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2019-2020年高三英语考前练习2 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,共12页,满分150分。考试用时120分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。注意事项: 1答题前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、座号、考生号、县区和科类填写在答题卡和试卷规定的位置上。 2第I卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 3第卷必须用05毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡上各题目指定区域内相应的位置,不能写在试卷上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。第I卷 选择题(共两部分,满分105分)第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第一节单项填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题号上将该项涂黑。1_ newly designed system makes it easier for people to have _ access to railway ticketsAThe; 不填 BThe;an CA;the DA;an2Oxford is not far from Stratford,so you can easily visit _ in a dayAeither Bneither Call Dboth3Latest studies _ Group A with Group B showed the same resultApared Bparing Cto pare Dhaving pared4The doctor says shell never fully recover _ she survivesAin case Bas though Ceven if Dso that5Did you watch the game between Taishan and Guoan on Sunday morning?No,I _ my lessons for the ing examsA was preparing Bprapared Chad prepared Dhave prepared6The little deer Ive been raising for so long has to be set free and never _ againAhas seen Bbe seen Cto see Dto be seen7 What happened to Tony? _,but in brief,he has been arrested.AIve no idea BYou are kidding CIts a long story DIm sorry to hear that8According to the new rules,_ smokes here will be finedAwhoever Banyone Cthose who Dno matter who9I looked straight into her eyes,_ anger was replaced by sympathyAwhose Bwhere Cwhich Dwhen10Some young people these days just _ go out of their homes to contact the real worldAmightnt Bmustnt Cwont Dshouldnt第二节 完形填空(A篇10小题,每小题1分,计10分;B篇20小题,每小题1.5分,计30分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项、并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AI found myself in the city for work today. On my lunch break,I decided to walk around the public gardenIt was one of those unusually hot September days,over 30,but I felt 11 after being in the air-conditioning all morningThat was 12 I walked past two individuals,sweaty and asleep,on a park 13 togetherWhat appeared to be all their belongings were in a few bags around themI 14 walking but kept thinking about the pair on the benchSo I went to a store and purchased five bottles of cold waterThen I returned to the 15 First stop was the couple on the benchI 16 the gentleman up and asked if they were OKSleepily,he assured me they were fine,but he 17 accepted two bottles of waterThe third bottle went to a man playing his 18 by the garden to passers-byThe fourth to a young man lying in the grass readingAnd the fifth to a mother with a little girl 19 something,who stopped weeping immediately with the bottle in handI felt a great pleasure with the five bottles 20 on such a hot day11Acool Bfamiliar Cgood Dstrange12Aafter Buntil Cwhen Dunless13A. table Bpassage Cbed Dbench14AconsideredBcontinued Cadvised Denjoyed15Apark Broom Cindividuals Dpair16Awoke Bpicked Cheld Dtook17Aunwillingly Bnarrowly Cgratefully Dslowly18Afootball Bviolin Ccellphone Drole19A .cheering for Bhunting for C. crying for Dapplying for20Aprepared Bcollected Cdrunk DdistributedBA few years ago,I was with a close woman friend in a grocery store in CaliforniaAs we walked between the 21 ,we became aware of a mother with a small boy moving in the opposite direction .The woman barely 22 us because she was so bored at her little boywho kept on pulling items 23 the lower shelvesAs the mother became more and more impatient,she started to 24 the child and later began to shake him by the 25 At this point my friend spoke up. As a wonderful 26 of three and founder of a kindergarten,she had probably 27 once in her life treated any child so badlyI 28 my friend would give this woman a solid mother-to-mother talk about 29 herself and about the effect this behavior has on a child.However,my friend said,“What a 30 little boy!How old is he?”The woman answered 31 ,“Hes three”My friend went on to 32 how curious he seemed and how her own three children were just like him in the 33 ,pulling things off shelves,so interested in all the wonderful 34 and packages”He seems so bright and intelligent”my friend saidThe woman had the 35 in her arms by now and a shy smile came upon her face 36 brushing his hair out of his eyes,she said,“Yes,hes very smart and 37 ,but sometimes he wears me out”My friend 38 sympathetically,“Yes,they can do that;they are so full of 39 .But that is what makes him a kid”The woman 40 with approvalAs we walked away,I heard the mother speaking more kindly to the boy“We11 have your favorite-macaroni and cheese this evening”she told him2lA. lines Bprices Cshelves Dcustomers22Anoticed B. paid Cacpanied Drealized23Ain Boff Cby Dat24Apoint toB. pick up Cbend over Dyell at25Aarm Bleg Chead Dhair26Aassistant Bmother Cconsultant D .manager27A .even Balready C. ever Dnever28Asuspected Bdecided Cexpected D .doubted29A controlling Breminding Cblaming Dchanging30A boring Blovely C. disturbing Dpromising31Ahappily B1oudly C. cautiously Dsadly32Ament aboutBshow off C. focus on D agre with33A group B mean time CendD. store34Acolors Btastes C .drinks Dchocolates35Apackages Bboy Cfriend Dbag36AQuickly BRegularly CGently DNormally37Awise Bnaughty C .young Dcurious38Aresponded Basked Ccalled Dthought39Ahumor Bcourage Cactivity Denergy40Arefused Bnodded Chesitated Dapplauded第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ABorn in l983 in Arizona,US,Jessica has learned to live her life with her feetShe was born without arms,and no doctors couht figure out whyThere were many questions at the time about whether Jessica would be able to live a“normal” lifeHowever,Jessicas father said“I have never shed a tear about her birth condition”With the support of her parents and family,Jessica became confident in herself as all adult and continued to explore the world with her feetAs a child,Jessica studied dance in her home townWhen the first performance arrived,she asked to be put in the back rowHer dance teacher told her there was no back rowNervously,she took the stage with the other students and performed her routineWhen she finished,the applause from the audience gave her encouragement and the confidence to continue dancing for 14 yearsAfter graduating from high school,Jessica attended the University of Arizona,where she earned a bathelors degree in PsychologyWhen ta1king about her major,she frequently explains that psychology has a great effect on her life,helping her out of a physical limitationDuring college,Jessica signed up for a club of Taekwondo(跆拳道) and learned all of the color belt materialThe instructors created a course that would be accessible to any future armless students Jessica became the first armless person to earn a black belt in the clubJessieas must famous acplishment was learning how to flyIt took three states,four airplanes,two flight instructors and a discouraging year to find the right aircraftShe received the Guinness World Record for being the first person permitted to fly an airplane with only her feetNow Jessica works as a motivational lecturerShe travels the world sharing her story and encouraging people to be creative with the slogan“Think outside the shoe”41. Fiom what Jessicas father said,we know that _Ahe showed sympathy to her B. he had confidence in herC. he lost hope in her D. he felt sorry about her42What encourages Jessica to keep dancing for so many years?A. The support of her family BHer dance teachers wordsC. The help of the other students DHer success in the first performanee43Why did Jessica major in psychology in university?A. Because psychology is the best subject in her universityBBecause psychology can bring her a good job in the futureCBecause psychology can help her go beyond her disabilityDBecause psychology is fit for an armless student44Whats Jessicas greatest achievement?AFlying an airplane with her feet BFinding the right aircraftCSpeaking as a motivational lecturer DTraveling around the world45Whats the best title of the passage?AA talented girl Jessica BA motivational speakerCExploring the world with feet DBeing creative as a studentBWhen dolphins get caught accidentally in fishing nets,the oute is usually terribleThey either get injured or spend their lives in captivity(被关起来)entertaining humansBut while 13-year-old Sampals story began that way,it has a perfect fairy-tale endingSampals story began in 2011,when she was accidentally caught by fishermen in the waters off South KoreaHowever,instead of letting her go,the men sold her to an aquariumHere,she was placed in a small pool where she spent her days performing tricks for visitors. Sampal was not destined to spend her life in captivityShocked by the conditions she was living in,South Korean animal advocates began to help her get freeIn xx,the countrys highest court issued a release order for not just Sampal,but also another two dolphins at the Korean ZooAt the end of May,the dolphins were handed to the Korean Animal Welfare Association where experts began their work to set the dolphins free,a two-month process that involves placing them inside a sea pen in the open watersHowever,Sampal was two impatient to wait that longOn June 22nd,the clever little dolphin found a tiny tear in the net and escapedFor those of you wondering if Sampal may have been a little hurried in her departure,here is some better news. Researchers recently tracked her down 60 miles from where she had escaped and found she was swimming happily with 50 other dolphins that they believe were members of the group she was originally swimming with three years ago.As for the others? One of them is reportedly hanging out with two dolphins from its original group,while the other still seems to be looking for the right group to joinThe best news is that all of them seem to have forgotten their captivity experience and appear to be playing happily ! 46According to the author,Sampals story is _Amon BpuzzlingCunusual Dannoying47What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 probably mean?ASampal didnt like spending her life in a poolBSampal would have to lose her freedomCSampals life was brought back to normalDSampal would certainly be helped by people48Which of the following statements is true?ASampal lived a happy life in the aquariumBThe process of setting a dolphin free is longCThe order of Koreran highest court was intended for SampalDSampal was found weeping in the net before she escaped,49What was Sampal doing when researchers found her again?AShe was trying to escape from the netBShe was waiting impatiently for her panionsCShe was swimming with her group membersDShe was looking for the right group to join50We can infer from the last paragraph that _Adolphins like living in groups Bdolphins like playing gamesCdolphins are forgetful Ddolphins are good at looking for partnersC Poetry Reviewing ContestEvery momh we make a cash prize available to the reviewer that writes the most detailed and helpfld poetry reviews100 prize for the winner of this writing contestDeadline:Sep4thSummertime Poetry For our Summertime Poetry Contest we are looking for the poems that praise the season100 prize for the winner of this contestDeadline:Sep10thYour Favorite PoetWrite out your favorite modern poet. Give the list to usDeadline:Sep 10thUse These Words in a PoemThe challenge of this contest is to write a poem using the words provided in the contest announcementDeadline:Sep 16thPoem of the MonthEach month one poem is selected to be the Poem ot the MonthA public vote determines the winnerAll poems posted during the month are automatically considered .The winner of this contest will take away a 100 prizeDeadline:Sep16thQuatrain Poetry(四行诗)Write a quatrain poemsee details,click here:Deadline:Sep19thFaith PoetryThe theme for this poetry contest is“faith”. We are looking for poems that in some way match this theme .It doesnt matter if its spiritual,polilteal,intellertual or emotional as long as faith is clearly representedThis is a contest for poets vcith a100 prizeDeadline:Sep25thThe Words Are the SameWrite a poem that uses the words listed in the contest announcement. 100 prize for the winner of this poetry contestDeadline:Sep29thPoetic ArtThis poetry contest challenges people in our city to write a poem that describes the artwork providedYour poem can bee part of this artworkView the announcement to see the image.100 prize for the winner of this poetry contestDeadline:Oct3rd51Besides writing poems,this passage also asks you to _Awrite a poetry review or an interesting storyBwrite a poetry review and list your favorite poetC. vote tn determine the most famous poet in historyD1ist your favorite poems and the most famous poet52If you want to write a quatrain poem you must hand it in by _ASeptember l0th BSeptember 20thCSeptember 19th DOctober 15th53What is the theme for the poetry contest in late September?AFaith B. SuccessC. CourageDFeelings54For whom is the advertisement written?AProfessional poets BSchool studentsCPoem amateursDThe public55Where do you think the text is taken from?AA newspaper BA textbookCA brochure DA websiteDHomework will not be a concern for pupils attending a pioneering new secondary school in Norfolk. Instead,the 1,100 children will stay longer at school,doing extra study at school as part of the extended(延长的)school day,which could last until about 5 pmRather than setting homework that pupils couht struggle with at home,where there may be limited access to puters, they will do that as independent study in the day. When they go home they should enjoy quality family time. That has been really well received by parents who respect the fact that family time will be family time. But the school would still expect youngsters to study at home ahead of important examsIndependent learning at school would ensure equality because kids who get help with homework from parents might rely on others too much.Peter Devonish, a teacher at the schoo1,said,“Having the children at school a bit longer to strengthen their learning is a really good idea,because they can have their time with the family”But he warned“A disadvantage is that our school is in the countryside,which means its not so perfect to get children home at that time”MrDcvonish said they also set pupils project-based homework,such as looking at an energy-efficient house,which allowed them to bine independent study with working with their parentsCraig Morrison,another teacher,said,“A large problem with homework has been that not enough is done with itWith homework,a lot of effort can go into it,so its about celebrating what children do rather than processing it in terms of marking it and handing it back”56. How will students spend their longer days at school?AThey will prepare their lessons for examsB. They will do homework with their teachersC. They will study all by themselvesD. They will do homework on puters57. Why is the new idea well accepted by some parents?ABecause it helps kids with their homeworkBBecause kids will enjoy quality family timeC. Because kids will be educated equally at schoo1DBecause it can make houses more energy-efficient.58What is MrDevonish worried about?AThe students may dislike the ideaBNo staff will agree to stay until 5:30 PmCMore teachers will be neededDThe students may get home late59According to MrMorrisou,the problem with homework is _Awhat effort children make to do itBhow teachers mark it and return itChow much homework should be setDthat parents may object to the plan60The passage is mainly about _Ateachers who are asked to stay at school longerBa school where children stay longer for homeworkChomework which students have to deal withDstudents who like quality school time with teachersEMany adults enjoy a cup of coffee to have extra energy on a sleepy morning,and astronauts ale no exceptionBut having a drink in space isnt as easy as it is on the earthYou have to e up with a whole new way to drink,and thats what scientists are trying to do“The coffee would be very hard to control in a normal cup”said physics professor Mark WeislogelYoud have to shake the cup toward your face and hope that some of the hot liquid floats toward your mouthWhen it es to guessing what liquids will do in new systems,we are of tell in the dark”Weislogel believes that creating a big zerogravity cup would help improve the lives of astronauts in space,so he and other researchers performed a series of experiments with liquids on the International Space Station(ISS)to see how they move upwards on surfaces in zero gravityIn one of the tests,they placed two surfaces very close together to create a very narrow tunnelThey wanted to see if liquid would easily flow up the tunnelIn another test,the researchers tried to figure out the best angle to place the narrow tunnel at so that the liquids would travel along the cornersThe end result is a cup that doesnt look like a normal coffee cup at a11One side of the cup has a very sharp angle and,in zero gravity,the liquid naturally“flows”up that angled side of the cup,right up to the drinkers lipsThe zero-gravity coffee cup is currently being tested on the ISS by astronaut Don Pettit,who worked with the researchers and helped them invent it“As you sip(啜饮),more liquid keeps ing,and you Can enjoy your coffee in a weightless environmentclear down to the last drop”said Pettit,who thinks that future humans on Mars will be using this kind of cup to drink from during celebrations!61We can learn from Paragraph 1 that _.Aastronauts have difficulty drinking coffee in spaceBcoffee drinks in the morning can make astronauts sleepyCastronauts drink coffee in the same way as on the earthDscientists have made coffee in zero gravity successfully62The undedined sentence in Para2 may mean“_”.A. rooms in the Space Station lack lightBscientists cant see anything in the darkCscientists know 1ittle about itDcoffee can be drunk in the dark63What do we know about Weislogels cup?AIt looks like a very narrow tunnelBEach of its sides has a sharp angleCIt is the same as the normal cup we are usingDThe liquid in it will flow to the drinkers itself64According to Pettit,we call learn the coffee cup is _ .Apractical B. weightlessCshapeless D. awkward65What is the main idea of th


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