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翻译 100 题:1. 和妹妹比起来,John is more shy in face of strangers.2. I could not believe 你会做出这样无耻的事来!3. With smile on his face , he 看着儿子帮助一位盲人老太太捡起手杖。4. After the terrible interview, he felt that 考官们不会认真考虑他。5. Sarah prefers to 读流行小说而不是经典名著。6. According to the bad weather, people in this city 被劝告暂时不要出门。7. When Im out, 请别让炉子灭了。8. 夏天不仅很热,but also diseases are apt to happen.9. If you study hard,你就既不会考试不及格也不会让家人担心。10. The wedding, 约翰至今回想起来仍充满幸福, was held in his beloved hometown.11. The strict father insist that 孩子应该迟早学会独立生活。12. The generation was born in a time 当战争爆发和疾病流行时。13. The rapid development of technology at that time 对现代工业产生了深远的影响。14. After several years, the patient 最终治好了癌症。15. 他已习惯了先听收音机再洗澡 every night before sleep.16. The poor boy has not enough money for food, 更不用说买新衣服了。17. 不管老师是否教过,those English words should be memorized firmly in your head.18. He asked every passers-by he met in the street, 试图找到去博物馆的路。19. The boy did not come to the English classes,他也没有来参加期末考试。20. 为了挣钱供养这个大家庭,Tom exhausted himself with hard work day and night.21. The more money one earns,就会变得越贪婪。22. 直到收到父母的信,he did not believe it at all.23. The housewife has been working all day long, 洗衣服,做饭和照顾小孩。24. All summer long, despite 给花园浇水,砍柴,打水之外,Reuben kept to his homework.25. Though not being very busy, seldom 他来看他的父母。26. Though the ice has been melted,但是只有当春天来了,树才会开始生长。27. Only in the forest 狮子才是万兽之王。28. Learning a skill is difficult, but using the skill well perhaps 比学技术要难十倍。29. With dark trees all around and no light being seen,他发现自己已经迷路了。30. Because there is no help from the others,关于要如何处理这类问题,他比平时更糊涂了。31. Donna, 一个 8 岁就移居纽约的土生土长的洛杉矶女孩, is my best friend in school.32. If you had warned him of the danger ahead,他就不会犯这么大的错了。33. Just because you are a child 并不意味着你可以不为你犯下的错误承担责任。34. For many people, 哪怕能找到好工作的希望很小 is better than none.35. The more the bird struggled to free itself,灌木丛中的刺就越深地插进它的身体。36. The boy took the harder way 而不是捷径, to realize his dream.37. 我记得有学生曾问过我这个问题,but I could not recall his/ her name.38. 虽然她在做家务上还有些困难,the girl can live all on her own.39. 老板正在考虑裁员的事,so every employee in the company is nervous all day long.40. Being a good parent 意味着要花很多时间去了解孩子。41. Though being misunderstood by his son, the strict father believed that 儿子的理解只是时间上的问题。42. Being unable to help her, 玛丽只能看着这个小女孩哭。43. 他本来期盼着尽早收到她的来信, but it was only proved to be a beautiful day dream.44. I could not believe that 他竟然会忘了曾问起过我的生日。45. 想象自己正躺在一片草地上 will help you to relax from your hard work.46. All the people in the community joined in the joyful party,一起分享新年的快乐。47. With 很多电脑公司在北京设立办事处,IT job seekers found it easier for them to be employed.48. 如果下岗,he can keep nothing but an empty house.49. 比较这两个孩子,I prefer Tom to Dave.50. Without all the help from friends and families, 她永远也不可能克服这些困难。 51. (和一般的理解相反),taking bath everyday no matter in summer or in winter wont enhance your health.52. Through training for over one year, 我已经把他变成了一个合格的班长。53. The boy needs a room to study quietly, 躲开家人的喧闹。54. She can never forget the day 当她的弟弟出生的时候。55. Diseases, 不管是遗传的还是后天导致的,can cause pains to people.56. Being very angry, the farther 没有给儿子解释的机会。57. 我已经就它的危险性警告了你,listen or not.58. 请留意每一封你收到的电子邮件, there might be virus which may destroy your computer.59. 一旦父亲听说了这件事, I will be punished seriously.60. Only when she herself becomes a mother, 她才能理解做母亲的难处。61. Are you looking for the headmaster?我刚才看见他走了。62. 我们的计划还远远不够完美, it needs improving.63. I suggest that 你应该多帮助父母做点家务。64. Ive mobbed to the big city from a little town, I know 我不会再像在小镇时那样存钱。65. 腋下夹着一本课本,嚼着口香糖, she walked into the classroom.66. 使他惊讶的是,he won the first place in English competition.67. 我们已经用完了船上所有的燃料,so we have to wait for help.68. I met one of my classmates 在去教室的路上。69. Her red coat 在人群中和显眼, which can help you spot her easily.70. After three days consideration, 他终于想出了解决这个问题的好点子。71. When the policemen rushed into his room, 他完全措手不及。72. 实在想不出办法了,he had to ask for the other people for help.73. 警察到处搜寻这个人,but still failed to find him.74. Her good manners and proper behavior(给面试官留下了很深的印象 )。75. The deep love between the old couple 经历起了时间的考验。 76. 他已经完成了他的工作 by the end of last month.77. 他一定还在忙着做家庭作业 at this time tomorrow.78. 我做这个工作已经三个月了,so Im very familiar with every detail of it.79. Since he became famous, there 总有很多人等在他门口想见他。80. Until then, his friends 都有六个月没看见他了。81. In the room 发现了一张桌子和几把椅子。82. If those trousers are too big for you,就买一条小一点的吧。83. Both meat and fish 都已经吃光了。84. The meeting 将会持续三个星期 by the time it ends.85. 用筷子比用叉子方便 when enjoying Chinese foods.86. 如果我是你的话,I would go and ask him for help.87. Out they went,留下儿子一个人在家。88. 他本可以不用帮我的,but he did.89. 很久没收到妹妹的来信了,he is worried about her.90. As your spoken English gets better, 英语听力也会好起来的。91. Im pleased to see 这个问题解决得如此之快。92. It was in the field 我们举办了生日聚会。93. we have not seen Mary since yesterday afternoon; 她可能处什么事了。94. 这部电影很值得一看,so I recommend it to you now.95. 如果汤姆的爸爸知道他要去玩电脑游戏,he would have forbidden him to go out.96. When the teacher spoke of a smart boy, I know 她指的是丹尼尔。97. He could not imagine 天天都被老板批评会是什么样子。98. Its ten years since 她不当老师。99. 凯特已经花了两倍于我的钱 on dress.100. The artist can draw pictures 不仅我们看到的,而且还有我们感受到的。Answers:1. Compared with his younger sister2. you would have done such a shameless thing!3. watched his son picking up a walking stick for a blind old lady.4. he would not be seriously considered by those interviewers / those interviewers would not consider him seriously.5. read popular novels instead of classics6. were advised not to go outside at the moment7. please keep the fire burning 8. Not only is summer a hot season.9. you will neither fail in exams nor be worried by your families10. which John still recalled with happiness11. children learn to live independently as early as possible12. when wars broke our and diseases prevailed13. had a far-reaching impact on modern industry14. was finally cured of his cancer15. He is used to listening to music and then taking a bath16. let alone (for) new clothes17. Whether (they were) taught by the teachers or not18. trying to find the way to the museum19. nor did he attend the final exam20. (In order) to support the large family21. the more greedy one may become22. Until the letter from parents reached him/ until he received the letter from his parents23. washing clothes, cooking and taking care of children24. watering the garden, cutting wood and fetching water25. did he come to see his parents26. only when the spring comes will the trees grow27. is the lion the king of all animals.28. is ten times difficult than that29. he found himself having got lost/ he found himself lost30. he is more confused at / as to how to solve the problem31. a native L.A. girl (who) moved to N.Y. when she was 8 years old32. he would never have made such a big mistake33. does not mean you need not to take responsibility for the mistake youve made34. even a small hope of being able to find a good job35. the deeper the throne in bush cut into its body36. rather than/ instead of a short cut37. I remembered being asked about the question b a student38. Though still having difficulty (in) doing housework39. The boss is considering reducing his staff40. means having to take more time to understand his/ her child41. it was only a matter of time before his son could be able to understand42. Mary could nothing but watch the little girl crying43. He had been looking forward to an early reply from her44. he should have forgotten asking me about my birthday45. Imagining lying on a lawn46. sharing the joy of new year (with each other) together47. many computer companies setting up offices in Beijing48. If laid off (If he is laid off)49. Comparing the two boys50. she would never have overcome these difficulties51. Contrary to the common belief52. I have already turned him into a qualified monitor/ I have already made him a qualified monitor53. avoiding the family noise54. when her younger brother was born55. either/ no matter inherited or acquired56. left no room for the explanation from his son/ gave no chance for his son to explain57. I have already warned you of its danger58. Please be aware of / pay attention to every e-mail you received59. As soon as my father hears about it60. can she understand the difficulties of being a mother61. I have seen him leaving just now62. Our pan is still far form perfect63. you help your parents do more housework/ you do more housework for your parents64. I will not save money the way I did in the little town65. With a textbook under her arm and a gum in her mouth/ Clamping a textbook under her arm and chewing a gum66. To his amazement67. We have already run out of / used up all the fuels on the ship/ We have exhausted all the fuels on the ship68. on my way to the classroom69. stands out in /from/against the crow of people70. he finally came up with a good idea for solving the problem71. he was caught completely off guard72. at his wits end73. The policemen had searched everywhere for the man74. have made a deep impression on the interviewers75. (has) stood the test of time76. He had finished his work77. He must /will be busy doing his homework78. Ive been doing this work for three months79. have been many people waiting to see him at his door80. had not been seeing him for six months81. was found a desk and several chairs82. then buy a smaller pair83. are run out/ are eaten up84. will have lasted for three months85. It is more convenient to use chopsticks than to use forks86. If I were you/ Were I you87. leaving their son alone at home88. He need not have helped me89. Not having heard from his younger sister for a long time90. so will your written English91. the problem settled so fast92. that we had the birthday party93. she might have had an accident94. The movie is worth watching95. If Toms father had known that Tom was going to play computer games96. she was referring to Daniel97. what it would be like to be criticized by the boss every day98. she quitted working as a teacher99. Kate has spent twice as much money as I 100. not only of what we see but also of what we feel


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