2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 科普知识阅读理解(1)(II).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习 科普知识阅读理解(1)(II)科普知识(阅读理解)由 (xx山东,D)改编For those who are tired of doing the laundry,Samsung has found an answer:a washing machine that can tell you when your laundry is done via a smartphone app(application).Strange though it may seem“my wife already does that”was a mon response among attendees viewing the device when it was introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show(CES) this weekSamsung is just one of many appliance makers racing to install (安装) a large number of internet-connected features in machines in an effort to make them “smart”.Last year,it was a refrigerator that tweeted.This year,its Wi-Fi-enabled laundry machines and fridges that can tell you when your groceries are going bad.The washers and dryers,available starting in the spring,connect to any smartphone through a downloadable application.The phone can then be used as a remote control,so the machines can be turned on and off while their owner is at work or on the bus.Samsung says its not just something newthe app connection actually has some practical uses.“If you started to dry clothes in the morning and forgot to take them out,you can go to your phone and restart your dryer for the time when you e home,so your clothes are refreshed and ready to go,” said spokesperson Amy Schmidt.The pany also says that with electricity rates (电价) varying depending on the time of day,more control over when the machines are used can help save money.Perhaps,but what they will probably really acplish is what all good technologies doenable laziness.Rather than getting up to check on whether the laundry is done,users will instead monitor it on their phones while watching TV.1.What can be inferred from the mon response of the attendees at the CES?()A.The machine will be a big success.B.Their wives like doing the laundry.C.The machine is unrelated to their life.D.This kind of technology is familiar to them.2.What can we learn about the new laundry machines?()A.They can tell you when your clothes need washing.B.They can be controlled with a smartphone.C.They are difficult to operate.D.They are sold at a low price.3.We can conclude from Samsungs statements that .A.the app connection makes life easierB.it is better to dry clothes in the morningC.smartphones can shorten the drying timeD.we should refresh clothes back at home4.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?()A.The laundry should be frequently checked.B.Lazy people like using such machines.C.Good technologies also cause problems.D.Television may help do the laundry.语篇解读:本文属于科普知识类。对于那些讨厌洗衣服的人来说,Samsung为他们找到了解决办法:一种智能洗衣机可以通过灵巧的手机来控制,使得生活更加便利,但是好的技术同样会产生问题。答案及剖析:1.D事实细节题。第二段提到,出席产品展销会的人员说“my wife already does that”,这是他们对新型智能洗衣机的普遍反应。由此可知,他们都非常熟悉智能洗衣机的操作流程,故选D。2.B事实细节题。根据第一段“.when your laundry is done via a smartphone app(application).”可得出答案。3.A推理判断题。文章第六段提到,如果你早晨甩干的衣服忘记拿出来了,你可以拿出手机重启烘干机,这样你的衣服就焕然一新了。由此可以推断出这种新型洗衣机给生活带来了便利。4.C主旨大意题。由文章最后一段“. enable laziness.Rather than.users will instead monitor it on their phones while watching TV.”可知,先进的技术同样会带来问题,故选C。【疑难词汇解读】1.in an effort to 为了,目的是They have been working day and night in an effort to get the bridge ready on time.为了使桥能按时完工,他们夜以继日地工作。2.enable v. 使能够,赋予的能力Training will enable you to find work. 培训将使你找到工作。【长难句子分析】 对于那些讨厌洗衣服的人来说,Samsung已经找到了解决的办法,就是一台通过智能电话告诉你什么时候衣服洗完了的洗衣机。阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。【xx山东省实验中学一模】Depression (抑郁症) is a serious problem today.Depression causes workers to be unproductive,causing panies and countries to lose billions of dollars.One expert says that depression is like cancer because it is “widespread,costly and deadly”Depression hits one person in five around the world.Although people have believed depression to be a problem among the rich and educated,studies show that depression is a problem among everyone.Over any sixmonth period,between five to seven percent of the worlds population will be suffering from a serious depression.Suicide rates among people suffering from the disease in its extreme,or clinical form were 80 percent higher than in the population at large,and sufferers were four times more likely to have heart attacks.People who suffer from depression often have problems sleeping,getting up on time,and doing work productively.Depression,which researchers agree has its origin in the genes,brings loss of confidence and ability to concentratemaking it impossible for employees and managers to work efficiently.Depression is made more serious in China by Chineses inability to face it.Many people believe that depressed people are either weak or lazy.Besides,there is no good treatment,with few specialists available.“Most patients in China just dont get help,”a Chinese doctor says.“In my hospital,I have to see 30 or 40 patients in a morning,just have time to say Hello,how do you feel?”In Western countries,people are not afraid to admit that they have depression,but most do not tell it to their boss,because they fear that they will be stricken_off_the_rolls.“In my experience,aging bosses are the most willing to admit they have it.Because they feel the most secure about themselves,” an American doctor says.Hopefully,in the near future,people around the world will be able to admit that they have depression so that they can get the right treatment.1Which of the following is true according to the passage?AIt is widely believed that everyone may suffer from depression.BDepression brings great problems to its sufferers in their life and work.CDepression is a monlyexisting problem only in rich countries.DThe poorer and the less educated a person is,the less he will suffer from depression.2pared to normal people,the depressed people are likely to be_.Avery unconfident and often absentmindedBeasy to avoid being hit by heart attacksCworking efficiently and productivelyDeither weak or lazy3Depression bees more serious in China because of_.Athe understanding of the problemBthe lack of treatment and doctorsCtheir unwillingness to tell it to their bossDthe doctors careless work4What can we infer from the passage?APeople are suffering from depression because of the shortage of specialists.BThe aging bosses around the world dare to say they are depressed.CMore and more patients will turn to specialists for help.DWestern people are braver than Chinese people.5What does the underlined words in the 5th paragraph mean?AHired.BDismissed.CPromoted.DRemended.语篇解读本文是一篇科普类说明文。抑郁症已经成为威胁人们正常生活和工作的一个重要的疾病形式,人们应正确地面对抑郁症。1解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句“People who suffer from depression often have problems sleeping,getting up on time,and doing work productively.”可知,答案B符合文意。答案:B2解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段“.brings loss of confidence and ability to concentratemaking it impossible for.”可知,答案A符合文意。答案:A3解析:细节理解题。根据文章第四段第一句和第三句“Besides,there is no good treatment,with few specialists available.”可知,抑郁症在中国更严重一方面是因为人们不能正视这个事实,另一方面是由于缺少专家和较好的治疗。答案:B4解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Hopefully,in the near future,people around the world will be able to admit that they have depression so that they can get the right treatment.”可推知,将会有越来越多的人向专家求助,故答案C正确。答案:C5解析:词义猜测题。根据对文章第三段的整体理解可以推知,员工一旦把自己抑郁的情况告诉老板,老板有可能会由于抑郁能使人没有自信或不能够集中工作而辞退员工。故stricken off the rolls与dismissed的意思最为接近。答案:B。阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。【xx潍坊5月模拟】When you tidy your messy bedroom,it gets a lot easier to find things.Dreams may work the same way for a messy brain,helping you learn by organizing memories and ideas.To test how much dreams can help learning,Robert Stickgold had some students play a shapefitting game called Tetris (俄罗斯方块) for a few hours and then go to sleep.Soon they were dreaming of falling Tetris shapes.Interestingly,the worst Tetris players had the most Tetris dreams and improved their game the most.Similar tests have shown the same results for all kinds of skills.As we dream,many important tasks are getting done.The brain decides what to keep and what to forget.It is connecting new experiences to older learning.In fact,the brain is learning all night long.Another important task of dreams may be to help us deal with emotions (情绪)At night,emotions are in the drivers seat.People who have had an upsetting experience often dream about it afterward.Often the dream event changes somehowanother way the brain tries to make the memory less upset.So if your best friend moves away,you might dream that youre the one whos moving.In fact,dreams have a proven power to improve mood,and people who dream about whats bothering them usually feel better sooner than those who dont.Everybody dreams for a couple of hours every nightin the course of your life,youll spend about 25 years asleep and 6 years dreaming.Theres probably no single answer to the question why we dream,but there doesnt have to be.One dream might help you remember your math facts,while another might lead to a new invention,or give you a fun,crazy story to tell your friends.Its all in a nights work for our busy,mysterious brains.1Robert Stickgolds test shows that_.Agames are useful for memoryBdreams can help improve skillsCplayers stop learning in dreamsDtasks can only be settled through dreams2We can learn from Paragraph 4 that_.Adreams can get rid of sufferingsBonly drivers can deal with emotionsCone may be less upset after a dreamDdreams can copy what one experienced3Which of the following does the author probably agree with?ADreaming does harm to ones mood.BDreaming affects the quality of sleep.CIts hard to find out the secrets of dreaming.DIts not so important to know the cause of dreaming.4What does the text focus on?ADreams and memories.BDreams and emotions.CThe benefits of dreams.DThe patterns of dreams.5In which part of a magazine can this text be found?AEntertainment.BTourism.CScience.DAdvertisement.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。文章说明了梦的好处,即可以改善学习和情绪。1解析:推理判断题。根据第二段可知,为了证实梦对学习有帮助,Robert Stickgold做了这次实验,而实验结果表明选手的技能有所提高,根据本段最后一句“Similar tests have shown the same results for all kinds of skills.”可推知,梦对学习各种技能都是有帮助的,故选B。答案:B2解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“Another important task of dreams.emotions (情绪)”和最后一句“In fact,dreams have a proven power to improve mood.”可知,梦有助于改善心情,故选C。 答案:C3解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“Theres probably no single answer to the question why we dream,but there doesnt have to be.”可知,作者认为关于我们为什么会做梦的解释不止一个,但也没必要非要有一个解释。答案:D4解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要说明了梦的好处:有助于改善学习和情绪。答案:C5解析:推理判断题。根据文章主旨可知,文章是关于梦的科学研究方面的知识,所以最可能在杂志的有关科学的栏目里找到此文章,故选C。答案:C。

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