2019-2020年高中英语 m4u2完整导学案 牛津版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 m4u2完整导学案 牛津版必修3课 题M4U2 words主备人 班 级高一( )姓 名学 号A 教学目标 让学生学会一些重点单词的用法B 课前预习利用早读课的时间大声读第一单元的单词,要做到在老师讲解之前会读会默写。C 课内解惑:请特别注意以下单词的读音,拼写和用法。1. significance n.重要性,重要意义be of great/little significance =be _a matter/ speech of great/ little significance_的事/演讲I do not think this case _.我认为这个案例没有太大的意义。拓展 significant adj. _ _a significant speech _Davis was one of the most significant musicians of the last century.2. delighted adj. (pleased; showing delight)_Id be absolutely delighted to e._。(译)Im delighted at your success._。She was delighted that you could stay with her._。搭配总结 很高兴做某事_对某事很高兴_很高兴 _单词积累 delight _ _ delightful _ _ delightfully _ _拓展 take delight in _ delight in sth./doing sth. _with delight _ to ones delight=to the delight of sb. _3. briefly adv. _He briefly made a list of the guests he wanted to invite._He paused briefly before continuing. _。单词积累 brief _ _; 链接 In brief_to be brief_brief and to the point_4. pete vi._搭配 pete in 在中比赛/竞争 pete for为而比赛/竞争pete against/with与竞争/比赛Will you pete_ the race? 你参加赛跑了吗?The two teams will pete _ the championship.这两个队将争夺冠军。He is going to pete _ his old rival.他将与老对手竞争。单词积累 petitor _petition _petitive _5. take part in参加(活动,体育运动等)The old man _. 那位老人参加过两次世界大战。Who _? 谁将参加明天的会议?辨析 join, join in, take part in, 与attend(1) join表示“参加,加入”,成为组织,团体的一员(2) join in 指参加正在进行着的活动,也可单独使用(3) take part in强调参加活动,事业,会议,战争等(4) attend表示“出席”,相当于be present,一般指出席会议,讲话或学习班等。I have been 5 years since his elder brother _ the army.他哥哥当兵5年了。She_ the students _ a walk.她和学生们一起散步。How many countries _ the last Olympic Games?有多少国家参加了上届奥运会?He _an important meeting yesterday.他昨天出席了一个重要会议。_ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.A. The president will attend B. The president to attendC. The president attended D. The presidents attending6. separate adj. _ v. _They have gone to _.他们去了不同的地方。The two children separated at the end of the road._ 拓展 be separated by _ get separated_separate sb./sth. from sb./sth. _ 辨析 separate和divide (1) separate指“把原来在一起的人或物分开”(2) divide指“通过施加外力或自然地把某人或某物由整体分成若干部分”_ those two boys who are fighting, will you?(你)把那两个正在打架的男孩拉开,好吗?_the candies among the children把糖分给孩子们单词积累 separation n. 分开Hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors pleted a 20-hour operation to have _ one-year-old twins at the head.A. isolated B. separated C. divided D. removed7. honour n._ honourable adj. _In honour of _They held a party in honour of the model workers._He wrote a book _.他写了一本书来纪念他的士兵们。链接have the honour of doing sth. 很荣幸能够做某事do sb. honour/ do honour to sb. 向某人致敬it would be an honour 那将是一种荣幸 in memory of _ in favor of _ in search of_in need of _ in hope of _in praise of_ in face of _8. side by side一起,共同,肩并肩The two old men live happily side by side. 那两位老人_。They sat on the desk side by side. 他们_坐在课桌上。链接 hand in hand _ arm in arm _face to face _ heart to heart _ shoulder to shoulder_9. light n._; v. _; adj._ The sun gives us _-.太阳给我们光和热。The streets _ by electricity.街道有电灯照明。His face was lighted by happiness.他_。I like _.我喜欢轻音乐。提示 light的过去式,过去分词有两种,即lit, lit 和lighted, lighted。过去分词lighted可作前置定语,而lit则不能。拓展 light up_ be in sb.s light _e to light_ set light to sth. _throw/ cast light on sth._10. contribution n. _He has _ the development of agriculture. 他对农业的发展作出了重大的贡献。单词积累contribute _ contributor_make contributions to/towards_contribute to _Human error _ the deadly train collision in Shandong province.A. contributed to B. resulted from C. lay in D. answered for 11. attempt n._;vt. ( 常与_连用)_An astronaut will_ the stationary spaceship and then return to it.一名宇航员将试着离开停着的宇宙飞船然后再回到里面去。She made an attempt to cook the dinner. 她_。拓展 make an attempt to do _make an attempt on sbs life _attempted murder/robbery/suicide _Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first _. A. intention B. attempt C. purpose D. desire12. state (1)n. _;_;_(2)v. _The house is in a bad state of repair. 那座房子_。He has already stated his intention to run for election._You must arrive at the time stated.你必须在_时间内到达。辨析:state, declare, announce 与claim(1)state “陈述,声明”,常用于书面或演讲中,比较正式。(2)declare “宣布,断言”,与state意义相近,但主要指口头的,尤指官方的声明。(3)announce 公开“宣布,通知”,不一定正式。(4)claim “断言,宣称”,尤指面对反对意见。13. plenty of许多的,大量的_ in the fridge.冰箱里有足够的鸡蛋。拓展 “许多”的表达法:(1) 后+可数名词复数+动词的复数形式 后+可数名词单数+动词的单数形式 (2)后+不可数名词 (3) 既可修饰可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词的“许多”We always keep _ spare paper, in case we run out.A. too much B. a number of C. plenty of D. a good many14. pretty adv. (to some extent; fairly)_ adj._hell say yes.我相当肯定他会说行。_ little garden!多精致的小花园啊!辨析 Beautiful, pretty, good-looking 与handsome15. make way for 给让路, 让位于Films _ TV. 电影已经让位于电视。Please _.请给盲人让路。链接 make ones way to 前进;行进 give way to 向妥协,屈服make room for 给腾处地方The car broke down, and I had to _.汽车坏了,我不得不步行前进。Move along and _. 请挪一下给我腾点地方。16. balance n. & v. 平衡;保持平衡拓展 balance between A and B keep ones balance lose ones balance be in the balance throw/knock sb. off balance balance A with/against BTry to keep a balance between work and relaxation. _。She _ and fell down. 她失去了平衡,摔倒了。I was almost _ by the sudden wind. 突然来了一阵风,差点把我吹倒。D 课后巩固完成同步导学中相应的练习。课 题M4U2阅读主备人刘继男 圣娟班 级高一( )姓 名学 号 一课前预习请认真查找与奥运会有关的一些常识,准备课前的奥运知识竞赛。二课内合作1 Pictures enjoyThe teacher will start the lesson with a short video about the Olympics as well as a series of pictures taken in the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.2 petitionNow lets have a knowledge petition of Olympics .Divide yourselves into two groups, one point for each correct answer to check what youve known about the Olympics.3 Reading 1. Fast readingGo through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find the answers to the questions in Part A. 1) What is the speech about?2) Where were the ancient Olympic Games held?3) Who restarted the modern Olympic Games?2. Detailed readingAsk them to read the speech again, then finish the exercise C1, C2, D and E on page24.Step 3 Post-reading (discussion)1) Who is your favorite Olympic athlete? What can you learn from him/her?2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of holding the xx Olympic Games?三Homework 完成同步导学剩余的习题。课 题M4U2 language points主备人朱婧 圣娟班 级高一( )姓 名学 号 A教学目标 掌握Language points 里的重点短语和用法B课前预习Fill in the blanks to finish the short passage.every separate pete join allowed significance in honour of was delighted to take part in are recognized asMr Johnson said he _ have been invited to the school to talk about the history and _ of the Olympic Games. From Mr Johnsons speech, we know that the Olympic games are held _ four years. At the ancient games, only men were _ to take part while unmarried women could _ their own petition at a _ festival _ the wife of Zeus. Today, athletes around the world can _ in the games. Many of them _ great athletes. He said the Olympic Games had brought joy to people, he asked us to _ him in wishing the Olympic movement a successful future.Discussion of the language itemsC课内解惑1. He returned gladly to light the Olympic flame at the opening ceremonyv. lit, lit/ lighted lighted _两者作谓语,没有区别.lighted可作定语,而lit不可.The old man came into the house , _手里拿着一根点燃的蜡烛.We lit the candle and the candle lit the room.Her face lit up when the film star was present.adj. 轻的, 发光的, 明亮的, 浅的The basket is very light; I can easily pick it up. n光, 日光, 发光体, 灯The sun gives us light during the day.I cant read while you are standing in my light.Practice: They _ a candle and the _ candle _ the room.A. light; lighting; lit B. lit; lighted; lit C. lit; lighting; lit D. lighted; lit; lit2. Haile G. is widely recognized as the greatest distance runner of all time.recognize v. _I did not recognize her when she entered as she had had her hair dyed.They suddenly recognized that this was a good chance for them.PracticeThe Great Wall _ (被公认为) one of the Seven Wonders of the world.我们承认,这是不得已做出的选择。_3. There are some of the Olympians who have brought joy to people with their attempts to push the limits of human achievement.I passed my driving test at the third attempt.Could you at least make an attempt to smile?Mr. Black attempted to help me to solve that problem. But it was beyond his ability.The second question was so difficult. I didnt even attempt it.Practice:He _ to escape from the prison, but he couldnt find anybody to help him.A. succeeded B. attempted C. advised D. offered在逃往国外之前,敌人企图把工厂毁掉。Before they fled the country, the enemy _.4. Unmarried women were allowed to take part in their own petition at a separate festival.separate :adj._The children sleep _孩子都睡在各自的床上。separate还可用作_,意思是_This patient _the others.这个病人应该隔离。Practice:我兄弟和我一直都有各自的房间。_As we joined the big crowd I got _ from my friends.A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed相关链接:separation U & C 分离,隔离。after a long separation _ the separation of a river_separately adv.We want to pay for the two coffees separately5.Unmarried women were allowed to take part in their own petition in honour of the wife of the Greek god Zeus.n._ v._in honour of: in memory of为了纪念They held a big party in honour of the visiting president. He _ his courage in battle.他因在战斗中的英勇表现而受到尊敬。adj. bringing or deserving honour_Though it is honorable to be a cleaner, many people wouldnt like to do that相关链接: show honor to对某人表示敬意; have the honor to do很入荣幸地 feel honored to do因做而感到荣幸;on ones honor以某人的名誉担保Practice:Yesterday they held a ceremony _ those killed in the accident.A. in place of B. in honour of C. in case of D. instead of6. They were held at Olympia in Greece every four years.Every student has to take the examination. Take the medicine every other day. Practice:Translation:每行驶五千英里换一次油。Change the oil in the car _.7. Athletes from around the world can take part, no matter what language they speak.no matter what language they speak引导_,等于_ _, its useful to know a foreign language.无论你的工作是什么,懂得一门外语是非常有用的。辨析:no matter how/when/where/what/who等只_; 等于疑问词十ever 而whatever/whoever等既能接_,也能接_,引导名词性从句不能用no matter。No matter what(=Whatever) the papers print, some people always believe it. She leaves her bedroom door open, no matter how cold (=however cold) it is.Whoever es first will receive a present. Youll have to go on, whatever difficulties you meet with.Whatever I have is at your service. However late he is, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.Practice: T or FIll give my ticket to no matter who wants it._, I have to put it away and focus my attraction on study this week.A. However the story is amazing B. No matter amusing the story isC. However amusing the story is D. No matter how the story is amusing.8.I am delighted to have been invited to your school to talk to you about the history and significance of the Olympic Games. = Having been invited to your school., I am very happy.to have been invited是动词不定式的完成被动式。不定式完成式表示不定式的动作在谓语表示的动作(状态)之前完成。e.g.I am sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time.高考链接:1. Charles Babbage is generally considered _ the first puter. (1993NMET)A. to invent B. inventing C. to have invented D. having invented2. Robert is said_ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in. (xxNMET)A. to have studied B. to studyC. to be studying D. to have been studying 3. - Is Bob still performing?- Im afraid not. He is said_ the stage already as he has bee an official. (xx江苏)A. to have left B. to leave C. to have been left D. to be left4. AIDS is saidthe biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years. (xx 湖北)A. that it is B. to be C. that it has been D. to have beendelight n._The children were made to laugh with delightadj. delighted_I was delighted to be invited to her party.vi.(常与in连用)热衷于;引以为乐她以烹饪美食为乐。_significance n._This fact has little significance for us.adj. _ 有意义的, 重大的, 重要的He gave her a significant look.D.课后巩固:找出文中的重点短语并背诵:1. 很高兴做某事 2. 每四年一次3. 被允许做某事 4. 参加5. 纪念,向表示敬意 6. 吸引某人的注意力7. 继续做某事 8. 被公认为9.对作出贡献 10. 努力/企图做某事11. 盼望/希望画川高级中学xx度第一学期高一(下)英语导学案(28)课 题M4U2wordpower主备人田永兰 圣娟班 级高一( )姓 名学 号 A 教学目标让学生在第一单元的基础之上,了解更多的关于词的合成知识B 课前预习 预习教材中M4U2的WordpowerC 课内解惑 合成词是两个或者几个词拼起来的,有时可根据其组合猜测其中的意思,所以掌握合成词的构成对词汇量的扩大及阅读水平的提高有很大的帮助。用练习来巩固对合成词的理解。 Say anything they know about Liu Xiang.大家很熟悉刘翔,所以学生有很多关于来说刘翔的话题可说。 A pound word is made when two words are joined together to form a new word.请同学们根据下列表格中所给的例子,归纳总结出它们的形成规律:Formation pound adj.Formation pound adj.warm-hearted air-dropped easy-going soft-boiled hard-workingwell-educated tax-freePut the following into English:1.气象员_2.聚会_3.消防队员_4.说英语的_5.握手_6.电影制片人_7.水面下的_8.伐木工_D 课后巩固 Homework 同步导学上的有关练习画川高级中学xx度第一学期高一(下)英语导学案(29)课 题M4U2Grammar主备人万兴安 圣娟班 级高一( )姓 名学 号 A 教学目标让学生掌握情态动词的基本用法与高考题链接,让学生熟悉情态动词的高考考点B 课前预习查阅资料,了解情态动词的基本用法!C 课内解惑 一、常见情态动词的用法。1. can (1) 可以表示_用于肯定句中。如: He can be right. 他可能是对的。 (2) can还可以表示_;提出_。如: I can run very fast. 我能跑的非常快。 We can eat here, if you like.如果你愿意,我们在这儿吃吧。 (3)用于疑问句表示_;_;怀疑等。如: Can I take you home? 带你回家好吗?Can you help me? 能帮我忙吗?Can it be true? 是真的吗? (4) 用于否定句表示_。如:That cant be Mary.那不可能是玛丽。 (5) 用于疑问句表示_。如:Can it be true? 那是真的吗? 比较:be able to 可以用于各种时态,表示不仅有能力,而且还能够做成功。如:_2. could (1) 表示_。如: Could I use the phone? (2) 表示_。如: Could you type me one more letter? (3) 表示_。如:Im so hungry that I could eat a horse.(4) 表示_性。如:You could be right. 你可能是对的。(5) 表示_。如:You could try this number.你可以试一下这个号码。 (6)表示_或_的语气。如:If I were a bird , I could fly. Could I interrupt a moment? 3. may (1) 表示_,允许。如:May I e in? (2) 表示_。如: That may or may not be true. (3) 表示_。如: Ill call him so that he may know when to expect us. (4)表示用于_情况。如: Who may you be?你能是谁呢? (5)表示_和希望。如 May you succeed! 另外May not 表示可能不, 而cant/ couldnt 表示不可能。如: _他可能不在家。_.我不可能做那事。 4. might (1) 表示_。如: Might I make a suggestion? (2) 表示_。如:He might get here in time. (3) 用于_情况。如:Who might she be ? (4) 用于委婉的_或呼吁请求。如: You might offer to help at least.你至少该提供帮助。 5. will (1) 表示对未来事物的_。如: Youll be in time if you hurry . (2) 表示_或不愿意。如: We wont lend you any more money. (3) 表示发出_或指示。如:You will carry out the order. (4) 用于_真理。如:Oil will float on water. 油漂在水上。(5) 表示施事者_做某事。如:He will go home now. 他执意回家。 6. would (1)表示设想事情的_。如: I would think it over if I were you. (2)表示提出客气的_。如: Would you please pay me in cash? (3) 表示提建议或_。如: Would you like to sit down? (4) 表示评论特有的_。如:Thats just what he would say. (5) 表示_。如:She burnt the letters so that he would never read them.would 还可以表示过去经常发生的情况。如:_would rather 表示宁愿做某事。如:I would rather you do it again.而used to表示过去常常,而现在不再这么做了。如:I used to go swimming。 7. shall (1)表示_。如: I shall get there on time. (2)表示意愿或_。如: I shall write to you again. (3) 表示提供_或建议。如:What shall we do this time? (4) 表示_或指示。如: She shall suffer for it. 8. should (1) 表示_或义务。如:You shouldnt drink and drive. (2) 表示试探性的_。如:We should arrive before dark. (3) 表示假定的_。如:We should move to Beijing if we had the money . (4)表示目的或动机。如: She repeated it so that he should understand . (5) 表示_的客气说法。如:We should be grateful for your help. (6)表示_兴趣或难以相信。如: How should I know? 9. ought to(1) 表示_或义务。如:We ought to start at once.。 (2)表示推测性_。如: If he started at nine, he ought to be here by now. 10. must多表示人的情感。另外还可以 (1)表示_。如: I must go to the bank to get some money. (2) 表示_或建议。如:I must ask you not to do that again . 我劝你不要再做那事了。(3) 表示做出逻辑_。如: You must be hungry after such a long work. 工作这么长时间,你一定饿了。 (4) 表示_。如:You must put your name down for the team.而have to表示必须,不得不。11. need (1)表示_。如:You neednt finish that job today. (2) neednt have done 表示表示曾经做过的事_。如: Yo


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