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2019-2020年七年级英语下学期周周清练习2牛津版一、根据音标写单词(12分)1、neib vizit weit 4、helpful kmju:niti skil7、prblm endini tek10、brukn fiks klid二、.词汇运用。(17分)1. Zhous next door _ (邻居)Qi Hui is unhappy, too.2. They have some _(技能).3. I wish I could swim _(像)a fish.4. What are they? They are _(服务员).5. Miss Wu is always _(乐于助人)to others.6. There are shops in the _(街区).7. Do you know the _(访问者) from different countries?8Reading and writing are important _(技能).9My brother is an able _(工程师).10Whose is the _(坏了)toy.11Can you _(修理)my puter.12If you know _(某人)else who collects them, please tell me.13We were _(幸运的)enough to catch the last bus.14Can you help me to solve the _ (问题)? -With pleasure.15What is your dream after _(大学)? -To do something helpful.16 _(志愿者) share their skills and help people in need.17 The mechanic is _(检查) the puter now .II. 单项选择。(36分)( )1 -_? -He is very kind and friendly.A. What does he look likeB. What is he likeC. What is heD. What does he like( ) 2. Can you swim in the river?A. Im afraid of that B. Im afraid to swim C. Im afraid not D. Im not afraid( ) 3. _ girls like beautiful clothes.A. Most B. Most of C. The most D. Mostly( ) 4. The teacher teaches _ History. A. our B. us C. your D. his( ) 5. Where _ does Millie want to visit? A. else B. others C. other D. another( ) 6. Millie lives on _ floor in a tall building. A. five B. fifth C. the fifth D. the fiveth( ) 7. Our hometown _ a new school in the centre of the town next year. A. builds B. will build C. build D. has build ( ) 8. Mr Wang is _ engineer. He works very hard. A. the B. a C. an D./ ( ) 9. We can make a fire _ the room warm. A. to keep B. keeping C. keep D. keeps ( ) 10. Tomorrow he _ a kite, and then _ boating. A. will fly, will go B. will fly, goes C. is going to fly, will goes D. flies, will go ( ) 11. Would you please _ the TV? There is going to be a show on TV. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn down D. turn up ( ) 12. The hall is big enough _ five hundred students in it. A. to hold B. holding C. to holds D. to holding ( )13.Last summer, people planted _ trees to make our city greener and more beautiful.A. five millions B. five millions of C. five million D. five million of( ) 14. Please _ who broke the window.A. look B. find C. find out D. look at( ) 15. Theres going to in tomorrows newspaper.A. have something new B. have new somethingC. be something new D. be new something( )16_ wonderful music it is! I like it very much. A. What B. How a C. What a D. How( ) 17.-Hello. Who _? -_ Kitty speaking. A. are you; I am B. is that; This is C. are you; This is D. is this; Its( ) 18. Excuse me, when will the train K307 arrive? -Wait a minute. Ill _ it for you. A. keep B. check C. read D. pay( ) 19. We often go to school _ bike but today we all e to school _ the bus. A. by; by B. on; on C. by; on D. on; by( ) 20. If it rains this afternoon, please _ your umbrella _ me. A. share; with B. use, with C. share, to D. use, to ( ) 21. The girl is afraid _. A. at fly B. at flying C. of fly D. of flying( ) 22. They _ us _ all kinds of problems.A. help; do B. help; to do C. help; with D. helps; with ( ) 23. Some social workers _ different skills often meet at the centre. A. with B. have C. is D. be ( ) 24. He has _ friends. He often plays cards with them. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ( ) 25. - What does the boy look like? - He is _ his father. He also _ eating mangoes. A. likes; like B. like; like C. likes; likesD. like; likes( ) 26. -Is there _ in the room? - Sorry, I dont know. A. someone else B. anyone else C. else anyone D. else someone. ( ) 27. I dont know if his uncle _tomorrow, I think he _ if it doesnt rain. A. will e, es B. will e, will e C. es, es D. es, will e ( ) 28. He will be back _ a few minutes. A. with B. for C. on D. in ( ) 29. What time _ we meet at the gate tomorrow? A. will B. would C. do D . are ( ) 30. He will have a holiday as soon as he _ the work next year. A. finishes B. doesnt finish C. will finish D. wont finish ( ) 31. Why _ they leaving for New York in only one week? A. are B. will C. shall D. is ( ) 32. I hope everyone _ the English test tomorrow. A. pass B. to pass C. passes D. will pass( ) 33 He _ to us as soon as he gets there.A. writes B. has written C. will write D. wrote( ) 34. He _ in three days. A. ing back B. came back C. will e back D. is going to ing back( ) 35. If it _ tomorrow, well go roller-skating.A. isnt rain B. wont rain C. doesnt rain D. doesnt fine( ) 36 - Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow?- No, _ (不去).A. they willnt. B. they wont. C. they arent. D. they dont.四. 根据词的适当形式填空。(22分)1. Most of _ (our) spend lots of time doing homework.2. Can I have a new schoolbag, Mum? The old one is _ (break).3. My neighbours are very kind and _ (help). I like them.4. This is my _ (three) time to see the singer.5. I think its going to be a _ (real) nice day tomorrow.6. Will you do some _ (shop) with me this weekend?7. Hes very _ (luck) to get the small red flower at school?8. They are going to _ (visitor) Shanghai next year.9. Will they show their different _ (skill) with us ?10. Can you find any social _ (work) in your munity centre?1. I like Jay Chous songs because they can make me _ (feel) great.2. Someone _ (like) the shirt very much.3. The social workers will be happy _ (give) you some ideas.4. Can you do _(some) shopping for them?5. She often helps her mother _ (clean) the house.6. His friend is ready _ (do) that hard job.7. What are you doing ? -We _ (plan) a birthday party for Daniel.8. -There is something wrong with my puter. -Ok, Ill ask my uncle _ (help) you.9. There are different _ (skill) for us to learn in school.10. - Are you going to have a _ (meet) this weekend? - Yes, we are.11. You are lucky _(pass) all the exams.12. -Why are you late today? - Because my clock _ (not work). 句型转换。(15分)1. Justin and Paul will grow some flowers there.(对划线部分提问)_ will Justin and Paul _ there?2. They will take their umbrella with them tomorrow.(改为否定句)They _ _ take their umbrella with them tomorrow.3. Kate will return to Nanjing in a week.(对划线部分提问)_ _ Kate return to Nanjing?4. Bill is going to watch TV this afternoon.(改为一般疑问句)_ Bill _ to watch TV this afternoon?5. Where shall we have a big farewell party?(改为同义句)Where _ we _ _ have a big farewell party?6. My cousin will fly to Shanghai next week. (对划线部分提问)_ _ your cousin _ next week?

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