2019-2020年高中英语 M2U2完整导学案 牛津版必修2.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 M2U2完整导学案 牛津版必修2课 题M2U2 words主备人雍伟全雍伟全班 级高一( )姓 名学 号一、课前预习: 1、请同学们提前预习好以下词汇的用法:supply, envy, reach, claim, surround, adventure, view, harmony, sick, total, mon, scare, in case二、课内合作1. adventure (1) n. c. ( 具体or抽象?)_Have you read about the adventures of Marco Polo?_The trip to Florida was _ for Helen. 佛罗里达之行是海伦的一次奇遇。(2) adventure n. u. (具体or抽象?) _ Many boys have a thirst for adventure. _。_. 他喜欢冒险(3) adventure vt./vi. 拿/使冒险;冒险 She likes adventuring in a remote place. _. 别拿你的生命开玩笑。(4) adventurous adj. 喜欢冒险的;冒险的; adventurer / adventuress n. 冒险家,冒险者an adventurous voyage _;an adventurous person _2. in case(1) conj. _ In case she es back, let me know immediately. 假使她回来了,立刻告诉我。 Take the raincoat _. 带着雨衣,以防下雨。 _带着雨衣以防万一。(2) in case of _;in that/this case _ in no case_ in any case _ Take the raincoat with you _ rain. 带上雨衣以防下雨。【练一练】_fire, call 119. _should you give up. _, I wont ask you to go with me. _, do your best.3. supply (1) vt. 供给,供应,提供 We supply power to the three nearby towns. Our farm supplies the market with fruits and vegetables. 【用法归纳】【练一练】 The town (供水)water from a reservoir in the hills.【辨一辨】:provide / offer These books will _.为我们提供所需要的全部信息He offered me a glass of wine =_他端给我一杯酒。(2) supply n. u. 供应 (抽象意义);supply and demand _ be in short supply _supply n. c. 供应; 供应品, 一批东西 (这种含义时常用复数形式) _ 这儿的水供应很好。 Our medical supplies are running short. _。 The camp has _ food. 营地有充足的食品供应。4. scare (1) v. _The thunder scared the child. _She scared the cat away / off._You scared me to death._(2) n. gave sb a scare_(3) scared_ scaring _eg: -Are you _ of snakes? -No, although it is _5. sick adj. (猜词义并归纳用法)Jane is taking care of her sick baby _He is sick in bed with a cold. _The boy always feels sick when he travels by car. _Im sick of his long empty speech. _【猜词组】bee / fall / get sick _ the sick _【辨一辨】sick / ill6. envy (1) vt. _James envied his friend / his friends success. (用法)_How I envy him going abroad! (用法)_ I envy you your good luck. (用法)_(2) n. _(u.);_ (c.)I felt envy at his success.He looked with envy at his neighbors new car.Hes the envy of the whole street. Her many talents were _.是所有朋友都很羡慕的。【拓展】adj. enviable_ envious_ be envious of sb. / sth.7. view n. (猜词义并归纳用法)You can get a view of the whole city at the top of the building._Whats your view on the subject? _From my point of view(=_), what you said is wrong. _ Vt. I view him as my best friend. 译_【拓展】viewer:【辨一辨】scenery / scene / view8. total (1) adj. _ His plan ended _. 他的计划以完全的失败而告终。_? 日本的总人口为多少?(2) n. c. _ 词组: a total of _in total _What does the total e to? _?His expenses reached_ $100. 他的费用总共达到100美元。_, there must have been xx people there. 总计起来,那儿肯定有两千个人。(3) v. (totalled/ totaled) (猜词义/词性) The students of our college total two thousand. _ I totaled my expenses with a calculator. _ The bill totals (up) to $100 dollars. _(4) tatally adv. _ I may be totally mistaken. _。9. reach (1) vi/vt. (猜词义)Your letter reached me this morning. _The woods reach as far as the river. _Can you reach those books on the shelf? _He reached out his hand for _ = He _ the book I offered him.(2) n. U (手、能力、智力、影响等)可及之范围 【词组】out of ones reach/ out of the reach of sb. _within ones reach/ within the reach of sb. _beyond the reach of imagination _The medicine was put _. 杀虫剂放在孩子拿不到的地方。Put it _. 把它放在我够得着的地方。10. claim Vt. (猜词义并归纳用法)Can I claim payment for him for the damage? _The lawyer claimed that the man was not guilty._He claimed to have seen the murderer._(= He claimed _)The earthquake claimed thousands of lives._n. (猜词义并归纳词组)They made a claim for higher pay. _You have no claim to this property._lay claim to _11. surround (1) surround v. 包围,环绕 be surrounded by/with _ High walls surrounded the house= The house _.房子的四周有高墙。(2) surrounding adj. 周围的;附近的 The village and its surrounding scenery are very pretty. _。(3) surroundings n. 环境 He seemed to be out of tone with his surroundings. _。12. harmony n. 词组:in / out of harmony with_(1) harmony n. u. _ The harmony of sea and sky makes a beautiful picture. _ Bob and I worked together_ for years. 鲍勃和我和谐地工作了多年。 His tastes are _. 他的品味与我的不相一致。(2) harmonious adj. 和睦的;协调的;悦耳的;a harmonious music_harmonious relations_The sky and the sea _. 天空和大海构成了一幅和谐的画面。 13. mon(1) adj. _mon sense_;mon people _ mon flowers _; the mon good._(2) mon n. 相同点; have a lot/much in mon (with)_ have nothing/ little in mon (with)_ in mon with._ _. 汤姆和鲍勃有许多共同之处。 _. 我和我父亲没有一点是相似的。 _, he prefers classical music to pop. 与许多人一样,他喜欢古典音乐胜过流行音乐。三、小试牛刀请完成同步导学P30相关练习。四:Homework 巩固复习以上所学内容。课 题M2u2 wele&reading主备人吕小芳 雍伟全班 级高一( )姓 名学 号 一 课前预习预习wele部分的图片,准备好问题并做好导学案。二课内合作 .Wele: Do you like traveling? Do you want to visit these picturesque places? Why do you want to travel? Where do people often travel?What do people prepare before traveling?What items should we take?.Reading: Fast-reading:Read the letter quickly and answer these questions.Who wrote the letter?What animal is unfortable to sit on? How long will the author stay in Africa? Careful-reading: Paragraph1:1. What will Toby and Colin do before Colin goes to university?2. Which place will they go first?Paragraph2:How will they travel in the Sahara Desert?Start position:Time:_Destination:_Means of transportation:_What to do:_Equipment:_How long:_Paragraph3:What will they do while traveling down the River Nile?Paragraph4-5:What will they do in Kenya?Paragraph6:Where will they climb Mount Kilimanjaro?Paragraph7-8:Where will they go before going back to London?三:小试牛刀 请完成1.According to paragraph 1,_.A.Toby is planning a business trip B.Toby usually travels in his summer holiday C. Colin wants to travel before starting university D. Toby is not very excited about the trip2.In Line13 “there” refers to_.A. the United States B. Morocco C. northern Africa D. the Sahara Desert3.According to paragraph 2,_. A. Toby enjoys travelling on camels B. Toby is worried about travelling on camels C. Toby will feed the camels D. Colin loves camels 4.According to paragraph 5,Toby wants to_. A. see a giraffe up close B. scare animals away C. take photographs of animals D. shoot an elephant 5. In Line 36 “them” refers to_.A. the elephants B. Colin and Toby C. the guides D. the giraffes 6. According to the letter, Toby enjoys_.A. fortable, expensive holidays B. cultural holidays C. adventure holidays D. staying at home四:Homework课 题M2U2 language points主备人王月琴雍伟全班 级高一( )姓 名学 号一、课前预习: What topic does this letter refer to?Ask the students to retell the three adventurous activities the writer will do during his ing travel in Africa according to the following clues:2. to travel down the Nile:when and where to starthow to travel and why what to wear1. to travel on camels:where to leave and how to go how and where to travelhow long to travel3. to travel to see wild animals:where to live what to drink and eatwhat to buy and whyhow to get close to wild animals二、课内合作1. so many exciting places (L7)I feel shamed that Ive made so many mistakes.TIP:1) so many + n. (countable) so much + n. (uncountable) so few + n. (countable) so little + n. (uncountable)such little toys (小)2. and do lots of astonishing things.(L8)用astonish的形式填空The news _everyone.Everyone was_ by/at the_ news.She was filled with _ at the sightWe were _ that she appeared at the party.3. Were going to travel on camels.(L11)Well be travelling by camel.(L14)E.g. Watch out for dangers while traveling on camels.TIP: by camel / on the camel(s) / on camelsby bike / on the bike(s) / on bikesby car / in the car(s) / in cars4. camping in tents and sleeping (L14)He came in,_ and _.(唱着跳着) He came in, _ by a group of students. (跟着)The storm left, _ a lot of damage to this area. A. caused B. to have caused C. to cause D. having caused5.in our big, thick sleeping bag (L15)形容词顺序:限定词+数量形容词(序数词在前,基数词在后)+描绘性的形容词+大小、长短、高低等+新旧+颜色+国籍+材料+被修饰的名词一张棕色的木桌子。a brown wooden table.三个矮个的日本年轻人。Three short young Japanese.一些漂亮的小红花。Some beautiful little red flowers.6. to see in the dark. (L17)1) 在暗处 A cat can see_.2) 秘密地,一无所知 We were pletely kept_ about the plan.7. include / contain (L28)E.g. Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol.Detailed instructions are included in the booklet. TIP: All the persons, including him, got invited. = who include him =(with) him included8to carry my supplies of food and water.(L31)E.g. The draught-hit areas are more dependent upon supplies of food.TIP: 1)n. a supply of food/ a food supply supplies of food/ food supplies2) vt. supply A to/for B supply B with Apare: provide A for B / provide B with A1)The media supplies _ every day.A. lots of information to us B. us for lots of informationC. a lot of information with us D. us to a lot of information2)The water pany cut off the _ of water for no good reasons. A. provide B. supply C. offer D. source9try to get as close as possible to (L34)E.g. The firefighters couldnt get close to the burning building on time.1)be (get) close to (adj.) 2)follow sb. close behind (adv.)3) up close 4)with ones eyes closed (vt.)5) close / closely (区别)close: (adj/adv) 常与to连用:近的地. closely : (adv) 严密地,仔细地,密切地 用close和 closely填空1. She stood_ to her teacher so that she could watch_.2. The policeman examined his room_.3. They watched the thief_.4. They have been _ friends for many years. 10 to scare the animals away (L37)e.g. The sight of the snake scared the boy away.TIP: 1) scareaway (off, stiff, to death 2) scared / scary (区别) 3) scare = frighten 1. in case + clausee.g. In case anything important happens, please contact me in time. TIP: 1) In case of fire, please call 119. 2) Youd better take an umbrella in case. 3) in this / that / on / any / many case(s) Take a hat with you _ the sun is very hot.Take an umbrella with you _ rain._, I would prefer to stay on the bus.Dont worry. Ill go there _._ will I give in.John may phone tonight. I dont want to go out _he phones. A. as long as B. in order that C. in case D. so thatI dont think Ill need any money but I will bring some_. A. at last B. in case C. once again D. in time三、小试牛刀1. Those flowers are so special that I would do _ I can to save them. A. whatever B. no matter what C. whichever D. that2. He sat _ against the wall and listened to the teacher _. A. close; close B. closely; closely C. closely; close D. close; closely 3. Have you heard from Janet recently? - No, but I _ her over Christmas. A. saw B. will be seeing C. have seen D. have been seen4. With _ electrical equipment, wood and paper in one place, there is a danger of fire. A. so many B. so much C. such many D. such much 5. We have _ in your bill the cost of the teapot you broke just now. A. increased B. included C. contained D. charged6. On seeing the accident, he felt _. A. scary B. scared C. scare D. scaring7.You should try to get a good nights sleep _ much work you have to do. A. however B. no matter C. although D. whatever8. A middle-aged woman came _ to the bus stop only _ the bus had gone. A. to run; to find B. running; to find C. and ran; finding D. running; finding 四:Homework 完成导学案page52课 题M2U2 Wordpower主备人刘继男 雍伟全班 级高一( )姓 名学 号 一课前预习1. 1. Do you know some places of interest in China? What are they?_2.What would you take if you want to take an adventure holiday?_二课内合作1. pare your answers with the items listed in Part B and guess their meanings._2. Do you think Colin has made good preparations for his travel? If you were his best friends, what suggestions would you give him?_3.1) Read the e-mail plete itHi Colin,Im glad to hear that you are going to have so many adventures in Africa. You must be very excited! You will need strong (1) _ because you are going to walk a lot. A (2) _ is also necessary in case the weather is bad on Mount Kilimanjaro. Take a (3) _ as well, because you will get wet when you go white-water rafting. Equipment is also very important. Im sure you will take your (4) _ and (5) _ for camping in the desert, but dont forget small things, such as (6) _ _ you may need to make a fire. Also take a map of all the places you will visit and a (7) _ so you dont lose your way. A (8) _ and some (9) _ are also good to have when it gets dark. Of course, you will take some food, and you will probably find water. Take care though, as you will need to take your (10) _ and place them in a(11) _ when you boil the water. While you are waiting, you could read a (12) _. Oh, I really forgot about the (13) _! Bring a lot of extra (14) _ you dont run out when you are taking pictures. The last and most important piece of equipment is your (15) _ in case you are sick. You can also take a (16) _to cut food or anything else when needed.Best wishes,Jennifer 3). Finish Part D on page 27.4).Translate the following phrases.1) 在非洲经历过许多冒险_2)生火_ 3)迷路 _ 4)当心 _ 5)拍照片_ 6)变黑_7)最后但最重要的_ 8)急救箱_ 三:小试牛刀To fill in the blanks with the help of the first capital.1.Kate had been to Egypt and many other countries. She told me about her adventures in A_.2.In those cold days people wore woolen c_.3.I was a_ when I heard that he had died of the accident.4.The town is s_ with water from a reservoir( ) in the hill.5.You can get a good v_ of the city from the tower.四:Homework 完成同步导学Wordpower 部分。 课 题将来进行与过去将来时主备人万兴安 雍伟全班 级高一( )姓 名学 号 一课前预习一般将来时表示:will do _is going to do 有_要发生, _做什么is to do 安排, 吩咐,_, _要发生is about to do 表示动作即将发生, 不能和_时间连用判断将来时的用法1.We will have a bright future. 纯粹将来2.The little girl will sleep with her mother every night. _3.Fish will die without water. _4.I will help you with your English. _5. I am going to help you with your English. _6. It is going to rain. _7. All these things are to be answered for(报应)_8.After school, you are to clean the room. _9. The final exam is about to e. _过去将来时的动词形式: _,_,_,_二课内合作A将来进行时表示将来_正在进行的动作, 将来_正在进行的动作。 经常和下列词组连用: will be doingat this time next year will be doingat that time tomorrow will be doingthenwill be doing when注意:将来进行时不用于表示意志,不能说 Ill be having a talk with her.B过去将来时主要用来表示从过去的某一时间来看_发生的动作或存在的状态。常用在宾语从句和间接引语中。1.I didnt know if he would e. =I didnt know if he _ e. 我不知道他是否会来。 2.She told us that she would not go with us,if it rained. 她告诉我们,如果下雨,她就不和我们一起去了。 3.I didnt know how to do it. What would be their ideas? 我不知如何去做,他们会有什么想法呢?过去将来时构成:主语+be(was,were)going to+动词原形.1_(决定)做 2某种客观迹象预示即将会They said that they were going to drop in on us before long. _主语+would(should)+动词原形. 过去将.She would go for a walk after she had supper. _主语+ be(was,were)+动词-ing按计划、安排即将做,常用动词有:go/ start/ leave/ reach/ arrive/ return/ e/ moveHe said that he was leaving a few days later. _ 主语+ be(was,were)+to +动词原形1过去注定将会要发生2.(按计划、安排)打算,将要做The journey that

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