五年级英语下册 Lesson 1《I Am Excited》导学案(新版)冀教版.doc

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五年级英语下册 Lesson 1《I Am Excited》导学案(新版)冀教版.doc_第1页
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五年级英语下册 Lesson 1《I Am Excited》导学案(新版)冀教版.doc_第2页
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I Am ExcitedNothing is impossible if you put your mind in it. ( 一切皆有可能 )【学习目标】1掌握单词:run, sing, jump, dance, sit, down , stand , up, sorry, excited 2掌握句型:Please run, please dont run.3.能在生活中积极使用所学单词和句型。【学习重难点】1掌握单词:run, sing, jump, dance, sit, down , stand , up, sorry, excited 2掌握句型:Please run, please dont run.【学法指导】引导学生逐渐掌握自主学习、合作探究的学习模式。【课前准备】 录音机 【学习流程】I. Class-opening.Free talking:How do you feel today? II.自主学习1、说出你预习时碰到的不会的单词; 2、根据你的预习情况,快速写出下列单词,并大声读一读:跑_ 跳 _ 唱_跳舞_ 走路 _ 对_站起来_ 坐下_ 3、小组长领读这些单词,个人展示读单词 ;III:反馈拓展1、仿照例句完成句子句型:Please run. Please dont run. Please sing._ Please stand up. Please sit down._2、在不同的场合,有些行为是允许的,有些行为是不被允许的,根据所给地点,两人一组,完成下列对话:in the classroomA: In the classroom, I want to _, B: Please _, please dont _.On the busA: On the bus, I want to _, B: Please _, please dont _.in the libraryA: In the library, I want to _, B: Please _, please dont _.【自我小结】同学们,学习了I Am Excited!后,你都学到什么了呢?_自我评价 小组评价 教师评价

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