2019-2020年高中英语 Unit11 Lesson 2 The Paparazzi第二课时教案 北师大版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit11 Lesson 2 The Paparazzi第二课时教案 北师大版必修4.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit11 Lesson 2 The Paparazzi第二课时教案 北师大版必修4.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit11 Lesson 2 The Paparazzi第二课时教案 北师大版必修4教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 运用已学词汇和功能用语表达个人的观点和看法;2. 在新的语境中运用所学词汇和功能用语进行表达。 教学过程注: IP=Interactive Pattern; T=Teacher; Ss=Students; CW=Class Work; IW=Individual Work; PW= Pair Work; GW=Group Work步骤Steps 教学活动Activities设计意图Intentions互动模式和时间IP & TimeReview Step 1T shows pictures and the paragraphs to review the words learned in the first period T checks the answers after the Ss discussion. (PPT 3-5)帮助学生回忆第一课时所学的内容,复习相关词汇。CW3Pre-listeningStep 2T asks Ss to express their opinions about the paparazzi. T gives the listening task to Ss. (P.25 Ex. 6)复习和巩固已学内容,激活背景知识,熟悉话题。布置听力任务。IW - CW5While-listeningStep 3First listening: Ss listen to the discussion between Katy and James and Ss decide which of them expresses the opinions T checks the answers.(PPT 6-7)第一遍听,运用听力策略,听主旨大意,关注两个人的不同意见。IW PW4Step 4Ss try to plete the expressions in the Function File individually.Second listening: T asks Ss to check the functional phrases that have been filled in the blanks and finish the rest. (PPT 8-10)T checks the answers with the whole class.学生第一遍听的基础上,利用已有知识先试填,然后再听第二遍,有意识地关注功能用语。IW PW CW 5Step 5Ss discuss which expressions show strong agreement or disagreement?” in pairs.T walks around and gives the instructions: focusing on the words like “pletely”, “totally”, etc.(PPT 11)结合听力材料,在语境中呈现并理解关键词汇,渗透词汇学习策略。PW CW 6Post-listeningStep 6T shows an example sentence with the class and demonstrates how the contraction counts as two words. (PPT 12) T plays the four sentences, pausing for Ss to count the words in each sentence.T plays again, while checking the answers, and has individual students write the sentences on Bb, using contracted forms. (PPT 12)帮助学生培养边听边记的能力,并理解和使用“缩约形式”,为语言输出做准备。CW IW CW 5Step 7Ss listen again and underline the stressed words in each sentence.(PPT 12)实践听力策略:Listening for important words IW2SpeakingStep 8Ss read the opinions in Ex. 6 individually and decide if they agree or disagree with them Ss work in groups. Ss express their opinions about the things in Ex. 10, with the notes (important words) written and the expression phrases. (PPT 13-14)结合本课功能用语和听力策略,为学生创设语言环境,培养学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。IW GW 10Step 9Presentation展示学习成果,集体评价。CW5Homework1. Ss write down their opinions about the things in Ex. 10.2. Do Ex. 12 & 13 on page 25.3. Do Ex. 2 on page 68 and Ex. 1 & 2 on page 69.

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