2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空选练(4)(IV).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空选练(4)(IV)xx高考完形填空选练 完型填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 When I was 8 years old, a gentleman came to my orphanage(孤儿院)and taught us how to do woodworking projects.I remember my first projecta small table. I was so 41 of it that I looked upon it as if I had created a(an) 42 . It was absolutely beautiful and it had taken me six weeks to 43 it. I could hardly wait to give it to Mother Winters as a 44 . She was the head mistress of our orphanage, who was always 45 with us.As the tables were not dry from the clear coating, the man told us to wait a few days before taking them to our dormitories. But I was just so 46 and happy that I couldnt wait. I _ 47 out like a flash, carrying my table and smiling from ear to ear.When I reached the dormitory I placed the little table beside my bed. I was 48 it when Mother Winters entered. She walked over to the table. Running her hand 49 it, she noticed that it was still wet. “Were you 50 to bring this home?” she asked.“No, maam,” I 51 with my head down.She ordered me to throw the table out and so I did. After she left, I immediately opened the door to get it back. There was 52 stuck all over. I brushed and cried, but it would not e off. I hid the table in my closet(橱柜) and never 53 it. A year later while cleaning up, I gave the table to Mother Henderson, my houseparent(宿管员), thinking that she would 54 it away.Thirty years later at a reunion, I 55 that Mother Henderson was living nearby, so I drove up to see her. We talked cheerfully for long. As I was about to leave, she asked me to e down to her 56 to get something important. I followed her 57 into a dark corner. She picked something up. 58 she turned around, I could see that she was holding a little table. Mother Henderson kept the little table that I had given up for lost so long ago. Today, I look at that table with bittersweet memories but full of 59 to Mother Henderson, who kept it for a young orphan who tried very hard to 60 . 41. A. tiredB. ashamed C. aware D. proud42. A. awardB. record . . C. wonder D. product43. A. pleteB. invent C. paint D. design44. A. reward B. gift C. prize D. souvenir45. A. satisfied B. angry C. patient D. strict46. A. upset B. excited C. confident D. amazed47. A. dashed B. walked C. stepped D. climbed48. A. drying B. admiring C. observing D. hiding49. A. into B. after C. above D. across50. A. supposedB. embarrassed C. encouraged D. determined51. A. agreed B. sighed C. whispered D. argued52. A. glue B. dirt C. paint D. wood53. A. removedB. shook C. touched D. split54. A. throw B. give C. take D. put55. A. remended .B. expected C. remembered D. learned56. A. bathroomB. basement C. balcony D. bedroom57. A. unexpectedlyB. unwillingly C. curiously D. worriedly58. A. Until B. Since C. Before D. As59. A. gratitudeB. admiration C. sympathy D. regret60. A. adaptB. study C. please D. perform参考答案4145:DCABD 4650:BABDA 5155:CBCAD 5660:BCDAC完形填空。阅读下面短文,从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。In the United States there was an unusual tale telling of the daughter of a mechanic (技工). One day while walking along the bank of a lake, the girl 1 to see 20 eggs laid by a wild goose(鹅). After some time the girl 2 the mother would not return to her eggs and she 3 to take them home. There she carefully 4 the eggs in the heat of a lamp. Several days 5 the eggs broke and the baby geese came into the 6 .Geese are known to take the first living thing they see as their mother. 7 , to these young geese, the girl was their mother. As they 8 , the girl was able to 9 her birds to run across the grass, but she could not teach them to 10 . The girl became increasingly worried about this, both when 11 and in her dreams. Later, she had an 12 : She would pilot(驾驶) a plane to guide them in 13 . She asked her father for a plane and he assembled(组装)a small aircraft for her. Caring about 14 safety, the father decided to pilot the plane himself. However, the birds did not 15 or follow him, and 16 slept in the grass. One day, the girl 17 into the plane, started it and soon left the 18 . Seeing their mother take to the air, the birds 19 flapped(拍打)their wings and 20 . She flew the plane freely in the sky, her young birds following. 1. A. managed B. attempted C. happened D. supposed 2. A. realized B. expected C. imagined D. admitted 3. A. helped B. decided C. afforded D. meant4. A. placed B. protected C. treated D. examined 5. A. ago B. out C. later D. long 6. A. family B. lake C. home D. world 7. A. But B. Also C. Thus D. Still8. A. increased B. improved C. rose D. grew9. A. ask B. lead C. want D. allow10. A. fly B. race C. swim D. sing 11. A. asleep B. away C. around D. awake12. A. idea B. opinion C. explanation D. excuse 13. A. sky B. heaven C. flight D. plane14. A. his B. her C. their D. its 15. A. respect B. remember C. recognize D. receive 16. A. so B. instead C. hardly D. too17. A. climbed B. looked C. reached D. fell18. A. house B. floor C. water D. ground19. A. secretly B. disappointedly C. patiently D. eagerly20. A. looked away B. set out C. went by D. turned back参考答案 1-5 CABAC 6-10 DCDBA 11-15 DACBC 16-20 BADDB)【xx高考英语福建省莆田市教学质量检查试卷】完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was a normal Monday morning at an assembly(集会)The headmaster was 36 the students on important things in life and about 37 ourselves to what is important to usThis is 38 the story went: An old man lived in a certain part of LondonHe would wake up every morning and go to the 39 and would get the train right to Central London,and then sit at the street corner and begHe did this every single 40 for almost 20 yearsHis house was dirty and a stench(恶臭) came out of the house and it smelled horriblyThe neighbors could not stand the 41 any-more,so they asked the police officers to clear the placeThe officers 42 the door and cleaned the houseThere were small bags of 43 all over the house that he had collected over the yearsThe police 44 the money,and soon realized that the old man was a(n) 45 They waited outside,expecting to share the good news with himWhen he arrived home that evening,he was 46 by one of the officers who told him thatthere was no need for him to beg any more 47 he was a rich man now. He said 48 ,went into his house and locked the doorThe next morning he woke up 49 ,went to the subway, got into the train,and sat at the street er and 50 to beg. 51 , this old man had no great plans,dreams or anything 52 for his lifeWe learn nothing from this story 53 staying focused on the things we enjoy doing,mitment. We should remain 54 to our course. Just keep it in mind that mitment 55 wealth36Ascolding Bconsulting Caddressing Dadvising37Aexposing Bmitting Cparing Dconnecting38Ahow Bwhy Cwhere Dwhen39Amarket Boffice Csubway Dshelter40Ahour Bday Cweek Dmonth41Asmell Bhouse C man Dpolice42Aknocked at Bknocked over Cbroke up Dbroke into43Amoney Bwaste Cfood Dfish44Akept Btook Ccounted Dpresented45Abeggar Bthief Cofficer Dmillionaire46Acaught Bmet Cwarned Dquestioned47Athough Bunless Cuntil Das48Anothing Banything Csomething Deverything49Aas well Bas early Cas usual Das much50Adetermined Bcontinued Cmanaged Dhesitated51AEventually BFortunately CGenerally DObviously52Aprecious Bplex Cavailable Dsignificant53Arather than Bother than Cmore than Dless than54Ahonest Bopen Ctrue Dequal55Aattracts Bkeeps Closes Dpossesses【参考答案】CBACB ADCAD BDACB DDBCA完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。【说明文】(xx安徽)If you want to learn a new language, the very first thing to think about is why.Do you need it for a_41_reason, such as your job or your studies?_42_perhaps youre interested in the_43_,films or music of a different country and you know how much it will help to have a_44_of the language.Most people learn best using a variety of_45_, but traditional classes are an ideal(理想的)start for many people.They_46_an environment where you can practice under the _47_ of someone whos good at the language.We all lead _48_ lives and learning a language takes_49_.You will have more success if you study regularly, so try to develop a_50_.It doesnt matter if you havent got long.Being fluent in a language will take years, but learning to get by takes_51_.Many people start learning a language and soon give up.“Im too_52_,” they say.Yes, children do learn languages more _53_ than adults, but research has shown that you can learn a language at any_54_.And learning is good for the health of your brain, too.Ive also heard people_55_ about the mistakes they make when_56_.Well, relax and laugh about your mistakes _57_youre much less likely to make them again.Learning a new language is never _58_.But with some work and devotion, youll make progress.And youll be _59_by the positive reaction of some people when you say just a few words in _60_ own language.Good luck!【语篇解读】 该篇文章属于说明文,主要进述了学语言的原因。学好语言的方式:班级授课及经常练习,个人学习语言的态度,即从不放弃,专心致志。41A.technical Bpolitical Cpractical Dphysical解析根据your job or your studies可知,需要学习语言是出于“实际,实用”。technical“技术的”,political“政治的”,physical“身体的”。答案C42A.After BSo CThough DOr解析or表示“选择”关系,“或者”。答案D43A.literature Btransport Cagriculture Dmedicine解析根据film,music可知,语言与文学有关。答案A44A.view Bknowledge Cform Ddatabase解析a knowledge of“(掌握)某一方面的知识”。句意:掌握该语言对你的帮助有多大。答案B45A.paintings Bregulations Cmethods Dputers解析句意:使用多种多样的学习方法,人们能学得更好,但是传统的班级授课制仍对于许多初学者是最好的起点。根据traditional classes可知,该空应为“学习方式(方法)”。答案C46A.protect Bchange Crespect Dprovide解析句意:班级授课提供了在擅长语言的人指导下进行练习的环境。protect“保护”,change“改变”,respect“尊重”,provide“提供”。答案D47A.control Bmand Cguidance Dpressure解析under the guidance of“在指导下”。control“控制”,mand“命令”,pressure“压力”。答案C48A.busy Bhappy Csimple Dnormal解析句意:我们人人过着忙碌的生活。busy“繁忙的”,happy“幸福的”,simple“简朴的”,normal“正常的”。答案A49A.courage Btime Cenergy Dplace解析learning a language takes time.学习语言需要时间,从下文take years可推知。答案B50A.theory Bbusiness Croutine Dproject解析句意:如果你能定期学习,你将会取得更大的进步,所以你应努力养成一种习惯。由regularly可推知。答案C51A.some risks Ba lot less Csome notes Da lot more解析句意:语言说得流利会需要好几年的时间,但勉强将就则会需要少得多。根据but可知。答案B52A.old Bnervous Cweak Dtired解析根据下文可知,该空应填入与“年龄”有关的词。答案A53A.closely Bquickly Cprivately Dquietly解析句意:孩子学习语言的确要比成年人快。closely“密切地”,quickly“快速地”,privately“私人地”,quietly“静静地”。答案B54A.age Bspeed Cdistance Dschool解析句意:但是研究表明,你在任何年龄都可以学习语言。age“年龄”,speed“速度”,distance“距离”,school“学校”。答案A55A.worry Bhesitate Cthink Dquarrel解析worry about“担心”。答案A56A.singing Bworking Cbargaining Dlearning解析句意:我也听说过人们担心他们在学习中犯错。答案D57A.if Band Cbut Dbefore解析句意:放松并嘲笑自己的错误,你将会少犯这些错误。该处考查连词的用法。答案B58A.tiresome Bhard Cinteresting Deasy解析句意:学习一种新语言从不是轻松的。根据下文but可推知。答案D59A.blamed Bamazed Cinterrupted Dinformed解析句意:在你能用别人的语言说出几个单词时,你将会对别人积极的回应感到惊讶。blame“责备”,amaze“惊讶”,interrupt“打断”,inform“告知”。答案B60A.their Bhis Cour Dyour解析根据上文some people可推知。答案A文体技法归纳说明文是用说明的方式介绍人或事物、解释事理的一种文体。说明文体裁的完形填空的最显著的特点是:1开头点题做说明文体裁的完形填空时,要明确说明的对象是什么,是具体的实物还是理论性概念。因此,明确说明的对象是掌握说明细节的前提。在近几年的说明文体裁的完形填空题中,作者一般在文章的首句直接点明要说明的对象。2结构清晰把握语篇特征对理解文意与答题极为有利。说明文的写作一般按时间顺序(先后顺序等),空间顺序(从局部到整体,从上到下,从内到外等),逻辑顺序(前因后果,先果后因,先主后次等),认知顺序(由此及彼,由浅入深,由具体到抽象,由现象到本质等)。在做说明文体裁的完形填空时,应当特别留意以下几点:1通过短文首尾句抓主旨通读全文,看它是属于说明事物的说明文还是说明事理的说明文;是单纯说明类的说明文还是说明加叙述类的说明文。而尾句往往是文章的结论或点睛之笔,由此可知,抓住开篇启示作用的首句和总结概括性的尾句是很必要的。2关注段落间的内在联系由于说明文一般是针对某一个对象从不同的角度和侧面加以说明的,每一段都有侧重点,对这些内容要进行概括、总结,从而找出段落之间的联系,以便更深刻地理解文章的内容。3根据写作手法理解细节说明文中有些细节就是写作手法的体现,而完形填空往往就是针对这些细节进行考查的。所以,考生要学会逆向推理,从正确理解写作手法入手来把握细节。

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