四年级英语上册 Unit 1 My classroom综合练习题 人教PEP.doc

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Unit One姓名 _ 一、 根据中文默写单词1、黑板_ 2、 电脑_ 3、风扇_ 4、地板_5、画_ 6、教室_ 7、窗户_ 8、讲台_9、写字版_ 10、门_ 11、灯_ 12、墙_二、 默写Aa 到I i 的大小写字母。三、 根据所给的中文情景提示,选择正确的答案。( )1、你想问同学你的教室在哪里,你应该说: A. Whats in the classroom? B Wheres the classroom? C What is the classroom?( )2、你建议Mike 去看一看,你应该说: A. May I have a look? B. Look at me. C. Lets have a look.( )3、别人向你借尺子,你应该说:A. No, its new. B. No problem. C. No, I dont. ( )4、你向别人介绍你的新教室,应该这样说: A. This is my new seat. B. Our classroom is beautiful. C. This is my new classroom.( )5、不知道自己的座位时候,该怎么问:A. This is my seat. B. Excuse me, Wheres my seat?C. Its near the door.( )6、建议大家一起来搞课室清洁,应该这样说: A. Sweep the floor. B. Clean the windows. C. Lets clean the classroom.( )7、赞扬别人做得非常好,可以这样说:A. All right. B. All right. C. Good job.( )8.晚上见到别人该怎么问好:A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening.( )9. 如果有人挡住了你的去路,你该怎么说:A. Let me go. B. Excuse me. C. After you.( )10. Zhang Peng 和 Cheng Jie都想走出门口的时候,Zhang Peng请Cheng Jie先走,应该这样说:A. Excuse me. B. After you. C. Thank you. 四、 选择题( )1、Hello, Mike. , Sarah. This is my sister.A. Look B. Now C. Hi ( ) 2. _ is your ruler? - Its on the chair. A. What B. Where C. Wheres ( ) 3. _ in the classroom? - Many desks and chairs. A. What B. Where C. Whats ( ) 4. -Lets clean the classroom. -_ A. Good job. B. Good idea. C. Its nice. ( ) 5. How many _ in your bags? A. pen B. erasers C. ruler ( ) 6. Look at the picture. -_ A. Its green. B. Good idea. C. Its nice. ( ) 7. We have a _ teacher. Whats her name? A. new B. short C. tall ( ) 8. Lets _ the floor. A. sweep B. open C. put up ( ) 9. Sarah, please _ the door. A. look B. go C. open ( ) 10. Thank you! - _. A. No. B. Youre welcome. C. Youre welcome. ( )11. We have Two _. A. eye B. ear C. hands ( )12. _ me sweep the floor. A. Let B. Lets C. lets ( )13. _ is the wall? Its white. A. What color B. What C. Where ( )14. _ the light, please. A. Open B. Turn C. Turn on ( )15. Look at the picture. A. Its big. B. Its nice. C. Really五、 根据A栏所给的内容在B栏中找到合适的答语。 ( ) 1. Wheres my seat? A. Its nice. ( ) 2. Let me clean the windows. B. All right. ( ) 3. Look at the picture. C. A book. ( ) 4. Whats in the desk? D. Its near the window. ( ) 5. Can I use your book? E. Sure.

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