2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Module 5-6综合练习(新版)外研版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语下册 Module 5-6综合练习(新版)外研版一、单项选择(10分)( ) 1. There is _ sale on in the shop today. Lets go together. Please wait _ minute. Ill finish my homework first. A. a; the B. the; aC. a; a D. the; the ( ) 2._ meat do we need to buy? Three _. A. How much; kiloB. How many; kilo C. How much; kilos D. How many; kilos ( ) 3. The woman often _ for her clothes on the Internet. A. gets B. pays C. spends D. takes( ) 4. The price of the dress is 600 yuan. It is _. A. much too B. too many C. too much D. many too( ) 5.What do you think of shopping on the Internet? It is easy and quick. _ can buy _ on it. A. No one; everything B. Anyone; anything C. Anyone; nothing D. No one; something( ) 6. _? Id like to buy some chicken. A. How about going to the cinema B. What are you doing now C. What will you do at homeD. What can I do for you ( ) 7. Could you tell me _ to get to Bright Bank? Take the second turning on the right. Its near there. A. whatB. whenC. howD. why( ) 8. From the tower, you can see _ of London _ a nice day. A. many; inB. most; inC. most; onD. many; on( ) 9.You can _ the bus at Xinhua Stop. Your destination (目的地) is not far from it. A. get onB. get toC. get offD. get up ( ) 10.Im going to Beihai Park this Sunday. _. A. Have a nice day.B. See you. C. You are wele.D. Thats very kind of you. 二、完形填空(40分) A Im Kitty. Im going to the 1 to buy several things. On the first floor, Im going to buy some 2 , because my grandma likes fruits. The fruits are cheap and 3 . I also want to buy some flour (面粉) because I want to 4 biscuits. It is not easy but I want to 5 . On the second floor, I want to buy some eggs. They are 6 price on Friday. The normal(普通的) price is 6 yuan a kilo but today is 7 yuan. On the third floor, I want to buy a jacket for my 8 . I know he likes blue 9 I dont know his size. Ill call my mother and ask 10 about it. I think my father will be happy with my present. ( ) 1. A. zoo B. cinema C. hospital D. supermarket ( ) 2. A. gloves B. flowers C. clothes D. bananas ( ) 3. A. bad B. strange C. fresh D. strong ( ) 4. A. buy B. post C. make D. eat ( ) 5. A. try B. turn C. get D. collect( ) 6. A. right B. high C. nice D. half( ) 7. A. 5 B. 6 C. 3 D. 4( ) 8. A.mother B. father C. sister D. uncle( ) 9. A. or B. so C. anyway D. but( ) 10. A. you B. her C. you D. him BMy home is in Xinjian Street. Living in the street is convenient (方便的) 1 there are different shops and banks here. It is not far from my school, so I often 2 to school. There is a 3 opposite my house. My mother often buys socks for 4 in it because of the low price. 5 school, Id like to go to the 6 at the end of the street. There are all kinds of books there. It has a big 7 every Friday afternoon. So there are always many students there. It 8 me one hundred meters to the underground station from my home. It is convenient for me to go 9 in the city. Besides (除之外) the shops, there are 10 banks too, such as CMB, ICBC and BOCM. I enjoy living here. ( ) 1. A. andB. becauseC. butD. so( ) 2. A.take a bus B. take a undergroundC. walk D.ride a bike( ) 3. A. shopB. hospitalC. schoolD. cinema ( ) 4. A. himB. itC. usD. them( ) 5. A. DuringB. BeforeC. BehindD. After( ) 6. A. parkB. lakeC. bookshopD. market ( ) 7. A. sale B. priceC. colorD. size ( ) 8. A. spendsB. getsC. costsD. takes( ) 9. A. everything B. anyoneC. anywhere D. everywhere ( ) 10. A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five CDear Linda, My birthday is ing. And Ill 1 a party in my house this Sunday. I really 2 you can e to my birthday party, but it is not easy to 3 my house. Now Ill give you a 4 , and it can help you find 5 my house is. Go down Guangming Street and dont turn left or right. Just walk straight 6 about ten minutes, and you can 7 a bus stop on your left. You can take the No. 5 bus and 8 at the fifth stop. Then 9 are on Happy Street. Go down the street and youll see a 10 on the right. My house is behind the bank. John( )1. A. visit B. have C. arrive D. join( )2. A. want B. need C. hope D. think( )3. A. get B. find C. buy D. paint( )4. A. book B. street C. map D. cake( )5. A. who B. how C. what D. where( )6. A. for B. from C. to D. with( )7. A. put B. know C. leave D. see( )8. A. get up B. get on C. get down D. get off( )9. A. we B. you C. they D. she( )10. A. bank B. house C. school D. Shop DDo you like shopping on the Internet? I like to buy books online(在线的). Usually, the price isnt very1 . You dont have to pay a lot. When I want to know something about a book, I write an2 to the online shop for. I am shy. It is difficult for me to talk to the shopkeepers in real(真实的) shops. Sometimes online shops have pictures of the book. They can show you some pages of the book, too. I think this is very3 . I dont like to read books in shops because the shopkeepers may e and talk to me. I dont know4 to say to them. I can shop at midnightifI want to. Real shops 5 at nine oclock in the evening. Some people may worry that the postman may lose or damage(损坏) the things they6 from online shops, but I dont worry about that. I think it is hard to damage a book and most of the postmen are very careful. Some people say that shopping in real shops is good because you can go with your friends and7 many different things. They call this window shopping. I dont have any friends and I dont like to talk too muchit makes me8 .I am9 my grandmother how to shop online. She cannot walk very far so it will make shopping easy for her if she shops online. My brother10 wants to learn how to do it. He is very busy most of the time. When he has a little free time, he can shop online.( )1. A. expensiveB. cheapC. highD. much( )2. A. letter B. informationC. email D. question( )3. A. carefulB. helpfulC. colourfulD. beautiful( )4. A. whatB. howC. where D. why( )5. A. openB. closeC. sellD. send( )6. A. have B. borrowC. buyD. sell( )7. A. look afterB. look likeC. look forD. look at( )8. A. tiredB. sadC. happyD. smart( )9. A. askingB. studyingC. teachingD. giving( )10. A. againB. alsoC. tooD. never3、 阅读理解(40分) A Peter likes shopping on the Internet. club.360buy is his favourite website. He often buys things, such as clothes and shoes on it. He spends about 100 yuan buying things each month. He often waits about three days before he receives his product. Peters parents never buy clothes online because they cant try them on. Peters father thinks its dangerous to pay over the Internet. Maybe the money will be lost.Peters mother often goes to the mall (购物中心) with Peters father. It can make her relaxed after the tiring work. There is always a sale on in the shops near their home, so Peters parents often go there too. ( ) 1. How much does Peter spend on the Internet for six months? A. About 100 yuan. B. About 300 yuan. C. About 600 yuan. D. About 900 yuan.( ) 2. How long does Peter wait before he receives a product from the Internet? A. About two days.B. About three days. C. About a week.D. Over a week.( ) 3. The underlined word “dangerous” means _ in Chinese. A. 方便的B. 有趣的C. 安全的 D. 危险的( ) 4. Why dont Peters parents buy clothes online? A. Because things on the Internet are expensive. B. Because online shopping is bad for their eyes. C. Because they cant use a puter. D. Because they cant try them on. ( ) 5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE? A. Peter enjoys online shopping. B. Peter buys shoes on the Internet. C. Peters mother thinks online shopping is dangerous. D. Peters father often goes to shops with his wife near their home. B Dear Betty, Thank you very much for your email. I know youd like to visit the National Museum in our city. It is a big and famous museum. Let me tell you the way to it. Take your car from your house and drive along Hongxing Street. Turn left at the third turning , not the last one. Youll see a park on your right. The museum is opposite the park. It is open from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm every day. There are lots of old things and paintings in the museum. I hope you can have a nice time there. But dont take a camera. You cant use it in the museum. There is a supermarket next to it. You can buy some souvenirs in it.I think you will love them and you can keep them for a long time. Yours, Jerry( ) 1. Betty will go to the National Museum _. A. by busB. by taxiC. by carD. by bike ( ) 2. Betty should turn left at the _ turnings in Hongxing Street. A. firstB. secondC. lastD. third( ) 3. Where is the museum? A. In front of the park B. On the right of the park. C. Opposite the park.D. Next to the park.( ) 4. The underlined word souvenirs means _ in Chinese. A.纪念品B. 礼物 C. 古董 D. 食物 ( ) 5. Which of the following is TRUE? A. This email is from Betty to Jerry. B. The museum closes at half past five in the afternoon. C. You can take photos of the things in the museum.D. You cant see any paintings in the museum. C Many people like to travel by plane because its fast, but I dont like it because an airport is usually farfrom the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late.You cant open the window. You cant choose the food. I like traveling by train.I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are latefor a train you can catch another one.You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You cansee many interesting things on your way.But I know it takes a little more time. I also like cars. You can start your journey when you want to, and you dont need to get to arailwaystation or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are toomany cars on the road. ( ) 1. Why do many people like to travel by plane? A. Because it is fast. B. Because it is safe. C. Because you can walk around in the plane. D. Because you can open the door.( ) 2. Which is not the good thing about the train? A. It is safe. B. It takes a little more time. C. You can open the windows. D. You can see many funny things.( ) 3.If you want to take a lot ofthings with you, what do you take to go out? A. A bus.B. A bike. C. A train.D. A car.( ) 4. What is the bad thing about the car travel? A. You neednt go to a station. B. You can start your journey when you want to. C. There are too many cars on the road. D. The cars are too expensive.( ) 5. What does the writer think of the plane, train and car? A.He thinks it takes a lot of time to get to the airport and wait for a plane. B. He likes to take a train because it takes a little more time. C. He likes to take a car because he has a car. D. He doesnt like the plane or the train. 四、词汇运用(20分) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。 certain, post, strawberry, receive, advantage1. I will spend twenty yuan on these _. 2. Im sure Jenny will be happy after _ the present. 3. Can you tell me some _ of the car? 4. May I have a look at your watch? _. 5.You may _ the camera to your friend. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。每空限填一词。6. Lots of _ (游客) e to Qiangdao in summer. 7. Walk _ (沿着) the road and youll see a market. 8. Mary is going to have a short _ (参观) of Shanghai. 9. There is a supermarket _ (在的对面) our school. 10. The square is big and _ (著名的) in our city. 11. I often start doing my homework at 8: 00 pm and _ (结束) it at 10:00 pm. 12. _ (穿过) the street and you can see a tall building. 13. My father takes the _ (地铁) to work every day. 14. You can enjoy many beautiful _ (油画) in the gallery (美术馆). 15. You can see flowers _ (在任何地方) in the city. 16.You can buy almost _(something) on the Internet.17.Shopping usually _(花费) a lot of time.18._(支付) over the Internet isnt always safe.19.It is very safe _(购物) over the Internet.20.Shopping with friend _(be) much more fun. Shopping on the Internet,or shopping online is being more and more popularMore and more people are using the Internet to buy thingsWhy do people use the Internet to shop?Some people say it is more convenient(方便的)They dont have to leave their homes to order something,and they can shop for anything they want at any time,day or nightOther people say they can find things on sale that they cant find in the stores near their homesStill other people say they can find better prices on the Internet If you want to buy something on the Internet,you need a credit card(信用卡)You have to type your credit card number and information on the website and send it to the store over the InternetYou have to be sure that the store will not use your information in the wrong wayYou dont want someone to get your credit card number and buy something with itOf course,you always have to be careful with your credit card number,because people sometimes steal credit card numbers from stores and restaurantsFor people who are too nervous to shop online,the Internet is also a good place to go window-shoppingWindow-shopping is when you go to a store and look at the things for sale,but dont plan to buy anythingWindow-shopping is easy on the InternetYou can see what kinds of products are available(可获得的) and how much they costYou can visit stores with branches(分店) near you,or you can visit stores that are only on the Internet( ) 1To buy things on the Internet people _ Amust try to get other peoples credit card numbers Bmust take good care of their own credit card numbers Cmust be rich enough Dmust be clever enough( ) 2Which one is NOT the reason that some people think it convenient to shop online? AThey can stay home to buy things BThey can buy things at any time they like CThey think they can get lower price on the Internet DThey can find free things they want( ) 3The online stores _ Amust try to attract those who never use the Internet Bmust collect everyones credit card information Cmust prevent customers credit card information from being stolen Dmust have branches( ) 4When you go window-shopping,you _ Amust buy something Bneednt buy anything Cshould bring some money Dmust have a plan( ) 5Which of the statements is Not True? AA lot of people like shopping onlineBShopping online bees popular for its convenience CThere is no danger in online shopping DOnline window-shopping is also very convenient 五、书面表达(10分)现在越来越多的人热衷于网上购物,小到书,大到家电都在网上购买。你是如何看待网上购物的呢?你觉得它的优点是什么?根据下面的提示,简单阐述你的想法。提示:1. 你几乎可以很容易地在网上购买一切东西;2. 你不必(dont need to)去商店,可以在家选择要买的,很方便(convenient);3. 网上的很多东西要比商店和超市里的更便宜(cheaper)。要求:1. 条理清楚、意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确。 2. 不少于70词。_


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