with Daniel,and I thought Id invite more people and make it a party.M: Im really sorry,but I wont be able to make it.W: Im sorry,too. But thats OK.Text 9W: Nice to see you here! When did you arrive in this country?M: Actually Im traveling with a group. We have a very tight timetable,but as I happen to be here, I thought I might take a couple of hours off to see an old friend.W: I am glad you did. I must apologize for sounding so rude just now for I was pletely taken by surprise. You should have warned me that you were ing. Well,the most important thing is that you are here. What have you been doing so far?M: As I just mentioned, Im with a tourist group of old classmates, one of whom happens to be working for the tourist pany. As most of us have already been to the southeastern Asian countries and some have never been to Europe, our tourist friend arranged this trip for us at a special reduced rate.W: How lucky for you! Is it your first trip here? How have you found it?M: Actually Ive been here before, some years ago on a business trip, working for a government organization, so Ive already done most of my sightseeing in London and thats why I have some free time to myself this time.W: Good. Now,tell me,what do you most like to see or do?M: Well, I dont know really, Ive already seen the most famous historical sites and scenic spots, and most impressive as they are, they dont tell me much about the real ordinary English people and the country.W: I see what you mean. Ill drive you to the countryside to eat at a local pub tomorrow and perhaps youll see something of the old England,though I must admit there is not much old England left by now. Many old village shops are closed and the village schools too. But youll find the people in the countryside more friendly and relaxed.Text 10I have been weak in hearing all my life. By the time I was five years old,putting on hearing aids in the morning was just as normal as brushing my teeth. However,I never believe that it should limit my success in any way. I have been looked down upon during my 17 years. My head teacher told my parents I belonged to a school for the deaf. My classmates told me something was wrong with my brain. People speak louder than usual when they see my hearing aids in my ears. However,my hearing disability has made me a stronger person. I have to work harder and earn top grades in school to earn the respect of my teachers. In sports, I have had to run faster, hit harder, catch better and score more points to prove Im not physically limited. I consider myself not different from anyone else. In my struggle to prove Im equal to my nondisabled classmates,I have made myself better than the average teenager. I truly believe I would not be the strong person I am today if I did not have a hearing disability.答案:15ACABC610AABAB1115CABCA1620CBACA第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Love, like rare flowers, can grow in the strangest places. We asked couples to tell us where they met. We received over 700 stories,some sad, some funny, all wonderful. Here is a selection of the best stories they sent us.Mike and Alice Brown met on a mountain. They were climbing in Wales in 1999 when the weather turned bad. Alice, an experienced climber, knew the way down the mountain, and she helped Mike and his brother reach safely. Mike bought her dinner to say thank you,and they were married a year later, “We live near the mountains, says Alice, and every morning when I look out of the window, I remember the day we met. ”Jim and Donna Dormer, both 62, have an even stronger connection than mountains. Their meeting wasnt particularly interestingthey first saw each other in a barbut when they started going out, they discovered one interesting fact. They were born in the same hospital. Not only that, but they were born in the same room. Jim says, “I show Donna a photo that my father took in the hospital just after I was born. In the background, you can just see another woman with her young baby. That woman was Donnas mother.”New York couple Jack Kingsley and Marian Strauss met when he was cleaning the windows of her office on the 105th floor! Marian says, “I was in my office and this wonderfully handsome man was at my window, cleaning. It was a cold day, so I invited him in for a cup of coffee. It turned out that he was from the same town where I grew up. He was charming!” Jack continues the story, “Marian was so friendly,not like most of the office workers we e across. We became friends immediately and then started dating about a week later. ”21From the text we know that people sent us their stories to _.A. pete for the funniest oneB. share their happiness with usC. respond to our investigationD. set good examples to young people22Jack Kingsley and Marian Strauss became friends because _.A. they both like climbing mountainsB. they were born in the same hospitalC. they grew up in the same townD. they attracted each other23According to the second paragraph, Alice Brown met Mike _.Aby accident Bunder an engagementCin a hospital Dwhen doing cleaning24The author wants to convince the readers of the fact that _.Alove, like flowers, needs wateringBthe first impression is very importantCromance may happen on any occasionDopportunity seldom knocks twice答案与解析:21解析:细节题。从文章第一段第二句可知。答案:C22解析:细节题。从文章第四段He was charming!和Marian was so friendly.可知。答案:D23解析:细节题。从文章第二段第三句可知。答案:A24解析:主旨题。从文中三对夫妇在不同的场合相识并结婚可知。答案:CBMemory, they say, is a matter of practice and exercise. If you have the wish and really make a conscious effort, then you can quite easily improve your ability to remember things. But even if you are successful, there are times when your memory seems to play tricks on you. Sometimes you remember things that really did not happen. One morning last week, for example, I got up and found that I had left the front door unlocked all night, yet I clearly remembered locking it carefully the night before. Memory “tricks” work the other way as well. Once in a while you remember not doing something and then find out that you did. One day last month, for example, I was sitting in a barbershop waiting for my turn to get a haircut,and suddenly I realized that I had got a haircut two days before at the barbershop across the street from my office. We always seem to find something funny and amusing in incidents caused by peoples forgetfulness or absentmindedness. Stories about absentminded professors have been told for years, and we never get tired of hearing new ones. Unfortunately, however, absentmindedness is not always funny. There are times when “tricks” of our memory can cause us great trouble.25If you want to have a good memory,you should _. Aforce yourself to remember things Bmake a conscious effort of practice and exercise Cnever stop learning Dtry hard to remember things26What can we infer from the last paragraph?AAbsentmindedness stories can bring people fun. BAbsentmindedness is more troublesome than forgetfulness. CAbsentminded professors are often amused by the incidents, too. DAbsentmindedness happens not only to professors but to all other people.27Which of the following could be the best title for this passage? AThe Key to a Good Memory B“Tricks” of Memory CThe Dangers of Forgetfulness DThe Dangers of Absentmindedness答案与解析:25解析:细节理解题。由第一段第二句“If you have the wish and really make a conscious effort, .”可知,如果你想有一个好的记忆力的话,你应该有意识地进行练习和训练。答案:B26解析:推理判断题。由第四段第一句“We always seem to find something funny .by peoples forgetfulness or absentmindedness”可知,有关健忘及心不在焉的故事可以带来乐趣。答案:A27解析:主旨大意题。由文章中列举的例子可知,主要是围绕着记忆力的“花招”来进行说明的。答案:BCCan Animals Be Nice?Scientists recently discovered that animals who live in groups,such as elephants,foxes,and wolves,are especially likely to follow some rules. If they dont,the group might break apart. Group members would be forced to live alone. Then theyd have a harder time hunting and raising their young.Sometimes,though,animals go out of their way to do whats right,even when theres nothing in it for them. Nobody knows why. Read the three surprising stories about nice behavior in the animal kingdom.An Unexpected Gift Teleki,a scientist,has been running after Sniff and the other wild chimpanzees(黑猩猩) through the forest,observing their behavior. Now,he decided to knock down some fruits to fill his own stomach. Grabbing a stick,Teleki hit the branches,but he couldnt do it. Watching him,Sniff imagined himself in Telekis place.It picked an armload of fruits,swung down on a branch,and handed them to the astonished scientist.A Kind Heart Toby was one generous cat. For ten years,the kindly kitty shared his food with a dog named Katie. After supper,owner Gustafson always drops some food in Katies bowl on the floor and some in Tobys dish on the kitchen counter. Gustafson kept the cats dish up high to keep Katie from stealing Tobys treats. Katie didnt need to steal; she only had to beg. Every night shed sit and stare at the cat. And Toby would flick some with his paw down to the waiting dog.A Friend In Need An African savanna elephant was grazing alone when a stranger,a forest elephant,arrived who had caught his trunk in a trap. While freeing himself,hed hurt his mouth. He needed a help until his mouth got better. The forest elephant walked up and stuck his trunk into the healthy elephants mouth. Elephants often aid members of their herd. But this healthy elephant didnt care that they werent related. He reached down,uprooted a small tree,and stuffed it into his new friends mouth.28.According to the passage,animals living in groups _.Aeach do its own thing most of timeBoften kill those rule breakersChave social ties similar to the humansDfeel good by helping humans29What does “an unexpected gift” refer to in the first story?ASniff was absolutely different from other chimpanzees.BChimpanzees are finally proved to be the cleverest animals.CThe lucky scientist found a new species of chimpanzees.DSniff seemed to understand the scientist and helped him.30Why did Gustafson give the food to her pets separately?ABecause she was afraid Katie stole Tobys food.BBecause she knew Toby appreciated sharing food.CBecause Katie always needed more food than Toby.DBecause she was doing a research on animals behaviors.31Which of the following questions isnt answered in the passage?AWhat did the chimpanzee do to the biologist?BHow did the forest elephant get in trouble?CWhy did the animals help those of different kinds?DHow did the Gustafsons pets share their food?答案与解析:28解析:主旨大意题。通过列举三种动物,说明动物的群居与人类的社会关系是一样的。答案:C29解析:推理判断题。从An Unexpected Gift 中的“Watching him,Sniff imagined himself in Telekis place.”可以推断出。答案:D30解析:细节理解题。从A Kind Heart 中的“Gustafson kept the cats dish up high to keep Katie from stealing Tobys treats.”找到答案。答案:A31解析:细节理解题。文章中只讲了动物互助的行为没有讲原因,故选择C项。答案:CDWugging, or web use giving, describes the act of giving to charity at no cost to the user. By using Everyclick,_which is being added to a number of university puters across the UK, students can raise money every time they search, but it wont cost them a penny.Research shows that students are extremely passionate about supporting charity88% of full time students have used the Internet to give to charity. This age group is often the least likely to have their own ine 19% of 22 to 24yearolds have shortterm debts of more than 5,000. With rising personal debt levels in this age group, due to university tuition fees or personal loans and a lack of longterm savings, traditional methods of donating to charity are often not appealing (有感染力的) or possible.Beth Truman, a 21yearold recent university graduate, has used Everyclick to donate to her chosen charity, the RSPCA, for two years and has seen the “wugging” movement grow in popularity with students. “When youre at university you bee more socially aware, but its sometimes hard to give to others when you have little money yourself,” says Beth. “Wugging is great for people in this age group as it allows them to use the technology on a daily basis to give to charity, without costing them a single penny.”Wugging is perfect for people who want to be more socially aware and supportive but dont feel they have the means to do so. Students using the web can raise money for causes they care about without costing them anything in terms of time or money, and charities get a valuable source of funding. Everyclick works like any other search engine, allowing users to search for information, news and images but users can decide which of the UKs 170,000 charities they would like to support through their clicks. Everyclick then makes monthly payments to every registered charity. Launched in June xx, Everyclick is now the eighth largest search engine and one of the busiest charity websites in the UK.32. According to the passage, “wugging” is actually _.A. a websiteB. a charityrelated actionC. a school organizationD. a student movement 33. In the case of charity, Everyclick_.A. frees students of the financial worriesB. receives much money from studentsC. offers valuable information to studentsD. praises students for their moneyraising34. What does Beth Truman think of the “wugging” movement?A. It makes Everyclick popular in the UK. B. It bees easy to do charity because of it.C. It results in students more social awareness.D. It helps students to save money.35. What would be the BEST title for this passage? A. “Wugging”, a new popular term on the Internet.B. British people show strong interest in charity.C. More Britain charitie

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