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2019-2020年高三下学期开学(零模)检测考试英语试题含解析第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话或独白后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话或独白你将听一遍。1. What is the mans brother doing?A. Doing business.B. Studying law.C. Working as an engineer.2. When will the woman pick up Julia?A. At five oclock.B. At seven oclock. C. At eight oclock.3. How will the woman go to the football match? A. On foot.B. By car.C. By bus.4. Whats the man doing?A. Giving advice.B. Making a request.C. Offering help.5. Why does the girl feel excited?A. She has won the first place.B. She has got new running shoes.C. She has been chosen for the race.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. How old is the mans little brother?A. 8. B. 10.C. 12.7. Where does the conversation take place?A. In a Cafe.B. In a shop.C. At a gym.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. What is the possible relationship between the speakers? A. Coach and player. B. Director and secretary. C. Headmaster and student. 9. How is the man feeling?A. Annoyed.B. Awkward.C. Regretful.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Who are probably the listeners?A. Old customers.B. Old colleagues. C. Old classmates. 11. When will the listeners have a chance to enjoy some music?A. At 8:30 pm.B. At 9:00 pm.C. At 10:00 am.12. What do we know about the dinner?A. It will be served before a slide show.B. The dinner has been arranged in the park.C. All the dishes are prepared by some guests.听第9段材料,回答第13至15题。13. What was the woman in the past?A. A designer. B. A nurse.C. A painter.14. Why did the woman leave her job?A. Because it was less challenging.B. Because she wanted a total change. C. Because she was not in good health. 15. What does the woman think of her present work?A. It gives her lots of confidence.B. It brings in regular payments.C. It puts less pressure on her.第三节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听下面一段独白,完成第16至20五道小题,每小题仅填写一个词。听独白前,你将有20秒钟的时间阅读试题,听完后你将有60秒钟的作答时间。这段独白你将听两遍。NoteOpen hours: from 16 to Sunday closed during the month of 17 Dolphin show: 18 pmThings for sale: many different 19 and booksTicket costs: Adult: 7 Children:4.25 School groups: 20 prices第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)21. -I hear that there was a terrible crash in the subway in Shanghai the other day.-Yes, _ news came as _ shock to all of us.A. the; theB. a; /C. the; aD. /; a【知识点】冠词【试题解析】由于前文已经提及到这则新闻了,故第一个空格要用定冠词the;而第二个空格是用来修饰shock,在对话中第一次出现,故用不定冠词a。句意:-我听说前几天在上海的地铁上发生了一起可怕的撞击。-是的,这个消息对于我们来说就是一个震惊【答案】C22. Alibaba has bee Chinas largest online mercial pany, _ a profit of 1.47 billion yuan in xx. A. earnsB. earningC. earnedD. to have earned【知识点】现在分词【试题解析】分析句意,由于本句中已经有谓语动词has bee,故earn只能充当非谓语动词。由于earn与主语之间是主动关系,根据意思可知是表示结果,故可用现在分词。句意:阿里巴巴成了中国最大的网店,在xx你那的盈利是147亿元。【答案】B23. None of the underwater workers has been harmed by the great fish. _, most fish were so friendly that they played with the instruments. A. InsteadB. Even thoughC. HoweverD. Though【知识点】连词连接词【试题解析】没有一个水下作业的工人被这些大鱼所伤。相反,这些鱼都很友好,它们在玩弄那些仪器。句意:Instead相反;Even though尽管;However然而;Though虽然。根据句意,故选A。【答案】A24.-Has James finished his report on his Enquiry Learning yet?-Im not sure. She _ on it last week.A. was workingB. has workedC. workedD. had worked【知识点】时态和语态【试题解析】根据句意,以及后句中的时间状语last week,可知这是过去发生的事情,要用过去进行时。句意:-James完成了他关于“咨询学习”的报告了吗?-我不确定,她上周还在做。【答案】A25. Young people who have got jobs may realize university lessons cant be the only preparation for all of the situations _ appear in the working world. A. where B. when C. that D. what【知识点】定语从句【试题解析】分析句子成分,可知这是一个定语从句,先行词是situation,在从句中缺少主语,故用关系代词that。句意:找到了工作的年轻人可能意识到大学的课程不可能仅仅是为出现在职场中的所有情况做准备的。【答案】C26. -Can I use the telephone on the table, sir? -Under no circumstances _ to use the telephone in the office for personal affairs. A. anyone is allowed B. nobody is allowed C. is anyone allowed D. is nobody allowed【知识点】倒装与省略【试题解析】Under no circumstances是固定搭配,意思是:在任何情况中都不。因此,这个短语含有否定的意义。由于含有否定意义的词提前放在句首,故引起句子的部分倒装。根据部分倒装的规律,故选C句意:-我们使用放在桌子上的电话吗,先生?-在任何情况下都不能用办公室的电话谈私事。【答案】C27. It is good manners to eat up _ is left in your plate.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. all 【知识点】宾语从句【试题解析】eat up是及物动词,因此后面要用一个连词引导宾语从句。由于宾语从句中缺少主语,根据句意,故要用what。句意:把你碟子里的东西是完是有礼貌的一种做法。【答案】B28. _ me when you get it through and Ill pick you up at your work place.A. CallingB. CallC. CalledD. To call【知识点】固定句型【试题解析】在英语中,有固定句型“祈使句+and/or+一个使用一般将来时的句子”。句意:当你完成好它以后就打电话给我,我就会来你工作的地方接你了。【答案】B29. A broad smile spread_ Jacks face when he eventually gained a scholarship.A. acrossB. through C. at D. in【知识点】介词介词短语【试题解析】在英语中,习惯用across表示脸上的笑容,故选A。句意:当他终于获得了奖学金的时候,在杰克的脸上露出了宽慰的笑容。【答案】A30. -How do you usually go to work? I usually drive, but if it is fine, I _ by bike.A. will goB. would goC. have goneD. had gone【知识点】时态和语态【试题解析】在条件状语从句中,时态上的要求是:主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。故选A。句意:-你通常怎么上班的?-我通常开车去,但如果下雨,我就骑自行车。【答案】A31. I _ to reach the manager for the last two hours but the line is always busy.A. triedB. have triedC. had triedD. have been trying【知识点】时态和语态【试题解析】在本句中,有关键性时间状语for the last two hours,故用完成时。而且由后句的意思,可知道此动作在一直进行中。故用现在完成进行时。故选D。句意:我在过去的两个小时里一直都试图联系那个经理,但线路总是繁忙。【答案】D32. -He didnt feel a bit nervous when _.-No. Hed had a lot of time _ for it after all. A. interviewing; to prepare B. interviewed; to prepare C. interviewing; preparing D. being interviewed; preparing 【知识点】不定式过去分词【试题解析】在第一个空中,由于when后面没有主语,故可知用非谓语动词,而本句的主语是he,根据句意,可知he与interview之间是被动关系,故用过去分词;而在第二个空中,根据本句的句意不难看出要用不定式做目的状语。句意:-当他被访问的时候他一点都不感觉道紧张。-不是的,他毕竟花了不少的时间去准备。【答案】B33. Though a typhoon is on the way, people are still looking forward _ the outdoor concert.A. to canceling B. not to canceling C. not to cancel D. to not canceling【知识点】动名词【试题解析】look forward to doing sth是固定搭配,意思是“期待做某事”。而否定词要放在动名词的前面。句意:尽管这场台风在路上,人们仍然是盼望着不要取消那场户外的音乐会。【答案】D34.-Mary, how did your Math test go? -I had thought I _, but in fact I came in the top 10 in my class. A. should have failed B. couldnt have failed C. might have failed D. shouldnt have failed【知识点】情态动词【试题解析】在英语中,must/may/might + have done表示对过去肯定的推测。根据句意,可知选C。句意:-玛丽,你的数学考得怎样?-我本来想我会考砸的,但事实上,我竟然排在全班前十名。【答案】C35. Temperatures_ quite dramatically at night in mountains, so put on some warm clothes before going out.A. are dropped B. drop C. are being droppedD. have dropped【知识点】时态和语态【试题解析】根据句意,可知此处讲的是通常的情况,故用一般现在时。句意:山上晚上的气温会剧烈的下降。因此,在出门前要穿一些暖的衣服。【答案】B第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)In 1956, Phoenix, Arizona, was a city with boundless blue skies. One day as I walked around the house with my sister Kathys new parakeeton my finger, I wanted to show Perky 36 the sky looked like. Maybe he could make a little bird 37 out there. I took him into the backyard, and then, to my 38 , Perky flew off. The enormous blue sky swallowed up my sisters blue 39 and suddenly he had gone, clipping its wings.Kathy managed to 40 me. With fake optimism, she even tried to reassureme thatPerky would find a new 41 . But I was far too clever to 42 that such a thing was possible.Decades later, I watched my own 43 growing. We shared their activities, spending soccer Saturdays in folding chairs with the 44 of the kids friends, the Kissells. The two families went camping around Arizona together. We became the 45 of friends. One evening, the game was to tell Great Pet stories. One person claimedto 46 the oldest living goldfish. Someone else had a psychic dog. 47 Barry, the father of the other family, took the floor and 48 that the Greatest Pet of All Time was his blue parakeet, Sweetie Pie.“The best thing 49 Sweetie Pie,” he said, “was the 50 we got him. One day, when I was about eight, out of the clear, blue sky, a little blue parakeet just 51 down and landed on my finger.”When I was finally able to 52 , we examined the amazing evidence. The dates and the locations and the pictures of the bird all 53 . It seems ourtwo families had been 54 long before we ever met. Forty years later, I ran to my sister and said, “You were 55 ! Perky lived!”36.A. what B. how C. which D. where37. A. food B. nest C. friend D. family38. A. joy B. horror C. disappointment D. satisfaction39. A. pleasure B. sadness C. treasure D. sense40. A. forgive B. fort C. help D. delight41. A. parent B. home C. master D. life42. A. imagine B. suppose C. doubt D. believe43. A. birds B. happiness C. worries D. children44. A. parents B. birds C. interests D. games45. A. first B. best C. last D. happiest46. A. catch B. find C. buy D. have47. A. Suddenly B. Fortunately C. Then D. However48. A. announcedB. said C. told D. hoped49. A. in B. about C. of D. on50. A. day B. place C. way D. story51. A. floated B. dived C. settled D. went52. A. think B. speak C. interrupt D. explain53. A. came up B. turned up C. turned out D. matched up54. A. known B. fastened C. connected D. introduced55. A. right B. wrong C. silly D. mad【知识点】日常生活【试题解析】1在英语中,whatlook like是固定搭配,意思是“看起来”,根据句意,可知此题应选A。2依据上文说Perky是一只鸟,故可推断它在天上就是认识另外一位朋友,因此答案选C。3joy快乐;horror恐惧;disappointment失望;satisfaction满意。由于此处说的是作者不小心把鸟放走了,故他怕他的姐姐会怪他,故选B。4根据下文的意思可知本句的意思是一望无际的蓝天吞噬了我姐姐的宝贝(treasure)。根据对上下文的理解,故此处选C。5依据语境可知,由于作者不小心放走了他姐姐心爱的小鸟,作者的姐姐设法地去原谅他,因此答案为A。6根据对文章的理解,可知作者的姐姐还试图安慰作者,说那只小鸟还可能已经找到了一个新的家(home),因此答案为B。7imagine想象;suppose猜想;doubt怀疑;believe相信。根据对文意的理解并结合各个选项的意思,故选D。8根据文意,可知是十多年以后,作者看见自己的孩子(children)成长,故选D。9根据下文的意思,可推断当时孩子们在比赛,而孩子的父母们(parents)就坐在一起观看他们的比赛,故选A。10根据下文的意思,可知他们成为了最好的(best)朋友,故答案选B。11根据下文的意思,可知当时一个人声称他有(have)一只最老的金鱼。结合各个选项的意思,可知选D。12根据文章意思,可知这写家长是坐在一起交流,故他们是一个接着一个的说,故用表顺承的then,故选C。13Barry当时也是在讲让他骄傲的东西,故可推断他用的是正式的词announce(宣布),可知此处答案选A。14根据上下文可知道作者所说的是关于(about)Sweetie Pie的东西,故选B。15下文讲述的是Barry他们是如何得到这只鸟的过程,可知这是得到这只鸟的方式,故此题的答案为C符合。16根据语境,可知当时非常巧合和以外地,那只鸟落在Barry的指尖上,结合各个选项的意思,可知答案为A。17think想;speak讲;interrupt打断;explain解释。根据对文意的理解并结合各个选项的意思,可知答案选B。18e up提出;turn up出现;turn out结果是;match up匹配。根据对上下文的理解,可知道此句的句意是:时间,地点以及小鸟的图片都匹配,故选D。19联系上下文可知此处的意思是:似乎这两个家庭早就联系(connect)在一起了。故选C。20根据文意,可知作者最后才意识到当年姐姐安慰他的那句是对的(right),故选A。【答案】36-40ACBCA 41-45BDDAB 46-50DCABC 51-55ABDCA第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)AFirst, you ought to know that Im “only” fourteen. My mother points this out often. I can make my own decisions when Im old enough to vote, she says. Second, I should tell you that shes right Im not always responsible. I sometimes take the prize for grade-A dork(呆子). Take last weekend for instance. I was staying at Dads, and I decided it was time I learned to drive. It was Sunday morning, 7 A.M., and I hadnt slept well. Id been up thinking about an argument, which Ill tell you about in a minute. Well, nobody was up yet in the neighborhood, so I thought it couldnt hurt to back the car out of the garage and drive around the block. But Dad has a clutch(离合器)car. The “R” on the shift handle was up on the left side, right next to first gear(档位). I guess you can guess the rest.Dads always been understanding. He didnt say, “Okay, little Miss Know-It-All, you can just spend the rest of the year paying this off,” which is what Mom would have said. Instead, Dad worried about what might have happened to me. And that made me feel more guilty than anything. I think hed be a better number-one caregiver, but I cant say things like that to Mom. To her, I have to say, “But Mom, Dads place is closer to school. I could ride my bike,” to which she replies, “Amy Lynn, you dont own a bike. Remember? You left it in the yard, and it was stolen. And you havent got the patience to earn the money to replace it.”56.The writer feels guilty because she _.A. made her dad worryB. ruined the carC. broke the lawD. didnt tell her mom about the car incident57. The main conflict between the writer and her mother is about whether she _.A. can make her own decisionsB. should live with her mom or her dadC. should be allowed to driveD. should pay for things she loses or breaks58. The writers mother thinks the writer is _.A. too attached to her dadB. too emotionalC. too shy D. irresponsible59. In the first sentence, the writer used “only” to suggest that she _.A. doesnt want to grow oldB. thinks fourteen is old enough for some thingsC. wishes she were olderD. thinks fourteen is an embarrassing age【知识点】人生百味【试题解析】1推理判断根据文章第二段中的Instead,Dad worried about what might have happened to me,可推断作者感到内疚的原因是她所做的事情让她的父亲担心了。故选A。2细节理解根据文章第一段中的First,you ought to know that Im “only” fourteenMy mother points this out oftenI can make my own decisions when Im old enough to vote,she says,可知本题选A。3细节理解根据文章第一段中的I should tell you that shes right Im not always responsible,可知本题应选D。4推理判断根据对文意的理解,可知在这句中作者用only实际是认为她已经长大了,能独立地处理很多的事情。故选B。【答案】56A 57A 58D 59BBEnvironment Awareness WeekRegal Convention Centre, Halls 1-424-30 March xx 10:00 am-9:00 pmFree admission for all!Save the environment, Save our futureOur environment needs help. With the participation of more than 50 organizations, Environment Awareness Week is the biggest public education event dedicated to environmental protection and conservation. Dont miss it! e and know more about:The Threats to Earth (Hall 1) What is global warming? How serious is pollution? Learn about different environmental problems from our university students. Protect our environment!The Search for renewable Energy (Hall 2) can we get electricity from wind, solar energy, waves, rivers and underground heat? Get the answers from Solar Ace, Tefron, Touch Wind Resources and other participants.The Quest for Fresh water (Hall 3) is the shortage of freshwater worsening? What are Singapores solutions for treating wastewater? Hear from Flow Technologies, HydroMax Solutions and other participants.The 3 Rs and Save Earth (Hall 4) How can we REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE to cut down household wastes? Find out from the Global Gala Network, Green Earth Foundation and other participants.For more information, please call Mr. Philip Koh at 65531188, send an email to Mrs. Daisy Soh at daisy_sohief.org or visit the events web at ief.org/caw60. The main aim of Environment Awareness Week is to _. A. educate the public on protecting the environmentB. discuss global warming and other environmental problemsC. explain ways for producing freshwater to save the environmentD. learn about renewable energy sources that protect the environment61. The organizer of the event is _. A. Global Gaia Network B. Clean Energy AgencyC. Green Earth Foundation D. Global Environment Fund62. Which of the following statements is NOT true of the event?A. It will last a week and the halls will be open 11 hours a day. B. You can send an email to Mrs. Daisy Soh for more information. C. Each hall charges the same amount of money as the other. D. Lectures in Hall 1 will be given by university students.【知识点】广告布告【试题解析】1细节理解根据文章所给的第一段中的Environment Awareness Week is the biggest public education event dedicated to environmental protection and conservation,可知A选项中的内容与之相符,故选A。2细节理解据文章所给的第一张图片中的内容“organized by Global Environment Fund”,可知应选D。3细节理解根据文章开头所写的一句“Free admission for all!”,可知入场费全免,故本题选C。【答案】60A 61D 62CCIf asked if space exploration should continue, most Americans would give an immediate response either in favor of continuing or in favor of ending space exploration. A mon response would be that space exploration is a waste of money. An average American, uneducated on the subject, might believe that the government is wasting billions of dollars on the research that has no merit. Someone strange to the subject might say that a space shuttle goes up once in a while and that is about all that happens. Research is ongoing and continues when there are no shuttles being launched. This also costs the government money. Does the extreme cost of space exploration make sense?One argument is that the government is wasting money on the research not being used on Earth. Actually, the money goes to workers and scientists that support National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) missions (任务), and goes to major panies that play important roles in major sectors of the US economy. Boeing is a partner of NASA for aircraft, the same pany that makes mercial aircraft for the airline industry. Another benefit to continuing space exploration is the many spinoff (衍生的) technologies it provides. The artificial heart resulted from experiments on the space shuttle. The handheld Jaws of Life used to save victims from car accidents originated from the system used to separate the space shuttle from its booster rockets. Insulation in homes that keeps them warm and energy efficient is based on the technology used to insulate the space shuttle. There are direct benefits to the economy provided by NASA missions as well as spinoff technologies. These advances are found in food, building materials, medical procedures and the vehicles we drive. While it can be proven that billions of dollars that could be used elsewhere is being spent on space exploration, the benefits it provides outweigh the terrible aspects. As a matter of fact, the money spent helps to improve the quality of our lives.63.How is Paragraph 2 mainly developed?A. By offering analyses.B. By making parisons.C. By giving some examples.D. By presenting research findings.64.The function of Jaws of Life is to _. A. save people from traffic accidentsB. do experiments on the space shuttleC. keep houses warm and energy efficientD. separate the space shuttle from its booster rockets65.In the authors opinion, space exploration _.A. has changed our life pletelyB. costs too much of our timeC. benefits us in many waysD. has nothing to do with us66.What would be the best title for the text?A. Benefits of space explorationB. Is space exploration worth the cost?C. How to make space exploration affordableD. Missions of the NASA space shuttle program【知识点】社会现象【试题解析】1篇章布局第二段主要是分析了美国太空总局是如何花费经费的,故本题应选A。2细节理解根据文章第三段中从The handheld Jaws of Life一直到本段结尾的内容,可知A选项所述的内容与之一致,故选A。3推理判断结合文章中第三段以及第四段的内容,可知作者一直都在强调太空探索所给人类社会带来的好处,故本题选C。4标题判断文章主要是围绕着是否应该大量花费经费在太空探索这个话题而展开讨论的,故可知选B。【答案】63.A 64A 65C 66BDAre you an optimist? Do you look at your glass and see it as half full? Do you believe tha

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