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2019-2020年高考英语高频词汇必背及训练41.traditional adj.传统的,惯例的In traditional Chinese culture,marriage decisions were often made by parents for their children.在传统的中国文化中,父母常常为儿女操办婚姻。考点提示:tradition n传统,常规,惯例follow/keep up the tradition 遵循传统break the tradition 打破传统according to tradition 据传统Theres a _ in our office that when its somebodys birthday, they bring in a cake for us all to share.A tradition Bbalance Cconcern DRelationship完成句子:(1)The MidAutumn Day is a _(传统的)festival of China.(2)“When in Rome,do as the Romans do”means we should follow the_(传统,惯例)of a country.2.include vt.(1)包含,包括Your responsibilities will include making appointments on my behalf.你的职责包括替我安排预约。剑桥高阶The price includes postage charges.这个价钱包含邮资。(2)把列在里面,算入,计入include.in/on/among.He includes me among his friends.他把我当作朋友。I include eggs on the list of things to buy.我把鸡蛋列入购物单中。考点提示:(1)including(介词)包含、包括(置于名词前)Seven people died in the accident,including a baby.七人在事故中丧生,包括一个婴儿。(2)included adj.(置于名词之后)Many people went to the party,me included(including me)许多人参加了聚会,包括我在内。contain/include辨析(1)contain指作为组成部分而被“含有”或“容纳”在内,是内容物的包括。(2)include指作为整体中的一部分而被包括进去,是范围的包括。(1)This atlas(地图册)_40 maps,_3 of the Great Britain.Acontains;including Bincludes;containingCcontains;containing Dincludes;including(2)At least twenty people were injured in the car accident,three children_.Acontained Bincluding Cwere included Dincluded3.celebrate vt.&vi.庆祝How do people celebrate New Year in your country?你们国家的人怎样庆祝新年?考点提示:celebration n 庆祝;典礼;庆祝会celebrate Christmas/ones birthday 庆祝圣诞节/某人的生日have/hold a celebration 举行一个庆祝会in celebration of. 为了庆祝congratulate sb on sth /doing sth 祝贺某人某事/做某事congratulations to sb on sth /doing sth 祝贺某人某事/做某事congratulate/celebrate辨析(1)congratulate的意思是“祝贺”,其宾语必须是人,使用congratulate sb on sth 结构;也常用其复数形式congratulations。(2)celebrate的宾语是物,如节日、结婚纪念日、生日等令人欢乐的事情或日子。用congratulate,celebrate填空(1)We held a party in_of this victory.(2)I offered my_on his success.(3)We held a_to_his birthday.(4)In the_,we_him on his promotion.4.darkness n黑暗I can see nothing in the darkness.在黑暗中我什么也看不见。The city centre was plunged into darkness by the power cut.市中心因停电变得一片漆黑。darkness/dark辨析darkness与dark没有绝对的区别。但darkness常指一时的黑暗;dark表示经常或长时间的黑暗,用时须加the,另外它与介词at,before,after连用表示“黄昏”“傍晚”。keep sth in the dark暗中做某事keep sth dark 对某事保密keep sb in the dark 对某人保密用dark的有关短语填空(1)They all knew the truth.Only I was _ _ _.(2)Its wrong for them to keep it _ _ _.5.destroy v破坏,毁坏The building was pletely destroyed by fire.这个建筑物被大火彻底焚毁了。All my hopes were destroyed by his letter of refusal.他回信拒绝,我的希望完全破灭。They have destroyed all the evidence.他们销毁了一切证据。考点提示:destruction n破坏,摧毁destructive adj. 造成毁灭或严重破坏的destroy/damage/harm辨析(1)destroy常指毁灭性的破坏。(2)damage可指不同程度的损害、破坏。(3)harm一般指身心、健康、名声的损害。(1)The noises not only make it difficult to sleep,but they are _ damage to our houses and shops.Adoing Bmaking Cputting Draising(2)The heavy rain_the hope of a picnic.Adamaged Bdestroyed Charmed Dhurt(3)He was lucky enough to escape being killed in the accident,but his car was pletely_.Adamaged Bstruck Cfailed Ddestroyed6.serve(1)vt.为服务,效力We should serve the people heart and soul.我们应该全心全意为人民服务。(2)vt.接待,招呼(顾客等)The shop assistant is serving a customer.商店服务员正在接待一位顾客。First e,first served.先来者先被接待。(先来后到)(3)vt.端上(饭菜),供应饮食serve sb with sth 拿来招待某人;供应The waiter served us with wine.服务生给我们倒酒。(4)vt.&vt.服刑,服役,担任职务The soldier has served in the army for 3 years.那个士兵已服3年兵役。The man served a long sentence in prison for his crime.那个人为他犯的罪要长期服刑。(5)serve as 担任(某职务),充任;权当,当用He served two terms as president.他担任过两届总统。When they slept in the open,dry leaves served as blanket.当他们在野外睡觉时,干树叶就当毛毯用。翻译句子:(1)他服侍主人多年。_(2)他拿出水果来招待我们。_7.swallow(1)vt.& vi.吞;咽He had a sore throat and found it difficult to swallow.他嗓子疼,觉得咽东西困难。(2)vt.吞没;吞噬The waves swallowed up the boat.浪涛吞噬船只。(3)n.吞;咽Take the medicine at one swallow.一口把药吞下。(4)n.燕子One swallow does not make a summer.一燕不成夏。(谚语)完成句子:(1)Its difficult for you to _(吞下整个鸡蛋)翻译句子:(2)洪水吞没一切挡在它路上的东西。_8.mess n混乱考点提示: in a mess乱七八糟 make a mess 搞乱Your books and magazines are almost in a mess; go and put them in order.你的书和杂志简直乱七八糟,去把它们整理一下。Margies bedroom was in a _, with books and papers covering every possible surface.Alitter Bdisorder Cmess Drubbish 9.adopt v采纳;收养Our school has adopted a new teaching method.我们学校采用了一种新的教学法。They are not my real parents; I am adopted.他们不是我的亲生父母,我是被收养的。Those children had to _ their parents suggestion.Aadmit Badopt Cadapt Dadd10.honour n荣誉v给予某人荣誉an honour to sb 给予某人荣誉have the honour to do sth have the honour of doing sth 有做的荣幸in honour of sb / sth 向表示敬意;为纪念Will you honour me with a visit?可否请您光临?He was honoured as a man of courage.他被尊为勇者。She is an honour to our school.她是我校的光荣。May I have the honour of dancing with you?我有荣幸与你跳舞吗?(1)I feel greatly honoured _ into your group.Ato wele Bweling Cto be weled Dweled(2)The street was named after a great man_ his great contributions to the city.Ain honour of Binstead of Cin case of Din need of答案:1.A句意:我们办公室有这样一个惯例,那就是当有人过生日的时候,他们会带块蛋糕来和我们一起分享。tradition 传统;balance 平衡;concern 关心,担心;relationship 关系。(1)traditional(2)tradition2.(1)A(2)D3.(1)celebration(2)congratulations(3)celebration;celebrate(4)celebration;congratulated4.(1)in the dark(2)in the dark5.(1)A(2)B(3)D6.(1)He has served his master for many years.(2)He served us with fruit.7.(1)swallow a whole egg(2)The flood swallowed everything in its way.8.C句意:麦奇的卧室乱七八糟,书和纸弄得到处都是。mess意为“零乱状态”;litter意为“废纸屑,垃圾,破烂”;disorder意为“杂乱,混乱,无秩序”;rubbish意为“垃圾,废物”。9.B句意:那些孩子不得不采纳父母的建议。admit 承认;adopt 采纳;adapt 适应;add添加。10.(1)C句意:受到你们组的欢迎是我莫大的荣幸。wele 与I之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故wele 须用被动语态形式。(2)A句意:那条街以一个伟人的名字命名的,是为了纪念他对这个城市所作的巨大贡献。


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