2019-2020年高考英语增分专练 语法填空集训(十一).doc

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2019-2020年高考英语增分专练 语法填空集训(十一)【增分专练】第二节 语法填空(共10个小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。I dont know what it is. No matter_61_ I go to a post office and no matter where the post office is, I always find_62_ (me) standing in line behind someone who has a lot of business to do.One day, I had to buy a couple of stamps, but I had to wait behind an old lady who took fifteen minutes_63_(finish) a form that a child could do in one minute._64_( feel) that I could not stand waiting in such a line any longer, I decided to join_65_ one. It seemed twice as _66_as the first line, but at least it was moving. It turned out to be the worst choice I had ever made. As soon as I _67_(lose)my place in the first line, the one I joined slowed to a stop. I had no choice_68_ to wait behind a schoolboy who was taking half an hour to choose a new set of postcards. At last it was my turn. I nearly jumped for joy. Then the clerk behind _69_ counter, a middle-aged fat guy, stood up, pushed forward a printed sign saying “Position Closed” and _70_(say) without a smile, “Sorry, going to lunch.”Passage 2Charity shops arc popular in the UK. The first charity shop_ 61_ ( be) opened by Oxfam in 1947. Now there are over 7.000 charity shops in the UK. The shops sell different things from 62 old book to a famous brand handbag. Here are the reasons why T often go to charity shops First, things in charity shops are much _63 (cheap) than those in street stores. People give things to charity shops 64 free. Most “the things have been used _65 they are well cleaned and _66 (repair). So you cap buy useful things with less money in charity shop Second, people give their own thing to charity shops instead of 67 (throw ) them away Then other people who need the things buy them. Its good for the environment Third. 68 is for charity work that charity shops are set up. The money carned in charity shops is for people in need, 69 (especial)for homeless and disabled people after the things in charity shops are sold, the owner will receive a letter telling him about that. Thats the main reason why people like charity shops. So I hope there will be more and more charity shops in other_ 70 (place)Passage 3Dad: OK, kid, what s so important 61 we have to meet in secret?Daughter :Well, it s about the 22nd of next month. I- d like to have 62 surprise party for Mum but I need your help. I thought that maybe you could take her to a movie, you know, just the two of you. Then while you re away I can decorate the family room 63 invite lots of friends.Dad.-That _64_ (sound) great but how do I manage to get her back without 65 (go) out to dinner after the movie?Daughter: Oh, that s easy. You just say that you want to pick me up in order to make it a family _66_ ( celebrate). After the movie is 67 , you send Mum in to get me and when she es in the front door everyone shouts Happy birthday to surprise her.Dad: What about food? You dont have time to cook it 68 (you) , do you?Daughter: Ill order everything to be 69 (send) from the restaurant nearby while you are enjoying the movie.Dad: Im so happy you have handled this so 70 (beauty).Passage 4You may like reading novels for funBut you need to get 61 (organize) if you are reading a novel for schoolHere _62 (be)anew tips First, pay attention to charactersWhat do they do in the novel? What do they want? Everything63 is about a character can help us to understand him, from his_64(appear) to the kind of food he eats Besides, the order of the story and the plot are 65 (equal) importantMake sure that as you read, you make 66_ quick note of what happens in each chapterThis will help you bring the things you have noticed about the character, setting, language and so on togetherIts also an enormous help for you to retell the story after you have read it Next, themesThey are ideas that a novel explores_67 is a must to get the hang of the theme if you want to fully appreciate the novelPerhaps love is a major theme, or justice, or 68 (survive) Furthermore, novels are made up 69 languageWriters use language in a special way 70 (make) their novels workThey may use metaphors, invent symbols, or show different characters personalities through their speech stylesPassage 5British families started going on holiday to the seaside around the middle of the 19th century. The 61 (invent)of the railways made this possible. The first holidaymakers 62 (be) quite rich and went for their health and education. The seaside was a place to cure people of illness. And doctors remended bathing in the sea and drinking sea water. At that time ordinary working people had very little time off work. 63 , in 1871, the government introduced for “Bank Holidays”, that is national holidays. This allowed people 64 (have) a day or two out now and then, 65 gave them a taste for leisure and seaside. At first, they went on a day trip, taking advantage 66 special trip tickets on the railways. By the 1880s, 67 (rise) ines meant that many ordinary workers and their families could have holiday ant the seaside. Welfare was reduced and cheap hotels 68 (build) for them. Holidaymakers enjoy 69 (sit) on the beach, bathing in the sea and eating ice cream. Cheap entertainment was on offer and holidaymakers went to have fun. Today 70 English seaside remains popular with more than 18 million holidays taken there each year.Passage 6David will never forget what happened to him the day before yesterdayHe 61 (eat)something at home when he received a strange phone call from a hospitalThe caller said that his son 62 (fall) to the ground unconscious on the way to schoo1It was he 63_ took him to the hospitalDavid hung up his cell phone and rushed to his sons classroom,only to find him listening to the teacher attentivelyHe suddenly realized that he had been cheated,but he felt 64 (relieve)Just at that time the phone rang again,saying,“Your son is in great danger and he needs 65 immediate operation which costs 48,000 yuanThe doctors here say they will not operate 66 your son until they receive the moneyWhen 67 (ask) from where the caller had taken his son to hospital,the caller rang offDavid gave a big smile and said“What a pity!” If the cheater thought he could get money from David in such a 68 (honest)way, he was wrongSuch phone calls are mon these daysA few of them might have fallen victims to such tricksMost parents are sensitive to 69 It was really silly to cheat welleducated men like David Believe it or not,its a true storyThe 70 (colleague)in his office can confirm it,such as Tom,Peter and so onPassage 7Presenter: Wele to our programme. Today we have invited Fread Wocson, a driving instructor of over 20 years experience to talk to us about 61 (learn) to drive. Well, Fread, do you think 62 is getting expensive to learn to drive these days?Fread: Well, it depends. 63 you e for a private instructor like me, its going to be a bit 64 expensive than going to a big school. The thing is, people have usually heard of the big school and trust them, so theyd rather spend more money on big schools. Well, I get customers through personal connections.Presenter: Does that mean you have to try hard to get customers?Fread: Not now, when I started I had to. But at the moment I am 65 (full) booked and my prices are quite petitive.Presenter: Learning to drive is usually a nervous experience for 66 (begin). What do you think? Fread: Well, it 67 be. But I try to get them to sit quietly in the drivers seat for 68 few moments. With their eyes 69 (close), you will be surprised how it changed some people. They would feel much more ready for driving if they 70 (have) a few quiet moments. Presenter: Yes, I suppose some people are much more nervous than others.xx高考英语-语法填空集训(十一)答案Passage 161. when 62. myself 63. to finish 64. Feeling 65. another66. long 67. lost 68. but 69. the 70. saidPassage 261. was 62. an 63. cheaper 64. for 65. but 66. repaired 67. throwing 68. it 69. especially 70. placesPassage 361.that 62.a 63.and 64.sounds 65.going66.celebration 67.over 68.yourself 69.sent 70.beautifullyPassage 461.organized 62.are 63.that 64.appearence 65.equally66.a 67.It 68.survival 69.of 70.to makePassage 561.invention 62.were 63.However 64.to have 65.which66.of 67.rising 68.were built 69.sitting 70.thePassage 661 was eating 62 had fallen 63 who/that 64 relieved 65 an66 on 67 asked 68 dishonest 69 them 70 colleaguesPassage 761. learning62. it63. If64. less65. fully66. beginners67. might68. a69. closed70. had

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