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2019-2020年七年级英语上册Unit5Doyouhaveasoccerball练习(B卷,无答案)(新版)人教新目标版 姓名_ 班级_一、单项选择。20分 ( ) 1. I have a soccer ball. _ on the floor. A. It B. They C. Its D. Theyre( ) 2. Lets play tennis. That _ very good. A. sounds B. soundC. has D. have( ) 3. The math class is _. I dont like (喜欢) it. A. interestingB. relaxing C. fun D. boring( ) 4. Lets play baseball. Do you have a baseball bat? _.A. Sorry, I doB. Sorry, I dontC. Yes, I dontD. Yes, I can( ) 5.He always ping-pong his father after school. A. play, with B. plays, with C. plays, and D. play,for( ) 6.-Do you have a baseball? -_.But I have a basketball.A.Yes,youdoB.No, youdontC.Yes, I doD. No, I dont( ) 7. Hehas3soccer balls. _hedoesntplaysports. A. And B.But C.Only D. Or( )8.Mary _ watch TV at school, but Mike _.A. doesnt,doesB. doesnt,doesnt C. doesnt,watches D. does,doesnt( ) 9 She English. She thinks its easy for . A. likes, she B. loves, her C. like, her D. likes,hers( ) 10.Where are your tennis rackets? A. They are under the bed. B. It are in the pencil case. C. Do you have tennis rackets? D .Its on the table二、完形填空。(20分)1 name is Jim and I am 2 American boy. I 3 soccer very much. Owen 4 my favorite (最喜爱的) soccer player. I 5 a very good friend. 6 name is George. He also 7 sports and he 8 some sports collections. 9 like 10 soccer together (一起) after school (放学后). ( ) 1. A. My B. HisC. HerD. I( ) 2. A. theB. anC. aD. ( ) 3. A. amB. are C. like D. likes( ) 4. A. isB. areC. amD. one( ) 5. A. haveB. hasC. amD. are( ) 6. A. HeB. HerC. SheD. His( ) 7. A. likeB. likesC. to likeD. is( ) 8. A. haveB. isC. hasD. had( ) 9. A. HeB. HimC. WeD. Us( ) 10. A. playB. playingC. playedD. to play三.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。30分1.Does your father _(like)sports? 2. Can you help_(he)?3.Lets _(play)soccer ball. 4.They have two_(puter).5.That _(sound)interesting. 6._ you _(have)a tennis racket? 7.My brother _(have)a baseball bat. 8.We have many(许多)_ _(watch). 9.Let s watch _(they)on TV. 10.She _(play)sports every day. 11._ your friend _(like)sports? 12.Let _(we)play tennis. 13.Thats an _(interest)puter game. 14. easy (反义词) 15.go(第三人称单数) 四、句型转换. 30分1.They love oranges. (改否定) They _ love oranges. 2. He has a very nice watch.(改为一般疑问句)he a very nice watch?3. I have some books.(改成一般疑问) ?4. he, think, I, has, a, soccer, ball, too (连词成句) 5.He likes awatch. (改成复数句) _.6.We play volleyball. (用Lets引导句型) volleyball!7.Helikeshisnewroom.(改为一般疑问句) _he_hisnewroom?

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