2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空训练(4)(VI).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 完形填空训练(4)(VI)xx高考完形填空选练 完型填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A few years ago, on a flight I fortunately met with a psychologist, Dan Gilbert. He was very humorous, and we talked a lot. I was pletely 41 . He was interested in the questions that we 42 but never have the opportunity to 43 .Now Gilbert has written a book Stumbling on Happiness. Reading it 44 me of that plane ride long ago. It is a 45 to read his book. Gilbert is charming and 46 . He has a rare 47 for making very plicated ideas e 48 .Stumbling on Happiness is a book about a very simple 49 powerful idea. What distinguishes us from other animals is our ability to predict the future, 50 , our interest in predicting the future. We spend much time 51 what it would be like. Why? It is what allows us to 52 our life. It is by trying to apply some control over our futures 53 we attempt to be 54 . But by any objective measure, we are really 55 at that predictive function. We re terrible at knowing how we will feel tomorrow, and even worse at 56 what will bring us happiness. Gilbert 57 to explain why we are so terrible. In making his case, Gilbert walks us 58 a series of attracting facts about the way our minds work. I suppose I really should go on at this point. But I think that might ruin the 59 of reading Stumbling on Happiness. This is a story about the mysteries of our lives. If you have even the slightest 60 about the human condition, you ought to read it. Trust me.41. A. attracted B. shocked C. excited D. interested42. A. talked about B. thought about C. cared about D. worried about43. A. find B. explore C. understand D. answer44. A. reminds B. informs C. suggests D. thinks45. A. step B. way C. hobby D. pleasure46. A. intelligent B. firm C. funny D. active47. A. interest B. gift C. ability D. power48. A. magic B. serious C. alive D. good49. A. and B. besides C. or D. but50. A. or rather B. in all C. in addition D. or else51. A. telling B. developing C. imagining D. guessing52. A. make B. protect C. thank D. shape53. A. when B. that C. where D. what54. A. relaxed B. peaceful C. happy D. perfect55. A. bad B. angry C. slow D. disappointed56. A. predicting B. knowing C. realizing D. feeling57. A. sets about B. sets off C. sets out D. sets up58. A. over B. to C. on D. through59. A. love B. experience C. scene D. idea60. A. curiosity B. hope C. patience D. knowledge参考答案41-45 ACBAD 46-50 CBCDA 51-55 CDBCA 56-60 BCDBA 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Born in America, I spoke English, not Chinese, the language of my ancestors . When I was three, my parents flashed cards with Chinese 1 at my face , but I pushed them 2 . My mom believed I would learn 3 I was ready. But the 4 never came.On a Chinese New Years Eve , my uncle spoke to me in Chinese , but all I could do was 5 at him , confused , scratching my head . “Still cant speak Chinese?” He 6 me, “You cant even buy a fish in Chinatown.” “Hey, this is America, not China. Ill get some 7 with or without Chinese.” I replied and turned to my mom for 8 .“Remember to ask for fresh fish, Xin Xian Yu,” she said, handing over a $20 bill. I 9 the words, running downstairs into the streets of Chinatown.I found the fish 10 surrounded in a sea of customers. “Id like to buy some fresh fish,” I should to the fishman. But he 11 my English words and turned to serve the next customer .The laugh of the people behind increased 12 their impatience. With every 13 , the breath of the dragons (龙) on my back grew strongermy blood boiling 14me to cry out . “Xian Sheng Yu, please.” “Very Xian Sheng,” I repeated .The crowd erupted into laughter . My face turned 15 and I ran back home 16 , except for the $20 bill I held tightly in my pocket.Should I laugh or cry? Theyre Chinese. I should feel right at 17 . Instead , I was the joke , a disgrace (丢脸)to the language.Sometimes, I laugh at my fish 18 , but , in the end, the joke is on 19 . Every laugh is a culture 20 ; every laugh is my heritage (传统) fading away. ( ) 1. A. customB. games C .characters D. language ( ) 2. A. ahead B. around C. along D. aside ( ) 3. A. when B. beforeC. unless D. until( ) 4. A. success B. study C. time D. attempt ( ) 5. A. aim B. joke C. nod D. stare ( ) 6. A. cared about B. laughed at C. argued with D. asked after( ) 7. A. right now B. from now C. at times D. in time ( ) 8. A. decision B. permission C. informationD. preparation( ) 9. A. repeated B. reviewed C. spelled D. kept( ) 10. A. farm B. stand C. pond D. market( ) 11. A. guessed B. forgot C. doubted D. ignored( ) 12. A. by B. as C. with D. from ( ) 13. A. second B. effort C. desire D. movement( ) 14. A. forcing B. allowing C. persuading D. leading( ) 15. A. bright B. blank C. pale D. red ( ) 16. A. open-mouthed B. tongue-tied C. empty-handed D. broken-hearted( ) 17. A. service B. home C. risk D. root ( ) 18. A. trade B. deed C. challenge D. incident ( ) 19. A. it B. us C. me D. them( ) 20. A. thrown B. lost C. divided D. reflected【语篇解读】本篇文章为记叙文。“我”长在美国,已熟悉英语,但身为中国人,因为没有学习汉语而导致了去中国城买鱼的尴尬,这让我明白了一个道理:“笑话”反映的是一种文化的缺失,我们不应该让文化丢失。36.答案C。【解析】根据本段第一句中the language of my ancestors可知,这里父母是想利用有汉字的闪存卡放在我面前。故选C项。其余三项不符合语境37.答案D。【解析】由本句中but这个转折连词可知,这里表明作者没有看它,而是将其放在了一边。put aside意为“把某物放到一边”,符合语境,故选D项。put ahead意为“拨快”;put around 意为“传播”。38.答案A【解析】由本句中I was ready可以推断出:我母亲认为当我准备好的时候,我才会学,此处只有when符合语境。故选A项。39.答案C。【解析】由本句中But及never可知,这里强调的是:我学习汉字的时间从来没有来过。故选C项。40.答案C。【解析】由本句中的confused可知,当叔叔跟我讲汉语的时候,我困惑了,不明白了。因此我只能用我的眼睛盯着我的叔叔看。A项意为“瞄准”;B项意为“开玩笑”;C项意为“点头”;D项意为“注视,瞪着眼睛看”。只有D项符合语境,其余三项不符合,排除41.答案B。【解析】A项意为“关心”;B项意为“嘲笑”;C项意为“与争论”;D项意为“问候,问安”。由本句中You cant even buy a fish in Chinatown可以推断出,叔叔是在嘲笑我。故选B项42. 答案A。【解析】由本句中Ill get some_ with or without Chinese.及联系下段可知,我想证明给我的叔叔看,我现在就能去唐人街买到鱼。right now意为“现在,立即”,符合语境。故选A项43. 答案B。【解析】由下段中母亲说话的内容可知:我希望征得母亲让我去卖鱼。A项意为“决定”;B项意为“许可”;C项意为“信息”;D项意为“准备”。由语境可知,应为母亲的许可比较合适,其余三项与语境不符,排除。¥高#考#资%源*网44. 答案A。【解析】由上句母亲话中的Xin Xian Yu及我没有学习汉语可以推断出:我为了防止忘掉要买的东西的名字,而不断重复着母亲的话。故选A项。45. 答案B。【解析】A项意为“农场”;B项意为“货摊”;C项意为“池塘”;D项意为“集市,市场”分析句子结构可知:我发现鱼摊被很多顾客围着。故选B项46. 答案D。 【解析】由第二段中You cant even buy a fish in Chinatown及本句中turned to serve the next customer可知,这个卖鱼人没有在意我说的话,即无视,不理睬。只有D项符合句意47. 答案C【解析】本句中The laugh of the people behind increased表明我身后的人因为失去耐心而开始。笑起来。with impatience意为“因为不耐烦”。故选C项。48. 答案A。【解析】由本段的第三句中turned to serve the next customer及本句中the breath of the dragon on my back grew stronger可知,当我再一次问的时候,我生气了。second表示“在一”的意思。故选A项49. 答案A。【解析】由本句中my blood boiling可知,我被激怒了,因此我强迫自己大声喊出我要买的东西。B、C、D三项不符合作者当时的心情,故排除。50. 答案D。【解析】由上句中The crowd erupted into laughter可知,因为我说错了汉语而引来了大家的哄堂大笑,这让我十分难堪,故我的脸变红了。因此答案为D。51. 答案C。【解析】上段中母亲让我买Xin Xian Yu及由本句中expect for the $20 bill可知,我没有买到鱼,而是空着手回家的。故选C项52. 答案B。【解析】由本段中Theyre Chinese. Im Chinese可知,同为中国人,我应该感到自在、自如才对。这与后面的Instead , I was the joke形成对比。故选B项。53. 答案D。【解析】A项意为“交易,买卖”;B项意为“行动,所做之事”;C项意为“挑战”;D项意为“发生的事(常指小事)”。由本句中I laugh at可知,作者时常以自己买鱼的那件小事自嘲。故答案为D项54. 答案C。【解析】分析句意可知,这里作者以买鱼这件小事自嘲,当然自嘲的对象是作者本人。因此C项符合语境。55. 答案B。【解析】分析句子结构可知,该空应与fading away意思相近。A项意为“被扔掉”;B项意为“被丢失”;C项意为“被分开”;D项意为“被反映的”。因此B项符合语境和句意阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。One cold night, I was growing sick of my life in San FranciscoThere I was walking home around one oclock in the morning after a 36 practice at the theatre With the opening night only a week away, I was still learning my lines by heart. I was having 37 handling my part-time job at the bank in the daytime and my acting at night at the same time. As I walked, I thought seriously about 38 both acting and San Francisco. I had 39 too much of city life.As I walked down the 40 streets under the tall buildings, I felt very small and cold, so I began 41 both to keep warm and to keep away from any possible robbers. Very few people were still out 42 a few homeless people under blankets.About a block from my 43 , I heard a sound behind me. I 44 quickly, half expecting to see someone with a knife or a gun. The street was empty. All I saw was a shining streetlight. Still, the noise had made me 45 so I started to run faster. Not until I reached my apartment building and unlocked the door did I 46 what the noise had been. It had been my wallet 47 to the sidewalk.Suddenly I wasnt cold or tired anymore. I ran out of the door and back to where Id heard the noise. Although I searched the sidewalk 48 for 15 minutes, my wallet was 49 to be found.Just as I was about to quit the 50 , I heard the garbage truck stop to the sidewalk next to 51 . When a voice came from the inside, “Alisa Camacho?” I thought I was dreaming. How could this man know my name? The door opened and out jumped a small blonde man with an 52 look in his eyes. “Is this 53 youre looking for?” He asked, holding up something like a wallet.It was already 3 a.m. by the time I got into bed. I couldnt get much sleep, but I had got my wallet back. I also had got back some 54 of city life. I realized the city couldnt be a bad place 55 people were willing to help each other.36AfortableBseriousCtiresomeDfortunate37Afort BdesireCpainDtrouble38Asetting upBgiving upCholding upDpicking up39AexpectedBchangedCcontrolledDpossessed40AdesertedBcrowdedCblankDnarrow41ArunningBjumpingCmovingDmarching42AtowardsBexceptCincludingDbetween43AbankBtheatreCapartmentDoffice44AstoodBwalkedCturnedDleft45AsatisfiedBconfusedCfrightenedDannoyed46Aturn outBfigure outCgive outDpull out47AbelongingBaddingCstickingDfalling48AgratefullyBanxiouslyCskilfullyDdelightedly49AnowhereBanywhereCeverywhereDsomewhere50AinstructionBtrainingCsearchDacting51AitBhimCsomeone Dme52AamusedBunpleasantCuneasyDembarrassed53AwhatBwhoCwhicheverDwhomever54AproductionBjudgmentCfriendshipDappreciation55Aas soon asBas long asCas far as Das well as【参考答案】CDBAA ABCCC BDBAC DAADB


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