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Part 1Personal information family; hobby; research/work/job; hometown/ study abroad (about two questions) Part 2Cue card You will be given a cue card, and you should ask some questions based on the information given on the cue card (about one minute for you to prepare) Part 3 Short presentation You will be given a topic, and about one minute for you to prepare for the topic, and then you should express your view about this topic and continuously talk about it for at least one minute.,Part 1: Personal information (23 minutes) Good afternoon. My name is _. And this is my colleague _. He/she is just going to listen to us. Can you tell me your name, please? (Candidate gives his/her name.) Thank you. Now, Im going to ask you some questions about yourself. Good afternoon. May I have your ID card, and your marking sheet, please? So, you are (repeat the name on the examinees ID card), right? Now lets begin with Section One. And I will ask you some questions about your personal information. Where are you from? Can you tell us something about your hometown? Is it a good place to live in?/ Could you describe your hometown to me? What do you like about your hometown? Now, tell me something about your family. /Can you introduce yourself?/ Could you tell me something about your family? What are your expectations for your child? Whatre your hobbies?/ What do you like doing most in your spare time?/How can you balance between your work and your hobby? How do you like your job?/ How do you like your university or company? /How do you like the life in the city where you are working? Why? Would you please say something about your job/ research field? How do you feel about your job?/What does your work involve? What do you like most about your work? Why? Could you please tell us something about your current research? / What does your research involve in?/ What do you think is the biggest difficulty in your current research? What do you think will be the most difficult part when you go abroad? /What kind of research work are you planning to do while studying abroad? What do you think you will be doing when you come back to China? As a visiting scholar, which university/country do you plan to go to further your research?/What do you think is the biggest challenge you have to face while staying in a totally different world? /What difficulties do you think you might have when you live and study there? / What problems do you think you might encounter while studying abroad? Do you think you could make much progress in your research abroad?/ Is it important for Chinese university teachers to have a chance to visit universities in other countries? Why do you think this is important? As both a teacher and a researcher, do you find it difficult to keep a balance between your teaching and research work? And why? which country do you plan to go to? Why? What do you think of learning English? In your opinion, have you made any progress in your English skills? If so, in what aspects can you find your progress? /What problems do you have in your English learning? How do you cope with them? Is it important for Chinese university teachers to have a chance to visit universities in other countries? Why do you think this is important?,HOMETOWN ONE of the most important features of my hometown, Qinghuang Dao City, is that it has very temperate climate. It is not so hot/ cool in summer, and the highest temperature is not over 25 degree because it is not more than 2 miles from the area beach. As a result, it has attracted thousands of tourists to come to my hometown to spend the summer. It is not so cold in winter because it is located at the foot of Yan Mountain, and the mountain works as a kind of prevent the cold wind coming from its north.,RESEARCH/WORK/JOB,Part 2 Cue card You are asked to ask questions based on the information given on the cue card Wear clean and tidy clothes! In order to show enough respect to the examination. Do not eat food/dishes with strong smell. / beer/ garlic Try to be active to show that you are willing to communicate with others Sir/ Madam/ Teacher, I am ready now, can I begin? Begin asking questions with question no 1/2/3/4/5/6 My next question, or my last question is Never fail to say thats all for my questions, thank you! when you finish asking the last question. Give some short response to the teachers answers to your questions to show that you are really communicating with the teacher: Yes. Ive got it. Oh. It is not very expensive. / Thats great! /oh, thats o.k. for me./thats ok. Thank you. While the teacher is answering your questions, you can have a quick look at the next question In part I, If you dont understand what the teacher is talking about, do remember to say: pardon; excuse me, I didnt catch what you said just now! could you please talk a little slower? In part II, if you have some strange/ unfamiliar words, you could ask the teacher to explain to you by saying, teacher, could you please tell me the meaning of this word?,Use / Ask correct questions Special questions/ WH-questionsWH-word/where/who/ which/ why/ when/ how/ how much/ how often/ how many students/ +auxiliary verb/ be / modal verbs + subject + verb + others主语+谓语动词+其它成分What documents do I need to prepare when I want to do something? / Do you work here? General questions / YES-NO questions auxiliary verb/ be / modal verb + subject + verb + others主语+谓语动词+其它成分Do you work here? Do I have/need to pay some deposit in advance? Could you please introduce/ explain/ describe to me the location of your club? Tag questionYou are teacher, arent you? Optional questionAre you a teacher, or a student here? Rhetorical questionArent you a student here? Avoid asking the following questions What about ? How about ? Can you tell me ? I want to know/ask ? Vary your questions/ try to use different kinds of questionsfour WH-questions, and two YES-NO question.,第二部分 Section 2cue card Ask correct questions General question / yes-no question Do you work here? Can I help you? Special question/ WH-questionWhere do you work?who; when; why; where; which; whom; what ? Avoid asking fixed questions: What about ? How about ? Can you tell me ? Could you please explain/describe/introduce to me the procedure for applying a membership? Try to vary your questions try asking different kinds of questions not only WH-questions, but also YES-NO questions Could you please explain to me how I can join this club? Do I need to pay some deposit? Do I need to make an appointment? Is it necessary for me to do Try to be active in communicating with the teachers. Thats ok. Very good! Ive got it. Thank you. Thats great! It is not so expensive. Begin asking questions like this: Can I begin now? Yes. I am ready. Can I begin now? Question No. 1: Where is the university health club? My next question is,Weather: Whats the weather (color/ price/ depth/ width/ volume/ area/ population / speech/ length/ the problem/ size/ height/ density/ strength/ speed/ number/ ) like in London? Transportation: what is the most convenient public transportation means in your city? Is public transportation convenient/ available there? Are there some convenient public transportation means? Deposit/ insurance/ Appointment: Do I have to pay some deposit/ make an appointment in advance? Is it necessary for me to pay the deposit in advance? Discount: Can I enjoy some discount if I do ? How much discount could you offer for the students here/ visiting scholars?/ Are there some discounts for students? Way of Payment: Could I use my credit card to pay? Can I pay in cash? Procedures/ process: Could you please explain the procedures for applying for ? /of doing something? How can I do something? What are the procedures of doing something? Address/Location: Where is your club located?/ Where is your house/ hotel/ apartment/ is the party held? Length/During/duration/ period: How long does the party/ journey/ meeting/conference / flight/ holiday last? Purpose/ causes: Why do you hold a party? / What is the purpose for you to do something? Working hours/ office hours/ opening hours: What are the working hours of your club? When does you club open, and close? Guests: Who will be invited to the party? How many guests have been invited to the party? Entertainment: What interesting activities have been prepared/ arranged/ organized for the participants? Accommodation: Are free accommodation, and meals available for the participants? Distance: What is the distance from the airport to the hotel/ campus? Documents: What documents should I provide/prepare for the registration? Time for party: When is the party held?/ When will the party be held? /When does the party begin? Time and place: When and where is the party held? Will the party held? Online support/ service/ reservation: Does the center offer online service?/ Is online service/ reservation available?/ How could I make a reservation for ? Could I make a reservation / reserve a table/ class/ a seat/ a room in your on line? Frequency: How often could we do something? / How often does the club organize some interesting activities for the members? Schedule: What is the time schedule for basic/ advanced study?/ Could you please explain/introduce to me the schedule for different classes? Fines/ fees/ charge/ Renting Fee/ Monthly rent: How much money do I have to pay for renting a single-room flat? /What is the monthly rent for a single-bed room? Ways of payment: Can I pay with my credit card/ in cash? Membership: How can I apply for a membership in your club? (Methods for) Registration: How can I get registered in your club/center? Requirements: What should I do in order to become a member in the library/club?,问正确的问题 Time required for repairing How long will it be before you finish repairing the computer? Time needed for doing something How long will it take/be before the parcel is delivered to Beijing? Service charges for foreigners How much should foreigners pay for the service? Methods for registration How can I get registered in your center? Departure/ arrival time When do we depart/leave for Southampton for the trip? What is the departure/arrival time for the train? Free parking: Is free parking lot available? Do you provide free park for the members/students/ guests? Pick-up point: Where could we wait for being picked up? / Where is the pick-up point? Is it necessary for me to do something? Is it necessary for me to do something in advance? Do I have to book a room in the hotel in advance?,Asking for information (1) You have just arrived in a new country as a visiting scholar. You need to look for a place to live in for a year. You have seen a house renting advertisement on campus. Call the landlord to ask about the following information: Address: Room size: Monthly rent Deposit House viewing Transportation,Asking for information (2) You have just arrived at a university in the US as a visiting scholar. You need to apply for a campus card. Call the campus card office to ask about the following information. Application process Application fees Documents needed Photo size Time needed Card replacement Question No. 1: How can I apply for a campus card? Question No. 2: How much shall I pay for the campus card? Question No. 3: What documents should I provide/prepare for applying for the campus card? Question No. 4: What is the size of the photos that I should provide? Question No. 5: How long does it take for me to get the campus card? Question No. 6: Could you please explain to me some card replacement information? How can I replace the campus card it is broken? Is the card replaceable?,Asking for information (3) You are now visiting Queens University in Canada. You want to borrow some books from the library. O to the Information Desk at the university library to ask about the following information: Membership application Number of books Length of loan Renewing books Fines for overdue books Opening hours Question No. 1: How can I become a member of the library/ apply for the membership? Question No. 2: How many books could I borrow each time? Question No. 3: How long could I keep the books borrowed at least? Question No. 4: How can I renew the books if I cant finish reading it within the time? Question No. 5: Could you please explain to me the fine system if the books are overdue? Do I have to pay some fines if the books I borrow are overdue? Question No. 6: What are the working hours of the library?,Asking for information (4) You are now studying in the UK. You would like to attend a baking class in your spare time. Make a call to the baking training school to ask about the following information: Address Class schedule Tuition fees Online reservation Tuition discount for friends Free parking Question No. 1: Where is the baking training school? Question No. 2: Could you please send me a class schedule of the baking class through E-mail? Where could I find a class schedule for the baking class? Question No. 3: How much should I pay for the class? Question No. 4: Should I reserve on line before the class? Question No. 5: Could you offer us some discount if I could recommend some of my friends to attend this class? Question No. 6: Is the free parking available nearby your training school?,Asking for information (5) You are planning to travel to Los Angeles with your family in the US for the upcoming holiday, and you want to rent a car. Make a phone call to a car rental company to ask about the following information: Requirements to rent a car Minimum rental period Return policy Discounts Ways of payment Methods to change reservations Question No. 1: What kind of documents should I prepare for renting a car? Question No. 2: How long at least could I keep a car one time? What is the minimum period for renting a car? Question No. 3: Could you please explain to me the policies for returning the car I rent? Question No. 4: Is there any discount for the students? Question No. 5: Could I pay the rent by cash? How could I pay the rent? Question No. 6: How could I change the reservation for a car? / Could you please explain to me the methods to change reservation for a car?,Asking for information (6) You are a visiting scholar in the U.S. Your computer is not working properly. Call local computer service center to ask about the following information: Location Opening hours Appointments Time required for repairing Service charges Online support Question No. 1: Where is your computer service center? Question No. 2: What are the working hours of your service center? Question No. 3: Is it necessary for me to make an appointment in advance if I want to get my computer repaired? Question No. 4: How long will it usually take to repair the computer? Question No. 5: Could you please explain to me the charges for different services provided by your center? Question No. 6: Can I get some support/ Could you provide support on line?,Asking for information (7) You have just arrived at a British university as a visiting scholar. You want to get some information about the universitys health center. Make a call to the health center and ask about the following information: Location Services provided Opening hours Methods for registration Appointment requirements Service charges for foreigners. Question No. 1: Where is the health center of the university? Question No. 2: What kind of services could you provide in the health center? Question No. 3: What are the working hours of the health center? Question No. 4: How can I get registered with your center? Question No. 5: Is it necessary for me to make an appointment in advance if I want to get treated in your center? Question No. 6: Could you please explain to me the charges for different services for foreigners?,Asking for information (8) You are now an international student at Cambridge University in the U.K. The universitys Student Union is organizing a trip to Southampton. Make a phone call to ask about the following information: Departure time Pick-up point Places to visit Fees Student discounts Ways of payment Question No. 1: What is the departure time for the trip to Southampton? / What is the time for us to depart/leave for Southampton? Question No. 2: Where is the pick-up point? Where should we meet to waiting for the bus/car? Question No. 3: What places shall we visit during the trip? Question No. 4: How much should I pay for this trip? Question No. 5: Could you provide discounts for students? Question No. 6: How can I pay for this trip?,Asking for information (9) You are studying in a Canadian university as a visiting scholar. Your supervisor has just booked a holiday at the travel agent. Find out some information about the holiday. 1. Destination 2. Form of transport 3. Length of the holiday 4. Dates of the holiday 5. Number of people going 6. Reasons for the holiday Question No. 1: What places do you plan to visit in Canada? Question No. 2: What transportation means do you prefer while traveling in Canada? Question No. 3: How long does your travel here last? Question No. 4: When does your holiday begin and end? Question No. 5: How many people are there in your travel team? Question No. 6: What is the purpose of your holiday?,Cue card 11 You have studied in a university in California, USA, as a visiting scholar for a few months. Youd like to book a flight to New York. Imagine that the interviewer works in a travel agency. Ask the interviewer questions about the following information: Number of the flights: Duration of the flight: Fare for a single ticket: Cheapest day of the week: Distance between the airport to the city center: Availability of special diet: Question No. 1: How many flights are available for New York during the workday/ on weekend? Question No. 2: How long does the flight last? Question No. 3: What is the price for a single ticket? Question No. 4: On which day/ When could I buy/ get the cheapest ticket? Question No. 5: How far is it from the airport to the city center? What is the distance from the airport to the city center? What is the height/ length/ weight/ width/ span/ density/ strength/ price/ speed/ weather/ population /area of China/ size / color / shape of ? Question No. 6: Is special diet available during the flight?,Cue card 12 You have just arrived in Edinburgh University. You are required to register at the local police station. You call the police station to ask about the following information: Documents needed: Copies of photos required: Office location: Office hours: Registration procedure: Cost of registration: Question No. 1: What kind of documents should I provide? Question No. 2: Are there any requirements about the copies of photos? How many photos should I prepare for the registration? Question No. 3: Where is the police station? Question No. 4: When will your station be open for service? What are the working hours of the police station? What is the working time for the police station? Question No. 5: Could you please tell me the procedure of registration? Question No. 6: How much does the registration cost?,Cue Card 13: Departmental meeting All students and staff in your department have been issued with notices marked Urgent, requesting your attendance at a special meeting which has just been called. Go to your department secretary to find out more details about it. Find out about: time and place of the meeting: length/finishing time: Meeting called by/chaired by: attendance (compulsory/obligatory): subject of the meeting: likely outcome: Question No. 1: Where and where is the meeting? Question No. 2: How long does the meeting last? Question No. 3: Who will chair the meeting? Who is the meeting organized by? Who will preside over the meeting? Who is the meeting called by? Question No. 4: Who need to attend the meeting? Is it necessary for all the students to attend the meeting

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