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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习第二部分重点语法突破专题二无提示词填空第五讲名词性从句讲义新人教版1xx天津高考She asked me_I had returned the books to the library, and I admitted that I hadnt.答案:whether/if分析句子结构可知,设空处应用连词引导后面的句子作asked的宾语。结合句意可知,连词表示“是否”的含义,故填whether/if均可。2xx北京高考Jane moved aimlessly down the treelined street, not knowing _ she was heading.答案:where根据句意和句子结构可知,设空处引导其后的句子作分词knowing的宾语,宾语从句中缺少表示地点的连词where。3xx北京高考Your support is important to our work. _ you can do helps.答案:Whatever由谓语为helps可判断其前的“_ you can do”为主语从句,该从句缺少宾语,且表示“任何事情”,故答案为Whatever(相当于Anything that)。句意:你的支持对我们的工作很重要。你做的任何事情都有帮助。4xx北京高考The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is _ one can be entirely free from dust.答案:that“_ one can be entirely free from dust”为表语从句,该从句中不缺少成分,意思完整,故用that引导该表语从句。句意:雨季最令人愉快的事情就是人们可以完全免受尘土的影响。5xx天津高考The manager put forward a suggestion _ we should have an assistant. There is too much work to do.答案:that“_ we should have an assistant”具体说明suggestion的内容,因而为同位语从句,用that引导。that只起连接作用,不作成分,但不能省略。6xx江苏高考It is often the case _ anything is possible for those who hang on to hope.答案:that本句中it为形式主语,“_ anything is possible for those who hang on to hope”为真正的主语,该从句结构意思完整,故由that引导。7xx福建高考I wonder _ Mary has kept her figure after all these years.By working out every day.答案:how由句子结构可知,wonder后为宾语从句。由答语内容可知,宾语从句用how引导,how在宾语从句中作方式状语。8xx湖南高考You have to know _ youre going if you are to plan the best way of getting there.答案:where由句子结构可知,“_ youre going”为从句作know的宾语,而宾语从句中缺少地点状语,故用where引导。9xx陕西高考Reading her biography, I was lost in admiration for_ Doris Lessing had achieved in literature.答案:what设空处引导后面的句子作介词for的宾语,而宾语从句中缺少动词achieved的宾语,表示“的事情(东西)”,故填what。10xx重庆高考We must find out_Karl is ing, so we can book a room for him.答案:when由句子结构可知,“_Karl is ing”为动词短语find out的宾语从句,由句意可知,从句中缺状语,意为“何时”,故填when。Part 语篇真题演练阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。xx全国卷The adobe dwellings (土坯房)_61_ (build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even_62_ most modern of architects and engineers. In addition to their simple beauty, what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their_63_ (able) to “air condition” a house without _64_ (use) electric equipment. Walls made of adobe take in the heat from the sun on hot days and give out that heat _65_ (slow) during cool nights, thus warming the house. When a new day breaks, the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough _66_ (cool) the house during the hot day; _67_ the same time, they warm up again for the night. This cycle _68_ (go) day after day: The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night and are thus always a timely offset (抵消) for the outside temperatures. As _69_ (nature) architects, the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly _70_ thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days.61_62._63._64._65_66._67._68._69_70._Step 1:通读全文,掌握主旨大意。本文是一篇说明文。讲述的是美国普韦布洛印第安人所建土坯房独特的调节室温的特点。Step 2:逐题解答,确定答案。61built考查非谓语动词。空格所在句中are admired是谓语,故此处应用非谓语形式。位于名词之后,且两者为被动关系,故可知答案。62the考查冠词。“_ most modern”表示最高级含义,故填定冠词the。63ability考查词性转换。根据空格前的is和形容词性物主代词,可推知此处应用所给词的名词单数形式。64using考查非谓语动词。空格位于介词之后,应填动名词形式。65slowly考查词性转换。此处修饰give out,表示慢慢地释放,故填副词。66to_cool考查固定句式。enough to do sth.为惯用法,引导结果状语,意为“足够可以”。67at考查固定短语。at the same time “同时”。68goes考查动词的时态和主谓一致。根据句子结构可知,此处填谓语。描述的是客观现象和事实,用一般现在时,且主语为单数概念,应用第三人称单数形式。69natural考查词性转换。修饰名词应用形容词。70how考查宾语从句的连接词。设空处引导从句作figured out的宾语。由形容词thick及从句语义可知,此处应填连接副词,既连接主从句,又修饰形容词thick,意为“多么”,表示程度。Step 3:代入验证。需保证语法结构正确且语义符合逻辑,这样才能确保万无一失。知识清单(1)各种名词性从句的结构特点;(2)常用连接代词及连接副词的运用条件;(3)对于what/that/whatever/whether/if等引导的易混名词性从句的掌握;(4)it在名词性从句中作形式主语和形式宾语的用法;(5)that的省略情况以及各从句的时态与语序问题。学情分析考生在学习从句的过程中存在着以下几点问题:(1)对句子结构分析不清,对各种从句类型无法准确判断;(2)不熟悉引导词在从句中的使用情况,更谈不上准确运用,例如what与which,what与whatever等;(3)混用名词性从句与定语从句中的引导词,比如关系代词that引导定语从句,在从句中作主语或宾语,而在名词性从句中that不作任何成分,只起连接作用;(4)由于对从句中的语序及时态意识淡薄,而造成一些不必要的错误。考点1名词性从句的不同类型及其结构分析下列例句,归纳各名词性从句的结构。1主语从句That you are ing to London is the best news I have heard this long time.长久以来我听到的最好的消息就是你要来伦敦。What matters most in learning English is enough practice.学习英语最重要的是足够的训练。It is none of your business what other people think about you. Believe yourself.其他人怎么看你不关你的事,要相信你自己。It is obvious to the students that they should get well prepared for their future.显而易见,学生应该为他们的未来做好充分准备。归纳:主语从句的结构:(1)连接词主语谓语其他主句谓语其他。(2)It(形式主语)主句谓语其他连接词主语谓语其他。2宾语从句Im afraid (that) I cant accept your invitation.恐怕我不能接受你的邀请。Tom is a nice boy except that he is sometimes late for school.汤姆除了有时上学迟到外,是个很不错的男孩。I find it necessary that we should spend more time practising spoken English.我发现花更多时间练习英语口语是必要的。I dont think that you should go abroad in the future.我认为你将来不应该出国。归纳:宾语从句的结构:(1)及物动词(短语)/介词连接词主语谓语其他。(2)及物动词it宾补连接词主语谓语其他。(3)表示情感的形容词连接词主语谓语其他。3表语从句My decision is that all of us are to start at 6 oclock tomorrow morning.我的决定是我们所有人明天早上6点出发。The last time we had great fun was when we were visiting the Water Park.我们上次玩得很快乐是我们在游览水上公园的时候。As is known to us, China is no longer what she used to be.众所周知,中国再也不是从前的中国了。One reason for her preference for city life is that she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.她偏爱城市生活的一个原因是她可以很方便地去像商店和饭店这样的地方。归纳:表语从句的结构:系动词连接词主语谓语其他。4同位语从句We should consider the students request that the school library provide more books on popular science.我们应该考虑学生们的要求,即学校图书馆应该提供更多的大众科学方面的书籍。The problem whether we should continue to do the experiment has been solved.我们是否应该继续做实验的问题已经解决。I have no idea when he will e back.我不知道他将何时回来。I made a promise to myself that this year, my third year in Senior school, would be different.我向自己保证:今年我高中的第三年将会是不同的一年。归纳:同位语从句的结构:名词连接词主语谓语其他。注意:不难发现,同位语从句的结构与定语从句的结构极其相似,但同位语从句是对前面的名词的内容作进一步地解释说明,而定语从句是对前面的名词进行修饰、限定。同位语从句常放在feeling, news, doubt, problem, promise, idea等抽象名词后,而定语从句不受此限制。对比以下例句,辨别其为何种从句:The news that they had won the game soon spread over the whole school.他们赢得比赛的消息很快传遍了整个学校。The news (that) you told me yesterday was really disappointing.你昨天告诉我的消息真的很令人失望。句为同位语从句;句为定语从句。考点2名词性从句连接词的选择名词性从句的常见连接词有:that, whether, what, which, who, whom, whatever, whichever, whoever, whomever, when, where, why, how, how many, how much等,根据其在从句中的功能可分为三类:1从句中缺少主语或宾语时,选择以下连接词:what(ever), which(ever), who(ever), whom(ever),前两组指事物,后两组指人,通常情况下,which是在语境中提供了范围才会使用,否则,指事物时使用what(ever)What was most important to her, she told me, was her family.她告诉我,对她来说最重要的是她的家人。(主语从句,what作从句主语)The employers often give the job to whoever they believe has work experience with a strong sense of duty.雇主们经常会把工作给他们认为有工作经验并且有强烈责任感的人。(宾语从句,whoever作从句主语)典题1xx广东揭阳模拟The ant stopped to see _ had bit him, and the dove immediately flew away.答案what根据句子结构可知,从句作see的宾语,且从句中缺少主语。根据句意填what。典题2Henry, can you go to the concert tonight?Im afraid I cant. I will give the ticket to _ wants to enjoy it.答案whoever分析句子结构可知,介词to后为宾语从句,且从句中缺少主语。结合语义可知,此处表示无论是谁或任何一个想去欣赏的人。故填whoever。2从句中不缺少主语或宾语,而是缺少状语等成分,此时则用when, where, why, how, whether/if, how many/much等带有语义的连接词Some students even have no idea of why they are studying, so they waste much time playing.一些学生甚至都不知道为什么学习,所以他们浪费很多时间玩儿。(宾语从句,缺语义,连接词作状语)It is obvious that people hold different opinions about whether voluntary services should be financially rewarded.很明显,人们对志愿者服务是否应该有经济奖励持不同观点。(宾语从句,不缺成分,缺语义)What is concerning us greatly is when the workers held up in that area yesterday will be set free. 使我们非常担心的是昨天在该区域被劫持的工人们什么时候将被释放。(表语从句,缺语义,连接词作状语)典题3xx河南洛阳统考Since I was a child, I have wanted to be an author. That is _ I studied OnlineJournalism with focus on OnlinePublic Relations for the last three years.答案why根据从句在系动词之后可知,从句为表语从句,从句中不缺主语和宾语。结合语义可知填why来解释原因。典题4Passion is passion and it doesnt matter _ its directed. Exactly, it can be coins or sports or politics.答案where分析句子结构可知,第一个it为形式主语,设空处引导的从句是真正主语,且从句中不缺主语和宾语。结合语义及下一句内容可知,coins, sports和politics为不同的方面或者说方向,因而主语从句表述“激情被导向何处”。故答案填where。3从句中既不缺少成分,又语义完整,则用连接词thatIt is decided that the meeting has been put off till next Monday.已经决定会议推迟到下周一。 (主语从句,不缺成分和语义)He gave me a suggestion that I should practise speaking English in class. 他建议我课上练习说英语。(同位语从句,不缺成分和语义)典题5xx南京盐城模拟After investigation, the police found out one clue _ voices were heard calling for help from some very distant place that day.答案that分析句子可知,从句对clue进行解释,且从句中不缺少成分,也不缺语义,故填that。典题6xx福建福州模拟_ we do with little kids today will matter in 20 years.答案What整个句子的谓语部分是will matter,说明前面是一个主语从句,再分析主语从句中缺少do的宾语,故填What。考点3whether与if的用法1表语从句和同位语从句常用whether引导不用if;当主语从句放于句首时,也常用whether引导不用if;当it作形式主语,主语从句放在后面时用whether或if引导均可,但是如果被后置的主语从句中含有表选择意义的or时必须用whetherWhether the meeting will be held is still a problem.(主语从句放于句首)The problem is whether the meeting will be held.(表语从句)I have no idea whether the meeting will be held.(同位语从句)是否要开会仍然是个问题。It is doubtful whether/if he will e here.他是否要来这儿还令人怀疑。(主语从句放于句末)2whether和if都可以引导宾语从句,表示“是否”,在口语或间接引语中两者可以互换使用,但在有些情况下,whether和if的用法有一定区别(1)在及物动词后()I dont care whether he doesnt e.(whether从句中不能用否定式)()I dont care whether he es or not.()I dont care whether or not he es.()I dont care if or not he es.(if不与or not连用)我不关心他是否来。()I dont know whether to go there.我不知道是否去那儿。(2)在介词后在介词后常用whether,不用if。It depends on whether you can do the work well.那取决于你是否能做好这项工作。典题7xx四川雅安重点中学月考What the doctors really doubt is _ my mother will recover from the serious illness soon.答案whether由系动词is可判断从句为表语从句。结合语义可知,此处表示“是否”,故填whether, 注意表语从句不用if引导。句意:医生真正怀疑的是我的母亲是否能很快从重病中恢复过来。考点4疑问词ever引导的名词性从句1“疑问词ever”引导名词性从句时,有语义,并且在从句中充当句子成分Whoever breaks the law should be punished.无论谁触犯法律都应该受到惩罚。Wherever he goes makes his parents worry.他无论去哪儿他的父母都担心。2“疑问词ever”还可以引导让步状语从句,这时可以和“no matter疑问词”互换。但“no matter疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句,不能用来引导名词性从句Whatever (No matter what) you do, you must do it well.无论你做什么,都必须做好。典题8xx江苏苏北四市期中Its difficult for corrupt officials to hide abroad nowadays.Thats it! The Chinese government will do _ it takes to get them back.答案whatever通过分析句子结构可知,设空处引导的从句作do的宾语,且从句中缺少takes的宾语。结合语义“任何的事情”可知,应填whatever。NO.1解题步骤1.分析空格的位置或句子结构,判断是否考查连词。2根据从句的不同特点,确定考查的从句类型。3根据不同从句连接词的特点,结合语义确定答案。NO.2解题技巧1若两个句子(有两个主谓结构)之间,没有句号或分号,也没有连词,那空格处必定是填连接词,否则,句子结构就不完整。2根据两句之间的意义和逻辑关系,或者根据句式结构,确定是并列句还是某种主从复合句。3一旦判断是名词性从句,就根据名词性从句中缺少什么句子成分来确定选用什么连词,若从句中缺少主语和宾语,用连接代词,若缺少状语就用连接副词;如果不缺少成分则要考虑意思是否完整,是否需要用whether/if;如果不缺少成分且意思完整则用that。典题1xx江西上饶模拟Just looking at these sleeping giraffes is enough to give you a pain in the neck, which is _ the worlds tallest animals dont often stop for a sleep.答案why分析句子结构可知,设空处引导其后的句子作表语,从句中是完整的主谓结构,再结合语境可知此处填why,用于解释为什么世界上最高的动物不经常停下来睡觉的原因。典题2It gave them the chance to see that _ they are learning is useful and can be used in the real world.答案what分析句子结构可知,see后that引导宾语从句,在宾语从句中含有一个主语从句,且从句中缺少learn的宾语。根据语义可知填what,表示“的事物(东西)”。1.名词性从句主要侧重于连接词的选择,其解题步骤如下:(1)根据句型结构判断是否是名词性从句;(2)判断从句中的成分是否缺少主语或宾语,缺少主语或宾语选择连接代词what(ever), which(ever), who(ever)以及whom(ever);(3)若从句中不缺少主语和宾语,则根据语义选择whether/if, when, where,why, how, how much/many等连接词;(4)若从句中既不缺少主语和宾语,且语义完整,则用that。2名词性从句中缺少主语/宾语(主语/宾语指物)时,常用的连接代词为what, 而定语从句中用关系代词that/which,注意区别开来。3名词性从句中的连接词that只有在引导宾语从句时可以省略(且是第一个宾语从句),其他从句中均不可省略。4从句中的时态要和主句的时态保持一致,语序要用陈述句语序。5名词性从句是主句中不可缺少的一部分,这也是名词性从句的特性,考生可根据此特性与其他从句进行区分。建议用时:20分钟Part .单句语法填空1xx北京朝阳区模拟I have no doubt that he will make it, but I wonder _ he is really ready enough.答案:whether/if分析句子结构可知,从句作wonder的宾语,且从句中不缺少主语和宾语。结合语义可知表达“是否”的含义,故填whether/if。2xx四川德阳诊断If you can be quiet, Id like to make a ment on _ China has benefited from the Beijing APEC meeting.答案:how句意:如果你可以静下来,我想就中国是如何从北京APEC会议中受益的情况进行一下评论。从句中不缺少主语和宾语,结合语义可知,答案是how,表示“(方式)怎样”。3xx山西太原期末Although the store described the Sunday School as experimental, it was a good sign of just _ important supermarket shopping has bee in peoples daily life.答案:how设空处引导从句作介词of的宾语,但从句中不缺少主语和宾语,结合语义可知答案是how,表示“(程度)多少”。4xx江苏南通调研_ is expected of the post90s generation, who tend to spend most of their ine every month, is _ they should form a sense of saving.答案:What; that第一空引导主语从句,且从句中缺少主语,表示“的东西(事情)”,故应用what;第二空引导表语从句,从句中既不缺少主语和宾语也不缺少语义,故应填that。5xx北京东城区期末No one knows for certain how the first Americans arrived in _ is now the United States.答案:what句意:没人确切地知道第一批美国人是如何到达现在的美国的。从句中缺少主语,且表示“的地方”,应用what。6xx江苏宿迁月考What did the leaders attending One Belt, One Road Forum talk about?They talked about _ they felt they could do.答案:what这里介词about后接宾语从句,宾语从句中they felt是插入语,宾语从句中缺宾语,并结合语义可知此处表达“的东西(事情)”。故填what。7xx北京西城模拟Why do you like working in this pany?The friendly atmosphere is _ I like. 答案:whatis后面的表语从句中缺少的是like的宾语,且表示“的东西(事情)”。故填what。8xx天津模拟One of the secrets of success lies in _ we handle today, not yesterday or tomorrow. 答案:how分析题干可知“_ we handle today, not yesterday or tomorrow”是介词in的宾语从句,从句不缺主语和宾语,结合语义可知此处表达“如何”,所以用how来引导。9xx北京海淀区模拟The most exciting moment during the Spring Festival is _ the family enjoy the big dinner together.答案:when由系动词is可判断设空处引导表语从句,从句中不缺少主语和宾语,但需补充语义,意为“时候”,故填when。10xx杭州质检The view is universally shared by ordinary consumers _ energy drink is not exactly good for health, but at the same time, its appeal can be hard to overe.答案:that设空处引导的句子对抽象名词view的内容作详细说明,为同位语从句。从句中不缺主语和宾语,也不缺少语义,故填that。Part .单句改错1xx河南焦作模拟After arriving at school, I discussed with some classmates that we could do._答案:thatwhat分析句子结构可知,classmates后面的句子为discuss后的宾语从句,从句中缺少宾语,而that在名词性从句中不作成分,也没有语义,故将that改为what,表示“的事情”。2xx辽宁葫芦岛模拟Recently we have had a discussion about if money can bring us happiness. Different students have different opinions._答案:ifwhether介词后接宾语从句时表示“是否”只能用whether。3xx河南八市重点高中联考That we saw made us pick up our things and run back to the car as quickly as possible._答案:ThatWhat谓语动词made前面的部分为主语从句。从句中缺少宾语,表示“的东西(事情)”,故不能用That,应用What。4xx福建厦门二模Even in his earliest performing years, YoYo Ma had a strong belief whether it was important to share music with all kinds of people._答案:whetherthat根据语义可知belief后的句子是同位语从句,解释belief的内容,且从句不缺少成分及语义,故将whether改为that。5xx福建福田调研Students explore their own attitudes toward the arts, writing reflective essays on which the arts have played a role in their own lives._答案:whichhow此处表述学生们写文章反思艺术是如何在他们自己的生活中发挥作用的。on后面的部分为名词性从句作on的宾语,结合语义可知此处表示“如何”,故将which改为how。Part .语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 xx安徽合肥二模Chinese brush calligraphy or “shufa” in Chinese is one of_1_most important art forms in China. Many Asian cultures have originated their own calligraphy styles, but Chinas is unequaled because of_2_(it) beauty, grace (优雅), and history. The _3_(origin) of Chinese brush calligraphy are unknown, but local tales say it goes back over 4,000 years to the time of the legendary (传说的) Yellow Emperor (26982598 BC). At that time characters were carved on animal bones or tortoise shells. Only after Emperor Qin Shi Huang united China under his rule _4_one country did it really gain popularity as a mon art form. He simplified Chinese characters and regular rules were set, _5_(make) it easier for people to learn and master. This Chinese art form continued to progress and during the Tang Dynasty (618907 AD) a new type of cursive script (草书) was formed and standardized. It is written_6_(free), but its not as easy to read. Today Chinese calligraphy is once again a subject in schools and an art form highly_7_ (appreciate) across the world. Anyone can practice it and_8_is required is a simple set including: brush, ink, and paper. Its fun for amateurs to try, but to bee good at it, not only years of practice but natural talent_9_ (need). Practising this art consistently can develop personal character and is of_10_ (benefit) to health.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了中国的书法艺术的起源和发展历程等。1the考查冠词。结合后面的most important art forms in China可知,形容词最高级前面应该加the。2its考查代词。its是形容词性物主代词,意思是“它的”,修饰后面的名词。3origins考查名词的复数。给出的词是一个名词,意思是“起源”,后面的谓语动词是are,根据主谓一致的原则,主语用名词的复数形式。4as/into考查介词。此处是united China as/into one country “把中国统一为一个国家”。5making考查非谓语动词。该句中已有谓语动词,两分句间无连词,应用所给动词非谓语形式。故用现在分词短语作结果状语。6freely考查词性转换。freely是副词,修饰动词write。句意:它(草书)书写随意,但读起来并不是那么容易。7appreciated考查非谓语动词。an art form和appreciate之间是被动关系,故此处用过去分词作定语,修饰an art form。8what考查名词性从句的连接词。what is required是主语从句,该从句缺少主语,且表示“所需要的东西”,故该空填what。9is needed考查动词的时态和语态。主语为单数概念的natural talent,该空作谓语。主语和need之间是被动关系,且该句介绍的客观事实,故该空用一般现在时的被动语态。10benefit考查名词。of是介词,后面接名词作宾语。be of benefit意为“有益的”,相当于be beneficial。


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