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2019-2020年高中英语Unit4LawandorderSectionTask&Project学业分层测评牛津译林版选修.单词拼写1He makes a rough _ (草稿) of the new design.2These fish are often eaten _(生的)3She was noisily _(吮吸) up milk through a straw.4Nothing can _(补偿)for the loss of time.5Japan _(进口)wood from Canada.6You should _(检查)the car well before you buy it.7You are only allowed to take one piece of hand _(行李)onto a plane.8A selfcentered person will never be_(体贴的)to others.9The accident made him_(瘸的)in the left leg.10I put the money back in the _(钱包)【答案】1.draft2.raw3.sucking4pensate5.imports6.inspect7.luggage8.considerate9.lame10.purse.单项填空1The newlyfounded chess club formally_us to attend the opening ceremony.ArequestedBrequiredCdemandedDmanded【解析】句意:新成立的国际象棋俱乐部正式请求我们参加开幕式。request常用于正式场合的请求。【答案】A2(xx无锡高三检测)Li Ming won the first prize in the English speech contest and Im glad that his efforts at last_Apaid offBworked outCgot backDturned out【解析】考查动词短语的辨析。pay off成功,奏效,达到目的。work out想出,解决;get back 回来;turn out结果是,证明是。【答案】A3(xx黄冈中学调研)U.S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday paid honor to health care workers who have treated Ebola patients in West Africa, calling them “heroes”_ to be applauded rather than discouraged.AreservingBdeservingCobservingDpreserving【解析】deserve 应受;应得,后置定语,应当得到赞扬,而不是使其泄气。【答案】B4The necklace your boyfriend gave you was made of glass,so it is_AvaluableBpricelessCworthlessDof value【解析】考查形容词的区别。句意:你男朋友送给你的那条项链是用玻璃做的,因而它不值钱。valuable,priceless和of value都表示有价值的,贵重的,故这三项答案都可排除。worthless意为毫无价值的,无益的。【答案】C5After 15 years in the USA,he has finally decided to_American citizenship.Aconcentrate onBapply forClook out forDappeal to【解析】句意:在美国待了15年之后,最后他决定要申请美国国籍。concentrate on集中;apply for运用,申请;look out for当心,提防;appeal to上诉。【答案】B6Li Ping,who is_to puter games,often plays truant.AaddictBaddictingCaddictedDaddictive【解析】句意:李平对电脑游戏入迷,时常逃学。be addicted to sth.意为对入迷;addictive虽然也是形容词,但其含义为使人上瘾的。【答案】C7He_the test,but he wasnt careful enough.Awas able to passBmust have passedCcould have passedDmight be able to pass【解析】后一部分的内容应为“但他不太仔细”,因为前一部分就是说“他本有可能通过考试的”。must have done表示一定做过某事;could have done表示本能做某事。【答案】C8(xx江苏响水中学月考) Did you receive his call last night?I was disturbed several times. He _ again. Thats his typical style.Ashould be blind drunkBmay be blind drunkCmust have been blind drunkDcould have been blind drunk【解析】考查肯定猜测。句意:你昨晚收到他的电话了吗?我被打扰了好几次。他肯定是又喝多了,这是他在耍酒疯。根据Thats his typical style.可知他肯定喝多了,故选C项。【答案】C9I am not going to sit here and let her abuse me.I demand that she_immediately for what she just said.AapologizeBwould apologizeCapologizedDmust apologize【解析】考查虚拟语气。此处demand表要求,从句谓语用“should动词原形”的形式,should可省略,故选A。【答案】A10The park was full of people, _ themselves in the sunshine.Ahaving enjoyedBenjoyedCenjoyingDto enjoy【解析】本题考查非谓语动词。句意:公园里挤满了人,他们在阳光下尽情欢乐。句中people与enjoy之间为主动关系,应用现在分词形式,所以答案为C。having enjoyed为现在分词的完成形式,表示该动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,不符合题意。【答案】C.阅读理解(xx江苏高考)Chimps (黑猩猩) will cooperate in certain ways,like gathering in war parties to protect their territory.But beyond the minimum requirements as social beings,they have little instinct (本能) to help one another.Chimps in the wild seek food for themselves.Even chimp mothers regularly decline to share food with their children,who are able from a young age to gather their own food.In the laboratory,chimps dont naturally share food either.If a chimp is put in a cage where he can pull in one plate of food for himself or,with no greater effort,a plate that also provides food for a neighbor in the next cage,he will pull at randomhe just doesnt care whether his neighbor gets fed or not.Chimps are truly selfish.Human children,on the other hand,are naturally cooperative.From the earliest ages,they desire to help others,to share information and to participate in achieving mon goals.The psychologist Michael Tomasello has studied this cooperativeness in a series of experiments with very young children.He finds that if babies aged 18 months see an unrelated adult with hands full trying to open a door,almost all will immediately try to help.There are several reasons to believe that the urges to help,inform and share are not taught,but naturally possessed in young children.One is that these instincts appear at a very young age before most parents have started to train their children to behave socially.Another is that the helping behaviors are not improved if the children are rewarded.A third reason is that social intelligence develops in children before their general cognitive (认知的) skills,at least when pared with chimps.In tests conducted by Tomasello,the human children did no better than the chimps on the physical world tests but were considerably better at understanding the social world.The core of what childrens minds have and chimps dont is what Tomasello calls shared intentionality.Part of this ability is that they can infer what others know or are thinking.But beyond that,even very young children want to be part of a shared purpose.They actively seek to be part of a “we”,a group that intends to work toward a shared goal.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。介绍了黑猩猩与人类的区别人类从小具有合作、分享、参与意识,而黑猩猩除了在某些方面偶尔有合作外,在其他方面都是各顾各的,非常自私。1What can we learn from the experiment with chimps?AChimps seldom care about others interests.BChimps tend to provide food for their children.CChimps like to take in their neighbors food.DChimps naturally share food with each other.【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的.he just doesnt care whether his neighbor gets fed or not.Chimps are truly selfish.可知,黑猩猩很自私,这和A项说的“黑猩猩很少关心其他黑猩猩的利益”一致。根据第一段中的Even chimp mothers regularly decline to share food with their children.可知,甚至黑猩猩妈妈常拒绝与它们的孩子分享食物,故排除B项;由第二段中的he will pull at random可知,黑猩猩会随意吃别的黑猩猩盘子里的食物,这和C项的“黑猩猩喜欢吃它们的邻居的食物”相悖;根据第一段中的.they have little instinct to help one another.seek food for themselves.Even.decline to share.可知,它们不愿意分享食物,排除D项。【答案】A2Michael Tomasellos tests on young children indicate that they _Ahave the instinct to help othersBknow how to offer help to adultsCknow the world better than chimpsDtrust adults with their hands full【解析】细节理解题。由第三段的From the earliest ages,they desire to help others.可知,孩子很小的时候就知道帮助他人,这和A项意思一致。B项说的how在文章中没有提到,文章只是讲孩子会帮助别人;第四段最后一句提到but were considerably better at understanding the social world,而C选项说world,少了social,故犯了范围过大的错误;D项错在trust,文章没有提到。【答案】A3The passage is mainly about _Athe helping behaviors of young childrenBways to train childrens shared intentionalityCcooperation as a distinctive human natureDthe development of intelligence in children【解析】主旨大意题。本文首段提出现象,接着通过实验来比较,然后说明原因,最后做出总结。根据末段的But beyond that,even very young children want to be part of a shared purpose.可知,甚至很小的孩子都想成为共同目标的一分子,即他们愿意为一个共同的目标而奋斗,可见C项符合,即合作是人类独特的本性。A项比较有迷惑性,文章通过小孩子本能地帮助他人的行为说明人类具有独特的本性,而A项只是说小孩子的助人行为,故排除。【答案】C.任务型阅读With the fast development in every field of our life,nowadays we often find there is something that we dont know how to do.In the past if you were determined to learn,you might have called a friend or relative,taken a night class,or walked down to the local library for a research term.But now a lot of websites are springing up (suddenly appearing)to provide free practical advice on various subjects and actually they provide anything else that you can think of.In some degree,these“howto”sites represent part of the growing world of online learning.This tradition found one of its earliest forms in the FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)files,which began on USENET,the Internets global discussion group.These FAQs,many of which still circulate(流传),took a specific subject and explained it to plete novices(初学者), who are not familiar with it at all.These sites take the style of a written tutorial(辅导材料) and a tone of friendly advice.Possibly the biggest and best known of these sites is learn2(Learn2)It offers nearly 1,000 free tutorials for job interviews and adds new ones frequently(quite often)At ehow(ehow),you can learn how to train for your first marathon,how to buy a vacation home,or how to make a movie in eight steps.Its quite efficient.So we even can say these learning websites are more than books that we used to turn to. 【答案】1.ways/methods2.relatives3.part4do5.howto6.form7.friendly8.FAQs9where10.what

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