2019-2020年高中英语阅读理解 第二部分 欧美习俗(一)练习.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语阅读理解 第二部分 欧美习俗(一)练习dance taken” or she may say, “Im sorry, I am not dancing this dance.” This may be a polite way of saying that she does not want to dance with you, or it may be that she is tired and wants to rest; you will have to judge which is her attitude.Do not expect a lady whom you have engaged in advance for a dance to make any attempt to find you. It is her part to remain seated until you find her. Bow and say, “I believe this is my dance.”At the end of a dance, thank your partner, but do not leave her until you have led her to a seat. Then if you wish, you may excuse yourself, and go in search of your next partner.If you cannot dance very well, it is always permissible to ask a lady if she is willing to “sit out” a dance with you.Sometimes during the evening, your hostess, the daughter of the hostess, and any guest of honor should all be asked by you to dance.prehension Questions:1. You bow to a lady and say, “May I have the pleasure of a dance?” This shows _A. the lady is superior to you. B. she is the lady you could dance with.C. your politeness to the lady.D. you love this lady very much.2. When a lady says, “Im sorry I am not dancing this dance.” she actually means _A. she is not willing to dance with you. B. she is too tired to dance with you. C. she is not good at this dance at all. D. either A or B. 3. If you have already made an appointment with a lady, _ at the ball.A. you should go to find herB. she is supposed to find youC. it is unnecessary to find each otherD. you wait and wait until it is your turn to dance with her4. At the end of the dance, you should _ A. leave your partner at once and go to find your next partner. B. thank your partner, and then leave her. C. introduce your partner to another gentleman. D. say sorry to your partner for wasting her time.5. The phrase “sit out” in the fourth paragraph means “_”A. dance outside. B. go out of the dancing hall.C. dance without moving. D. remain seated during a dance.(CDABD)在婚礼上该做什么?One wears ones best clothes to a wedding, and usu ally all the family and near friends have new clothes for the occasion. At a formal wedding, the bride is usually dressed all in white, with a white lace veil and a bouquet of white flowers. There have, however, been many variations of this custom of late years, some brides preferring no veil or pink flowers, or even a pale colored dress. A woman who has been married before never wears white for her second wedding, as white is the symbol of virginity. The groom wears the usual formal black.During the ceremony plete silence is maintained by the guests. If the wedding is in a home, friends step up immediately after the service is over to greet the bride and groom. Congratulations are offered to the groom and best wishes to the bride. If the wedding takes place in a church, the guests all wait for the bride and groom and their party to leave the church before leaving themselves.There is often a good deal of merriment at the wedding dinner or supper, but all forms of coarseness are in bad taste. Anything that might detract from the happiness of the newly married couple is impolite. Sometimes rice and small bits of colored paper are thrown at the couple as they leave the house for their wedding trip or “honeymoon”.prehension Questions:1. The phrase “near friends” in the first paragraph refers to _A. friends living nearby. B. friends sitting near you.C. friends who will get married soon. D. close friends.2. A woman who has been married before never wears _ for her second wedding.A. red B. white C. pink D. pale3. When and where is plete silence maintained by the guests? _A. During the ceremony in a home. B. During the ceremony in the church. C. During the wedding dinner. D. During the wedding supper either in a home or in the church.4. If the wedding takes place in a church, the guests should all leave _A. before the bride and groom. B. between the bride and groom. C. after the bride and groom but before their party. D. after the bride and groom and their party.5. Which of the following things is impolite at the wedding dinner or supper? _A. Telling an unpleasant story.B. Singing a merry song.C. Keeping smiling all the time.D. Saying something nice of the food.(DBBDA)3. At the Theatre在剧院里The Western theatre and movie are so different from the old Chinese theatre as to demand entirely different manners. One should plan to be in ones seat at the time the play or concert begins. It is very impolite to disturb people by ing late. At concerts and some plays you may not be allowed to go to your seat after the program has started until there is an interval. And one should never go out while the actors are on the stage or while music is being played. During the performance it is impolite to talk or make any noise.If you have tickets for definite seats, you should not try to find the seats yourself, but wait for an usher to show you. In this case it is proper for the lady to follow the usher and for the gentleman to e after the lady. When the seats are reserved there may or may not be an usher. If there is no usher, it is polite for the gentleman to precede the lady down the aisle to find suitable seats. At the theatre best clothes are in order; evening clothes are often worn. The movies, however, are not as formal as the theatre. Any kind of respectable clothes may be worn.prehension Questions:1. If you are late for a play or concert, _A. you may still go to your seat, though it disturbs other people.B. you have to go back home, as the rules decide.C. you may go to your seat, but you must be led by the usher. D. you have to wait and go to your seat at intervals.2. The underlined word “interval” most probably means _A. the end of a play or concert. B. the beginning of a play or concert. C. the time before a play of concert begins. D. a short break between two parts of a play or concert.3. If you have tickets for definite seats, and there is no usher, then usually _A. the lady follows the gentleman to find the seats. B. the gentleman goes after the lady to find the seats. C. the gentleman goes first to find the seats, and then e back to call the lady.D. the lady or the gentleman finds their seats.4. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? _A. Any kind of clothes may be worn at the theatre. B. The best clothes can be worn at the movies. C. Best clothes are only worn for the theatre. D. Ordinary clothes cant be worn at the movies.(DDAB)4. Dos and Donts in Western Church在教堂里该做什么In the West, not only politeness but also an attitude of reverence is demanded in church. If one is not familiar with the service, he may maintain a respectful silence standing when others stand, sitting when they sit, and bowing during prayer. On entering a church an usher will probably show you to a seat and it is polite to take the one told by him, though it is quite proper to whisper a suggestion that one does not want to sit too far to the front, or that one is a little deaf and would like to sit well forward.It is usual for anyone attending church to take some money along for the offering, as it is a regular part of every church service and is used for the work of the church service. In some churches it is improper for a lady not to wear a hat. It is impolite and disrespectful to talk or whisper, to eat or chew anything, or to enter or leave during the service. One must e on time and stay till the service is over. When the service is over, one passes quietly out of the church with the other worshippers. In many churches it is considered irreverent to talk before one has reached the entrance hall.prehension Questions:1. If you are unfamiliar with the church service, you _A. may keep a respectful silence.B. should do as others do.C. may sit or stand there without moving.D. may do A and B.2. The underlined words “the one” most probably refers to _A. the person. B. the church. C. the usher. D. the seat.3. If you are a little deaf and want to sit well forward, _A. you may whisper a suggestion to the usher.B. you may go to the front seat yourself.C. you must take a chair and sit in the front.D. you may first sit at the back for some time, then move to the front.4. You are supposed take some money to attend church service, because _A. you have to buy a ticket.B. you need to buy food. C. youll offer it for the work of the church service. D. you may buy something you like.5. Which of the following is considered impolite in church? _A. Chewing and eating something.B. Maintaining a respectful silence.C. Wearing a hat for a lady.D. Both B and C.(DDACA)5. In School (1)在学校里(1)If you are in a very large class, it may not be necessary to greet the teacher on arriving, but it is always quite proper if you happen to catch the teachers eye as you enter. In a small class the teacher probably notices each one as he arrives, and you should smile and say, “Good morning, Mr. Black.” Western manners do not require you to stand up when the teacher es in or when you answer a question, nor do you need to stand still at the door for a moment when you e in.One never addresses his teacher by his first name, either in speech or in writing. If ones teachers name is Gordon Agnew, it is not proper to say “Gordon”, or to write “Dear Mr. Gordon”. And one never speaks to ones teacher as “teacher”. It is quite proper to say “sir” to a man, but if your teacher is a woman, you must use Miss before her surname.It is bad manners to e late to class. If you are unavoidably late an apology should be made to the teacher either at the time or after class. Repeated lateness is a form of rudeness based not only on carelessness of outward forms, but also on real unthoughtfulness of others, as a lateer takes away everyones thoughts from the lesson.If you have something to say on the subject, wait till you have a chance and say it to the whole class. If it is not on the subject, keep it till the class is over. It is bad manners in the schoolroom, as elsewhere, to talk while anyone is speaking. Do not interrupt anyone who is reciting or speaking; do not attract the teachers attention by waving the hand in the air; do not show an over-eagerness to recite and show off your knowledge or cleverness; do not keep silent when the teacher asks you a question. If you do not know the answer, say so immediately; if you do, give it in a loud enough voice so that all the class may hear.prehension Questions:1. As you enter a very large classroom, _A. you may greet or not greet your teacher.B. you must greet the teacher. C. you should not look at your teacher. D. you should stand at the door for a moment. 2. If your teachers name is Robert Morgan, _A. you must stand up and say, “Good morning, Mr. Morgan.”B. you just sit there and say, “Good morning, Sir.”C. you should smile and say, “Morning, dear Robert.”D. you just say, “Good morning , Teacher.”4. When you answer your teachers question, _A. you should stand up.B. you should always look at your teachers eyes. C. it is impolite to say, “Sorry, I dont know.”D. you neednt stand up.5. When you want to say something while someone else is speaking, _ (ABDDC)


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